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Which Game should this be based around?

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100 % Snek

Slithering into Trouble
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Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Romance, and other nonsense.
Hello there fellow...humans?

I am Snek.

I am looking to see if anyone is vaguely interested in doing a roleplay, that would be within the Souls-Borne Franchise. Or, for the less initiated, Dark Souls and Bloodborne.

I am unsure if I would use an AU or not, though it seems unnecessary due to the already ambiguous nature of the Soulsborne worlds. The player characters could easily be replaced by new characters. Or, perhaps we could try a re-imagining of the canon (For those of you who figured out that those games actually HAVE a story XD)

Depending on if this gets any interest I could definately expand on the story/ideas.
Anyway, I'm all for any ideas or feedback.! This is just a spur-of-the-moment "Hey, you know what I feel like doing? Dark Souls. Thats what."
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Yes, please.

I'm not fortunate enough to have been able to play bloodbourne, however i'm a DS1-3 fan.

I do not want to GM or anything, but i've got plenty of ideas for mechanics/story/etc!
Yay! Interest!
and @Spectre I can tell from that Artorias picture XD
I like the idea of basing the overarching story on one of the preexisting world/eras in the DS universe. I'm mostly knowledgeable on DS1, and vanilla DS2 and most of 3 (only played that one once)...

Though altered. That way there's not a "chosen one". Makes it easier for the group dynamic obviously.
Hmmmm. Posting my interest here.
Yay! I will begin development of a plot and setting details~
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So, based on the poll so far, it seems as if it's mainly dark souls that is getting the love. (R.I.P. PS4 players apparently XD )
Still, It does make sense as Dark Souls has a much more extensive lore. So, I will be creating a new thread that will contain all the lore and information new people will need to catch up to all the veterans.

I'm going to make an executive decision to place the start of this roleplay roughly 1200 years after the end of Dark Souls 1, putting us roughly 200 years deep into the Age of Dark. However, due to the strange nature of time in the world of Dark Souls, we could have beings from many different ages showing up. (It also helps that each game took place in a different kingdom/area. Showing that characters from any kingdom can show up anywhere due to the strange, ambiguous nature of the Undead Curse. Thus, an Abyss Watcher from DS3 could very well show up here because it is an age of dark and they are from a different kingdom)

Hopefully this is acceptable for everyone, as I feel like it will allow use to incorporate elements of all 3 games and their lore :)
So, based on the poll so far, it seems as if it's mainly dark souls that is getting the love. (R.I.P. PS4 players apparently XD )
Still, It does make sense as Dark Souls has a much more extensive lore. So, I will be creating a new thread that will contain all the lore and information new people will need to catch up to all the veterans.

I'm going to make an executive decision to place the start of this roleplay roughly 1200 years after the end of Dark Souls 1, putting us roughly 200 years deep into the Age of Dark. However, due to the strange nature of time in the world of Dark Souls, we could have beings from many different ages showing up. (It also helps that each game took place in a different kingdom/area. Showing that characters from any kingdom can show up anywhere due to the strange, ambiguous nature of the Undead Curse. Thus, an Abyss Watcher from DS3 could very well show up here because it is an age of dark and they are from a different kingdom)

Hopefully this is acceptable for everyone, as I feel like it will allow use to incorporate elements of all 3 games and their lore :)
I mean. Um. Have we ever actually seen an Age of Dark in the Souls games before? I'm not even sure what that looks like...
I mean. Um. Have we ever actually seen an Age of Dark in the Souls games before? I'm not even sure what that looks like...
The entirety of Dark Souls 2 takes place in an age of dark actually! While there is still residual power of the flame, it is present in the same way that the Dark is present during all ages of fire. Dark is the true source of power in the world, rather than the flame, though the flame is still present and can be accessed, albeit in a lesser extent than it was before.
Huh. Guess that's true... Always thought the Dark Age would be more pronounced.. *shrug*

Good enough for me.
Yeah i'm good with whatever. Honestly just excited at the notion of a souls-based RP. haha.

Is this going to be more realistic? Or more video game feel to it- like Ultra Great weapons being a viability?
I would like to keep it mostly relistic, but I also want to pay homage to what the franchise has established. And it would appear they've made it clear that Ultra-Greatswords and similarly ridiculously proportioned weapons can be wielded by an undead due to the multiple NPCs that do so. (I.e. Artorias, The Abyss Watchers, Smough, etc.)
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Dark Souls 3 sorta takes place in the same area as Dark Souls 1, but not really. Its a bunch of lands that shifted together to bring all 5 Lords of Cinder together for the Ashen. To make it easier instead of travelling the whole world. That's why Anor Londo is in the game like the first one because Aldrich is currently in Anor Londo devouring Gwyndolin (At least that is what is heavily hinted at).

For the Ultra-Greatswords, I think 'strength' in a world full of crazy demons, magic and all sorts of other things. Strength doesn't seem to equate to the size of the Person/Undead/Creature. I'm fine with allowing Ultra-Greatswords if others are (and I mean most of those huge weapons you get from bosses get toned down in size for you to carry).
Dark Souls 3 sorta takes place in the same area as Dark Souls 1, but not really. Its a bunch of lands that shifted together to bring all 5 Lords of Cinder together for the Ashen. To make it easier instead of travelling the whole world. That's why Anor Londo is in the game like the first one because Aldrich is currently in Anor Londo devouring Gwyndolin (At least that is what is heavily hinted at).

For the Ultra-Greatswords, I think 'strength' in a world full of crazy demons, magic and all sorts of other things. Strength doesn't seem to equate to the size of the Person/Undead/Creature. I'm fine with allowing Ultra-Greatswords if others are (and I mean most of those huge weapons you get from bosses get toned down in size for you to carry).
Yeah for sure i was just testing the waters to see what sort of feel to expect. I'm not hating on the ideas :).
The real question is whether or not Dark Hand is viable in the RP...
Technically you could use the Dark Hand... IF youcould find one, because due to it being an age of Dark, the Darkwraiths (whos job was to start a dark age via humanity) are not needed and thus don't exist in a very large number (and their presence was already small.) and I am setting it (A little hint at the full thread to come) Before the rise of Londor out of the ruins of New Londo.
I'm heavily interested in this.
Technically you could use the Dark Hand... IF youcould find one, because due to it being an age of Dark, the Darkwraiths (whos job was to start a dark age via humanity) are not needed and thus don't exist in a very large number (and their presence was already small.) and I am setting it (A little hint at the full thread to come) Before the rise of Londor out of the ruins of New Londo.
So you might say that the story could conceivably include the rise of the Sable Church?
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