Some new guy comes up to the produce stand the other day...

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
  2. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
Slice of life
Iconiq1 here. I figured I might as well just introduce myself.

I come from a couple other sites and while still active on those, I decided to check out something else. Here's a little about myself.

- 90s baby
- Live in the Southern US
- US Central Time
- Writer of over 10 years

When it comes to writing, here's what you can expect:
- 3rd person POV only
- Active to the point of checking in a few times a week, prefers to respond at least once a week, more depending on my partner
- Not a member of the grammar KGB, but I just hope my partner can make some sense of their posts
- Shoots for 2+ paragraphs per post, so one-liners will not do
- RPs exclusively on threads, uses DMs for OOC

I do RP smut, and the amount is something up for discussion. I don't have an extensive list of kinks on hand, but I will say two things that are a hard no from me are: no incest and no rape.

As far as what I RP, I prefer to go for something in a modern/realistic/slice of life realm. I doubt I'd do fandoms justice and other genres, I've just never been good at. I will have a req thread available soon with some ideas to roll with, so be on the look out for that. If that doesn't scare you off, I can't wait to RP with some of y'all!
Hey, I know you!
I've been found...!
It's not my fault you use the same avatar image regardless of name!
Hello hello! Welcome to iwaku!

Nice to meet you, I hope you come to love the site as much as we all do. And may you quickly find writing partners and start those fantastic stories! There's a lot going on right now with the annual iwaku Love Fest so be sure to check it out!

And as always if you have questions please reach out to staff, we have the green usernames :3

Take care and happy writing!
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Reactions: Iconiq1
welcome to iwaku! \o/
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Reactions: Iconiq1
@Iconiq1 you have been spotted! I know you! 😂 but you don't know me, mwahahaha!!!
@Iconiq1 you have been spotted! I know you! 😂 but you don't know me, mwahahaha!!!
  • Haha
Reactions: iridescent
@Iconiq1 you have been spotted! I know you! 😂 but you don't know me, mwahahaha!!!
It's been a couple of days but this is still giving Rusty Shackleford. "YOU DON'T KNOW WHO I AM BUT I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE..."
  • Haha
Reactions: iridescent
@Iconiq1 you have been spotted! I know you! 😂 but you don't know me, mwahahaha!!!
It's been a couple of days but this is still giving Rusty Shackleford. "YOU DON'T KNOW WHO I AM BUT I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE..."
Nope. I'll inbox you one day and let you know. 😅 you won't know when though.
Hello and welcome, fellow 90s baby! :D
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Reactions: Iconiq1