Some Characters for Platonic RPs, If Anyone Here Does That >.>

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Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. Multiple posts per week
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Hello! Ive had some characters floating around my head recently that I'd really like to use. I'm good with platonic roleplays if thats what you'd like, but if we're going for romance I prefer to let it develops organically between characters, not be love at first sight.
I'm not new to rping, nor am I new to Iwaku, but it's been a really long time, so forgive me for being rusty, and also not really knowing how to use BBCode so this thread is going to be very long and messy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Here's what you can expect from me as a partner:
Anywhere between 1 - 7 paragraphs per reply, depending on what's happening story wise. I understand some action or introspection requires long posts, and that some conversations or action require smaller ones, but no less than a paragraph of 6-8 sentences at least
I'm open to discussing story directions and details, but can also roll with surprises
I'm 28 with a full time job and other hobbies so I'll probably only post once or maybe twice per day, or sometimes get busy and not be able to post at all, but will never disappear for long periods of time without some sort of warning or explanation

What I expect from you is about the same:
1-2 paragraphs at minimum, with a preference for more
As willingness to discuss events or storylines/characters and see what works best for us both
Preferably one reply a day/every other day, but every 3-4 is tolerable, and for any longer gaps a warning would be appreciated so I don't bug you thinking you forgot
Please be over the age of 18, as otherwise I feel a bit strange about it even with nothing sexual or explicit going on

Typos happen - I generally use an iPad and the virtual keyboard/autocorrect combo, so I'm understanding of mistakes and willmake them myself - but a clear grasp of the English language and proper sentence/paragraph structure is appreciated. No blocks of text with dialogue buried inside, please.

All right! Finally on to the plots/characters I've got going. If you would be interested in doing either of these with me, please let me know here or pm me.

Package Deal - Superpowers

Name: Evelyn Kohl
Age: 26
Superpowers: Evelyn has what is referred to in her universe as Sight with a capital S (known as elemental scrying by the superpowers wiki). If she is touching water, she can then see into areas she isn't physically present in through any other source of still water. This creates a very small, faint glow of blue light in whatever source of water she is looking through, and a more pronounced blue glow in her own eyes.
On top of this, she also has what she refers to as Insight (also known as claircognizance), wherein she gains knowledge of facts she's never learned on her own, most often without her consent or control (i.e. when she first meets a person she can get no insight whatsoever, or she can tell that they're about to get divorced, or thinking of starting a new job, or other such things). Touching an object someone else has touched can give her glimpses into what happened around it.
Third and finally, she has a somewhat weak technopathy, enough to send untraceable messages or give electronics simple commands like on/off.
History/Storyline: Evelyn grew up with a therapist mother and a lawyer father, so suffice to say her childhood wasn't exactly normal, but she was well loved and cared for. After being used by supposed friends and boyfriends as a party trick and, in more black corners of her life, a tool, she moved far away from home to start a new life. In this new city, she used the combination of her abilities to become known simply as The Informant. If someone wanted information on their enemies, business partners or opponents, and knew the right people to get in touch with, they would contact her. As her messages can't be traced, no one knew her identity.
One day, she noticed someone using Sight just like hers to look at her in her home, and out of curiosity she decided to communicate with them. When she was finally able to follow the source with her own Sight, she found an exhausted looking young man in a dark, somewhat bare room, and after days of communicating in writing and simple yes or no questions, discovered he was being kept against his will and had been for a long time. Her Insight eventually told her how many people he had killed, but she knew something was wrong and set about finding someone to free him. She revealed her identity to this person and part of the organization they worked for, and was able to reveal the fact that the killer (Luca) was under the mental control of the man keeping him and not truly responsible for all the deaths in time to have the right person taken down. Since then, she's spent a great deal of her time trying to take care of Luca and help him re-enter the world.
Personality: Calm, calculating, and hates not being in control. Evelyn generally seems content and self-assured. With strangers she is rather stiff and resistant, but for known entities she will relax. Friends are treated softly, but having been taken advantage of before she treads lightly around anyone that asks too many favors.
Other: As a defining visual trait, Evelyn always walks with an umbrella or parasol. Rain makes her Sight difficult and temperamental, and on sunny days she burns easily.

Name: Luca
Age: 21
Superpowers: Luca has the same Sight as Evelyn (Elemental scrying via water), as well as the ability to form energy constructs which he refers to as The Shadow. The Shadow will sometimes act on its own should he come under attack and not react in time. He forms black energy into walls, ropes, or sharp tendrils that can crush most wood and stone, but cant cut straight through metal - bash and dent it, yes, but not cut through. This energy has mainly been developed for brute force, slamming or slicing through human opponents, and not for anything that requires more care or precision. Luca has learned to be a battering ram, and is still working on more gentle ways to use to his strength.
History/Storyline: Since he was a small child, around 10, Luca has been kept by a man who kept him compliant through mind control, sedation, and psychological manipulation. His parents were first, to make sure no one was looking for him, and after the few years it took to make Luca give up and stop fighting the man used his power to slaughter countless people. As Luca was always dressed in a full face motorcycle helmet and leather jacket - both to hide his identity and mask his young age before he grew up - and his powers left no evidence behind, authorities had been scrambling to find him before Evelyn did. Trapped as he was, he often used his Sight to take random glimpses of the outside world, and she was the first not to panic at his Sight's presence, to calmly invite him to stay instead. When she eventually found him and got someone to save him from the man that controlled him, he refused to speak to anyone until he could see her again, and trusts no one more than her, and the person that physically freed him.
Personality: Quiet. With very little experience with people Luca is confused by most social interaction and highly naive. He'll go along with most anything without questioning whether it's normal or not, and doesn't appear to care what's happening to or around him as long as he isn't being attacked or otherwise hurt. After so long living in captivity like he did, Luca is a confusing mix of touch-starved and uncomfortable with people. He will let people he trusts do just about anything as long as they'll be in physical contact with him somehow.
Other: Afraid of sleeping alone in the dark
Writing Sample/Starter for Characters Above

This is an opener from the last time I used these characters but my partner's replies were few and far between so it never really got rolling. In this rp, the partner's character was an older private detective, meant to be an eventual father figure.


For weeks after initial contact, Evelyn had been leaving a bowl of water on the ottoman in her living room, waiting for the moments Luca was alone long enough to visit her. She had taken to keeping a large notebook and marker nearby to ask yes or no questions, or to tell him something she thought might cheer him up. He was always so tired, always so distant, and only a handful of times had he tried to mime anything at her to ask anything back. After a while, he had taken to drawing hesitant letters in the air, and she did her best to decipher them and answer. In the end, she had all the information she needed: Luca was being kept. Trapped. Used. She had to help him.

Despite a long streak of stubborn independence, she knew she was in over her head. Not only were her physical fighting skills sorely lacking, she didn't know what kind of gift could possibly keep someone as strong as Luca so thoroughly contained. Surely if it held him, it would have no trouble with her. Out of necessity, she spent another painfully long week gathering as much information as she could on prospective candidates, finding someone she was relatively certain was the perfect man for the job - strong, experienced, as virtuous as one could perceivably be while also tending to act as a lone wolf, and with a gift that would completely nullify the threat of both Luca and the man holding him. It was an added bonus that he had been fighting to dismantle the Lombardi family for longer than most had managed without being bought off or killed. He would jump at the prospect of taking away their biggest gun.

As one would expect from any private detective who actually wanted clients, the man's office was easy enough to find. All she had to do was walk past the front doors while he was inside, a casual stroll but with a short enough distance between them for her technopathy to make contact with his cell phone. Later on, in the middle of an otherwise average morning, she sent the detective a message with no source, a known trademark amongst any locals that had ever used her services, or any who heard from those who had.

I have information for you about your Ghost. It read. I'd like to meet in person. Come alone to Grand Bell Park, 12:30, and have a seat. I'll find you.

If mention of the Ghost Killer wasn't enough, she was sure the added lure of being the only one to meet the mysterious Informant in person would draw him in, and as long as he was alone she would let him. For a camouflage, of sorts, she dressed in business attire, a brown plaid skirt, a black blouse, a deep purple sweater, black tights and small heels. Disarmingly similar to the number of office workers who often took walks through the park for their lunch, if not for the black and purple parasol perched above her head. Still, "Umbrella Girl" was a somewhat known figure to some of the more observant, long-time locals, and seen as harmlessly eclectic, largely ignored. Like a magician's misdirecting hands, the moniker drew attention to all the wrong places.

The detective was sitting on a bench, as instructed, and she walked down the paved path in his direction with eyes that wandered, looking up into the trees as she went, as if she hadn't noticed him at all. They drifted to a mother and child sitting on a blanket in the grass as she took a seat on the opposite end of his bench, settled in with crossed legs and began casually scrolling through art on her phone to pass the time. She let him stew in annoyance at her presence a little while, surely thinking she would scare off The Informant and ruin his meeting. Finally, before he could choose another bench, and without so much as touching her screen, she sent him another message.

On your left.

"Hello, detective." She said aloud once he'd had time to read it, and when he turned to see her more clearly she gave him a small smile, not quite mocking enough to be called a smirk. "I know. Not quite what you expected. Everyone seems to think I'll be a man, and much older. They would sooner guess you, rather than me."

Truly, she was sure this older, tougher man was what all of her clients pictured when dealing with her. She was taking a risk by letting even this one learn her face, but it couldn't matter enough to stop her, not when Luca was still suffering.

"I'll get right to business. You've been chasing the Ghost for a long time." She didn't make it a question. It was her reputation and her business to know things, not guess them. "I can give him to you. But only if you're willing to accept my words as truth, above all else. Do you think you can do that, Detective?"

If she was going to keep Luca safe, this man was going to have to believe her when she said that all the death and destruction wasn't his fault, and that he deserved to be freed rather than imprisoned. If he wouldn't believe her reputation for complete and total accuracy, it wasn't going to work, and she was going to have to find out how to walk away after telling him she had the information he wanted most.
A Merry Band - Fantasy

Name: Archibald "Archer" Misifel
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Strengths: Archer has a quick mind and a quick mouth, which gets him into trouble sometimes but also allows him to talk his way out of most situations if he can't fight or carefully slither out. His charismatic, social nature makes it easy for him to sneak into places, and to blend into crowds even in places where he doesn't really belong. Aside from his charisma and social knowledge, Archer is well trained in swordsmanship and archery, as well as hand-to-hand combat.
Weaknesses: Self-assured and cocky, Archer's overconfidence gets him into tight spots he can't always get himself out of. His sense of independence and pride makes it difficult for him to ask for help once things like this happen.
General Appearance: 5'10" and mildly annoyed with people that are taller than him, Archer has a lean, wiry build without many rough edges or scars about him. He has light, strawberry blonde hair and brown eyes, an angular, regal sort of face with a constant, charming smile.
Though he doesn't mind getting dirty or roughhousing, he is rather vain at times and likes to keep his attire sharp and flattering. He has a habit of wearing a light, fitted vest over his shirts, and keeping his boots clean. Often there can be seen small but colorful accessories hanging from his belt or looped around his wrists.
Talents: Archer has an innate sense of direction and will sometimes earn money drawing maps for those that want them. He also has a quick wit and understanding of tactical knowledge, so is often the man with the plan, as they say.
Inabilities: He has little to no defense against magic, and is honestly perplexed by it despite trying to learn what he can about it from his companions.
Fears: Losing the family he's worked so hard to build for himself. Also, snakes.
General Personality: Archer is always the one to start the party, or at times the odd bar fight or two. He's an instigator in all things, wanting to push people into doing things they might not always want to do, and generally is the type one could expect to see as the center of attention even in crowds of people he's never met.
Inner Personality: He is analytical by nature, but fun loving all the same. He tries to see every angle of a situation, though he doesn't always follow the 'best' plan of action, and often wants to make light of heavy situations just so he doesn't have to deal with them. Still, he is a loyal friend and will be there for the people that need him. When things have to get down and dirty, or even bloody, he will readily jump into the fray. He never set out to save anyone, and yet he has gathered more than one stray along his travels.
History: Archer was born to nobility. He was the son of a duke and detested royal courts and all the people in them. Despite his responsibility as firstborn, and his younger siblings' pleading with him, he had them promise not to tell anyone he had planned to leave and snuck out in the dead of night. He was suspected missing or kidnapped and never found afterwards, as he got as far from home as he possibly could, as fast as he could. He realized leaving was selfish of him, but he couldn't silence his own desires to be anywhere away from the courts, to be out of the public eye, and to adventure as far and as freely as he wanted.
Used to sneaking out of balls and more political meetings, and talking his way around lies and deception, Archer found he made a rather decent thief after running out of money over a year later. He learned a lot of things about the world outside of privilege through experience and mistakes, and often had to flee or talk his way out of things when he got himself in trouble. He's only gotten better at surviving after gradually collecting the group of people he thinks of as family to travel with him.

Name: Kappali Westoff
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Strengths: Practice and a sort of natural intuitive sense of weight and movement makes it easy for him to learn new forms of combat. Put any weapon in his hands and chances are he already knows how to use it or will soon figure it out.
Weaknesses: As he bases most of his decisions on gut feelings, first impressions are everything to Kappali. If a person makes a bad first impression, they have to work hard to get into his good graces again- but, if the make a good first impression it's difficult for him to think they could do bad things afterwards, which at times has led to him being too easily betrayed.
General Appearance: Around 6'3", Kappali has somewhat shaggy, untamed brown hair, bright green eyes, and hard won strength in every inch of him. His hands and feet are tough and callused, his body dotted with scars from working, fighting, and generally struggling through life.
He is generally seen in traditional northern wear - long tunics and thick materials for trousers and boots. He often wears furs he's hunted, skinned and treated for himself, but in warmer climates tends towards earthen tones and will wear shades of brown and green. He has a general dislike of sleeves for their restriction, and would rather wear long gloves or a sleeve detached from the shoulder of his tunic so as to have a full range of motion.
Talents: Whittling. He believes in the precaution, if not the absolute certainty, of good luck charms and has carved rather detailed 'guardians' for each of his closest friends.
Inabilities: While physically gifted, he has a hard time interacting with people properly and struggles to understand what people are feeling without them spelling it out for him. Because of his upbringing he also never learned to read, a fact that troubles and embarrasses him at times.
Fears: Fire, being unable to protect those he needs to.
General Personality: A strong, silent type, Kappali is rather quiet around those he doesn't really know or trust, and if he doesn't like you he doesn't do anything to hide it. Do to his general lack of tact, his strength, and his rather brusque, almost animal way of going about things, people tend to write him off as stupid.
Inner Personality: Kappali seems to be the leap without looking type, but his mind works much faster than most people think it does, and while he isn't very good at knowing how emotions work he has a rather good knowledge of how people and animals usually move, enough to take in a scene quickly and then jump into action. He will coddle children and animals because he knows they need it, but doesn't always consider that sometimes adults need such care, too. He is fiercely loyal and will lay down his life for people he cares about, or people that he feels deserve it.
History: Kappali grew up in the poor village of Persus, struggling for life with his mother and having never known his father. When he was still very young he started to learn how to use a bow, how to hunt for meat and search for food that they couldn't afford to buy from anyone else in town. His mother's health began to weaken when he was a teen he would bring it back to her and have her tell him how to prepare it, and learned from her how to mend and sew clothes, how to do everything it took to maintain a household because she couldn't anymore. He managed to keep them going selling the furs he caught, but they were still very poor, and many were unhappy with him for taking 'their' game when they couldn't catch it, and his mother's health didn't really improve. Still, she was weak but alive for years until It happened. A wildfire tore through their village and burned it to the ground, all while he was out hunting for his mother, and when he returned it was too late to save her. He was forced to leave the smoldering ruins of his home by the fire, unsure of where he was going but knowing he had to get away from the spread of it, and on the way encountered a snowy white wolf caught in a hunter's trap. It was young but still big enough to harm him, and yet he freed it, and when it didn't try to bite him he picked it up and carried it with him for miles until he could stop to take care of it, and in doing so earned its loyalty.
Years passed in which Kappali made a reputation for himself as a brute of a hunter, selling furs and taking pest control jobs in which he would rid towns of wolves or foxes that ate their livestock, or even once or twice scare off a bear. He had no one with him but his wolf friend, Sol, and would get into fights almost every day with those that challenged or offended him, or threatened her. It wasn't until he came across a man named Archer that he began to change his ways. Come with me. the man had said, bright and smiling and unafraid of his strength or size or reputation. We'll make good use of that strength of yours. And so Kappali followed.

Name: Mora Alegaan
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Strengths: She is all but fearless. Her magic is focused inward, giving her strength beyond what most imagine any person to have, let alone a woman, and she can make a sort of 'shield' with her magic over her skin so as to appear to block blows from a sword with her bare hands or an arm. She can use a sword, and does usually carry one with her, but doesn't always see the need to use it when she can use her own fists instead.
Weaknesses: She is often too quick to act, and may do so foolishly and refuse to admit she's done so later on. Not to mention a somewhat fragile temper that can be set off at any moment, depending on her mood.
General Appearance: Mora prefers her dark hair long, but doesn't like it to be in her way and so usually wears it tied up or braided back. She has light blue eyes and an energetic smile, and is 5'8" and a bit lanky.
Her favorite accessory is the blue jacket her father gave her as a gift one day, and she will wear it with most anything. Her skirts are often 'too short', according to most, but with trousers and/or long boots beneath for function. She doesn't shy away from wearing men's clothes, as women's clothing is too 'fluffy', or 'frivolous', in her own words.
Talents: She has an impeccable memory and can often tell you something she's read or that someone said years ago.
Inabilities: The usual womenly chores like cooking or sewing escape her.
Fears: Rejection, one day encountering an obstacle her strength alone can't best.
General Personality: Boisterous and rowdy, Mora is always quick to join in with any sort of partying or goofing off, and is always on the lookout for adventure or an adrenaline rush. She is confident and assured in all she does, and has a strong sense of right and wrong. She will not shy away from telling someone what she thinks despite the often negative responses.
Inner Personality: Despite her harsh nature, Mora is very mothering and has a deep sense of pride in her femininity. She and Archer are kindred spirits in seeing hurting souls and wanting to help them along.
History: Mora was raised in a family with money to spare, and so lived her life in relative privilege and peace. She was always an unusual girl, preferring the boys' roughhousing play to spending time with her own gender. Strong on her own already, she started to use her magic as a teen when she discovered it, and had her parents help her find someone nearby to teach her how to use it. Appreciative of her female friends as she was, she did spend most of her time with young men of her age, which made some look down on her, but she stuck to being herself and engaging in more masculine activities, such as swordsmanship or archery competitions (the latter of which she failed often).
Mora knew Archer first as a swordsman in a competition, and only later as a nobleman. He would see her often there and they bonded a bit while still young, until they began seeking each other out at local competitions, or in secret with Archer in disguise. They became good friends, and she was the only one he told besides his siblings that he wanted to run away. She called him a coward at first, but when he told her he was finally going to go, she told him to wait for her, that someone had to watch over him so he didn't get his sorry ass killed. Two months after he had fled, she had gotten her affairs in order and said her goodbyes and they met in Torak, far north of Callum where they both grew up, to continue together from there.

Name: Wistgal Senn
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Strengths: Though his knowledge is varied, Wist's magic leans strongly on light and speed, and in battle he will use both to simply disappear, then reappear a second later behind or next to his opponent to deliver a quick, often fatal blow. He carries short, light blades with him, preferring fast, calculated attacks to rushing headlong like a freight train when battle is necessary. Often he will simply dance around his opponent until they tire and can't keep up anymore.
Weaknesses: Wist isn't easily frightened by people or strong magic, but the idea of ghosts chills him to the bone and he won't step foot inside a graveyard or supposedly haunted place of his own will. Fast and quiet doesn't mean impossible to hit, and he isn't very durable - a good hit or two and he'll be down for the count.
General Appearance: At 5'3", Wist is small and unassuming, all pale skin and delicate features. He lets his fair blonde hair grow longer than the usual for men, as people tend to underestimate him even more if they think him a woman, occasionally even adding a flower to his hair to encourage the mistake - and simply because he happens to like flowers.
As if he were constantly on his way to some sort of ceremony, he is usually seen in one of the few different loose, layered robes he owns, with thin black shirt and trousers beneath.
Talents: Silence. When stealth is required he is always the first choice. Given his small size, light weight, and the both natural and practiced grace, he won't be heard or seen unless he wants to be - he can often be seen wearing a little bell or two on his wrists or ankles or around his neck, and is pleased when hardly anyone ever hears them.
He plays the lute, which he likes to pull out when everyone's settled around the fire at night to play quietly while the others talk.
Inabilities: He can't swim, and has an absolutely horrendous sense of direction when it comes to geography larger than an average sized city. If given too large a weapon, he isn't quite strong enough to put much force behind it, and he can't use a bow and arrow to save his life.
Fears: Boats, deep or open water, being left alone in life, souls of the dead.
General Personality: Quiet but curious, he will hover in the background of most situations in order to observe from a far, and only come close when needed or when especially intrigued. Unfortunately, once his interest has been peaked he has little to no concept of personal space.
Inner Personality: Wist enjoys being in the company of others, listening to them talk and laugh even if he doesn't join the conversation himself, and will quite happily attach himself to someone he knows when left in an unknown situation or location, especially in crowds. He hates being cold and will cuddle up to anyone he knows and trusts to seek warmth.
History: Wist was abandoned as a child, for reasons unknown, and found by a kind mage that took him to live at a temple filled with mages and non-magic users alike. While religious ideas were not forced upon him and he was allowed to grow up with his own views in life and decide what he wanted to believe, he did spend much of his time learning magic from the many mages that resided there or passed through. He was always curious, always wanting to learn more, and eventually when a small group of travelers came through and piqued his curiosity, he decided it was time he moved on from the temple to learn more about the world and headed off with them.

Name: Camellia Lorr
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Strengths: Camellia can't heal wounds directly without taking some of the damage herself, but her magic allows her to grow herbs and plants that do the job for her, sometimes instantaneously.
Weaknesses: She is small and weak, and couldn't fight her way out of a paper bag even if she'd wanted to, on top of being easy to scare. She is too quick to trust people and must often be looked after by someone so as not to be dangerously deceived by anyone.
General Appearance: She often gains attention for her moss green hair and eyes, a side effect of the magic flowing through her, but is otherwise seen as unassuming and cute. She stands at only 5' tall, and appears frail and delicate, with a light olive complexion and the graceful movements of a dancer.
Camellia can most often be seen in her favorite white dress, or other things similarly light and flow-y, as it's what she's comfortable in. She is most often barefoot, and sometimes seen in clothes too large for her when her friends decide it's too cold and she needs to wear something warmer.
Talents: She is a graceful, beautiful dancer and useful when cooking, either in a kitchen or over a campfire.
Inabilities: She can't bring herself to hurt anyone, even to save her own life. As such she is incapable of using even the weapons she can physically do anything with.
Fears: Darkness, feeling trapped, being unable to heal someone who could have survived with her help.
General Personality: Camellia has a bright and sunny disposition, always happy to help in any way she possibly can, and generally loving anyone she encounters. She goes along with silly or strange things if others want to do them, and is perfectly happy to tag along on adventures even if she isn't always physically up to a task. She is always happiest when barefoot in the grass or otherwise surrounded by nature.
Inner Personality: She is, for the most part, the person that she is on the outside, happy with her life of being free with her friends who need her. But when things go wrong she internalizes her fear and worries and sadness so as not to be a burden, after bottling up too much can end up going through sudden episodes of crying for no apparent reason.
History: Camellia was a slave despite living within a kingdom where such practices weren't legal when referring to most species, mages and humans especially. But the land she lived in was far from the king and queen's abode, and far from anyone who truly cared to enforce the law against the wealthy, powerful Duke that broke it. She danced and sang to entertain her master's guests, but most often was seen working the fields, using her magic and her own bare hands. With her gift of healing she was left without any scars or marks to show any signs of the abuse slaves endured and so is generally never suspected of being one. She was miserable, but it was all 'normal' to someone who had grown up that way, and she did her best to make herself happy among the fields until the day that two men and a woman came and destroyed her master's home and land, and declared that he had forfeited his wealth for keeping people as slaves. The people around the Duke's land had been too scared to protest, lest they or their children be taken as slaves, but when Archer and his friends came and took the man down, having no authority to do so, it gave the people the strength they needed to stand up for themselves. Camellia, having been rescued, was asked to come with them, to get away from the place that had hurt her so long, and went on the promise of seeing wonders of nature and man alike.
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Hi, your character Julius seems interesting to me. Also I like the idea of a roleplay with a platonic relationship. I think Julius and my character Charlotte could become close like brother and sister. Could the setting maybe be modern and in the city?
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