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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
"Worthless sacks o' slime, the lot of ya. An' lookit me, jus' some ninny-sitter for ya snivellin' excuses for conscripts! Was one o' the Sov'reign's Generals, and now, I'm nuddin' but the Slag Sargeant.

Wot? Ya don't know me? Tcha! Wot do y'know, ya lot o' dunder-heade--HRMF-- Lookit here, Slags... I was Sov'reign's right-hand before they were the Sov'reign. Ohoho. Thems were the good ol' days. Smashin' for the sake of smashin'. Runnin' rampant through the streets til them Heroes o' Light would come whoopin' and hollerin' them fancy speeches at us. Yeahr, then we'd get away, cursin' thems mothers... But now, ha, Sov'reign melted their Chosen's face. How was he t' know that lunativ would jus' grin an' take it, eh?

That was a good 3 years ago or some such, I'm not the biggest for numbers an' figures. I'm all 'bout the smashin' and bashin'. Might be why ol' Sovvy decided he didn't have much use for his ol' pal, Xarg. Tcha. Got them other generals, workin' to subjugate them 'unruly' masses, an' to toe-the-line.

Don't get why... Bash a few skulls, people straighten up right fast, RRHAHA! Nah, they're all 'bout that 'subtle' nonsense. Ah, but here's ol' Xarg... In charge of you lot, an' doin' wot... Busy-work so you lot don't ruin nuddin' else.

I dun't really care. I just gotta make sure ya don't screw up too much an' I get all the grog I could ever want... So, hop to it! Ya dun't know wot to do? Read yerr blasted papers-- If'n ya can't read, find someone else wot can. It'll tell you everythin' ya rotten lot need to know to get the blazes out of my hair. If'n ya've got questions, find someone wot cares! SCAT!"

Welcome to the Dark Army, soldier. We thank you for your service. Though we know you had many choices of excrutiating end, you stuck it out and chose SOVEREIGN. You have been officially assigned to Reserves Squadron 'S,' codename Slags. While waiting to for your check-up, please fill out this form in order to complete our records and better help you in the future.

[As you turn the page, you see your name printed out, your race and your official record... There seems to be a self-assessment form. You get the feeling that the screening check-up isn't very thorough... Looking at the physicians, they seem to be passing people through with little regard, just checking that they match their picture identification in the portfolio... Quickly you fill out your form.]

Information Sheet
Name: Self-explanatory
Race: Generic fantasy races are pretty self-explantory, original races or lesser known, please provide a descriptor
Appearance: What do you look like? Text, picture or a combination of both.
Quirks: What are a few prominant mental, physical, social, emotional or other oddities?
Strengths: What do you think are a few of your strong areas? (at least 3, keep roughly even with weaknesses)
Weaknesses: What do you think are a few of your weak areas? (at least 3, keep roughly even with strengths)
General History: Where do you come from? How'd you get here. Doesn't have to be a novel.
Probationary Causation: Why does the Dark Army have reason to doubt you being an asset?
Other: Anything we forget that might be noteworthy?

Easy-Copy Form: [spoili]
[b]General History[/b]:
[b]Probationary Causation[/b]:

[As you finish scratching on the clipboard, a gruff looking orc in a skirt and blouse comes over and starts poking and prodding over you. You realize partway through their exam that their fingers really aren't that clean as they pry open your mouth and start counting. They shout back in their gutteral language to someone else... You catch in the return that someone else has 'dibs' on a few of your teeth if you don't make it. The physical passes by, taking your clipboard out of your hands, holding it up by your face before quickly tapping a slender stick against it three-times. A gold-filigree stamp appears at the corner, certifying your new position before it is shoved back into your chest and you are redirected along to the warrant officer to recieve your assignment... The officer doesn't look up from their expansive table filled with piles of paperwork as you approach. You're asked your name and squadron... Upon answering, they deftly pick through a pile and hand you a scroll. You realize you're dismissed as your presence is now ignored. Opening it up, you realize this is the details of your assignment:]

'S' Squad is hereby tasked with the peace-keeping of patroling and peace-keeping of of designated secure zone ZED, a.k.a. the Fort Whimsy and surrounding province, including establishments: Meadowcairn, Beaumonte, Glimmergrove, and Goodland. Standing orders are to promote integration with the Empire, oversee commerce and report any signs of insurrection. Repeat, you are to report and NOT engage with any rebel presence.

Present this note to the local quartermaster, they will assure you are well equipped for your work ahead.

[As you look up, you see this supposed quartermaster. You could swear he just handed someone a barrel lid as a shield. You have some of your own belongings, but you know you could probably use a few things. You just won't be getting anything fancy from them...

After you settle with the quartermaster, you're shuffled along and signed onto a caravan heading to the secure zone and set for your meet up with your new squad-mates at Fort Whimsy... The captain assigned to shuttling you begins to drone on about what he expects in his caravan.]

  1. Follow Iwaku's Site Policies and we'll all be just peachy.
  2. Reiterating Iwaku's Site Mechanics Policy: The GM's word is law. I have the final decision in all things of the RP from executing something in the IC to kicking a player from the RP.
  3. Follow basic RP etiquette, that is to say, do not: use meta-knowledge, godmode, puppet others' characters, auto-hit, hog the spotlight, etc.
  4. Don't be an arse. Don't carry qualms about the RP out and about. Just don't. If you have a problem with someone or something, please discuss it calmly and work out problems in a constructive way.
  5. Try to be legible in your posts, it is the best way we can assure understanding of what you mean.
  6. Try and keep up with the RP. I hope that everyone can post as least once a week, but I understand if that can become a problem.
  7. That said, if you are going to be gone for an extended time from the RP, CONTACT ME. It will help the RP continue along and allow you and I to work out what to do with your character during the absence.
  8. COMMUNICATE! This is a group activity. Your characters should interact! You should talk to me, I would enjoy hearing ideas from my players--This is a very loose roleplay where you have a chance to shape things with your own ideas, places, characters and events.
  9. Failure to comply with the rules can result in consequences up to and including being kicked from the RP or reported to staff.


Active Duty:


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Reactions: Justin
You mean I can't have Nevin pretend drool over the pretty boy? ALAS! *sighs dramatically*

I kid. Mostly.
Just generally a low-down, dastardly pumpernickel pincher owo
Oh hells. It just came to my attention there has been a HURRICANE and some of you here are in the affected areas! I feel so bad. I know what these sorta things can do for your life-- and with that, while any of you are handling that, consider yourselves alright to take all the time in the world that you need-- if you come back and are still interested, we will work you in no problem. Y'all do you.
I didn't realize until yesterday myself... the pics were rather sad and scary :(
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Reactions: Snowball
My uni roommate's dad and pets are down there (her mom came up north to help her move in about a week before Harvey made landfall) so that's the only reason I knew. Then I turned on the news.

Scary stuff. And if any of my fellow Slags are dealing with it, my thoughts go out to them. I hope they're in a safe, dry place.
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Reactions: Greenie and Tempest
Texas? We were hit by Typhoon Hato. Many of our fishing boats still remain in the harbor. Our economy bleeds.
Oh hells. It just came to my attention there has been a HURRICANE and some of you here are in the affected areas! I feel so bad. I know what these sorta things can do for your life-- and with that, while any of you are handling that, consider yourselves alright to take all the time in the world that you need-- if you come back and are still interested, we will work you in no problem. Y'all do you.
I'm pretty sure everything will be back to normal... in two weeks. I'm so very sorry about this, but I can only stream on my phone every now and then.

I promise the day we get our internet back, I will make an IC post!
  • Thank You
Reactions: Tempest
I'm alive and back, yay! [or is it I'm back and alive? ... ╮( ̄~ ̄)╭ ]

Anyway, I promise to have a post up tomorrow! Or, wait. Actually just to make sure. @Snowball Am I okay to make a post or should I wait for an update? Just wanna check, like, you know. Just in case.
Uhm... i dont know who all is still invested... and unfortunately... life decided to recently ream me like hell... the time i havent been working, ive basically been sick or unconscious from sleep deprivation/over exertion...

I would like to pick this up and keep walking, but i suppose i need a head count first
Oh, I'm sorry...

I've been working a bunch too, and I actually just recovered from a really bad sickness. But yes! I still wanna do this! I think maybe everyone else wasn't sure if they should post, maybe, because I think we had a few people getting messed over by storms? But you can count my head as being.. um. Counted. Yes? Yes.
I'm definitely here as well :3
I'm kind of on and off again, but still mostly here.
Right! >_< i will attempt to get a post in soon. I'm actually going to have a fair portion of the weekend for me, so... ya! :D
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Is still here too... but you know you can abuse me on steam anytime if you questioned that :p