GROUP RP PLOTTING Skyrim RP?(also interest check)

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We could always just vote on it once we have players
Yeah, that's something I was thinking too.
I dont really mind what happens as long as it fits a few things:
1: I can be a vampire
2: I can be a high elf or snow elf
3: Dragons exist (not necessarily appear, just exist so my char can speak their language)
4: it isn't directly a war RP because that stuff only works in games and even then I doubt the war for Cyrodill on TESO will work very well.

Also, an idea for why the daedra are manipulating the war: They need it to go on as long as possible, which would explain why in-game the war doesn't move until the dragonborn gets involved. Perhaps the daedra are doing some sort of giant ritual which lasts quite a while but is their attempt to summon a prince into reality. If the factions were to finish their war, the empire would quickly destroy the stormcloaks (Because half a country has nothing on i think its 6 countries), then would realise the ritual is happening and put a stop to it. With the official's attention drawn elsewhere, it falls to a group of adventurers and guild members to take down the daedra.
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4: it isn't directly a war RP because that stuff only works in games and even then I doubt the war for Cyrodill on TESO will work very well.
Well it won't be centered around war and battles but occasionally we'll probably have war/battle scenes just to break the monotony of other things in-RP and for strictly plot-advancing purposes. It won't be happening all the time though. I'll try and balance everything out with different events rather than following doing the same thing ALL the time.

Because while it will add a third side to the war, the guilds would be more passive and simply trying to keep their groups present and alive in Skyrim, rather than actively fighting for control of the region(at least that's the general idea. We'll see how it goes. I guess it depends on the characters and their ambitions XD)

Plus, the Legion and Stormcloaks will still have to worry about each other more actively than the guilds, so the attention wouldn't be on them at all times as much as the two main warring forces.

Also, an idea for why the daedra are manipulating the war: They need it to go on as long as possible, which would explain why in-game the war doesn't move until the dragonborn gets involved. Perhaps the daedra are doing some sort of giant ritual which lasts quite a while but is their attempt to summon a prince into reality. If the factions were to finish their war, the empire would quickly destroy the stormcloaks (Because half a country has nothing on i think its 6 countries), then would realise the ritual is happening and put a stop to it. With the official's attention drawn elsewhere, it falls to a group of adventurers and guild members to take down the daedra.
That's not a half bad idea. I like it.

Anyone else?

And likewise, to add onto the idea of two different deadra manipulating each side, could be a rivalry or two that don't like each other, or maybe a (semi)friendly bet of who can cause the most chaos among the humans or something? Idk, it's a possibility. Many of the deadra merely see humans as pawns and playthings after all. I could see Clavicus Vile being in on something like that, since he's kind of the mischeivous "How can I screw up your desires and really mess with your day?" type of guy.
Yah I'm a daemon and that sounds like something i'd do.
How about Clavicus the vile and the Deadra who give the player the Sanguine Rose (I forget his name). He is also very mischievous and sees humans as pawns
Yeah Clavicus Vile and The guy named Sam would probably do that.
I thought I saw "sam" when I hovered the screen over him. Maybe it's Sam Sanguine. Or Samguine. Or Samwise Sanguine. Or Samwise Gamgee.
No. his Daedric Prince name is just Sanguine. I checked the Elder Scrolls Wiki
I like that idea. I could see Sanguine taking itbas a perfect opportunity to cause a bit of chaos simply for the shit and giggles, and Clavicus Vile getting in on it on a wager of who can cause the most trouble simply to cure boredom.

Plus, isn't Molag Bal the same Deadra they keep using for most/all of the major involved Deadra-vs-Man driven plots? It'd be nice to do something a little different for once as far as the Deadra and reasons they're involved.
Oh see, I didn't know he was the most commonly used. He's just has my favourite weapon (the mace, of course). Yeah, if he's used a lot, then let's definitely go with Sanguine and Clavicus Vile.
We could always have it where at first it's Molag Bal who takes the blame once the characters learn it's Deadra, at least at first, since he has such a history of doing it. Maybe even find out from Molag Bal himself that it's Sanguine and Clavicus?

Always a possibility
Nah I dont think Molag Bal should be the real one. That'd ruin it for ESO when it finally comes out. Also given that in the actual game, its not any daedra in control, it should not be a concept that any daedra are doing anything at all, simply the player group finds something that says they are and goes put a stop to it.
Er...why can't Deadra be behind it? What's wrong with straying a bit from the source material? If i wanted to go play skyrim, I'd go play skyrim
no no what I mean is that daedra can be behind it as much as they like, but the general public shouldn't know this otherwise theres not very much mystery and it becomes word-based dungeon crawler.
no no what I mean is that daedra can be behind it as much as they like, but the general public shouldn't know this otherwise theres not very much mystery and it becomes word-based dungeon crawler.
No, what I was saying was the characters could find out that one of the Deadric Princes' is behind it, but not know which one at first.

Anyway, it's been a long time since I played Oblivion, so I mixed up Mehrunes Dagon with Molag Bal, but either one would probably be more suspect than Clavicus and Sanguine XD

But what I was saying was, once they find out, at first they only know that a Deadric Prince is behind it, and could jump to the conclusion that Molag Bal or Mehrunes Dagon are the ones involved(but not knowing for sure), and only find out later that it's Clavicus and Sanguine?

Though I guess the assumption depends on the characters XD
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