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Mundane Monster

The most uninspiring of monsters
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Beginner
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Transgender
Fantasy, Modern Fantasy, Animal based, Scifi, Modern, Horror, Comedy, Slice of life.

This morning at exactly 3:00 AM five notorious villains broke out of Revelation; A Supermax Prison for villains. Authorities believe that the escaped villains had outside help, as Supermax is nearly impossible to break into or out of. The Syndicate were notified as soon as the prison alarm system was triggered, and Captain Vitality, leader of the Syndicate stated that the Syndicate would do anything in it's power to "bring those fuck faces to justice."

Local law enforcement encourages citizens of Genesis City to call out tip line, if anything suspicious is witnessed.

Remember; If it looks shifty, it probably is. Call 1-800-ITS-SHIFTY to report any concerns involving the escaped villains.

Here is a list of the escaped villains, complete with their powers and photos.





Slot Five

You're sitting in your cell waiting for the dinner pellets. Disgusting little things that the guards call food. They taste like nothing but smell like shit. Maybe they're just little bits of shit that you have to eat or you'll starve to death.

Anyway, you're waiting for 'dinner' and then the slot on your reinforced steel door slides open. Five pellets are dropped into your cell sans tray. Sometimes the guards did that. Cause they were dick bags.

You bite into a pellet expecting it to dissolve in your mouth, but instead your teeth meets metal. You pull a tiny rectangular device out of the pellet. There a red button on the side of it and it seems in your haste to devour the disgusting pellet, you pressed it.

Suddenly a small voice pierces the silence in your cell. It's a tinny robotic voice and you have to strain your ears to hear it because it's so quiet.

"My name is Dr. Sterling. I am going to help you break out of Revelation and in turn you will help me. In two minutes I will cause a black out in and outside of the prison. Your cell door will open and you will have 1 hour to escape. There are five of you. Help each other or die. If you succeed in escaping enter the sewers through the storm drain on the west end of the prison grounds. I will be waiting."

You have no time to question the truth of the recording, because at that moment the lights in the hall turn off and your cell door opens.
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Connor barely had time to register what had been said. All he had gotten out of it was that his cell door would open up and he'd have an hour to get out. Oh, and there'd be four other people trying to get out with him. So they could be competition to get out, or they could do what the mystery voice said and help each other. Honestly he doubted that, they were all villains in here and would gladly stab each other in the back the first chance they got. But that didn't matter right now. Right now, his door had opened up and freedom was hiding just around the corner.

Quickly he summoned his sword, first grabbing the hilt that materialized in his hands and over his heart and pulling the blade out of his chest. That done, he dashed through the opened door and body checked a guard into a wall, tucking his shoulder in and ramming it into the other man's chest. When the guard slumped to the ground, the wind knocked out of him and his world slowly fading, Connor turned in a random direction and began running, using his massive sword as a shield when and as he needed to, tranquilizer darts and bullets pinging off of the incredibly strong metal that made up the sword. He would get out, even if he had to cut his way out.
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[BCOLOR=transparent]Darkness. No it wasn't darkness. It was a void. It was a frustrating void to deal with. It lacked color. Sound. What's that? What's that they said? Did they say something? No just just silly. He bit his nails. Ripping the white part off in frustration. Leaving jagged edges. Like peaks and valleys. Mountains. On the edge of madness. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Whispers. Did they say something? No. The sound of time. But there was no clock. No windows. No light. Light? Does he even remember the light? He shifted on the cold metal floor. His nails dug into the in the metal. Making an unsettling scratching noise.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]No comfort. Oh where was Patches? Nothing to hold. Nothing to talk to. But yourself. Not even a taste. Mouth so dry. So tired. So tired. So tired. So tired. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]So frustrated. So frustrated. He shifted on the other side to get comfortable. A wallow of annoyance. Frustration. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Racing thoughts. Couldn't sleep. Couldn't escape it. Couldn't think. He hummed to himself. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"It's okay, they can't keep you in the darkness forever," he whispered, "Aeheheheeheee." He ran his chipped nails through his hair. Each of the ridges got caught. A strand of hair got caught. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Footsteps. No. No. No. Silly that's just your imagination. Father's voice. No. No. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]What's that? The metal bending. No. No it's just crying. It's sighing. It's okay pretty pretty metal. It's okay. They can't keep you in the darkness forever. No. No. No.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]What's that! Footsteps. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Don't be silly. Don't be silly. Aaahahahaahaa. No. No it was footsteps. Footsteps of the yelling men! Oh but they cried. And wallowed to each other. They were in the void too. No light for them either. No pretty pretty pretty fairy light either.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]It was time. Trained like a gullible rat. Scurried in the crying metal walls. The ones that listened. The walls that had eyes. The walls that peered into your heart and lies. Footsteps. Heavy. Heavy footsteps.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He scurried off the metal. To eat more dust. Ash. Like those of the cremated. Vitamins were nasty. Desert in his mouth. Minerals and rocks. Turning a belly full, to an urn. An urn of desolation. When the hand hesitated to drop the pellets. He made sure he lunged at the hand like a feral cat.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Scratching the skin with his ragged nails. Oh. Oh. Oh. He would make him suffer some day. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]When he bit into the remnants. The remains of pebbles and rocks. There was the taste of iron. But it was not velvet. It was not crimson. Instead it spoke.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"My name is Dr. Sterling. I am going to help you break out of Revelation and in turn you will help me. In two minutes I will cause a black out in and outside of the prison. Your cell door will open and you will have 1 hour to escape. There are five of you. Help each other or die. If you succeed in escaping enter the sewers through the storm drain on the west end of the prison grounds. I will be waiting."[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Oh. Oh a voice. A voice other than theirs. Other than his. Other than others. A voice that said he could see the light. A voice that made promises. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Then like magic. Like a being of magic. The door swung open. He snatched the rest of the pellets off the metal ground. And slunk out of the prison cell. He didn't walk out. No. He leaned his body with a tilt. Penduluming himself side to side. Hair falling into rose irises.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He stood at his full height. Oh how it hurt. The breath. The anticipation. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Hey, how the fuck-" the heavy steps man. The yelling man. He had the scratches on his head. But Elliot raised his hands up in what seemed like surrender.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"AHAAHAHAHAHAA! I found you!" he laughed swaying his hands in the hair, "TELL ME! DO YOU WANT TO BE LOCKED UP FOREVER!"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]It was hard to describe as the two guards were too slow to react. They began to slowly fade from existence. Translucent. Translucent. Gone. He looked at one of the pellets.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Gone now, bye, bye, in the crumbly desert, thirsty, thirsty and bright," he told the pellet. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]While another set of guards had watched the scenario. He broke into another pellet, but barred his teeth to let them watch it dissolve in his saliva. As he laughed through his teeth. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Heeheeheeheeheheheehee," [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]They didn't seem at first to react. Paralyzed. As his eyes light it up. He stepped towards them. It wasn't like walking. It was like gliding. Nearly magical. As he took rather graceful steps their way. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Nay! Nay! I heard your little girl had a birthday party. I wonder if she'll like it in one of her favorite books! Tell me which one is it! THE ONE WITH THE RABBIT! THE ONE WITH THE RABBIT! I HEARD EVERYTHING YOU SAID!"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The guard slowly began to pick up his tranquilizer gun. But Elliot had managed to slow, almost ghost like walk up to the guard. Touching his utility belt. Grabbing the knife out of the holster. While the second guard tried to bunt Elliot with the back of his rifle. Elliot moved smoothly out of the way. The other no time to react as he got smacked in the face with a rifle. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Oooooooo you did a naughty thing to your friend, did I make you do a naughty thing," Elliot laughed while jamming the knife into the man's unprotected neck. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Nighty night," Elliot laughed while taking the knife out of the man's neck.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Oh Patches. Where were you? Freedom. But Patches needed his freedom too. They took him away. He was in the dark for so. So long. So long. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Where was freedom from here? Where was Patches? [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Elliot skipped down the hall. To look for things. Freedom and Patches.[/BCOLOR]

Amari, a.k.a Loli, had a routine in her little cell. It wasn't much of a routine, and more like a daily habit. Every morning, before those awful pellets arrived she poked at her bed. While it seemed odd, she had reasoning behind it. She was testing was to see if the stupid guard that could nullify her abilities was around. Usually they were, and the bed poking was utterly pointless, today however, she actually managed to poke through it. It was an exciting moment, until she remembered that it wouldn't do her much good due to her cells composition. Sure, she could phase through her bed all she wanted, but if she tried to go through one of the walls she was guaranteed to get stuck.

Like clockwork, five gross supposedly nutritional pellets were dropped into her cell. She didn't eat them right away, but instead picked one up and played with it, stalling really. Of course she knew she couldn't not eat them, well, she could, but she would starve, so after a few seconds of glaring at the pellet and spinning it around, she bit into it. Today it had flavor. Metallic flavor to be exact. Which caused suspicion, as she looked at the small device. It spoke to her. Said something about breaking out.

Sure enough, shortly after the voice finished talking, the door to her cell opened. Loli was curious, was this just a trick? Or could she really leave? She guessed that by the sounds of commotion somewhere nearby, it was real. With that figured out, she stepped outside the cell and stuck the small talking device in the face of the guard outside her cell.

"My food spoke to me, it told me I can leave."

The guard reached out to grab her, muttering something about going back in her cell, but instead of grabbing her, his hand went straight through causing him to tumble over.

"Naughty guard person shouldn't touch Loli, Juliette will be furious when she finds out."

She couldn't help but giggle at the guard, as she skipped away down the hall towards some of the commotion. The food said that there were others, and they should work together. Loli just hoped they could help her find where the guards took her knives that were confiscated. Stupid guards probably just tossed her friends into a box somewhere to rot, or worse yet, turned them into kitchen knives.​
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(The Rev: His Cell)

(The Rev: Hallways)
Animal/Plant Manipulation

Carnivore, the Animal Morphing, Plant Controlling, Terrorist was doing his daily exercise in his almost too tiny to even breath in cell. He had become accustomed to having one of the tiniest cells in the entire hellhole of a place. Not enough room to morph into the bigger species of creatures so he could break out of the cell. The guards were also smart enough to not have any plants in the cell as well. A very basic and soulless place to stay in. If he didn't exercise and image his fist in the guards' skulls everyday, no telling how insane Carnivore would have become by now. Even more insane than he was already.

While doing push ups, the slot in his cell door slid open. Those disgusting and vile pellets dropped to the floor. Turning his head with a venomous growl. "Great..." Doing a few more push ups and sit ups before moving towards the only source of food he had. Giving one of the abominations a sniff. "Ugh... horrible." Rolling his eyes. How could anyone eat such a thing? And the smell! Carnivore had eaten many things that most could never imagine being edible, but nothing came even close to those so-called "vitamin pills."

Deciding that it was better than nothing at all, the animal terrorist took a small bite of the shit smelling piece of "food." Holding back the vomit that was trying to come out as he tasted metal. Metal? Eyebrows coming together in confusion, mouth closing as noise came from what appeared to be a small device; hidden ingeniously inside the pellet. Carnivore knew no one named Dr. Sterling, so he was totally clueless. Not having enough time to let everything register in his brain, his cell door swung open. Instinctively hopping up off the floor. Shoving the other non-metal flavored pellets into his mouth. He would need the energy, now that it seemed the device was actually telling the truth. "Well thank you Dr. Sterling." Teeth appearing more animalistic than normal.

Body arching downward, hands turning into bear paws. Falling forward as Carnivore's entire body turned into that of a huge black bear. Giving a loud roar, before charging at the first guard he saw. The poor guard didn't see Carnivore coming and couldn't react to the massive claws running across his entire face. Ripping it off with one clean swipe. Even though his face couldn't show it right now, he was enjoying everything on the inside. Finally getting revenge on the bastards that kept forcing him back into hell on earth. With the lights being out and Carnivore being a black bear, there was no way the guards would be able to see him. Until it was too late. He loved that Rev thought since there wasn't any plants around and his cell was too small for him to turn into anything life threatening, he just needed Habits to guard him. The biggest and best mistake they'd ever made. Habits tended to only deal with the non-psychic criminals/villains. They just didn't know how destructive Carnivore could actually become once set free.

After mauling five guards and killing two, Carnivore found himself in a foreign part of the prison. He could hear skipping coming his way. No guard would ever skip around like that. Turning back into his human form; ripping off a pair of guard pants, so he wasn't naked in front of what he hoped was another criminal/villain that was set free. To think, he would actually be relieved to have another criminal/villain coming his way. He was definitely having an interesting time.

Spotting a girl coming down the hall. "Hey!" He yelled, which was basically talking for him. "You're one of the other criminals? Or villains?" Not knowing how she would feel about being called either one, not caring that much. "Where are the others, do you know?" Moving towards her, but in a cautious manner. He wasn't an idiot. Another villain could easily attack him if he let his guards down too soon. Even a small girl like her; she was in the same prison as he was. She had to be bad and dangerous. Just like him.

Carnivore, the Animal Morphing, Plant Controlling, Terrorist was doing his daily exercise in his almost too tiny to even breath in cell. He had become accustomed to having one of the tiniest cells in the entire hellhole of a place. Not enough room to morph into the bigger species of creatures so he could break out of the cell. The guards were also smart enough to not have any plants in the cell as well. A very basic and soulless place to stay in. If he didn't exercise and image his fist in the guards' skulls everyday, no telling how insane Carnivore would have become by now. Even more insane than he was already.

While doing push ups, the slot in his cell door slid open. Those disgusting and vile pellets dropped to the floor. Turning his head with a venomous growl. "Great..." Doing a few more push ups and sit ups before moving towards the only source of food he had. Giving one of the abominations a sniff. "Ugh... horrible." Rolling his eyes. How could anyone eat such a thing? And the smell! Carnivore had eaten many things that most could never imagine being edible, but nothing came even close to those so-called "vitamin pills."

Deciding that it was better than nothing at all, the animal terrorist took a small bite of the shit smelling piece of "food." Holding back the vomit that was trying to come out as he tasted metal. Metal? Eyebrows coming together in confusion, mouth closing as noise came from what appeared to be a small device; hidden ingeniously inside the pellet. Carnivore knew no one named Dr. Sterling, so he was totally clueless. Not having enough time to let everything register in his brain, his cell door swung open. Instinctively hopping up off the floor. Shoving the other non-metal flavored pellets into his mouth. He would need the energy, now that it seemed the device was actually telling the truth. "Well thank you Dr. Sterling." Teeth appearing more animalistic than normal.

Body arching downward, hands turning into bear paws. Falling forward as Carnivore's entire body turned into that of a huge black bear. Giving a loud roar, before charging at the first guard he saw. The poor guard didn't see Carnivore coming and couldn't react to the massive claws running across his entire face. Ripping it off with one clean swipe. Even though his face couldn't show it right now, he was enjoying everything on the inside. Finally getting revenge on the bastards that kept forcing him back into hell on earth. With the lights being out and Carnivore being a black bear, there was no way the guards would be able to see him. Until it was too late. He loved that Rev thought since there wasn't any plants around and his cell was too small for him to turn into anything life threatening, he just needed Habits to guard him. The biggest and best mistake they'd ever made. Habits tended to only deal with the non-psychic criminals/villains. They just didn't know how destructive Carnivore could actually become once set free.

After mauling five guards and killing two, Carnivore found himself in a foreign part of the prison. He could hear skipping coming his way. No guard would ever skip around like that. Turning back into his human form; ripping off a pair of guard pants, so he wasn't naked in front of what he hoped was another criminal/villain that was set free. To think, he would actually be relieved to have another criminal/villain coming his way. He was definitely having an interesting time.

Spotting a girl coming down the hall. "Hey!" He yelled, which was basically talking for him. "You're one of the other criminals? Or villains?" Not knowing how she would feel about being called either one, not caring that much. "Where are the others, do you know?" Moving towards her, but in a cautious manner. He wasn't an idiot. Another villain could easily attack him if he let his guards down too soon. Even a small girl like her; she was in the same prison as he was. She had to be bad and dangerous. Just like him.
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When Estelle Strong was first offered this job by Cassandra and the Mayor, they had suggested that the duties be split between two people. Estelle had objected and they had respected her decision but had asked why. Estelle had just smiled and said "Because I can handle the pressure." but that wasn't the true reason. The true reason was because she loved the job. Weaker people would have relished in the opportunity for someone else to take over their shift. "It's driving me crazy!" They would have said. "I have to get away from all of this drama!" They would have complained. But Estelle would never utter those words.

Being the warden of Revelation, was the best job on earth. Her talent best suited her for the job and she was sure that had she not been chosen, the 'rev' would have never attained it's horrid stigma. If some limp wrist fool had been placed in power the Rev would have never been a supermax, instead it would have been some shitty county jail with a revolving door for low life's and thugs. Estelle turned the prison into Pandora's fucking box. No one ever managed to get out--Well...There had been that one savage that had managed to slip out on more than one occasion, but they had nipped that in the bud after getting a grasp of it's abilities. But aside from him, no one. NO ONE had managed to escape.

Until now.

When the lights went out and the lock-down system stopped Estelle could hardly believe it. It had taken ages for some ruddy nosed IT genius to perfect that system and now it was fucking stalling. All the exits were unlocked but not all the cells. Five cells had been reported unlocked and the rest had jammed. Since the system was down, Estelle couldn't find out which prisoners had been released but she wasn't going to sit in her office and let them run free. And that was a shame, it really truly was.

Estelle liked slow torture. Drying out Ughs who needed water or waterboarding fire manipulators. Sometimes she liked to visit remarks who regenerated, and pull their nails off one by one, over and over again. It was more interesting that way because it was amusing to see them deteriorate before her eyes mentally and physically. But now that these five faceless prisoners had escaped, she would have to euthanize them to make a point and she didn't want to do that. She wanted to study them and rip off their eyelids or something. Well. They had their little hacker to blame for their impending deaths or whoever had the gall to organize this black out.

Taking a deep breath, Estelle went to stand in the middle of her office and closed her eyes. In her mind's eye she saw all the shadows in the prison. Shadows trapped in cells with their masters. Shadows of dead guards. The shadow of the building. The shadows of five moving targets. Two females and three males.

"Orior." She breathed and saw the shadows peel up from the ground and form black figures identical to targets, save for defining features. They were the same height, weight, and same gender of each prisoner and they all had the same powers as their targets. Their mission? To subdue.

@Beowulf @Mad King Jai @Ruby. @T _ T Salty @PlainJoe
Aranea Crowley

Escape had not been in the Hunter's mind for the night, and the message was so hastily delivered and made true that she had barely time to prepare. Aranea Crowley decided that she would have words with this Doctor once she managed to extricate herself from this damned building. She dearly missed Prole's dinners, and two years was quite wearing on her. Estelle was not a kind mistress within these walls.

Aranea lifted herself onto her wheelchair, and with much difficulty, turned herself around, and dropped into the seat with a sigh. Her job only halfway done, she proceeded to lift both her limp legs to the chair. She made an uncharacteristic rude comment and wheeled herself to the open door. She peeked out of the frame, assessing her surroundings. By this time, emergency lights had already come on, barely lighting up the floor under her. Aranea cursed again: her wheelchair would be obvious in this light. She reached for her right thigh and depressed a small button on its side. The small LED display next to it lit up, showing three bars, one red, blinking, and empty, the other two green, and full. Good. At least she had her backup power ready.

She pushed herself forwards, then froze, before throwing herself out of her wheelchair completely. In the split second after, her transport was caved in from the back, crushed by almost excessive power. She tapped the button on her thigh again, and turned the dial around it, before smacking it in, just in time to activate her legs to leap out of the way of the follow up that blew out the railing behind her, sending the metal bars across the gap. An attack from behind, from a previously locked door, where access was blocked by her own body. This could only be the work of that shadow puppetmaster.

"Oh, Estelle, if only we could talk this out." Aranea sighed as she straightened up fully, brushing down her tacky prison clothes. Ahead of her, a familiar form, without a familiar face, stood, posed just like her, one hand adjusting its shadow glasses. There was no time to waste banter with it, Aranea knew. It was just another of Estelle's dolls. No mind of its own. It sprang forwards, planted one foot on the ground, made a full circle across the air with its other, above its head, and brought it down for a devastating guillotine effect. Aranea sidestepped it neatly, then gave a sharp turning kick to deflect its own forwards lunge, sending the shadow slamming into the wall. Wasting no words, she took off, leaving the shadow to recover, taking powered sprinting strides across the corridor.

As she made her way across the sprawling prison halls, she refreshed her memory on the details of the message. She would have four comrades with her in this escape, discounting this Sterling character, and their main escape was in the west. She tried very hard to ignore the sewers part. She came to a skidding halt, caught the side of the corner as leverage, and made a sharp left, before continuing her sprint, then jammed her frontmost foot into the ground, coming to a stop in front of a male in prison clothes. And his shadow behind him.

She darted forwards and pulled the man towards her, and slid in between him and his shadow. There was an unknown threat here: Estelle Strong could copy a person's power and physical ability, apparently, given by how her own shadow demolished her wheelchair. She had no idea what this man's was, but what she did know was that she couldn't let herself be caught by it. There was also the threat of time, too. If her shadow was anything like her, it would not leave a job unaccomplished. She almost laughed at the sheer absurdity of being hunted by herself.

"Your shadow stands before us, and my own chases me from behind. Allow me to put it simply: if I were to kick your shadow in the face, would it have any negative effects on me?"

@T _ T Salty
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Connor was lucky enough to watch as his shadow self rose from the ground. "Oh look at you." Connor said, giving one last punch to the guard he was holding, knocking them out. His shadow looked at him with a blank expression, and the light that was life was missing from it's eyes. "Let's see how good of a copy you are." he told it, getting ready to fight the mimic, pulling his large sword from his chest and watching the mimic do the same. They stood still for a brief moment, sword points resting on the ground, before simultaneously dashing towards each other.

Their swords collided with a bang, sparks flying from the force. Both Connors reeled their heads back and headbutted the other. Nothing appeared to happen save for the small shock wave that formed, hinting at the power that those two could muster. Well, just the one, the other one was just copying him. It was like watching him fight a mirror. They traded blows, blocked at the same time, read each other like open books. But the shade was winning. It did not grow tired like Connor. But Connor wasn't going to give up just because of that small detail.

Squaring his stance, he drops his sword. And as it disintegrated into the air he began wildly throwing punches. The shade did the same, and the two got into a slugging match. The unconscious rearranging of matter that Connor mistook for a demon's power protected him from the strong blows. And that same ability made each successive punch of his stronger. Soon the two were producing shock waves with every hit, their heads snapping back and forth with each hit but still managing to fight. If things kept going as they were, the prison could fall apart around them. It would take a third party to end this fight. Even something as a Habit smacking him in the back of the leg would down Connor. And if this shadow was just a copy of him, then it was the same for it.
Before Rubix could reply to the white haired woman, his shadow surged forward and grasped him in a restraining hold. From afar it might have looked like a hug. The young man's eyes bugged out in surprise as his shadow smothered him in its arms. In an instant, the shadow disappeared taking the young man with it, leaving behind only the echo of the boy's nearly inhuman shriek of gibberish.

In another part of the prison, an unhinged girl and her equally unhinged shadow were being addressed by a man with a scar across his face and a milky white eye. The girl skipped towards him, oddly at easy in her literal prison of several years. She seemed not to have noticed the shadow pursuing her. "I'm looking for my friends Lapin and Juliette! Could you help me f--IIIIiiiiieeeeAAAAGGhh!" The girl let out a blood curling scream as her shadow phased it's arm through her thigh and solidified while still present. The shadow seemed to emit a high pitched giggle before disappearing with the girl and leaving the other prisoner alone.

- - -

Estelle Strong was sat behind her desk, calmly sipping peppermint tea as she watched the security camera feeds in front of her. At first she had been worried that he shadows would have been destroyed, but after less than twenty minutes, she was confident, the day was going to end with her winning, as it usually did. "Two down, three more worms to go." She breathed out, holding the cup to her face, so she could breath in the warm minty scent.

She set the cup down, as someone knocked on her door and she used the video screens to see who it was. "Come in!" She purred, and too strapping men entered the room, faces grim. "Hendrix, Mike. Good to see you're both still alive."

The men simply nodded, as they had learned not to respond to her unless directly asked a question. Estelle hated idle chit chat and it was known among her employees. "In a few moments, two prisoners will be brought here for execution and I would like you two to assist me. Hendrix, I'll need you to subdue the boy with your psychic affinity and Mike, I'll need you to keep a cattle prod on the girl to keep her solid. Put it on a low setting, I don't want her to perish in that fashion while in my office. Blood is one thing but getting shit or piss out my carpet after someone voids their bowels is unacceptable." She noticed that Mike cringed at her lack of filter and she made a note to lecture him about that. You couldn't be a prison guard and a pansy.

Just as the two guards nodded in confirmation, Estelle's shadow minions materialized in the room with their respective captives. As she recalled her shadows, the guards quickly took their places. The male prisoner--Elliot Hayward--immediately attempted to utilize his powers and immediately stilled when he realized that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't even visualize a dimension. And the girl--Amari Perkins--shrieked in pain as Mike pressed the cattle prod into her side.

Estelle finished the rest of her tea before walking around her desk to stand in front of Elliot then Amari. She snapped her fingers and the guards forced the prisoners to their knees and Hendrix handed Estelle his pistol. Estelle ran her fingers along the smooth barrel of the gun and tested out the weight in her hands.

"Do you know, how unhappy you've made me?" She murmured, shaking her head every so slightly in disapproval. "I had great plans for you two. I had entire weeks--months even! Set up to test your limits. It was going to be heaven, and now you've made it hell." Gripping the weapon in her hand, she dragged it gently against Elliot's face. "Of course...I could save you two from punishment and maybe work out a way for you two to be allowed some freedom, if you tell me how you escaped."

The room remained silent as the girl fixed her with a steely glare and the boy didn't seem to react.

Estelle's lip curled and her left eyebrow arched. "I see. Remaining loyal to your liberator. Admirable, but stupid none the less." Releasing the safety on the gun, Estelle pressed the barrel against Amari's forehead and pulled the trigger, then did the same to Elliot. Both guards flinched as brain matter and blood splattered against the wall and carpet and both prisoners fell to the side.

Estelle sighed and took a seat as if the entire ordeal had taken a lot out of her. "Throw the bodies in the incinerator and call someone to clean this up." She ordered and both guards left the room quickly each with a body thrown over their shoulder. Estelle looked back at the screens to watch the remaining prisoners struggle with their shadows.

@Beowulf @MadKingJai⭐™ @PlainJoe
Aranea Crowley
View attachment 129665

"Never one for manners," Aranea quipped glibly. Death was easy in her eyes. To be shaken by such a scene would be quite damaging to her reputation. What killer would she be if she flinched at this? She spun around, pirouetting to one side as her own shadow flew past, having tried to deliver a leaping kick when she was turned away. The speed at which it caught up to her confirmed her suspicions: they were powered just as their originals were. The shadow recovered quickly, and bounded forwards again.

That leaves three. Aranea calmly processed as she raised her own leg to block her shadow's scything side-kick. She gripped the leg with both arms and, with a turn, flung her shadow across the corridor again. There was little time for her. The shadow could last forever as long as the puppetmaster was alive. Aranea, on the other hand, was growing hungrier and weaker, and was basically in a fight where, while she could hold her own, she was out of her element. She deliberated her actions carefully, ducking under another blow from her shadow, and swiped with her hand, catching it at the side of its neck, and threw it to the ground with a simple flip. Before it could stand, Aranea brought her foot down, the force of a shotgun blast right through its abdomen sending it further down into the cement.

It wasn't dead yet, she knew, but she didn't have the time to finish it off. Her allies could have made it out already, and she was still stuck here, playing with an inexhaustible puppet. She turned and went back to her sprint.

To Connor, she could have seemed like a streak of silver that came barreling down the corridor and smashing into his shadow, crushing its head between her metal legs and the wall as she leapt and delivered a leaping vertical stomp right at the shadow. She rolled to one side, leaving the shadow to slump over, and, without much thought scrambled behind the scarred man, turning him towards the direction she came from. Between pants, she breathed out into his ear, "A suggestion: Kill that bitch before she kills us," and pointed straight ahead where her shadow approached at top speed.

At this point, Aranea really couldn't care who this man was, what he did, where he came from, and whether he was even part of the plan. As long as he killed that impostor, it was going to be alright. Everything would be fine.

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Suddenly the equal exchange of blows came to an end, Connor giving one last swing to the air as his shadow's skull was crushed by a pair of robotic legs. Dropping to a knee, battered, bruised, and bloodied, he only has a chance to take a small breather as he's suddenly pointed in the direction of what he could only assume was another shadow, or a guard. It wasn't perfectly clear, one of his eyes was beginning to swell shut and everything was a bit blurry. But at least his hearing still worked, and he heard someone whisper in his ear to kill the whatever and face him in it's direction. The only logical explanation for what whispered in his ear was that it was the demon, of course. Huh, he didn't expect the demon to sound like a woman.

Lurching up to both his feet, he watches as the blurred shape streaks towards them. And with wobbly steps of his own he takes of towards the approaching foe. The shade, hoping to copy the original, leaped into the air to try and deliver the same devastating vertical stomp. However, it wasn't blind siding him. And with a roar Connor met the kick with a punch. Shadow gears flew from a now destroyed leg to melt off in a forgotten corner, and the shade itself was sent rocketing into a wall. And with a resounding snap, the wall itself cracked, and the shadow, now a mangled copy of the original, faded away.

Now, Connor could rest a little. Yeah right, they still had to get out of this prison. Briefly looking around for his sword, he instead finds that someone else had showed up. Spitting out suspiciously red spit, he stares at her and says "You're going to help me get out of here." This had to be one of the others that was escaping with him, or just a very scared guard. Either way they were going to help him get the hell out of here.
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Deep in the sewers, a long groan echoed through the tunnels. Obviously the plan wasn't without fault and it had room for at least one death. But two deaths? TWO?! "Aw come on!" A robotic voice snapped, then sighed. "I had high hoped for those two--Agh, well...Time to execute plan B; Rodentia."

When the Rev's security system had gone offline the exit doors weren't the only things that had stopped keeping things out. Some necessary prison functions like the garbage chute and the automatic incinerator had stopped working, their gears grinding to a screeching halt. The two guards, Hendrix and Mike were currently grumbling angrily under their breaths as they fired up the manual incinerator and shoved the recently deceased bodies of the executed prisoners into it. Their backs were turned from the automatic incinerator that they had opened the doors of to make sure it didn't over heat when the system came back on. However their caution for it's functionality would be their down fall.

Unbeknownst to them, someone was breaking into the prison. A dim blue light glowed from the mouth of the incinerator as something crawled its way through and out the door. If Mike had turned around he would have screamed because he hated rats, and the intruder was definitely a giant robotic rat. But Mike didn't turn around because he was too busy trying not to vomit as the flesh of the deceased turned black and crispy and began to smell like charbroiled chicken.

Meanwhile, the unusually large robotic rat that Mike had not seen, was racing down the prison halls towards one cell in particular. When it reached said cell it seemed to squeak in delight, before using it's x-ray vision to focus on the mechanics of the door. It seemed the bottom of the door where the feed slot was located was the weakest point, however before it started working on opening it, the rat dragged it's sharp claws against the feed slot, quickly peeling away layer upon layer of metal until a hole was made. The rat opened its mouth and played the message, placed inside of it by it's creator.

"Hello, Murder-Meat. My name is Dr. Sterling. I am going to help you break out of Revelation and in turn you will help me. I have caused a black out in and outside of the prison. Your cell door will open and you will have less than an hour to escape. There are four of you. Help each other or die. If you succeed in escaping enter the sewers through the storm drain on the west end of the prison grounds. I will be waiting. Now. Please step away from the door."

And without further ado, the rat leaped forward, and wedged itself into the hole it made. The robot seemed to pulse bright blue for a second before exploding, causing the mechanics of the door to briefly start up again, then fail, but not before the door swung open, releasing the prisoner inside.

Kenneth Adagietto was a perpetual ignoramus, even in a secure cell where there was little going on to even be ignorant about. Somehow, however, Murder-Meat managed to exceed his astonishing reputation by being completely oblivious to the black-out. In his defense, however, he was hungry. Very, very hungry. The pellets had done little for his appetite, and he had felt his stomach screaming out in anguish as he forced down the foul-smelling 'food'.

And while all the shadowy-shenanigans and incinerations had unfolded, Murder-Meat did just about the only thing he ever did during the past two years of incarceration; desperately attempt to sleep. Sleep was a sanctuary for Ken, because sleep was when he indulged in some high-tier food pornography; one night would be Chinese, another all-you-can-eat-sushi. On this particular occasion he was craving some glorious chicken fried steak, and willed himself to dream of such, as if that would work.

When Operation Rodentia had commenced, Murder-Meat was dreaming of the salad bar. Or was it a nightmare?

Nonetheless, its claws rending metal tore through the dreamscape, and stirred Kenneth back to consciousness. He stared at the construct, his groggy thought-process leading him to wonder if the thing was edible. The details of Dr. Sterling's plan were more or less lost on Murder-Meat, which was truthfully less due to his tired state and more due to his innate stupidity.

Still, the open door spoke for itself.

As far as speaking for oneself goes, Murder-Meat exited the cell, and then did perhaps one of the worst things imaginable.

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