Shipping Fun (Romance/Comedy RP): The Lovers Club

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Otaku Mode Activated
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. Multiple posts per week
  6. 1-3 posts per week
  7. One post per week
Online Availability
11:00pm to 2:00am weekdays 11:00pm to 4:00am weekends
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Beginner
  3. Elementary
  4. Intermediate
  5. Adept
  6. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
Fantasy, magic, adventure, comedy, anime, slice of life, high school, fandom, romance, but I am always open to many others.
I've been in the mood for a fun playful rp, but hadn't had any new idea for one recently. However, I got the interest to reboot one of my old rps called The Lovers Club. It's an rp about a club full of high school students that spend their time playing matchmaker for their fellow friends, family, and classmates, but the biggest focus of the rp is the characters in the club themselves and their own romances between each other.

I'm thinking of a fun, quirky, outrageous rp full of cute shipping fun. A mix of romance, comedy, slice-of-life, and even playful drama (if drama can be playful) all together in an anime-esque rp. There will be crazy things that happen in the rp just like a comedy anime, even if they don't seem to make sense, and free rein of making any kid of crazy character(s) you want.

Of course, you don't need to know anything about the old rp because it would be starting from the beginning again. Though, I don't mind having old members who played in the first one join in if they see the threads along with any new members willing to join in on the fun.

This is the old thread if you want to get an idea of the rp, and I will most likely just reuse the thread post anyway:
Aikō-ka Kurabu | The Lovers Club OOC

However, I don't want to post up the thread unless I have any interest in this so I'll be waiting to see if anyone would like to join me in this rp. Let me know if you would be interested.
Interested~ My two favorite genres
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Definitely interested.
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Great! I'm glad to have your interest. Since I pretty much already have the thread made besides a few changes, we'll just give it a little more time to see if anyone else would be interested. We could play with us four, but I feel like it would be easier to rp a club if there's more than just four members of it.
I'm interested for sure. ^^
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I think we have enough people now to get started. I'm going to pretty much use the same thread from before so it won't take me long to get it up. However, since it's a club there are roles you can all play so I wanted to know if there are any club member roles you might want to save because I'm going to leave the sign-ups open when I post it, and I don't want you all to have an idea in mind and have the role taken up by someone else.
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I'm interested in the role of Presidential Advisor~
The female chara i'm planning to make can be a tactician of sorts.
It'd be cool to play an agent.
Okay. I'll reserve those spots for you all.
I'm in the mood for something like this, sign me up