Shinobi Mayhem [DayDreamer & Nemopedia]

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Chaotic Lawful
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. One post per week
  2. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
For a moment the world seemed gray and bleak. She could sense the sunlight, she could see the rays falling into her room, but there was no colour, no warmth. Blinking her eyes a few more times Miyako remembered how her bed was light blue, how the light would colour her tatami floor yellow, how the door was essentially paper and wood. Remembering all that made it easier to recall colours and soon the shadows passed and the world bloomed once more.

"Better," Miyako stated, to no one in particular. With this she started her day.

Breakfast within the Koizumi family was a family activity. Wishing each other a good morning the core members of the family came together. Miyako's father at the east side, from where the sun rose, her brother at the north, Miyako south and east…

A woman sat there, too young to be Miyako's mother, but too old to pass for her sister. People spoke of a disgrace that she had been allowed at the main table so soon after the first wife's death, Miyako had gracefully accepted it with a smile. What use was there to hide the mistress if the biggest obstacle had been removed?

"You will be meeting your new teammates, right Miyako?" her stepmother spoke gently as she inquired to the day the brunette was to face. It was hard to despise the lady, for she was every bit of kindness and warmth that her parents had lacked. Yet, Miyako couldn't love her either.

"Yes, I'm rather nervous about that prospect," Miyako laughed, but it fell short as her father grunted.

"Where are your manners, Miyako?"

The brunette gave her father a blank look before recovering with a smile. "Oh, haha, I guess I still haven't grown too used to the promotion," she rubbed the back of her head. She knew what was to follow, however.

"It is fine, please Toshiro," her stepmother interrupted, clearly uncomfortable with the changing mood. Softly she placed a hand on the arm of Miyako's father, but he rejected the gesture with a shove.

"No, Miyako will show the respect needed."

Quickly finishing up her meal Miyako crawled up, bowing to both her parents and rubbing her brother's head.

"Father is right, I will show the respect needed," she threw her sunniest smile at the two adults. "Thank you for the meal, miss," she jovially added after it and with a turn she left the dining room.

Leaving the Koizumi compound Miyako was quick to make her way to the office of the Uzukage. Though Miyako greeted everyone with a cheerful smile and an energetic skip she felt differently within.

This made how many times now? Miyako had lost count how often she had to change teams. Ever since the loss of her mother, the loss of her teammates, ever since then Miyako had been hopping from team to team, trying to fit, testing the waters. It was a constant and tiring stream of people coming in and out of her life.

"I'm coming in, Uzukage," Miyako called from the other side, popping her face in first before entering with big swaying movements. "Ready to meet my new team!" she declared, eyes sparkling in excitement.

Uzumaki Ayame
# Words
@ Tagged
Hidden Whirlpool Village
Notes: Let's get the show on the road!

The house was eerily silent as Ayame went on through her morning routine. Her father and brother were both out on missions for what felt like ages to her. She knew she shouldn't grow impatient. She knew that missions rarely played out according to plan and that was exactly what she feared. Their mission going horribly wrong and having to deal with yet another loss. She understood that in uncertain times such as the ones they were living, life was always in danger and losses were inevitable. But it still hurt when she lost friends, when she lost her mother. She would just have to accept it, yet she so selfishly couldn't. She hated that she had to constantly worry about someone coming up to her with news of her family being killed in action, no matter how heroically that might've been. The halls of the house stretched endlessly and looked larger and more threatening as she found herself sinking deeper into those dark feelings. There was no way she was going to stay inside any longer even if it was still too early to report in Uzukage's office for the new team assignment. Dressing up quickly in her usual mission attire, Ayame was quick to run out the house and off the Uzumaki compound. She would just grab breakfast at her favorite shop in the centre.

She sighed in content as she sat by the river, watching the water flow and feeling the freshness it gifted the air with. What better way to banish depressing thoughts than to have a hearty breakfast watching civilians and shinobi alike going about their morning chores, listening to the steady flow of your Village's river? Ayame could easily answer that question. There was no better way. She could feel herself relaxing, being composed again. She wondered what her new team would be like. Her original genin team had all scattered. Her sensei was always off somewhere and her two teammates were manning the frontlines. Last time she had heard they were doing more than alright and that had been very reassuring to her.

Looking up at the sky eventually, she figured it was time to go. She was known for being reliable and it just wouldn't do if she was late for her meeting. She wouldn't only be keeping her new teammates, but she would be also wasting Uzukage's precious time. There was absolutely no way she would ever do that, even if she was in the middle of fight for her life. Nodding at people acknowledging her here and there on the way to Uzukage's office, with the occasional soft smile, Ayame stopped short at the door to fix her headband and flak jacket up before her gloved hands knocked on the door. "Uzumaki Ayame reporting in, Uzukage-sama." She announced calmly as she entered. Scanning the room, she realized that she wasn't the first one there, a brunnete girl was already there, back turned towards the door and her entry.
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Not soon after entering another ninja entered the room, a redhead, polite and stately entered the room, announcing her name before resting her eyes on Miyako. Mustering up her brightest smile Miyako waved towards the girl, assuming it to be her newest teammate.

Uzumaki, huh? The name hadn't escaped Miyako, who immediately understood the significance of the name and her addition to the team.

"Koizumi Miyako, take note of Ayame," the Uzukage smiled at the brunette, before turning to the other. "Just in time, Ayame,"

"I'm sure the two of you have heard of each other at some point, being the same age I believe you were even classmates, but I want you two to get along from now on," the Uzukage continued, casual in demeanour and easy to like. Smiling again the leader took place in the seat.

"After all you are going to be teammates now," the Uzukage sorted the files on the desk, opening a few before finally handing a slip of paper.

"It is a simple escort mission, but it is perfect for the two of you to get to know one another."

With that the duo was sent out on their way. The object of the mission located elsewhere from where they had to retrieve it. Though easy enough in its essence there was a certain degree of danger to it as well that couldn't be entrusted to genins.

Outside of the office Miyako pressed her fingers against each other, grinning as she reached a hand out to her partner.

"An honour to get to work with an Uzumaki," the brunette smiled, giving her partner a good look. "Let's get along well, I'm Koizumi Miyako,"
Uzumaki Ayame
# Words
@ Tagged
Hidden Whirlpool Village
Notes: Let's get the show on the road!

Ayame nodded and closed the door behind her as her new teammate was introduced to her. She made her way over to stand next to Koizumi. She did remember her from the Academy in passing, but they hadn't really interacted all that much. She gifted the brunnete with a slight nod in acknowledgement as Uzukage-sama expressed the wish for the two of them to get along. "Of course, Uzukage-sama." She replied as she was given the briefing of their mission, only glancing at it as they were dismissed with the assurance that the mission was pretty simple and ideal for the two of them to actually find their tempo as a team. She was at the very least going to try and work well with her teammate.

The next greeting from Koizumi had Ayame rubb the back of her neck awkwardly, the ghost of a smile appearing on her face. She had gotten that kind of attention and excitement because of her last name before, but it wasn't like she was a distinguished member of her clan. She wasn't even part of the Head family. Just your average Uzumaki she figured. "Uh.... I don't know about honored, but it's certainly nice to work with you Koizumi-san. Are you ready for the mission or do you need to gear up first?" She asked, cutting straight to the point. She wasn't trying to be rude. It was just her way of getting out of an awkward situation. She was not used to receiving that kind of attention when she felt she had done nothing to deserve it.
Crossing her arms behind her back Miyako grinned at Ayame, noticing the awkward air hanging around the redhead. The idolisation had probably been a bit too much. However, it was impossible to get around the Uzumaki without mentioning the sheer respect they demanded around the village. They were just that kind of family and the female didn't envy them for it.

"Miyako, call me Miyako," she waved the female's formalities away. "You will just be Ayame to me-- and yes, I did come to the Uzukage office fully prepared," Miyako winked at Ayame as she said this, skipping off into the hallways.

"I have been around this team hopping gig for a while now, but if you need any preparations I can tag along?" she called over her shoulders, secretly hoping that the Uzumaki did have to go to back home and pack. She wondered what the house would look like of a member of that clan. Though, knowing that she couldn't be so straightforward Miyako disguised her intentions: "We can talk about our abilities and discuss possible battle strategies in case of attacks."
Uzumaki Ayame
# Words
@ Tagged
Hidden Whirlpool Village
Notes: Let's get the show on the road!

Watching Miyako skip down the hallways made Ayame wonder how the girl had managed to survive for so long being a ninja in these times of war. That was definitely not the attitude of someone who has been in the frontlines or has had near death missions before. The Uzumaki really wandered what Uzukage was thinking when he paired the two of them up. She kept those thoughts to herself though as she registered Miyako's battle ready status. She nodded at the name basis. She was perfectly fine with being called by her first name.

"I am all packed as well. We can discuss on our way to the pickup point. But first I need to make a quick stop." She replied, though it was clear to the trained eye that she felt a little out of rythm. She had never been paired with such a happy-go-lucky teammate and she wasn't so used to being lighthearted when a mission was given out to her. "What happened to your previous teams? If you don't mind me asking." That had been a piece of information that she considered useful to know. Was Miyako uncooperative? Had they died? Was it just chance?

As they exited the building, Ayame started guiding them towards the Uzumaki cemetery. She had this habbit of visiting her mother before every mission, if only to ask her to watch over their family and keep them safe. It usually was a private affair, something she would've done before going to Uzukage's office, but this time she had been late to do so. Having a new teammate was also a factor. They needed to talk, figure out their strengths and weaknesses in order to increase the chances of the mission being a success.
The question about her previous team was to be expected. Miyako was no stranger to the question anymore after the hops she had made and in times like these one couldn't be too wary. Grimacing Miyako shrugged, the awful memories flashing by again, but she played it off casually.

"Death is a cruel friend," she spoke, voice flat and lips still smiling. Even she was disturbed how death had become such a casual companion in life now. "Though not all died, some chose different paths," Miyako continued on a lighter tune, humming happily at the few who survived.

"Visiting a relative?" Miyako switched the attention over to her new partner, recognising the Uzumaki graveyard. "I can wait here so that you can pay your respects, we can talk later," the female suggested, recognising the need for privacy and distance. "It will be your turn to talk then," she winked at the redhead before stopping at the entrance of the graveyard.

Truth be told, Miyako had little will in visiting the deceased now.
Uzumaki Ayame
# Words
@ Tagged
Hidden Whirlpool Village
Notes: She is so sparkly B). You can choose if Miyako can see her.

And there it was, just like Ayame had suspected, the dreaded mixture of death and seperation. "I'm sorry to hear that." Was her only comment. It was said in a soft tone. Death was extremely common in this era but that didn't mean one should accept and be immune to it. The grief was a bitter reminder for those left behind.

"My mother." She explained as the still sparkly girl questioned before allowing her some privacy, stopping short of the entry. Ayame graced with a soft, thankful smile and a nod before moving along the rows of tombstones. Finding the one that belonged to her mother, Ayame pulled some incence and lit it up. Sighing as the aroma filled her nostrils, she clasped her hands infront of her face, once again asking her mother to watch over them and to keep her father and brother safe while on their mission.

It took about two minutes before Ayame was back at the entrance with Miyako. "Alright then. What do you want to know?" She asked even though she had a vague idea of what it might be the other wanted to know about her.
"My mother."

Pinching her lips into a smile Miyako nodded, her thoughts going to her own mother as she watched her partner's back. Motherless children in this era weren't unusual. Parentless children even more so. However, it still surprised Miyako that they had to share the same pain of having to go on without a mother.

Had Ayame known her mother well? Miyako found herself wondering that, pondering if the pain would lessen if the mother had been dead since birth. Nonetheless, she recognised it as a bitterness and burden that neither wanted.

"You asked about my team, now it is your turn to answer," Miyako shrugged with a giggle as Ayame returned from her visit. The brunette was quick to turn away from the graveyard, pretending that she wanted to soak up the sun in her face as she headed towards their pick-up point.

"Ah, telling me what you specialise in would be good as well," the female called over her shoulder, remembering their discarded plan of earlier. "I generally do better from the shadows," she smirked, eyes crinkling into mischief as if she was hiding a secret, which probably was half-true. Miyako didn't intend to keep it a secret for long, however. It was no secret for the rest of the village, after all.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Spekkun
Uzumaki Ayame
# Words
@ Tagged
Hidden Whirlpool Village

Ayame nodded in understanding. She was expecting that question to be turned around to her. What about her team? "My sensei is always off, doing some Jonin assignment or another. My teammates are at the frontlines. Last I heard they were doing a very good job too. One of them decided to specialize is medicine. He has been working full time as a field medic. The other one is making sure they don't get their ass kicked." She said in a somewhat joking manner as she fell in line with Miyako, eyeing her weirdly as she made that comment about "The shadows....?" Was Ayame's first reaction but then she was quick to catch up. Of course, she was from the Koizumi clan. "Oohhh.... right!"

Rubbing the back of her neck in slight embarrassment, Ayame was quick to compose herself again. "Well.... my specialty is fuinjutsu, but I am decent with ninjutsu and average with taijutsu. I tend to be a fast healer too." She explained, thinking that her ability to seal things was now able to justify the lack of a backpack or excessive pouches despite them getting ready for a mission. She had many things hidden up her sleeve. Literally.
  • Ah Seen It
Reactions: Ritual Lobotomy
"Why aren't you at the frontlines with them?" Miyako's question was out before she really gave it a good thought, realising how insensitive it might actually come across. She didn't know her partner and while Ayame looked fine there could be other factors at play why she wasn't fighting there. After all, there were reasons why Miyako was held back in the village.

"You sound like a true Uzumaki," Miyako quickly changed the subject, waving around at the vendors on the streets as she greeted the villagers. "I'm weak with fuinjutsu, but my specialty lies in ninjutsu and genjutsu," the brunette continued, purchasing a bag of apples from a vendor and throwing one to Ayame.

"And then there is my kekkei genkai," she continued, slipping the rest of the apples into her shadow after taking one out for herself. "But there are limitations to what I can do. Apples are easy, but I probably won't be able to conceal the object for the whole duration of the mission. It is more of a pinch and run kinda thing."

With that being said Miyako turned her back around towards the place where the object of their mission was stored. "I'd say that you seal the object and carry it. I will keep watch and defend as needed," Miyako proposed, smiling encouragingly at her partner.
Uzumaki Ayame
# Words
@ Tagged
Hidden Whirlpool Village
Notes: short post is short -_-'

Ayame eyed her weirdly as she asked why she wasn't at the battlefields herself, like the rest of her team. She wondered if Miyako was questioning her dedication and battle readyness with that question. "My skillset isn't ideal for a battlefield." She replied simply and listened to her new partner talk about her own abilities. She could start seeing why the Uzukage had teamed them up. Their skillset was complementary.

"Yes I have several seals up my sleeve for carry missions like this one." She agreed with a calm expression, like this wasn't out of her ordinary routine, which.... really wasn't. She had been assigned several delivery missions like this one. Her stamina and sealing techniques made her ideal for safe and swift delivery. With that, she made her way inside the building and looked around for whoever was in charge for delivering the object to them so they could be on their way.

Her teammate wasn't of the talkative sort, it seemed rather keeping silent and close to the mission. A shame, Miyako found as she did enjoy her banter, but not unexpected. The village head seemed to enjoy pairing her with the 'cool' type knowing that deep down it would frustrate Miyako trying to liven up the mood.

"We're here for the transfer!" Miyako folded her arms behind her head, scanning out the place they had entered. Artifacts were placed in a row across the wall, art scrolls, ceramics, the female could only guess what sort of object would be given to them disappointment settling in at the thought of an unexciting missions.

An older man popped up from the back of the place, bend and fragile while wringing his hands with a smile. Involuntarily the image of a fox spirit popped up within Miyako's face, the way the man's eyes crooked into slits when he smiled, the thin lips and slight boyish mischief written all over. The young ninja decided that she would like this man, as he didn't look like the boring type.

"Did the Uzukage sent you two?" he asked but didn't wait for an answer as he took out a sealed box from his desk. A twinkle was found in his eyes as he gave the pair a look. "Too young to appreciate the content of this box, but that won't prevent you from opening, no?" he teasingly quipped at them as he pushed the box towards the pair.

"Too bad it isn't this box, but you are at the right address." Hitting Miyako's hand when she tried to reach for the box his smile grew wider, unable to hide the delight of tricking the young female. "The object is much too valuable for me to leave it in the front like that," the keeper grins at the girls before he took out a ring of keys.

Not much later the girls were presented with a cylinder, the old man smiling mysteriously at the girls.

"It doesn't look like much, but be careful, still," he tells them before dismissing the pair.
Ayame rolled her eyes and a light smile tugged at her lips as her teammate was slapped for trying to take the wrong box, much like a child would've been if caught trying to steal from the cookie jar. She didn't say much, not feeling the need to defend her skills to the old man's quips as he really was just teasing them. She took the cylinder from him, feeling it's weight and turning it around a couple of times to get a good idea of what it looked like.

"It's not going to explode on us, is it?" She asked the old man, squinting lightly at his direction. She planned on storing it on a carrying seal that was placed on her right arm, just above the wrist, while placing a clone jutsu produced copy of it in her bag as well as giving one to Miyako as well.
  • Ah Seen It
Reactions: Ritual Lobotomy
"Explode?" the man grinned as he repeated the word, a hand raising up to his chin in thought.

Recovering from her earlier embarrassment Miyako closed in on the man, expression serious as she tried to calculate for their chances and plan ahead should it explode.

"I honestly don't recall," he finally spoke after some moments. Hitting her head to the desk Miyako groaned to herself. She didn't need to look up to imagine the fox-like smirk on the shopkeeper's face, smug and full of accomplishment.

"It isn't very far, luckily. You just need to get it to the sand village and all should be right."

Proceeding as if he hadn't kept the girls in suspense he then ushered the two of them out when they seemed done in their preparation. "You youngsters don't understand how fast time can pass." Clicking his tongue the man threw the door in their faces, another mischievous smile on his face.

"Damn him," Miyako mumbled darkly before recovering herself. At least they could start their mission, proper.

"Anyway!" Turning to Ayame with her usual smile the brunette clasped her hands, the copy of the object strapped onto her back with another one hiding in her shadow. Just in case the obvious target didn't manage to trap anyone.

"Let's go!" she called, turning on her heels as she made for the entrance of the village.