Shadowrun RP

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Resident Biopunk Enthusiast
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
  5. Douche
  6. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Male
  2. No Preferences
Fantasy, magical, medieval, scifi, romance and action!

Hey, I'm keeping this nice and short, so let's get to it!

Name's Lurcolm and I have a small itch for a Shadowrun themed RP. I'm decently knowledgeable about the Shadowrun universe, and I expect my partner to have some knowledge about it as well. Any character pairings are accepted, but I am only comfortable romantic MxF pairings with me playing the male. If you don't mind the lack of romance, I don't mind any character under the Rainbow.

I'm not going to put a complicated plot thinger here because I want to develop a personalised story with every partner. I'll put a few (purposefully) vague plot candies just to get the Muse flowing, but I can't stress enough how I want to personalize our story.


  • A Run goes real bad real fast, and only two of the team survives. They have to navigate the slums and, above all, make sure their bungled job doesn't bite them in the ass
  • Two corporate citizens get burned by their employer. They scramble to get their SINs burnt and are forced to run the shadows
  • Two SINless lowlives are caught in the middle of a great conspiracy, and they're forced to adapt or die. (Alternatively, one SINless lowlife and a Runner that took pity on their poor soul)
  • Gang Wars with either our characters being rivals or our characters being of the same gang
  • (Insert your own idea if you have one that you wanna discuss)
I was wondering why my Shadow-sense was tingling all day.

While I wouldn't exactly call myself truly knowledgeable about Shadowrun universe I do know the things from the more recent videogames by HBS, as well as a few snippets of knowledge I plucked from the wiki here and there. Would love to learn more though.

If that's not too big of an issue we can discuss further.
I was wondering why my Shadow-sense was tingling all day.

While I wouldn't exactly call myself truly knowledgeable about Shadowrun universe I do know the things from the more recent videogames by HBS, as well as a few snippets of knowledge I plucked from the wiki here and there. Would love to learn more though.

If that's not too big of an issue we can discuss further.
Sure thing! Mind PMing me?