Seeking Invites too Fantasy/Sci-Fi/Apocalyptic/More

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
Hey everyone, Guard here! I'm new to this server, and after taking a look around for a few days to try and judge how exactly stuff works on this site I decided to throw up something to try and find some roleplays to start out on, before I try my luck at writing up my own plot. I hope this is the right place to throw this up to, and if not I'll move it to another spot on the forum!

I'm seeking either 1v1 or group RP's, and probably have room for around 3 opens for Advanced roleplays

My Experience:
While this is my first time I'm on this site, I have roleplayed before ranging from a few forum sites, to DnD (and other tabletops), and the occasional chat RP (though they are my least favorite).
I would say I'm more of an "Advanced" quality write, favoring more detailed and lengthy post rather than short and quick. I'm not a stickler for perfect grammar, I make many errors myself and as long as I get what you're saying I don't mind.
I get into making lore and characters more than anything, and love to build relationships, friendships, and enemies with other players and characters. I see every roleplay plot as a story of our characters more than anything else, and like to form fleshed out tales.

My Preferences:
Most of my roleplays tend to be action adventure or suspenseful and story driven. I don't mind to include romance and "fade to black" scenes, but that isn't the main goal of the RP.

My personal favorite genre fantasy, any type, though magic is a preferred addition to the world, along with a few fantasy races. I take many inspirations from things like the worlds of LOTR, Dark Souls, Darkest Dungeon, GOT, and more. I prefer to make the stories mine however, and try to stay away from fandom based roleplays. While I don't mind setting a story in an already established realm (For example, setting the story in Middle Earth, but with our own characters and not already existing ones.)

I also really enjoy sci-fi stories and apocalyptic stories, and while I'm not as seasoned in Sci-Fi roleplays, I still like to do them. For Sci-Fi I really enjoy Halo, Mass Effect, Bioshock, Star Craft, and Doom. I'm game for most things apocalyptic!
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I looked into Hells Wraith, and it is something I'd be into for sure, but I'm gonna look into New World Order so more before I agree to it. Totally cool with playing a Male Ares, just want to see what the RP totally entails
What would you like to know I am the GM