Seeking all zombie enthusiast

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Tainted Mushroom

Call me Shroom.
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Hello, I am looking for individuals interested in crafting a gritty and tragic story set in a zombie apocalypse type of setting. The specifics are something I would hope to work out on a person to person basis, as I enjoy a lot of different types of zombies and zombie fiction. My definition of zombie is pretty wide, I like anything from Dead Space/Calisto Protocol to 28 Days Later or even TWD, although I do prefer my zombies to usually have a little more oomph to em.

As far as writing goes, I do want to preface by saying that I'm rustier than a garden shovel in a century old abandoned mansion. I prefer at least a good paragraph or more, especially once I get invested into a story and the creative vibes start to flow a little more. I'm open to multiple characters and such as long as they're on par with the originals and not just like extras. As far as frequency goes I'm not quite sure as I'm getting back into the hobby and getting back into the habit as well. At worst a post a week, at best maybe a handful more depending what's going on. I definitely wouldn't consider myself a super frequent poster though.

I would prefer to use discord as it's more convenient for me to access when I've got down time, but I am open to using the site as well as other mediums. Those interested can just shoot me a message or post here and I'll reach out to you!