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Original poster


This section always makes me feel like it's the first damn day of school, and we all have to gather in a circle and tell everyone our names and one cool fact about ourselves, and every god damn person is like 'Hey, I'm Craig and I started my own business and went to the moon,' or 'I'm Debra and I climbed Mount Everest and discovered a cure for male balding' and when your turn comes around, you're literally like, 'uh, hey, i like reading and anime. *finger guns*' Who really gives a shit. Let me just sum up the pertinent bits.

  • I write a metric fuck ton. Well, kind of. I can, unless I feel like you'll run away. (500-1000+)
  • I post really slowly, sometimes. I can take weeks to reply, but feel free to nudge me.
  • I play men and women, but I prefer playing dudes.
  • I get easily overwhelmed, so I can only take a few roleplays at once. Hence why I can super picky.
  • I double, but not so we can both play women, or be bottoms or what the fuck ever. I double to advance the plot, I play NPC's, I want my own sidekick etc.
  • M/M & F/M. My preference depends on the plot.
  • I love plotting. Sometimes it runs away from me. I like people who will enthusiastically plot with me, and actively contribute to the plot. If I feel like you're not into what we're doing, or if I'm churning out paragraphs of ideas and you send me back like, one sentence, just spit in my face from the get-go and be done with it.
  • If you only play women, I probably already hate you.
  • If you post here or PM me and say something along the lines of 'i like this pairing' and nothing else, I probably already hate you.
  • If you cannot find it within yourself to rub two braincells together to come up with at least the bare bones of some kind of basic idea, do not contact me.
  • I promise, I'm not actually this salty, we just gotta get the ball rolling lmao


So last time I tried to tell people to bring me their ideas, but that didn't work. I was also super vague about what I wanted, listing pairings and a work bank, but hahaha no. So this time around, my plots are already cooked, pre-packaged and ready to go. Just add water.


So depending on what you're into, this has the potential to be super on the slice of life side, a la Chobits, or it could go quite dark. I don't think much needs to be elaborated on, if we're gonna go with the cute route. We can hash out those details ourselves with no (potentially) nasty surprises.

On the other hand.

The Creator is playing God. Is playing with somebody else's toys. In the future, androids are regularly produced to replace more expensive human labour, to specialize in collecting and analyzing data, etc. But they're all stock machines, and are all built from the same mould. They lack social programming and true sentience.

The Creator works at a software firm that has launched its own android initiative, but he begins to tinker. In the end, he creates the Android because he's lonely. Because he's scratching that greedy, human itch to bring something of himself into the world, leave a mark, a legacy. Maybe it looks like a loved one. A dead wife. A dead husband, a dead child.

Grander plot ideas involve the social implications of creating a sentient machine, Homo Superior, corporations either after The Creator's designs, and the Android itself, either to keep it or destroy it.

Darker themes involve playing god, pseudo-fatherhood, innocence, blind trust, and power imbalances.


This one's just tooth achingly cute, to be honest. I picture The Delinquent as actually being the son of an oyabun, or some other kind of powerful, organized gang family. He tries to hide this at school though, to varying degrees of success. He's probably looks/acts a lot more scary and intimidating than he really is. He's also total shit at school, because he knows he going to inherit a gang someday, so why the fuck study, it's not like he's going to have any kind of post-secondary education.

So he saves some scrawny kid one day. From bullies or whatnot, we can decide the details on that. And the kid, if he's kind of outgoing and charismatic, takes a shining to him and attaches themself like a limpet, or if they're kind of more quiet and socially awkward, take it upon themself to chide him about his grades and insist that they'll pay him back by raising his position from dead last in exam scores to somewhere in the top ten.

At first, Delinquent doesn't wanna, because what the fuck. But then he sticks around because, well, this kid's kind of cute, so whatever. Eventually, he probably spends most of that tutoring hour alternatively trying (and failing) to do math and staring at the Tutor.

Later on, he'll probably realize that he doesn't want to be a god damn gokudo. Also, the Tutor probably gets involved in gang shit, either by rival gangs or by his own family's gang to try and stamp out his weaknesses/distractions etc.


Also pretty dark, to be honest.

Picture two princes, or a prince and a princess, from two neighbouring kingdoms. When they'd been growing up, their countries had settled into a sort of uneasy truce, after centuries of bad blood. But they'd made peace long enough for there to be quite a few diplomatic visits between the two kingdoms, almost every summer. The kids got to know each other, became best friends, all that cute stuff.

But, predictably, the peace didn't last. As they grew older, the political atmosphere surrounding the two kingdoms became more turbulent. Territory disputes. Embargos. Increased trade tariffs. Then, suspicious deaths.

The two promised that they'd remain friends, no matter what happened, obviously. They swore a pinky promise, after all. When they became the sovereigns of their respective kingdoms, there would always be peace.

This turned out to not to be the case.

Those diplomatic visits ended, but the two still smuggled letters to each other, until one day, one of them just cut all contact. Prince(cess) A thought that perhaps Prince B's father had intercepted their letters, and tried to keep re-initiating contact, but to no avail. Eventually, years passed without them hearing a single word from each other, but Prince(cess) A spent those years believing that they were friends, that one day they'd see each other again.

At this point: either war breaks out, and when they meet on the front lines, Prince(cess) A finds Prince B a completely changed person, darker, bitter, and their enemy.

Or, Prince(cess) A finally receives a letter from Prince B, asking to rendezvous at their secret clearing, and it ends up being a trap lmao.

Eventually: Prince B marches in with his army and razes Prince(cess) A's kingdom to the ground. He reaches the heart of their capital, holds the city within the iron of his fist and squeezes, tighter and tighter until he just--stops.

And he promises that he'll stop. That he'll retreat. That he'll leave what's left of your kingdom alive, if you give him just one thing.



I'm ready to give this plot a try again, even though it's weird and no one likes it and it keeps breaking my heart because the few who are interested never get it right. Anyway, this is also quite dark? I mean. Pseudo-incest. Perhaps not even pseudo. Just, you know. Straight up. Anyway:

this is the story that never ends, the closed circle, the snake swallowing its own tail. ouroboros. two damned souls are cursed to forever spend eternity dancing the same dance.

cain and abel. kin slayer and saint. you killed him, your bright, beautiful brother. and for it, you became the first son of purgatory, damned and wretched, condemned to forever wander the earth.

you could have lived with it, somehow, if this was the extent of your punishment. it would have been a wretched half life, but you could have. but anyone who says god is merciful is deluded, a liar, or both and you've been consigned to a darker fate.

you didn't kill abel just the once. you've killed him twice. three times. more than that. you've killed him a hundred times over, because when you were cursed with immortality you were also cursed with a brother that reincarnates over and over, only to meet his inevitable end at your hands. always.

you've had time to turn the idea of him over and over in your hands, until he isn't just your brother, but a rough diamond turned gleaming; an ideal you've become obsessed and enamoured with.

until one day, you meet him again, your brother, an old soul in a new body and you're geared up to greet him the only way you know how -- only to find out that he doesn't remember any of his past lives. a blank slate.


FINALLY! Something not fucked up. Anyway, this one's pretty light hearted and humorous. The noble is this kind of ponce, who's either been sent out on a fool's errand, or has to prove something to his family so he sets out to accomplish this task that he's woefully untrained for. Like, slaying a dragon. Or maybe his family is noble, but it's actually kind of destitute, so he gets betrothed to another family that's kind of nouveau riche, in order to save his family from poverty. But before he can, his betrothed, who he's never met, gets fucking kidnapped by some evil guy, so now he has to set off and save her before they recommence with the wedding.

Anyway, he gets to the Evil Lair, and realizes 'holy shit i can't do this' but then realizes that no one ever stipulated that he had to do any of this shit by himself, so he hires a mercenary to help him.

The mercenary wasn't exactly his first choice, but everyone else laughed in his face and refused when he told them their mission and what he was offering them. Only this crazy guy accepted.

Worlds clash. Silk vs straw, all that shit. The Noble thinks the Mercenary is a rough-hewn, uneducated lout and the Mercenary thinks the Noble is a useless ponce. They hate each other, until they don't. Somewhere along the way, they fall in love. Lmao.


More cute slice of life bullshit. This one's super simple. This stupid kid, either being hazed or thinking this will help him with his bullies and his awkward social problems, summons a fucking demon using a wikihow article. It wasn't supposed to work, but he fucked things up at exactly the right time, and somehow, something heard him, and something came when he called.

And the Demon thinks that the Human is either criminally stupid, or actually a genius, because he fucks things up in a way that binds the Demon to him, in a way that ensures the Demon can't maim or kill him.

Cue cute/awkward/cutely horrifying scenes where the Demon figures out how televisions work, or kills Human's bullies for him, or leaves him friendly reminders written in blood on the mirror, etc. This is probably the loosest of all my plots, but maybe you can help me out with that.

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Would so be up for another go with you, but Talon is a bit too intense to share his space, even OOCly. :P

Good luck!
Would so be up for another go with you, but Talon is a bit too intense to share his space, even OOCly. :P

Good luck!

Talon is about all I can handle from you............. LMAO i'm just kidding

but yeah, maybe we'll see what the future holds :^)
Hiya. I would be most happy to oblige any one of your ideas. Android/Creator, Delinquent/Tutor, Spoils of War, and Demon/Summoner pique my interests the most. I have an idea similar to the first.
ROFLMAO the salinity in this post is too darn high! xDDD I ain't gonna lie, you had me rolling at some parts.

Okay, I'm really interested in the Spoils of War, mxm pairing, and I'd like to play Character B. We can decide together on which scenario to do. Are you still looking/recruiting?
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