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Let's just get right down to it then.

What I seek:
  • As the title might suggest I would prefer a partner that can pick/make up a story and run with it, I am often in need of encouragement to move things along.
  • Competence, literacy and understanding of the English language, no worse than me really.
  • Patience, adaptability, transparency. Basically, I prefer to take things a bit slower to plot out things a bit ahead and make sure we both are on the same page for the general mood and direction of the story.
  • Communication. Don't just assume I lost interest or forgot simply because I am not bugging you to post every other day. I just feel bad bothering and rushing people.
What I can offer:
  • Dedication. I am not in the habit of abandoning stories and partners easily. Unless it becomes a major problem for me I will probably power through.
  • Patience. I will wait a whole month if I have to, more than that if you say you need time.
  • At best a few posts a day at worst one a week. Exceptions not accounted for, I'll be clear in case of any major delays.
  • Open mind. I am more than ready to accept any fictional world/setting you made up and then try and work my way into it. I will likely ask a truckload of questions to better understand it and weave my narrative into it without fear of messing up.
  • Open heart. I will probably accept anything if delivered to me with spirit and soul. Bit vague, but I suppose I will let your enthusiasm infect me, is what I am trying to say.
Themes I prefer:
  • Intrigue/Conspiracy
  • Mystery
  • Hierarchy ascension/destruction (Rise and Fall)
  • Exploration and discovery (Academic, Geographical, Interstellar, etc)
  • Romance (If it makes reasonable sense)
  • Action (If it suits the setting and characters)
  • Character Development
  • Alone against the world
Settings I prefer:
  • Sci-Fi, be it Dune-esque Imperialism or Star-Wars' Old Republic or almost any other type
  • Hard Fantasy, where magic is strongly defined and limits are known and scarcely pushed
  • Modern Fantasy, where magic is studied as if it were a Natural Science
  • Cyberpunk, for those philosophical debates regarding transhumanism
  • Victorian Age Fantasy, to blend the industrialization with Magic/Alchemy then see the consequences
You have an idea or a plot that fits any of the above categories? PM it over!
Even if it doesn't fit any of it, send it anyway, your enthusiasm might convince me. Do however try and bait the hook with as much information as you can.

I'll refrain from throwing up any plots so if you're curious PM me with a Theme and Setting and we can work from there to craft something for the both of us. Redstar themes optional but also welcome.
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I do have quite a few plots in a medieval high fantasy setting. There will be social interaction as well as a bit of action.
I do have quite a few plots in a medieval high fantasy setting. There will be social interaction as well as a bit of action.
That sounds lovely, got a link to some of those or do you wanna PM them to me?
I can send them through pm.
I... may have something that might interest you. I was gonna post a promo for it myself soon, but if you're interested I don't mind PMing you the details.

It'd be modern day with some futuristic sci-fi themes thrown in (robotics mostly, they play a big part in it). So, Near Future theme I guess.
I usually prefer my RP partners to be somewhat aggressive as well when it comes to plotting... but not for this plot. I welcome any and all ideas of course, I love them, but I have sooooooo many plot points in mind for this, events and happenings for our characters to deal with, ranging from small silly scenes to big angsty major plot points and anything in between. This is something I've been wanting to write forever, so I've had a lot of time to think about it lol, and this is intented to be a long term story, so I don't mind carrying the bulk of the plot this time. There would be a few action scenes here and there, but it's mostly interaction between our mains and with NPCs, getting to know each other, developing a friendship over time, stuff like that.

Here's the catch though. Technically... this is fandom based. HOWEVER, I barely know anything about the fandom myself, most of my knowledge comes from reading slashy fanfiction as a teen and watching my brother play the earliest games some 20+ years ago.

So what I did/do with this plot is take the basics, adapt what I need and completely wing the rest. Like a big giant Alternate Universe. So it doesn't require ANY knowledge on the fandom on your part, and this whole thing can be treated as an original setting. It just shares some basic similarities with canon, and I borrow some characters from it to flesh out the world (I'll be writing a lot of NPCs for this too).

Secondly... originally this is an M/M plot. I don't know if that's a problem for you (your post doesn't specify, but my character would be the top in this), but because I figured it might be a bit difficult to find someone to write this with me, I'm willing to change it into M/F. It just really doesn't have my pref. Either way, this would be a slooooooooooooooow buuuuuuuuuuuuuuurn, romance wouldn't happen anytime soon. Actually, I would prefer to have this have two male main characters and no romance, than an M/F romance. I'd have to change some plot ideas in that case but it would still work out.

And lastly, if you're interested in hearing more, be prepared to read a big chunk of text because I will be adding some need-to-know plot-related backstory to my PM lol.
I... may have something that might interest you. I was gonna post a promo for it myself soon, but if you're interested I don't mind PMing you the details.

It'd be modern day with some futuristic sci-fi themes thrown in (robotics mostly, they play a big part in it). So, Near Future theme I guess.
I usually prefer my RP partners to be somewhat aggressive as well when it comes to plotting... but not for this plot. I welcome any and all ideas of course, I love them, but I have sooooooo many plot points in mind for this, events and happenings for our characters to deal with, ranging from small silly scenes to big angsty major plot points and anything in between. This is something I've been wanting to write forever, so I've had a lot of time to think about it lol, and this is intented to be a long term story, so I don't mind carrying the bulk of the plot this time. There would be a few action scenes here and there, but it's mostly interaction between our mains and with NPCs, getting to know each other, developing a friendship over time, stuff like that.

Here's the catch though. Technically... this is fandom based. HOWEVER, I barely know anything about the fandom myself, most of my knowledge comes from reading slashy fanfiction as a teen and watching my brother play the earliest games some 20+ years ago.

So what I did/do with this plot is take the basics, adapt what I need and completely wing the rest. Like a big giant Alternate Universe. So it doesn't require ANY knowledge on the fandom on your part, and this whole thing can be treated as an original setting. It just shares some basic similarities with canon, and I borrow some characters from it to flesh out the world (I'll be writing a lot of NPCs for this too).

Secondly... originally this is an M/M plot. I don't know if that's a problem for you (your post doesn't specify, but my character would be the top in this), but because I figured it might be a bit difficult to find someone to write this with me, I'm willing to change it into M/F. It just really doesn't have my pref. Either way, this would be a slooooooooooooooow buuuuuuuuuuuuuuurn, romance wouldn't happen anytime soon. Actually, I would prefer to have this have two male main characters and no romance, than an M/F romance. I'd have to change some plot ideas in that case but it would still work out.

And lastly, if you're interested in hearing more, be prepared to read a big chunk of text because I will be adding some need-to-know plot-related backstory to my PM lol.
Sounds interesting, send forth the info. I will say ahead that i have no problem with M/M romance but I'm not looking to get smutty, hence this being in the non starred section.
Do you have any interest in Kaiju / Titan monster-esque characters and ancient gods all tossed together and stirred into one big boiling pot of modern day and ancient traditions?
No, not really. Sounds way too epic and badass for lil' ol' me. But hit me up after Godzilla king of monsters is released, might feel different then ;D
Fair enough, well. If you're still looking for partners I'd be interested in working on something.
Anything particular in mind, other than the kaiju one that is? Maybe something less epic and more localized and personal to characters?
Shoot me a PM, we can talk specifics there.
I'll shoot you a PM sure :)
still searching?
Hi, I'm a nerd, I learned there's a town called Snowflake in Arizona and found it so funny I put it as my username. But you can call me George.

I'm looking for some long term partners to plot with, people that won't just tag me and then be gone the next week without a warning. I can promise the same right back at you. I tend to write somewhere between two to several paragraphs. More when it makes sense and less so when speed is of the essence; still, I rarely go bellow two paragraphs and I can often get more than a single post a day, especially when engaged with the plot. Speaking of which I've prepared none. Plotting I feel is better done with a Partner after some ground work had been laid, we find some common interests and 'go ham' on it. I'm more of a fan of original content than fandom but there are a few things that get me going. I'm hoping for a more aggressive partner that is going to have no problem taking up a plotline and developing it into something bigger. I would love someone to keep me on my toes and surprise me often by including things I maybe did not even consider. I mainly prefer things that are beyond the vanilla slice of life experience or otherwise have a stronger plot beyond romance in a different setting. For me Romance is more than welcome but comes second to the main plot or is intrinsic to it.

Things to know about me:

[*] CET zone, that's GMT +1/2, mostly active in morning or evenings

[*] Will always try to get at least a single post in by the end of the day (not accounting for timezones)

[*] Communicative, I will tell you if I might slow down in posting so that you don't start thinking I'm losing interest or if I'm losing interest I'll be sure to ask if we can change something around or perhaps skip ahead to a more exciting point of the story.

[*] Natural Sciences nerd, I know zilch about art and frankly I don't even try to learn. Much more prefer learning about physics and biology

[*] Has no life, but on the upside I got more time to RP​

Things I hope for in partners:

[*] Communication, communication, comm-UNI-cation.

[*] Patience, I can be dense at times. ">_> Oh and the other kind of patience, maybe I saw the post but had nothing to write right there on the spot or had to run catch a bus. If I saw it I WILL respond by the end of the day.

[*] Improvisation, cleverness, adaptability. Call it what you will but sometimes the planned plot goes to hell because of some character's actions, or sometimes the players find that they enjoy other parts of the RP more.

[*] Writing adaptability. E.G. Maybe it's just me but when dialogue happens I cannot bring myself to write half a dozen paragraphs. Dialogue is supposed to be back and forth, not to people having Shakespearean monologues at the same time.

[*] Elaboration, I sometimes have a hard time sensing what sort of mood something is supposed to deliver so I might ask what the intention is. This mainly refers to pre-RP planing, usually encompassing questions about Genre, Sub-Genre, some rules of the world and it's own 'systems' such as physics and magic (if present).

[*] Creativity, you wanna throw me a curve-ball? Go right ahead, I'll take it and run with it. And then steal a base? Is that a thing? (P.S. I know nothing of baseball)​

I'll drop some ideas bellow so feel free to hit me up with either a PM or a Post here.

Some themes and settings I love:
  • Sci Fi, broad I know, but I'm a fan of many things in there. From Firefly to 40k to Star Wars
  • Fantasy, High Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, have to admit I'm less of a fan of these than Sci Fi but they too hold a special place in my heart.
  • Cyberpunk, Steampunk, most of the punks really
  • Victorian era shenanigans, gotta love that industrialization, baby
  • Lovecraft, gothic horror and mystery
  • Contemporary day, it's the easiest playground to work with; we're living in it after all
  • Near future, just a bit of Sci Fi or Cyberpunk to make that modern day feel just a bit more modern
  • Modern Fantasy, Dresden Files ftw
Some fandoms I can't resist:
  • Dragon Age, yep, I hate how much I love it
  • Shadowrun, definitely a fan
  • Vampire the Masquerade, I guess it bears mentioning I like the worlds, not the rules :P
  • PsychoPass, seems pretty self explanatory
  • Dishonored series, "Shall we gather for whiskey and cigars tonight?"
  • "Endless" franchise, Endless Space, Endless Legend, all fun and colourful worlds
  • Dark Souls? Maybe? Depends on the plot really, but I do like the nihilism and philosophy of humanity and hope
  • There's probably more but you know how you forget everything you like the moment someone asks you for your favourite? Yeah
Stray thoughts about plots and pairings:

Spy Games (theme agnostic) - Spies from rival nations or agencies find themselves in a position where they must work together and inevitably decide if they want to cross the other one and bring the McGuffin to their agency. I'm thinking less 007 ExMachina-devices and more skill, preparation and trust in the partner.

Honour among Thieves (theme agnostic) - Burglars or con artists set up for a big score. As things go down they start to doubt each other questioning if the other(s) are going to stab them in the back and run away with the score.

Dresden Files ripoff (modern fantasy) - Not gonna lie, it is a rip off through and through. One player is a 21st century Wizard/Witch and the other is a police detective working on a slew of unusual murders. The two work together to stop the supernatural threat. Most of the society has no idea Magic and Magickal Creatures exist.

House on the Hill (modern / victorian / lovecraftian / low fantasy) - A pair of investigators or journalists go to a supposedly Haunted House/Mansion looking into a disappearance. They found that they are locked inside with something or someone. They investigate the place closely avoiding serious injury and solving the mystery as they escape the clutches of darkness.

Ascended Intrigue (feudal / medieval / low fantasy) - A newly wed couple joins two minor noble houses into a Major one. As they join the Council formed to ensure the King/Queen does not overstep with their authority the newly ascended House learns that others don't appreciate having another rival and plan to annihilate them.

Psychic Maelstrom (modern) - A pair of Psychics with different powers works together to escape from captivity and black site research facility. As they leave the controlled environment they are exposed to the outside work which unknown to them have become a psychic hell throwing at them visions of an incoming Doomsday that the two now struggle to avoid by changing the future.

Hearn University (victorian--modern + gothic/lovecraftian horror) - Actually have quite a bit of world building done for this one. Takes place within a University Campus where future leaders, artists, businessmen/women are being made. Those that know what happen there don't speak of it or simply don't remember. Focus is on students attending the University and are in the top of their department but end up being wrapped in the supernatural mystery/mysteries around the campus.

My right hand (medieval/low fantasy) - The characters are an aristocrat and their secret advisor, the servant (butler, maid the like). When the forces that be (monarch/church/other nobles) conspire against the Aristocrat they are forced to escape with the only person they can trust and rely on as they slowly build up their power and take vengeance on those who did them wrong.

Law of Equilibrium (victorian + alchemy/magipunk) - The characters are up and coming alchemists who fight tooth and nail to get higher in the highly competitive business of managing Arcane Engines and transmuting metals and chemicals into something useful. Be it special Airship Fuel, Cure for Hangover or the theoretical Philosophers Stone they keep on fighting to make a name for themselves.

tl;dr: Need an aggressive partner to take me on a wild journey through some clever plots with more intrigue and social interaction than action. Romance optional/not the main focus. Shoot me a PM or post here if you're interested.

Spy games, Star Wars, Sci-fi, Cyberpunk.

Talk to me.
So, you know of warhammer 40k. Interested in a rogue trader or inquisitor rp?
Slightly edited, open to ideas. Really craving for a Sci-Fi thing.