Science Fantasy RP

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I got a plot that I think is good but my writing is bad. I would deeply appreciate it if people give me an idea how to make it more interesting. Check the posts down below for the plot.

The stage will be set on a world where myriad collosal creatures roam the sky, sea, and earth. Magic is believed to be superstitions but alchemy creates miracles in medicine and weaponry. Although airships and guns exists, machinised blades and shields are still the people's favour. Technology was superior thousands of years ago but now are lost ancient history. There are islands at sea but are also floating in the sky. This is a science fantasy world. This is an unnamed planet!

Do anyone want to scheme together with me and share their ideas?
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Alright, so I am picking up that you don't want your characters duty to be the main plot of the story...

If I am correct, then you could do different parts of the story told by different characters. Maybe a bit of romance in the mix with the obvious big category of fantasy.

If I am right, please let me know I'd like to scheme with you. Also if you need an artist for anything, I can be that artist. I do traditional art though, and I am (mostly) self taught. Also keep in mind I am a junior in high school so my replies won't be the fastest nor the lengthiest.
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The character's duty can be the main plot but the duty have to be really interesting and will have to effect other characters as well. That is if there are any other characters. Romance plot will need two character or more as well.

Nice. Show me your art piece. I want to see.

By the way, I'm planning for this roleplay to be realistic, even if it is a fantasy theme roleplay.

Please, share your ideas for a story. You can even share your opinion on how you imagine the world to be.
I think I have an idea.

A kingdom that was once prosperous is now desolated and turned to ruins. Monsters ruled the land, food refuse to grow in a bountiful amount, Any modernisation effort will somehow fail. No longer could humans live in the island.

All of this happened when the last king executed a mysterious family that lived in forest of his kingdom. The king was bestowed everlasting life and rejuvenation, but with that, he was cursed to live a life filled with anguish and death. His land will become barren and his descendants will be hunted by the monsters of the world until the curse is broken. Only the seventh generations will be able to break the curse by sacrificing the once king on the ancient ruins of his lost kingdom.
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The descendants of the king became nomads, always moving from one place to the other, all because monsters keep hunting them. They have become accustomed in fighting. Finally the seventh generations is born and raised. Only they can break the curse.
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Yooo~ *waves* Hi again!

I'm getting "Viva La Vida" by Coldplay vibes for your premise and I have questions about the prophecy. So the descendants have all been nomads since the king was cursed, I guess? So his first descendant might have changed his surname, but I'm thinking their family might have become seen as either the cause or harbinger of suffering. The curse of each descendent could affect their greatest love.

The king loved his wealth and his power and it would slip through his fingers until he had none.
His son would have been fair and loved his kingdom and his land, but after years of traveling on his father's behalf his subjects would realize his mere presence caused more problems than he could solve.
And so on and so forth.

And one more thing, since the father cursed "seven of his descendants" rather than seven generations of his bloodline, would only one child in each generation be affected by the curse?
Hehe ops. Its supposed to be 7 generation and not descendants. Thank you for noticing and informing me. I'm going to edit the post and fix that word.

Me no speak good english. English not my main language. Sorry.

Logically, there will be many descendants of the king. Not all of them are nomads. The character that I thought up will be from a nomad family. There may be other descendants as well.

All of his descendants from all generation is effected. They all bring bad luck and have some sort of disorder or depression. The curse effect everything they do and it effects everything around them. Other people feel uncomfortable around them and may get the feeling of disgust and hate towards them without any real reason. Because of this, their life is miserable. Some of them may have even commited suicide. The king himself also wants to die, but the curse it preventing him from dying. That is why he wants to end the curse. He wants to end his and his descendants suffering.

Because of this bad luck, it is also difficult for them to find love and have babies. This is why it took so long for them to reach the 7th generation.
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