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The Demon King
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. 1-3 posts per week
Online Availability
Every day
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Intermediate
  3. Adept
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Transgender
Horror, Paranormal, Comedy, Action, Magical, Fantasy, Modern, School, and Romance.
Never in his life did Bryce ever expect to run into someone like [your character]. So what happens when the very affectionate neko woman is tossed to the curb and is nearly sexually assaulted by a couple of thugs. Will the well known bad boy save her and better yet have feelings for the woman.

... Especially when he takes her in.

-Character Sheet-
Name: Bryce Gabriel Wolfe
*Nickname: Bry or Bry Bry (which he HATES being called Bry Bry and Bry Bear)

Age: 23

Height: 6'3"

Body Type: Athletic/Muscular

Scars: He has multiple scars on his torso. Most of them are small yet visible. The biggest scar he has however is on the left side of his chest. It looks as if someone cut him with a knife.

Birthday: October 31st

Sign: Scorpio

Fear: Drowning (He can swim and will under rare circumstances... But prefers not to)

Personality: He is a little rough around the edges, although deep down he really is a sweet guy. However do to his past he doesn't allow to let a whole lot of people in. He is however mentally and physically a strong young man. He is sarcastic, short tempered, slightly cocky from time to time, he is however super smart. He has a tendency to let his pride get in the way. He is also the mysterious type in case you haven't realized. Many people consider him emo-like because of the way he looks and acts, however he is still respected by the majority of people in the school. If he does manage to let you into his life you are lucky! He is the most loyal person you will ever meet.

Hobbies: Boxing (one of the best in town) secretly a great artist. He also loves dirt biking and working on vehicles.

Occupation: College Student, Professional Boxer and former Mechanic.

Bio: Bryce has had a dark past. His father was always abusive and along with this he is also an alcoholic. His mother was an schizophrenic woman who wasn't even able to take care of herself let alone her children, so the abuse continued. Eventually his mother was sent to the mental hospital and within a week of being there she killed herself by jumping out a 4 story window. The only sane person in his life was his older sister who suffered not only physical abuse... but also sexual. Once she went to college Bryce has been left only with his father, however since he hit his teenage years he was able to fight back... He despises his father. Now an adult he lives on his own... Well with his adorable Saint Bernard Hulk.

Looks: Pic Below except he's more athletically built.


Or anime version! Except more built. It doesn't matter to me if we do real people or anime people. But I do know it matters to some people :P
If you are still looking for a partner I would love to write this with you!
Which one would you wanna RP with me?
Name: Kotyat Nocturnal
*Nickname: Kitty, Koty

Age: 23

Height: 5'6"

Body Type: Athletic/Lithe

Scars: Clipped right ear from a fight and a couple scars from when her former master abused her.

Birthday: December 13th

Sign: Sagittarius

Fear: Being abandoned, this comes from a young age when her mother sold her.

Personality: A spiritual, peaceful soul who is too curious & too gentle for her own good; unless she is pushed to far. There is no grey area for Kotyat . When she's angry, she becomes paranoid & single minded, & often finds herself over thinking her childish mood-swings.

Hobbies: Sunbathing, Romping all day long. Kotyat sings and has been told her voice is heavenly, this is one of the many reasons her selling price has been so high.... until recently. She also sculpts on occasion when she is allowed and when the mood strikes her.

Occupation: Pet.

Bio: Alot of her life is a mystery. Sold to her first master at the age of ten she grew up in a harem with other females of all different species. Having this sort of life didn't make her bitter instead she sought to always make everyone smile. When she turned 18 she was sold once again but this time to a terrible man who abused her relentlessly until she ran away and back to her first master who; after seeing her condition terminated her former contract and instead sold her to a man with a gentler hand.When she turned twenty one everything changed as her master found true love and his new wife did not like the thought of having her around anymore. The new mistress threw Kotyat to the curb where she was forced to fed for herself in a world where she was seen as nothing but a toy.

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