[Samuel x Roman]

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"I don't need ideas, I already have everything sorted out," Roman said casually, clapping his boyfriend on the shoulders and smiling sweetly at Evan before going to the stereo against the wall to set the music up.

"I'll protect you," London vowed.

Ten minutes later, the party was in full swing. Roman's parents had purchased five of the huge buckets of KFC from the twins' favourite fast food establishment and everyone was snacking on the chicken as they socialised. Quite a few people had turned up -- Bella, Elliot and Blake, London's best girlfriends Taylor and Samantha, several of their other friends, and their dates. So, the full guest list ended up consisting of roughly thirty or so people.

And Roman was having a wonderful time. He was seated on an outdoor chair with Samuel in his lap and a can of Coke in his hand, chattering away with his friends, when, suddenly, he saw something he didn't like.

"Elliot," Roman said, slapping his friend on the arm until he claimed his attention. "What the fuck is he doing here?"

Ell looked up to see his younger sister Willow, standing hand-in-hand with one of the most beautiful guys on the planet. He was perfect, with chiseled features, bright blue eyes and soft white-blond hair that sat in effortless waves on his head. He was muscular, and he was tall, and he was gorgeous.

And Roman hated him.

"Fuck," said Elliot, scowling. "I don't know."

"When the fuck did your sister start dating my ex who cheated on me?" Roman demanded.
Samuel felt pretty content in his spot in Roman's lap, occasionally stealing the can of coke out of his hand to take a sip, not really feeling like getting his own, he was too comfy in Roman's lap. He also quite enjoyed sharing things with his boyfriend, who seemed to have a good time.

Samuel noticed instantly when Romans mood changed, though, and he quietly wondered what could have caused it until Roman spoke to Elliot and it was clear that someone was there who shouldn't be there.

Samuel followed his boyfriend's and Elliot's gazes towards the person they were referring to. A tall, blond and good-looking guy standing hand in hand with who Samuel assumed was his girlfriend.

And apparently, he was an ex of Roman's. Which normally would have made Samuel slightly jealous for no reason other than the fact that they had once gotten to date Roman. But this wasn't just one of his boyfriend's exes, it was one of the people who had cheated on him. Who had hurt him. Samuel let his fingers intertwine themselves with Roman's almost subconsciously at the thought of Roman being anything other than happy.

Samuel couldn't see how someone who would knowingly hurt someone as amazing and caring and perfect as Roman could be anything other than a bad person. So, he didn't even feel remotely bad about the fact that he disliked him instantly.

"Why would he come here at all?" Samuel added what he was wondering about to Roman's question even if Elliot probably couldn't answer that. Samuel was just slightly more interested in what reason the guy could have had to show up than the fact that he was dating who apparently was Elliot's sister.
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Roman's eyes narrowed at Samuel's question. He had been wondering exactly the same thing himself.

"I don't know," he said irritably, looking up at Elliot meaningfully. He nodded and went over to the two. "But we're going to find out."

He patted Samuel's leg until he stood up, and then took his hand, because he knew he was going to need as much emotional support with this as he could get. He walked with Samuel around to the back of the house, where Elliot was talking with his sister, alone, thankfully.

"Willow," he was saying to the younger girl. "You do realise that your new boyfriend is none other than Christian Waybeck, right? The very same Christian Waybeck who cheated on Roman?"

"Yeah, but, he said he's changed ..."

"It doesn't fucking matter if he's changed or not! He still cheated on Roman! Roman, who's never done anything to you, treats you like his own sister, and definitely doesn't deserve for his fucking cheating scumbag ex to gatecrash his eighteenth birthday party!"

"Wow, Elliot, way to keep hold of the past."

Roman turned to see Christian coming around the corner. He gave Roman a charming smile and Samuel a slightly patronising look. "Well, you couldn't really upgrade from me..." he murmured, trailing off as he joined Willow and kissed her on the top of the head. "Happy birthday, by the way."
Samuel followed Roman closely as they went to listen to angrily speaking with his sister, Samuel mentally cheered him on as he pointed out how shady the guy, Christian apparently, was acting.

As soon as the guy opened his mouth Samuels grip on Roman's hand got a little tighter. This guy was a grade A douche bag and that was how Samuel saw him after a grand total of three sentences.

Samuel really didn't know the situation at all so Samuel felt like he maybe should have avoided saying anything unless Christian said something that seemed to upset Roman more, but he just couldn't believe someone like this could even exist. Samuel wasn't particularly fond of getting insulted either.

"What a narcissistic fucking asshole" He was talking more to Roman than anyone, both disbelief and anger were very apparent I his voice and he was certainly not making an effort to whisper it or wait with saying it until later "like how far up your own ass does your head have to be to act like this"

Samuel figured you would have to think grossly highly of yourself to justify your own actions in this situation, and that seemed to be the case, with everything from Christian coming even if he knew he wasn't welcome to completely dismissing the fact that he had hurt Roman by just saying it was a part of the past.
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As if existing wasn't enough, the fucker had to come and speak to Roman as if nothing was wrong. And as if that wasn't fucking enough, Christian had the audacity to insult Samuel, right in front of Roman. On his birthday.

"Probably so far he can officially determine that he has a significant lack of a heart," Roman remarked, speaking to Samuel but never taking his eyes off Christian.

"Naw, Roman, don't be so bitter," said Christian in the same patronising tone. He had an arm around Willow's shoulders and was leaning against the wall. "I'm not saying you have bad taste or low standards or anything, he's not bad looking." Christian's eyes washed over Samuel again. "But, I mean, he's nothing special, really."

Roman's hand tightened around Samuel's and he defiantly stared at Christian. "He's better than you because he's not a cheating fucker."

"Roman, please, you know why people cheat on you. You're too nice. You let people take advantage of you -- it happened with me, and it happened with what's-her-face -- Indie, was it?"

Roman flinched at the name of the other ex who had cheated on him, but mention of her hurt a lot more.

"Yeah, Indie. You're nice, so people see that. I'm surprised more people haven't cheated on you, really, I mean, you still wanted to be friends. Shows how soft you are."
Seeing Christians word actually get a reaction of hurt from Roman was enough to make Samuel want to punch the guys face in. And while punching people's faces had worked for them in the past this really didn't feel like the best time.

Samuel wasn't really good at talking people down in the way Roman was, but this guy was deliberately hurting Samuel's sweet and caring boyfriend. Twisting what had happened around to make it seem like it was Roman's fault, so Samuel was at least going to try to defend Roman. Even if his words wouldn't mean anything to the guy.

"No, what the fuck, you can't blame him for being nice? You are the one who made the decision to cheat on him, like, that doesn't even make sense" Samuel was addressing Christian directly now staring at him angrily, not really able to keep his tone as calm as collected as he wanted to or like Roman would have, but he wasn't shouting. "at least own up to the fact that you are shitty person"

He decided to not add anything about how the other person, Indie, most likely was a bad person as well, since the mention of her was what had managed to hurt Roman enough to get a reaction.

"And while you're at it, maybe get the fuck off?" Samuel continued, because really, why was he even there to begin with, "It might be hard for you to realize, with that huge ego, but I'm pretty sure no one wants you to be here"
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Christian didn't seem to be at all worried about what Samuel was saying, in fact, he simply quirked an eyebrow at the shorter boy before glancing up at Roman. "No, it really is your fault, people walk all over you when you're nice."

"Get out," Roman snapped, pointing to the front end of the house. "Just fucking go. Right now. You're not wanted here."

Christian sighed, but shrugged and took Willow's hand. "Come on, princess, let's get out of here. You can come back to my place."

"Absolutely fucking not," Elliot snapped. Willow scowled at him.

"You're not the boss of me," she snapped, as she took off her jacket, and revealed the deep, purple bruises, in the distinctive shape of a hand, on her arm.

And the ones on her neck, and one large one on her chest that looked like it had come from a punch.

Elliot broke, and Roman had to jump forward and hold him back from Christian. The blond boy was smirking at Elliot's reaction. Elliot was spitting out obscenities and vowing to kill him for laying his dirty fingers on his sister. The commotion managed to attract Stellan to the scene, who scowled at Christian since Roman had told him everything, but went to Elliot first.

"What's wrong?"

"Look!" Elliot pointed at Willow. "Look at the fucking bruises, he --"

"Don't swear." Stellan turned to Willow. "What happened?"

"It was an accident," said Willow, putting her jacket back on. "It happened in netball."

Stellan wasn't buying it but they had no evidence so Christian and Willow left the party and Stellan took a fuming Elliot inside to calm him down so he didn't follow Christian or do anything else stupid. By this time, London had noticed that her twin had disappeared, but Roman shook off her concerns, promising to be back in a few minutes.

He then lead Samuel into the party shed, locked the door behind them, flopped down onto the stool of the drumkit and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Well, this is easily a failure of a party."
Samuel was no stranger to blaming bruises on sports, and even if the excuse hadn't been obvious the shape of the bruises spoke for themselves, so Elliot had all right to be angry and Samuel wished Stellan could really do something, but as it were now they could only watch them leave really. At least meant Christian wasn't there anymore though.

After a little commotion, Samuel found himself in the party shed with a very upset Roman. He went around the drum kit and wrapped his arms around Roman from behind.

"there's plenty of time to turn things around" Samuel reassured him and placed one kiss on Roman's temple and one on his cheek, "don't give him the satisfaction of ruining things"

Samuel let one of his hands gently pet Roman's hair, because he knew his boyfriend liked that and he wanted him to feel better and have a good birthday. Even though it probably was easier said than done, especially knowing that Christian wasn't only a cheater but an abusive asshole who was harming Elliot's sister. An abusive asshole who once dated Roman Samuel reminded himself and suddenly he felt worried.

"he… he didn't that to you while you were dating, right?" He knew Christian would have probably been brutally murdered by Roman's father and brother if he had, and that it was too dangerous for Roman to get hurt for something like that to be part of a habit. But he still felt like he needed to ask.
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Roman knew Samuel was right, that there was plenty of time to push Christian out of his mind and enjoy the party, but he didn't know if he was capable of doing that after the events of the night. Christian showing up, Christian mentioning her, and everyone learning that Christian was hitting Willow.

"I can't imagine how Ell feels -- no, wait, yes I can, London's fucking ex hit her." Roman scowled, picked up one of the drumsticks and twirled it between his fingers for something to do. He also turned his head to press his forehead against Samuel's neck for a moment, finding consolation in the feeling of his skin against his boyfriend's.

"He ... he hit me once,"
Roman whispered, his eyes closed and his empty hand coming up to rest against Samuel's wrist. He had never told anyone about this, anyone except London, and Elliot. Which was why Elliot had reacted the way in which he had when they had learned of what was happening to Willow.

"It was before he cheated on me. He wasn't out to his parents yet and his older brother caught us kissing. He said it was okay and he wouldn't tell anyone, but still, when he'd left, Christian punched me in the face and told me he hated me and whatnot. We made up the next day and then he cheated on me a week later."
Samuel trusted Elliot would do his best to reason with his sister and try to get her to understand that someone who hit her didn't truly love her, because after hearing the story Roman just told he didn't want him to have to see Christian ever again.

In a way, Christian cheating on him was for the better, if it was an excuse for them to have broken it off. Of course, it would have been better if Roman hadn't gotten cheated on in the process, but better that than that single punch turned into something more.

"I wish you wouldn't ever have to go through that" It didn't really matter what he wished and how things could have been, but the thought of Christian hitting Roman even once made Samuel so angry and so sad at the same time. Someone you loved hitting you wasn't a very pleasant experience and Samuel hated that Roman had to go through it.

He didn't really know what else to add so for a moment he was quiet and continued to stroke Roman's hair lovingly before talking again.

"You know it's not true that it's your fault, right" Samuel mumbled into Romans hair, "you being so nice is one of the best things about you, and anyone who doesn't see that is stupid"
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"I know."

And Roman did know that -- he knew that he wasn't a bad person and he wasn't responsible for the way he was treated. He knew this, because every moment of his waking life, he was trying to make those around him happy before himself. He had done that with Christian, he had done that with Indie, and he had done that with each and every single one of his exes, as well as his friends, and his family. He had everyone else's best interests at heart, and he always had.

So, in a way, Christian was right.

"But, I mean, he's sort of right, being nice is a weakness sometimes." Roman put both of his arms around Samuel and continued to hide his face in his boyfriend's neck, with his eyes softly closed. "I mean, he hit me and I took him back. Maybe that's why he cheated -- because he thought he could do whatever he wanted to me and I wouldn't do anything about it."

Roman sighed heavily. "You, my friends and my family are the only people I've ever known that haven't walked all over me in some way, Samuel. And I'm just so used to laying down and taking it. I'd murder anyone who did the same thing to you, but I can't even defend myself."
Seeing Roman so vulnerable and hearing about his troubles made Samuels' heart feel heavy. Hearing him calling his kindness a weakness made him hold him a little tighter.

"I think the only real reason it could be weakness is because there a lot of people who just aren't nice that will take advantage of that" he reasoned, because he really didn't like the idea that being a good person could be something bad, "and those people are just terrible"

"But yeah, we're all here for you" he continued, Roman's friends and family and Samuel himself loved him so incredibly much and Roman knew that, but that moment felt like it was a good one to remind him of that "so if you feel like defending yourself is too hard, we'll be there to help and do it for you"

"And if someone takes advantage of your niceness I will personally make sure to shove them in front of a bus or something" it was a dumb and joking empty threat but it got the point across, he wouldn't let anyone walk over Roman, he deserved to be treated with the same kindness he treated others with, "because I love you so much, and I will always be by your side"
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Roman smiled softly, and pulled back to gently kiss Samuel on the cheek, since he had managed to cheer him up considerably. He knew it was a weakness but Samuel was able to help him accept it. And he'd rather be nice and weak, than strong and a total cunt like Christian, or, even worse, Indie.

He planted a kiss to Samuel's lips just as there was a knock on the shed door. Roman got up to open it, and Elliot came in, looking guilty.

"I'm really sorry, Roman, but I have to go home," he said apologetically, looking up at the taller boy with a slightly pleading expression. "I know it's your birthday and everything but ... I really need to talk to my dad ..."

"It's fine," said Roman, rubbing Elliot's shoulder reassuringly. If the roles were reversed, Roman would have left Elliot's party to find his own father in a heartbeat so he didn't blame Ell at all. "Go. Protect your sister, she deserves better than that fuck. Just make sure you see London before you go."

Elliot nodded, kissed Roman on the cheek and turned, leaving the party to hopefully sort this shit out. Roman held his hand out for Samuel. "Come on, let's get back before London starts worrying about me."
Samuel nodded and grabbed Romans hand as they walked back out to the party. Not only would he too prefer not to worry London, it was her birthday too after all, but he was also sure things would feel a little better for Roman once he was back out surrounded by friends.

Elliot not being there would, of course, be a reminder of the rocky start of the party, but nobody could blame him for needing to sort things out with his family.

Almost as soon as they stepped out of the shed Evan joined them, two cans of coke in his hands, one presumably for London so that the pregnant girl wouldn't have to run around more than necessary with her stomach.

"So did you two just sneak off to fuck in the shed" was Evan's very classy way of starting a conversation about where they had disappeared off to.

"Yes." Samuel answered very seriously and watched with much amusement as Evan's expression turned confused and slightly shocked for a moment until he realized Samuel was joking as well.

He wasn't about to tell him Roman had needed a moment to recover after meeting his cheating ex-boyfriend so joking along was the way to go in this case.

"Hey, don't act as if that couldn't be the case, it's literally how I found out you two were dating"

It was a little weird being back out in the bright and happy mood of the birthday party again, but hopefully, some of the festivity could rub off on Roman so that he could properly enjoy his birthday.
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Roman didn't care if Evan or anyone else thought that he and Samuel had been fucking in the shed because it was better than everyone knowing the reality. He didn't want people to worry about him, not on his birthday, and not at his party. He just wanted to sit and have a good time with his friends and, most importantly, his twin sister, who smiled when the three boys returned and happily accepted the Coke from her boyfriend.

"I was beginning to think you two had gotten lost on your way back from the shed," London joked.

"It's literally, like, fifteen metres."

"Yeah, but the grass is super long, you could have gotten eaten by a snake ..."

"The hormones are affecting your brain now," Roman teased his twin, ruffling her hair affectionately. She giggled and pushed him away softly. It was their birthday, and thus, it was a happy day.

And Roman found he was able to actually enjoy the rest of the party.

When everyone had gone home, it was quite late, almost midnight. Ingrid and Stellan shooed the twins and their boyfriends away, insisting that they'd clean up and make sure all the leftover KFC was properly stored so they could snack on it over the next week or so -- or, so Roman could eat it all in two days. At the end of the hall, where the two couples would be parting ways, Roman pulled his twin into a hug, and leaned down to kiss her on the cheek.

"Happy birthday."

"Happy birthday."

"Evan, make sure you rub her back and her feet, she's been walking all day."
The evening did turn out better after they had gotten back out and by the time they were up saying goodnight to London and Evan Samuel felt pretty confident Roman had managed to momentarily forget what had happened to celebrate his and London's birthday.

"I mean I feel like a did a lot of running around when fetching things for her," Evan told Roman, but still wrapped his arm around London on her cheek before adding "but I guess I owe her that much"

Samuel just chuckled at what could be interpreted as a nod to Evan's stupidity of getting his girlfriend pregnant and dragged Roman back into his room before he could get hung up on that.

As he closed the door he added a quick, "Goodnight Evan, happy birthday London"

He was slightly torn between wanting to ask him if he was okay and had had a good time after they had gotten back to the party and celebrations and just kiss him and tell him happy birthday and distract him from thinking about it at all.

He supposed the first alternative was the more responsible one, and he wanted, and kind of needed, to know his boyfriend was doing alright, seeing as he was pretty good at hiding it to avoid bothering other people.

He continued to pull Roman with him to the bed and sat him down next to him, kissed him sweetly on the lips before speaking.

"You did end up having fun, right?"
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"Yeah, I did," Roman assured his boyfriend, and it was true. When he had recovered from the shock of seeing Christian again and then the sadness that came as a consequence of learning what was happening to Willow, he had genuinely been able to enjoy himself, which he was grateful for, because he hadn't wanted to be moody and sulky on his birthday. He was eighteen. He was an adult now, and that was something to be celebrated.

Roman wrapped his arms around Samuel and kissed him on the cheek and then the temple, glad to be in his warm and loving company. He laid down with his boyfriend, on top of the blankets, gently brushing his fingers through the other's hair and marvelling at the gorgeous, curly texture. God, Samuel was so beautiful.

"Christian was completely wrong about you,"
Roman whispered, now cradling Samuel's beautiful face in his hand. "You're completely and totally beautiful. Don't let what anyone ever says make you think otherwise, okay?"
In the midst of everything Samuel had almost forgotten about the insults Christian had thrown his way. He was sure that if Christian hadn't been one of the worst people Samuel had ever met he would have probably let the words get to him ever so slightly. But he didn't care about what that guy thought, he was clearly incredibly delusional and horrible, besides Roman had been the most important in that moment.

He still took what his boyfriend said to heart though, so that he could remember it if he ever did start to think otherwise.

"I won't," Samuel said and smiled softly and placed his own hand over Romans.

"and your opinion outweighs anyone else's anyways" Samuel mumbled, "cus you're the most beautiful human being in this universe, inside and out"

He wanted to turn the compliments around to Roman, show him how much he loved him on his day. Or, well, it might have been after midnight at that point, but that wasn't going to stop Samuel from making his boyfriend feel special.

"You're so nice-" He placed a kiss on Roman's forehead "- and caring-" then one on his nose "-and gorgeous." and finally one on his lips, letting it last a little longer.
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Roman was used to compliments but from Samuel they meant a thousand times more because Samuel himself meant a thousand times more to Roman than most other people on the planet. His boyfriend. Easily the best person he had dated. It was evident that he was the one for him, because they had been through so much together, but that had just made them stronger.

And it was wonderful.

Roman nuzzled in closer and returned the kiss to the lips, happy to receive affection from the one he loved and even happier to reciprocate it. "I love you," he reminded his boyfriend for the hundredth time, though he had no qualms whatsoever with handing love and compliments over in huge buckets. He'd never stop.

Roman turned onto his back, pulled Samuel up so he hovered over him and smiled up at him lovingly. "Okay, you can ruin my makeup now."
"Good, cus I've been waiting to get to ruin it ever since you put it on," Samuel chuckled and let their lips crash together in a longer kiss. Pulling back to breath and to move his lips over to Roman's ear and whisper "happy birthday, love" before getting back to the kissing.

A week or so after the twins' birthday Samuel was walking down the hallway in school, Roman on one side, their hands intertwined as usual, and Evan on the other. They were on their way from a shared class to lunch, planning on picking up London on their way there. Samuel was sure she could make her way to lunch by herself but Evan insisted and he supposed the pregnancy was a pretty good excuse.

"No, I still don't get it" Evan was trying to get Samuel to explain one of the questions on his math homework for the third time, but he needed to sit down with pen and paper to properly explain it, "explain it again"

"I'll do it at lunch" Samuel insisted with a sigh, though he was sure Evan would be to distracted by London at lunch to care about math. But that was his problem.

They rounded the corner to see London was standing by her locker with some girls Samuel didn't really know, which wasn't that weird, but he was pretty sure they weren't anyone London usually hung out with either and he couldn't say they looked especially friendly either. Maybe it was a good idea to pick up London in the hallway after all.

That thought was confirmed as they apparently had entered the hallway just as one of the girls decided to shove her. And not just lightly, there was enough force behind it for the pregnant girl to stumble backwards a step or two.