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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
Online Availability
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy, Science Fiction, Superhero, Horror, Western, Crime Fiction, Anime
Original Art © Neo Kyo Studio


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"If comrades that you trust gather around you, hope can take physical form and become visible."
Hatake Kakashi, Naruto

[warning=red]This RP is Invite Only. Do not post in here if you are not part of the accepted cast.[/warning]
This is a conceptual roleplay set in the Naruto Universe within the framework of an alternate universe.

What this means though, is that for the most part canonical characters and events are absent from this continuity. There is no Naruto Uzumaki, and as a byproduct there are no events surrounding that character and Kishimoto's original timeline in this roleplay. This allows a fresh interpretation of the base universe, new ideas to flourish without needing to cross reference every specific fact, and of course creates a constantly building continuity as mysteries and legends unfold before our very eyes. This is a role-play that does not exist with official canon, however while this is so events have branched similarly to some effect. Core characters from aforementioned official canon have been removed from play but their clans continue to be shaped similarly.

Players will begin with an academy student in Konohagakure that is awaiting the results of the genin exams. This is, in part, due to my belief of what Naruto is about as a setting. Basically, I believe at the heart of it that Naruto is about the character's growth as a genin, the camaraderie they create with their friends, the bonds that deepen through experience, and ultimately the path they take. So all CS's should be marked "genin" level unless you are applying for a jonin-sensei. Players are encouraged to have as many characters as they can handle, but remember quality-over-quantity as well as to be mindful of many characters. I would personally prefer players to have no more than three characters at the start.

With that said, the RP itself will be as equally plot and narrative-driven as it will be character-driven. I take influence centrally from the first Naruto series in this regard. Character development is central to a good story and at the root of it this is just another collaborative story loosely based on the Naruto setting. I will explain more when the OOC goes up in the subsequent weeks, but I wanted to get our momentum going early. If you have questions, concerns, threats, or thoughts it would be apt to voice them!

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    The Sage of the Six Paths and the creation of the ninja way—nearly every ninja knows the story, some believe it, but how much of it was true? In this series of events, it's hard to know for sure but despite that it is a collection of stories that some take literally and others take lessons from whilst viewing it as more of a collection of stories with lessons to learn. There are many stories that the ninja of the world look back on and some of them hold on to it more than others. The Sage of Six Paths, the Chaos of the Heavens, and the Rise of the Shinobi World are all accounts of the world before the great nations of shinobi rose and planted their feet into the world.

  • Otsutsuki Hagoromo, the Sage of the Six Paths, and the prophet of ninshu.

    It is said as the offspring of Otsutsuki Kaguya that the enlightenment of chakra gave him understanding that no other man could comprehend and is the one who repurposed mundane thieves, monks, and ronin into one entity. The places he visited were said to be the ancestral beginnings of the great ninja nations of modern day. Hagoromo however, despite his complex understanding of chakra and ninshu theory he never found the time or vitality to continue his line as such the Otsutsuki Clan would die with Hagoromo, but to that point there was also sort of men that he would call his children— his ten disciples; one of which that would continue the teachings of ninshu whilst the other nine would meet a fate that nobody could perceive: the biju.

    The origin of the biju (or tailed beasts) is something deeply rooted into shinobi mythology and are important in conjunction with the early stories revolving around the prophet of the shinobi arts, Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo. Various sources cite the biju as beings sent to punish man for trying to challenge the gods while others claim they were always a natural force in the world. Whichever the case, the Sage and his disciples set out to bring peace to the realm and many of them were sacrificed to stop the world from collapsing from the sheer power of the biju. It is said that the sage himself died alongside nine of his disciples against the biju. The canonical and literal aspect of this story is unknown and it has many interpretations, but it is the foundation for all "fairytales" of the biju that are used to scare young shinobi into behaving properly.

    The one surviving disciple, Tsuchigumo Musashi, continued to instruct until he too died which decades after his death brought forth the shinobi era.​

  • Also known as the "Warring States Period", the Konton Period was established following the disappearance and speculated death of Otsutsuki Hagoromo's sole surviving disciple and the last known ninshu Sage, Tsuchigumo Musashi. After sixty-three years of spreading the ninshu philosophy, teaching the basis of chakra, developing kenjutsu, and forging a variety of swords a loss was felt when Musashi vanished; a disappearance that made many people believe he had passed on. Outside of his teachings (and the teachings of his master), Musashi only left two legacies—his clan and his legendary shinobi swords.

    The Tscuhigumo Clan's temple on Mount Katsuragi and village that would in time become known as Yamagakure would become meccas for the Ninshu faithful— and as Musashi was known as a philosopher, prophet, disciple, and swordsmith it would in time lead many shinobi to travel to the locations for a variety of reasons. However, despite what was to come the Tscuhigumo Clan refused to be loyal to a daimyo or interact in any war; devoted to the beliefs of their founder.

    Beyond the Tsuchuigumo Clan and the Swords of Musashi was the legacy of his teachings amongst three cultural factions—the monks, samurai, and shinobi. Outside of the monks, the factions would find themselves in a completive society where minor lords and people with power needed quick solutions to their problems. This would lead to infighting amongst shinobi clans and rivalries between the samurai clans and for several hundreds of years this continued constantly as a statement of humanity's sins and false sense of virtue. This would continue until four individuals came to prominence amongst the shinobi in the realm that had become known as "The Land of Fire" following a conquest by the Hono Dynasty. These shinobi would lead to the centralization of the village that was renamed Konohagakure following the end of their rivalries and the rest would shortly become history.

    These shinobi—Senju Idarama, Uchiha Ranmaru, Hyuga Takahiro, and Sarutobi Ujimasa—would set a precedent for the future.

  • Known as the current era (CE), the Fukugen Period, was established with the foundation of the major shinobi villages and their alliances within the elemental nations they called home.

    The era has been for the most part defined as a time of restoration, change, and rebirth following the devastating warring states era that defined not only the shinobi world but the imperial world as well. Unfortunately, it seems the Fukugen Period is more than willing to repeat the mistakes of it's predecessor. For the last several years, Konohagakure has been in a tense peace resulting from the peace accords signed by the major shinobi nations— though this hardly is absolute as other major conflicts are beginning to take shape that could bring another great war. It is here in the one hundred and twelfth year of this era that Konohagakure struggles with maintaining neutrality when rivals, enemies, and even allies alike are beginning to see how much they can encroach on before Konoha joins the conflicts outright.

    What does the future have in store for the world?​


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    Konohagakure is one of the oldest shinobi villages in the known world and it continues to be one of the largest to this day despite the struggles it has endured throughout history.

  • Originally established by Senju Jirourama several decades prior to the discovery of chakra by the Sage of Six Paths, Konohagakure, otherwise known as the Village Hidden by Tree Leaves...


    1 CE: Konohagakure is officially established, even though the village's existence had existed in some form beforehand during the Warring States era known as the Konton Period. This ushers in a new era of stability as shinobi villages begin a healthy unified relationship with the daimyo of their lands. The first Hokage, Senju Idarama, looks toward the new era with a weary but hopeful outlook. As a result, chaos ensues the realm as every shinobi village attempt to align with the elemental kingdoms of their namesake bringing many years of infighting amongst minor villages.

    2 CE: The Fire Ryuga attack Konohagakure, believe their attempts at unity make them a weak and easy target. This starts a series of conflicts and petty wars between the nomadic clan and Senju Idarama's alliance.

    8 CE: The Hokage defers to diplomacy over fighting more pointless wars and incorporates four rival villages into Konohagakure — The Aburame, Akimichi, Nara, and Yamanaka clans become prominent members of Konohagakure and for the Land of Fire, the conflict ends.

    11 CE: Uchiha Ranmaru argues viciously with the Hokage over the final decision to spare the leader of the Ryuga after losing several kinsman to their "claws". A duel ensues. Idarama wins and the Ranmaru begrudingly accepts their white peace with the Ryuga Clan. He never forgets this sleight, however.

    16 CE: The concept of shinobi ranks and roles is adjusted; the first concept of a genin team occurs, though similar ideas had been used by clans for generations prior.

    19 CE: After plotting for seventeen years, the Hirasaka Clan attacks Konohagakure in hopes to show that the Fire Daimyo has made a foolish mistake in trusting in Konohagakure. This starts a bloody feud that eventually escalates into full-on war against Amegakure.

    34 CE: Senju Idarama dies in his sleep after fighting a severe illness for several months. His chosen successor, Hyuga Takahiro, looks to expanding the village.

    35 CE:
    The Hokage orders his ANBU forces to destroy Yumegakure, believing that the time for open-palmed policies is over. By year's end this leads to the end of the war. The three major clans of Yumegakure; the Hirasaka, Kedoin, Amagiri, Tenro, and Fuma; scatter into hiding.

    36 CE: Hyuga Takahiro establishes the Shinobi Academy to centralize the cultivation of the village's younger generation to prepare them for the future and to help centralize the military organization of Konoha.

    39 CE: A group of nomadic shinobi form a group called the Kokushibyo, intent on capitalizing on the comfortability of the shinobi nations that formed with ruthless opportunism. In their first act they murder the Fire Daimyo, Hono Irasaki, and occupy his palace. This begins a small number of informal conflicts. They become an inspiration to missing-nin and nomadic shinobi alike who wish to bring back the warring states era.

    44 CE: The leader of the Kokushibyo, Fuma Utamaro, is killed by a task force from Kohonagakure and the loyal retainers of the Hono dynasty. The Hiryu Dynasty becomes the new leaders of the Land of Fire.

    51 CE: During a harsh winter, the Land of Iron invades the smaller nations in the northern regions in a swift tactical attack meant to precede a larger conquest.

    61 CE:
    Hyuga Takahiro dies from a plague that infests Konohagakure during an uneventful harvest season. His successor, Yamanaka Inoiko, seeks to find a solution to their troubles. Her efforts to centralize the medical-nin of the village begin. She hopes to come to a solution before the plague kills half of the village and the coming winter kills the other half. This eventually culminates in the foundation of Konoha's medical shinobi corps and the earliest construction of Konohagakure Hospital.

    63 CE: Konohagakure Hospital's construction is completed.

    65 CE: The Land of Iron invades The Land of Fire, expanding their conquest to a major elemental nation.

    83 CE: Konohagakure and its allies defeat The Land of Iron's, stopping their invasion of The Land of Fire. The Land of Iron's large amount of assets gained during its conquest are liberated and the nation goes into isolationist exile.

    84 CE: After living a rough life, Yamanaka Inoiko passes on, the injuries sustained from the battles against the Land of Iron proving too much to bear. She is succeeded by an ex-ANBU shinobi by the name of Uchiha Kazunari.

    91 CE: Refusing to break a treaty, The Land of Fire finds itself as the epicenter of conflict and divides them between two fronts — defending The Land of Wind and The Land of Water. It will in time prove to be a costly mistake.

    101 CE: Daimyo Hiryu Yoshiyuki of the Land of Fire and others sign an agreement that ultimately becomes known as a set of peace accords that end the conflicts. This becomes known as the end of the Shinobi Great War. Following these accords, the Elder Council of Konohagakure looks to begin rebuilding by electing a new Hokage to succeed the late Uchiha Kazunari. They look to revitalize and choose father of Sarutobi Atsuo, Shinichi, a veteran statesman and diplomat to lead the village forward. He accepts.

    102 CE: A group of shinobi defect from Iwagakure and formulate a last ditch attack to destroy Konohagakure despite the war having ended. This results in a unsanctioned rebel attack that the Land of Earth would later apologize for.

    103 CE: Kusagakure is given Hozuki Castle by the Grass Daimyo, Aihara Yusaku, to facilitate a holding cell following the apperance of various rogue groups after the great war's end. They begin to repurpose it as a facility to contain shinobi who can be detained and interogated for their crimes. It becomes known as the Blood Prison following completion.

    107 CE: Uzushiogakure is attacked by a powerful group of unknown shinobi— the Uzumaki Clan's blood paints the halls of the village's shrine and home. There are survivors, but the blow sets a dangerous precedent. Senju Midori flees Uzushiogakure and returns to Konohagakure with her surviving children, fearful for a second attack.

    112 CE: Present Day.​

  • Konohagakure has an erratic history and a storied reputation, one that has led the founding clans to strengthen their bonds and techniques as they work towards ensuring the safety and survival of the village no matter what the consequences end up being. The leading government of the village is a council led by clan elders—specifically that of the Senju, Uchiha, Sarutobi, and Hyuga being the highest on the pecking order of Konohagakure's long list of noble shinobi clans with the greatest of influence and power. Above the council is the Hokage, whom of which serves as the face of the village though is not completely autonomous in power due to the council's democratic weight and influence.

    The council of elders is currently made up of several noteworthy individuals who have in recent seasons taken up an approach to the state of the realm as a telltale sign that reinforcement of borders, expansion of their presence, and punishment of their enemies is necessary. With the passing of the former Hokage they deem this as an opportunity to remind Konohagakure's citizens what exactly the Will of Fire means.

  • Following a successful examination to become a shinobi, academy students are elevated to the rank of genin, showing their competence in the basic understanding of the shinobi world. To integrate these children they are assigned an active duty jonin to instruct them and prepare them for the risks and responsibilities of being a shinobi. In years past this was more of a loose determination, but in a time of relative peace many villages like Konoha have refined this instruction and elevation to be a bit more regulated. These genin teams are therefore referred to by their sensei's denomination, though a number is also often attached for logistic purposes.​


Character creation is limited, but still inclusive.

What this means is I will be accounting for depth, characterization, motives, and capabilities of the character extensively to see if they are appropriate for the vision and tone of the RP—the process will be more critical on characters with higher ranks within their village's hierarchy.

Players are expected to create characters that are reasonable in design. Given that the average age of an academy student is around eleven to twelve years of age I will be looking at how the character comes off. Given that this is an anime-based RP there will be a lot of suspension of belief, of course, but ultimately we have to remember that these to-be genin are still children. They may know the violence they are preparing to involve themselves in as a shinobi, but they have not experienced what is going to be their reality. The moderation staff will be looking at CS applications on a moderate level— I don't want to be over-firm but I don't want to be overtly accepting everything that might not jive with me to make face.

In the interest of narrowing things down at least a little to start off, there should also be some ground rules set about Nature Transformations. If you've taken the time to glance over the character sheet by now, you'll see that there's a "Chakra Nature" section. While not necessarily explicitly spelled out there, we're going to hope you have the better judgment to have one chakra affinity, barring some really convincing arguments to the contrary. So, what does that mean for your jutsu list? Well, as a genin, there's a good chance that any chakra using an elemental nature are going to be done using the chakra affinity outlined in the sheet. That being said, in the genin's quest for self-improvement, there is always the chance that they can dip outside of their affinity and become more versatile as a result. Bonus points are given if your genin actually learns something from their sensei rather than some sort of vague self-study course.

As long as your CS is reasonable or can be justified you'll likely do fine.

Oh, one more thing: just for semantics and people not pining over google for hours or even a few minutes—genin height should be in the ball park of 4'9", if you want a shorter genin they'd likely be under that by only a few steps and vice versa for taller genin. So basically if you make a genin who is six foot even I am going to hurt you.

Jutsu Limitations
Masashi Kishimoto is a creative individual who has throughout the publication of Naruto created an extensive list of jutsu of varying levels of power that in a RP could be frankly bullshit. But unlike other Naruto RP's I will be clear and say sometimes bullshit is okay— if it's approvable bullshit with a merit to the story progression or character depth. A genin with abilities that can rival a Kage or Sage? Not at all likely. But given the nuances of prodigies, fools, and kunoichi there is a lot of room for margin of suspension of belief. Even in the canon's earliest (and most sane) moments, we had characters straight out of the academy who had skills/affinities/talents their teammates didn't.

For example— Sasuke had a variety of techniques that were beyond "Academy Techniques" as he was not only talented but from a prominent clan with various affinities. Sakura had chakra control down so well she could walk up trees whereas her comrades couldn't. Naruto utilized creative jutsu like his perverse twisting of the transformation technique. If we keep this in mind during character creation we can create clever and dynamic characters that make sense but even more than that are fun to interact with because everyone has their own niche.

How does this apply to "approvable bullshit"?

That's a large question—but use your imagination in the character creation process, talk to me and your peers, and see what works and what doesn't. Hell, if you're a player I know really well that might not even be necessary. Academy Students should have all academy techniques (or presumption knowledge of them) listed in their E Rank hider. Beyond that they should have 2-3 D Rank abilities, and 1-2 C Rank abilities. If you have a good argument for one more then make it in PM or notation; elsewise this is fairly concrete. Presuming I accept chunin (and jonin) the scale would increase.

Non-canon (aka Custom Jutsu) should be written in with rough description of a fundamental definition, weakness, and general mechanic.

I'm going to be honest, despite the flexibility I offer within characterization there are limits to it. Unless I have had an in-depth conversation with you that leads to me approving a controversial or powerful affinity, technique, or bloodline you are going to get a no. This applies to certain high-level jutsu, jinchuriki, custom kekkei genkai, sage abilities, overpowered curse seals, and so forth. There are only a few exceptions to this restriction but unless you have a good argument or long-term plan I would highly suggest you forget about it.

While explicit sexual content is not going to be part of this roleplay, mature language and themes will likely be. By applying you understand this and commit to iwaku's rules regarding such content. You are expected to be an adult.

Activity will be left vague as social obligations such as employment, academics, and so forth take precedence over a shared hobby. But we should try to post with some regularity. Obligations will be reminded if needed, but this is a low-stress endeavor so we shouldn't feel the need to make extreme demands regarding this. Just communicate your schedule when there are issues and keep me informed is the bulk of it.

Writing Ability
The writing level I expect is somewhere around medium expectations (high school-level equivalent). This means a comprehensive understanding of basic grammar and spelling is expected, characterization is important, narrative is important, and detail behind those are appreciated. I'd like to see a few paragraphs, though if it fits a post that there is enough to respond to and react to within one paragraph than that's fine, but one-liners will definitely be off-base. Keep with the fluidity and enjoy yourself; though quality posts don't have to be textbooks. Quality over Quantity, yet have fun and make engaging moments of introspection and interaction.

With that said, I will not be putting posts under extreme analysis nor will I be inciting a "word count". So just use your personal judgment of quality and we'll be awesome.

Rule number zero of my perspective is pretty simple; don't test my patience or be an irredeemable jerk.

Generally, the idea here is a simplified version of any sort of rules since we are all adults and we pretty much know the big rules—follow the host site's rules, communicate, collaborate, and don't be antagonistic towards others or at the very least keep the toxicity to a bare minimum. Playful banter and crass jokes are one thing, but actively making somebody feel unwelcome is another one entirely. There is a difference between being blunt and being tactless.

I will invite any potential applicants with a CS code. Details for interested parties applying by PM will be here when I open up the RP.
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Most of the compiled information will be on the wiki as I update it, but y'all know the drill. Estimated launch of the IC is before or during the first week of April if we maintain our current schedule.
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IC is now up for those of us who want to get this moving. No more "indefinite hiatus" for us!
I'll be working on a Sanae / Shunpei post with Liath when I have the time. Probably just a bunch of trudging in the rain and sardonic introspection.
Trudging in the rain wasn't so bad. Posted.
Drunk News, Everyone! Rai is back and I am trying to make sense of the teams! Hahahahaha.
I am trying to make sense of teams, thank you very much Drunkarnate
You are very welcome.
I love all of you.
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