INFO Roleplay Skillbuilding: Rules and Info

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
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Original poster
Roleplay Skillbuilding is the section of the site where all of Iwaku's members can work on becoming the best roleplayers that they can be by sharing tips and advice. From guides about writing fight scenes to resources about character sheets, this is hub for learning about roleplay.

Remember to be courteous and polite to others, even if you don't agree with what they're saying. If you feel like you have insight on an aspect of skillbuilding or a new perspective on something, you're welcome to create a thread of your own!

If you have a particular question, head on over to Roleplay Help to start a new discussion.

Threads created by members who become inactive, banned, or deleted will be archived.

Thread prefixes are colorful tags displayed at the beginning of a thread title. They can be chosen when creating a thread and more than one can be applied. These prefixes show what a thread is for. You can also click on them from the thread listing to display all the threads with that prefix within that forum. Each section has its own prefixes, so make sure to check the info sticky to make sure you're picking the right prefixes and to learn what they mean!

LESSON - User-created guides or workshops about a particular aspect of roleplaying.

PROJECT - A collaborative work that encourages participation from members to give feedback and help create.

RESOURCE - Something made or found that can be used without instruction. It may be a tool, a template, a list of definitions or rules, or something shared by another author from somewhere off-site.

CHARACTERS - Characters are a major focus in this thread.

COMBAT - Combat is a major focus of this thread.

GAMEMASTER - This thread is focused on running a roleplay.

MAGIC - Magic or magic systems are a major focus in this thread.

ROLEPLAY - Anything related to roleplays that isn't covered by other subjects.

ROMANCE - Writing or developing romance between characters is a major focus in this thread.

WORLDBUILDING - Creating world lore, culture, and other setting information is a major focus here.

TECHNOLOGY - Writing levels of technology or creating new technology is a major focus in this thread.
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