Rogues: The Uprising

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129% of people exaggerate.
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
The cool wind blows through your hair as you cruise down the highway in your car with the windows down. You friend, Margo, sits in the passenger seat, her bare feet up on the dash despite the fact that you were tired of wiping the toe prints off the inside of your windshield after every time she rides with you. Terry and Michael laugh, taking turns punching each other every time a yellow car passes by. You want to join in, but you remember the last time you did that when you were driving. You brand new car still sported the scrapes on the front corner panel from bumping into the side rail. You catch sight of Margo's dancing feet as her hand soars in the wind to the beat of the music you have blasting from your radio. While your singing along to the words just loud enough to be heard by only yourself.

It's a perfect day to go to the beach.

Suddenly, your favorite song is interrupted by an obnoxious sound that stills and silences the whole car.

"This is the worldwide warning broadcasting system. There has been a mutant sighting in your area. The suspect was last seen wearing a white shirt, blue jeans, and a red cap. He is considered extremely dangerous. Should see him, please call the hotline number…."

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit," Terry uttered sinking in the back seat of the car.

"A Rogue? Here in Miami?" Margo speaks.

You shrug and ask if you should pull over and wait, continue on, or turn around and go home.

"Go home," Terry spoke up quickly.

"Hell no, man," Michael replies, "I'm not going to let a Rogue ruin my beach day."

"They can do shit, man," Terry replied, "I heard there was one who could teleport anywhere it wanted. Could even teleport people."

"There's the one that can read minds, too," Margo added.

"Don't forget the more dangerous Rogues. They can do shit with fire and shoot spikes and all that crazy shit!" Terry added.

You nod, Terry was right. The Rogues were scary people…if you could even call them that anymore.

"Man, that's why the R.I.E.F. was put together. They find those twisted bastards and put them down before they can hurt anyone else," Michael argued, "You ever seen R.I.E.F. in action, Terry? I have. It's why I want to join them."

After more arguing and to Terry's dismay, you finally decide that today is just too nice of a day to allow one Rogue to ruin your trip to the beach. You pull into an available parking spot and deposit some change into the meter before following after your friends who seemed to have forgotten about the alert already. Finding a spacious spot, you and Margo lay out your towels before you lay down on them. Terry and Michael already finding a pair of girls to hit on. It's not too long before you fall asleep.

A scream rips through your dreams and your eyes shoot open. Margo is scurrying to her feet, gathering as much as she can. Confused, you rise on your elbows only to see on man in blue jeans, a white shirt, and red cap, running along the sandy shore. He is not alone, either. Several men with assault rifles and tactical gear chase after him. You jump to your feet and gather what you can checking to see how close the man is. When you deem it unsafe, you leave behind whatever's left and follow after Margo.

Looking over your shoulder, you watch the man come to a stop. His eyes meet yours for only a moment, and you see nothing but fear, not hate or anger, but fear. Turning around, he throws his hands up and the sand around him gathers before rising between him and the R.I.E.F. You enraptured by the scene as they fire, the bullets slamming against the sand sending ripples of force through the makeshift wall. With a push of his arms, the wall is launched toward the solders scattering them as it collapses against the in a thick cloud of sand. Pillars of sand began to launch toward the soldiers as they tried to rise to their feet. Precise strikes sending them flying through the air only to crash helplessly against the sand.

"Hey!" you turn to see Margo waving you over, "Run! Hurry before it sees you!"

You nod, but the scene draws you back in. It looks like the Rogue is going to win, when suddenly he falls to the ground, his pillars of sand dissipating, and the sound of a gunshot rings out a moment later. The R.I.E.F agents struggle from under the sand and finally approach the man guns drawn, but even from your distance, you can tell he's lifeless.

You let out a short yelp when you are grabbed from behind, "Come on!" Terry says as he drags you to the car, "The shows over. Let's get out of here."

Too shaken up by what had happened, you give your keys to Terry and ask him to drive. Just as he starts the car, Michael steps out and starts to the beach. You call after him, but he shakes his head, "I'm going to talk to them about joining R.I.E.F. You guys head on out, I'll call a cab."

You nod, and Terry hurriedly pulls out.

"That was crazy!" Margo says to you before turning back around and looking out the window, "You alright? I mean you watched it die! Serves it right. Rogues are monsters and they all deserve to die."

You look down at your hands and notice they are shaking badly. You close your eyes to try and calm yourself using the technique your father taught you while you were a kid. When your eyes open, a small flame dances in the palm of your hand. You shake your hand frantically until it finally goes out, a silent breath escaping your lips just as Margo turns back around, "Don't you agree?"

You nod, "Ya…monsters," you say as you look down to where the flame once danced.

Alrighty. This is an interest check for a modern, powers-based story. Each player will be playing a Rogue, a person who has a mutated gene that gives them abilities. The world, afraid of what Rogues can do, has made you illegal and after years of studying, has isolated the mutated gene and can target it to nullify your abilities with different tech in order to capture or kill you. You are in hiding, or work in the underground organization where Rogues have begun to unite in order to fight against their oppressors. This is a dark story. Family turns on family. Friends become enemies, and you are seriously the minority in a world that wants nothing more than to see you dead, or captured for experimentation.

If there is sufficient interest (3 or 4 players), I'll open it up for CS sheets and provide more information so you know more.

@La Reina @Kat @Elle Joyner
The duh is...thirded?
Count me in.
  • Haha
Reactions: junebug
Interested for sure if I can join?
duh duh duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh.

This is very much my kinda thing o.o am an interest
ohhh I'm interested :D
  • Love
Reactions: Joan
I'm interested too!
I would very much love to participate!
Seems like there's a ton of interest. I'm working on the Info Dump and stuff right now.
  • Haha
Reactions: Mobley Eats
RJS my man.
  • Love
Reactions: RJS
Interested as well, but I'll hang back what with all the other interested parties.
Interested as well, but I'll hang back what with all the other interested parties.

We encourage you to apply anyhow! Darin and Elle are going to be sifting through each applicant, so you never know! :) your hook! Count me in please!

I have some questions, but I figured I'd hold off and actually organize them.
Alright everyone, be sure to put up an application in the OOC by 6/27. @Elle Joyner and I will be going through the applications then to decide who best fits the story. Here's a link to the OOC just to make it easier for you.

Super interested!