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undead witch ⛧
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. One post per week
  2. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
I am chronically ill, post times vary. Though I am on discord daily.
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
  2. Prestige
  3. Douche
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Horror, apocalypse/post-apocalypse, survival, thriller, supernatural, satire, animal, mystery, fantasy, historical
Theodore Vasilliou
Redblood vampir
Animal Control
Redblood vampir limitations.
Cis Male.
02 11 1980.
Black City, WA.
Black City, WA.


Upper Class.
Animal behavior sciences professor. Theodore's research is focused on felines. Currently, he's working on a device that can translate a cat's thoughts into human speech. His cat, Minerva, is his primary test subject.

Full-figured, but not overly broad. Theo is willowy-limned, with lean but noticeable muscle. Quick and sure-footed, his build is reminiscent of his athletic youth. Theo isn't in the habit of using his physic to his advantage, though he may be quite tall and take up a lot of space, he knows how to make himself comfortably "small".
Thick, chestnut brown curls.
Bright jade.
Fair skinned with freckles across the apples of his cheeks, the bridge of his nose, and over his collar
Theodore's features are "feline-like" sharp, but soft. Incredibly expressive, it's not hard to tell what he's thinking.

Quiet like a shadow, but warm like the light that casts it, Theodore is a watchful crow perched carefully on his love's wire. At first pass, one might think him a bit of a wallflower, but it isn't so. Ever the observant and curious spirit, there's not much this man doesn't catch - and a lot that he ponders. In fact, once he can pinpoint a topic of conversation to connect on, he'll take as long as you care to. He craves human connection - and he'll go great lengths to find something to build bridges over. Opinionated and unafraid to share his thoughts and morals, Theodore could probably due to learn a lesson in tact, but moments malice fall off his lips are few and far between. Theo preaches self-love, self-preservation, and the importance of putting youself first when it really counts.

Having had to sacrifice so much of his childhood to keeping his family afloat, Theodore can tend to forget that sometimes it's important to practice what you preach - and it's okay to need some time for yourself and what you love. A workaholic and a bit obsessive, Theo's perfectionist habits can complicate things a little more than they need to be. A man who takes pride in his career, he pours his heart and soul into his research and profession. Since he adopted Minerva, however, the cat has reminded him that he's been given the blessing of a longer than average life. Maybe he should start trying to fill it up with a little more laughter.

In a different universe, he'd have tried to make a career in art. Outside of his uncanny (and frankly, freaky) ability to quote media ot literature, Theodore is an incredibly talented painter and a pretty decent singer. Occasionally, he'll participate in open-mic nights at bars or provide some entertainment for his colleagues at the university. He's not by any means at stardom levels, but Theo's been trying to learn how to play piano. He's tried desperately to keep a little garden alive: plants don't go to Teddy's house to bloom, they go there to die.

animals, numerous topics of science, history, dancing, broad weird taste of music, astronomy, painting/art studies, stormy nights, chai tea. vanilla wafers, terribly written star wars fanfiction
water (can't swim), super hot sweltering summer days, doesn't trust people who don't like animals, pineapple
Able to remain calm in chaotic situations - has an analytical and logical way of thinking and although he's an emotional person, he can overcome his extremes and set aside biases to make the right decisions: of course, we're all human and he's not immune to making mistakes. His position in the university is arguably a grand advantage - he has access to a lot of resources the average person doesn't. Is quick-footed, swift, and sure of his body: he doesn't need long to react. Is confident in his morals and ethics, spends little time wallowing in guilt over a choice he's had to make, unless it directly affects someone he has deep personal attachment to.
Theo doesn't tend to question the intentions of others. He assumes the company he keeps are with honest people - he struggles to see the bad in others, and will let someone waltz all over him until he simply can't stomach it anymore. Even if something is staring him right in the face, Theo extends endless "second" chances to people- he fails to protect his emotional security against the people he loves and it's led to some painful moments in life. He also tends to get frustrated with himself and pushes his limitations, when its illogical to expect so much of himself.

Ever the curious soul, Theodore has spent most of his life with his nose in a book or his head in the clouds. Born to a veterinarian and neuropathologist, science has paved every milestone of the vampir's life. With a passion for animals that rivaled his mother's, his interests were unconditionally supported and encouraged. Focused on his studies, his childhood didn't offer many concrete relationships to hold on to - save for his little sister, Aster, who Theodore would set the world aflame for. The pair lost their beloved mother when Theodore was only twelve and Aster just six. Their father, while still present and alive, withdrew after her death. Theodore and Aster have an unshakable bond: Theo is far less inclined to make amends with their father than Aster seems to be.

As he's continued his education throughout the years, Theodore hasn't left Black City. He's quite certain that this where he was born and thus, too, where he shall die. There's a small little itch that's begun to climb down his spine: that curious inclination has started to shift with queries for the rest of the world. Alas, his work keeps him right where he is. Recently, he's made quite a lot of headway in his pet project that the university is funding. His pet cat, Minerva, has played a crucial role in his studies regarding a device that can translate cat's thoughts into human speech. If he can figure it out, the benefits he'll reap are immense. The only problem is Minerva is... well... Minerva.

An old flame has rekindled - Leland, a fellow student from undergrad, has sought Theo out after a few years of walking down different paths. It's almost as if they'd spent a week apart, rather than years. The connection is obvious: the future feels promising.

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