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How are my ideas/plots?

  • Great! Love 'em.

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  • They suck, they're lifeless. You need a time-out.

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Original poster

Hello all! I'm Sugaar. Now normally I'm not the gab about myself type but.... I'll make an exception this time. I'm in the horrid throes of my second semester at university. And I need an escape from reality now more than ever. Before you ask, I am undecided. So it's a very expensive term of explorations. With roleplaying, I have little experience. Approximately... a year and some months; in counting. So every experience, successful or not, is a bit of a learning opportunity for me. And I ask that you all show me a little mercy. Well! That's pretty pretty much all you need to know about me.

To show interest, please send a PM! Do not post in the thread, thank you!

    • I like about two to three paragraphs (minimum) a post. However If you want to give me a novel, I say bring it on! Usually I don't go under a paragraph. A paragraph to me is five to seven sentences. Please no one to three liners. When a response is too short I have trouble coming up with something of my own.
    • I just got off of a little "rp break" from this site. But now that I'm back I hope to be active. I'm very patient myself, but if I could find a partner that could respond a few times a week that'd be lovely. And if you'd like to respond more than that, be my guest. If you can't just let me know.
    • Communication is key. I won't be bothered if you need a little time on a reply, feel free to complain all you want to me while you write(If you want to I won't mind one bit). However, I will be bothered if the partner disappears for two months without letting me kow that somethings up. And hey I've done it too, but let's try not too if we can really avoid it.
    • For spelling and grammar all I ask is that you do your best. As long as it's legible and you do not mind me asking for clarification if/when I get confused. I'm pretty lax aout this one, especially if English is not your first language.

    • I find that my interest is kept longest in an rp if I play a male character, or a female in mxf. levels of interest right now are: MxM,MXF,FxF
    • I like equal opportunity bedrooms or doubling if we must go the traditional route.
    • I don't mind if the roleplay takes place in a thread or in private messages.
    • Skills I'm trying to hone right now are having my characters interact realistically with their surroundings, describing those surroundings, and calling attention to details that I would like noticed/or feel are important.
    • This may sound strange but I am always wondering if my responses are quality or not. So constructive criticisms are always welcome
    • On another note, I greatly prefer my plot over smut. But, that doesn't mean I'm adverse the subject. A balance of maybe sixty-forty or maybe even seventy-thirty (favoring plot) sounds about right to me. I wouldn't even mind if there was hardly any smut at all. Btw: I prefer to keep things undefined in the bedroom scenes. Characters that go with the flow of things rather than being one position or the other.
    • Romance for me is usually a must as it is my favorite theme to write. It doesn't have to be the main focus but I like at least some hints or a nod here and there.
    • I also like for my roleplays to have a conflict and then a resolution. When a clear conflict isn't in place then the roleplay just ends up being...kind of redundant. In my opinion anyway. This isn't to say that we have to quit roleplaying together completely, there will be other ideas. And spin-offs certainly exist.

    • Doesn't mind writing in third person, past tense. ( I will bend and do first person; I,my, me for my character and he/him,she/her, (name) for your character, if you like.)
    • Doesn't mind occasional grammatical or spelling errors.
    • Likes immersive,detail-oriented story-telling.
    • Likes to throw monkey wrenches and softballs into the plot every now and again
    • Not afraid to add their own elements and ideas into our story.
    • Is patient and understanding of irl issues/writer's block.
    • Will OOC chat with me every now and again.
    • Doesn't take it personally if I drop our rp or decide that I don't want to start one with you (At present or ever, it's really nothing personal).
    • Lets me know if there is a problem with my post, you need to momentarily take control of mc, or want a time-skip.

    • If I prefer a role then that one will be italicized and If I have a idea for the plot then there will be an asterisk.
    • Asexual Extrovert X Pansexual Introvert.* (Roommates Rp)
    • Something Spirited Away inspired.
    • NekosXCaretaker(s)
    • Hunter/WarriorXMedicine Man/Chief's Son (Tribal-RufioXAhanu)
    • Rehabilitation Centers
    • Demented Characters (Characters that kill for sport)
    • Pirates!
    • Samurai and/or Ronin
    • Pirate Captain X Captain
    • Pirate Captain X Stowaway
    • A/B/O dynamics (Omega&Omega/Alpha&Alpha/Beta&Beta)
    • Panty X Stocking
    • Your Ideas

  • I hardly ever do fandom rps. But this time I can't help myself.
    I would like to do a Panty & Stocking Rp. They're gender bent of course. But not everyone in the verse has to be. I would like to be Stocking, Just-
    Just look at these beautiful bastards






  • The more *'s the more inspiration. Up to five
    Inspired by a messed up tv show I'm watching and this song:

    A note; I don't mean this to be love triangle. More of a hurt and comfort kind of thing. YC doesn't have to be any of the characters mentioned here (they could be a friend of A or B or C, a security guard, a janitor at the church or what have you) but I would like to play A.
    Character A has spent their whole life swearing that marriage will never be in their future. However during work they meet Character B and instantly hit it off. They date but B isn't satisfied; and constantly claims to be the 'old fashioned type'. B wants a family, they want to settle down, with A. After a while of gentle goading and prodding A agrees to marry B. At this point A is very much in love with B. Why not? B is charming, quick-witted, and professionally successful. But deep down B is manipulative, often times taking anger out on verbally A then apologizing, or making A leave (parties, gatherings, social situations) when they aren't ready.

    As their wedding day draws closer A starts to get cold feet, jitters even. In a moment of weakness they have an affair with their boss C. An affair which spans over weeks. A eventually comes to their senses and ends it with C.

    But on the day of the wedding B receives an envelope. Inside are pictures of A and C. Incensed, B confronts A viciously. It's over, but B won't be embarrassed in front of their families. So, B makes A go through with the whole ceremony. The walk from the altar, hand in hand, but the minute they leave the church B lets go and leaves A, standing on the steps with a confused wedding party.
    An rp that I was apart of. I adored it that was cut tragically short.
    May include: MXM, sadomasochism, twins(fraternal), potential incest, abuse in backstory, drug use (by MCs), hurt/comfort, temptation/resistance, top/bottom/bottom, switch/switch/switch (theyll still be kind of sub though), master/pet, kemonomimi (the original called for cats but they don't have to be)

    They called him Master.
    He called them his pets. He fed them...sometimes. He bathed them...sometimes. He lobed them...sometimes. He also beat them sometimes. And raped them sometimes. And tortured them sometimes. He ruled over them and they worshipped him and served him. If they were bad, he hit them.If they were good, he hit them harder. When money was tight, he brought men from work and let his pets be ravished for a handsome fee. This was life with their Master. He went to work and then had his fun. Then one day, he didn't come back. He left them tied up in bed and never came home. And then they were found. A week later by a policeman and the landlord. After a hospital stay, they are put into an adoption program and taken to their new home within the week. Their caretaker goes by the name of (Whatever his name is). This is his story.

    MC1&MC2, twin kemonomimis!who are rescued from a abusive home and adopted by a new guy, YC. He takes great care of them, spoils them and nurses them to health, but they are so used to being abused that they expect it and urge him to hurt them. They worry over not being punished that they start to punish themselves and ask him for special "punishments." YC does his best to break their masochistic desires, but they are working just as hard to make him give in.

    (I'm willing to budge on certain things, for instance we could add a fourth character(YC2) so it's not a polyamorous if you like or I could make the twins more dominant, however we figure it out.

    Will add some more soon
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Added a couple of plots! And I do mean a couple. :worms:
Priestess x Paladin sounds interesting
[warning=goldenrod]Update. However I've really only made room for my plot revival "They call me Master" so that's the only thing I'm looking for right now.[/warning]
[warning=Green]Update: Plot&Pairings. Remember when I said I'd only do that one thing "TCMM" well I lied. But I will do that one gladly[/warning]
[question= Pink]I know you're all tired of seeing my humble tread pushed to the top but this is the last time I swear! Well...unless I keep having ideas. Added:Panty &Stocking Craving! [/question]
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