• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


tired and broke
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences

Magic is a living thing, older than the world itself. The Primordial Order said that the Gods wove it into being to serve as the ichor from which the Magicals and all other life was born. They say that it's a harmony which guided every soul into growth and purpose, and if you strain your senses hard enough you could hear the traces of the symphony on the wind, the sea, even in the leaves rustling after a breeze. Yet the more we mortals grow and roam the lands- beating the primal forces into submission with our crude machines, building castles from the ashes of our new conquests, defying the toll of time with potions and enchantments foisted upon a crumbling body- the less we see and feel this mystical energy. If the push of the Otherfolk farther and farther away into the untouched corners of the earth is anything to go by, it might even be dying. But maybe we don't even need it, never needed it in the first place. Perhaps there's some truth to what the Enclave says... That this world is ours for the taking. There's certainly no harm in building a home for humanity out of all this mess. Or is there?


The premise of the RP is... A bunch of strangers united by a common threat, traveling across a continent that is in the middle of two World Powers locked in a tense, ideological standoff. Free from the aggressive development and strict dogmas of the opposing sides, this place is home to races that have fled or sought refuge from either of the two Empires. Amidst the occasional village in distress and encounters with creatures mundane and magical, the adventurers must persist in their hunt to uncover a plot that may very well overturn the natural balance of the world.

{slide=Rules and Expectations|center}
  • This RP is a longterm commitment! If you've lost interest or can't continue on, tell the GM asap instead of staying silent.
  • Posts should have a minimum of two paragraphs. Write in the third person POV + past tense too, please, just for unity's sake.
  • Respect the GM and the Co-GM/s, as well as the other players. I don't want to have to handle drama.
  • I would like a minimum posting rate of 2 replies per week. Loosely. However, absences are allowed since we all have lives outside of RPing. Just make sure to tell me or any other player engaged in a scene with your character, and plan on how to smooth over your absence IC.
  • No Godmodding, metaroleplaying, or whatever nonsense it is that's plaguing the RPing community as a whole.
  • This is a group effort. Players who initiate planning sessions with their fellows and construct IC events are much preferred over passive, 'pure reaction' posts. Expect to be told if you've done wrong, and fix the problem as soon as possible without kicking up a fuss. If in doubt, PM the GM!
  • Romance is... fine, but not encouraged, at risk of alienating other characters.
  • As much as possible, I'd like to avoid killing in combat situations, considering most of our characters are noncombatants and the RP itself is supposed to be Fun Times! Death, if it absolutely has to occur, has to be treated with some gravity.
  • If you've read this all, please put your favorite food on the bottom of your CS. Thanks.
Appearance: [Anime/2D/Semi-realistic Art]
Character Quote: "___"
Age: [Nobody below 18]
Race: [if Human, include Nationality]
Personality & Background:
Abilities: [Optional, can be explained more in IC]
Extra: [Just fluff. Put Likes/Dislikes, or whatever you want.]{/slide}​

Interest Check | Lore | Character Index | OOC | IC
If you have any question, anything at all, don't hesitate to join the Discord Chat!​

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Prologue - Red
Chapter I - A Merry Band of...
Chapter iI - The First Thread
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  • Love
Reactions: Fox of Hearts
Well, here we are.
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Warden
IC is up! Updated all links too. :D
  • Love
Reactions: Fox of Spades
I swear this OOC is deader than disco. I get that we have a Discord and all but, c'mon you guys. Let's S T E P I T U P.
Character banners are now on the Character Index first post. Tell me if I need to edit.

Additionally, I've noticed how quiet the OOC is. RPs usually rely on its players' enthusiasm and drive to keep itself going. If you aren't available to chat, at least make your presence known by posting on the OOC/Discord chat per round- whether to announce that you're writing a post so you don't snipe someone, etc. Let's all give our best to make sure this thing keeps moving, both in the IC and the OOC.

Thank you.
  • Thank You
Reactions: Fox of Spades

If no one minds, Imma take the next post! Gonna read up then write~

Also, whatcha guys currently listening to :0? I've had Numbers by Daughter stuck on replay.


Posted! If anyone wants to meet Anais, that'd be great ^^
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Need more shield bros so we can meme ICly.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Warden
Currently I've been into Artic Monkeys and Red Hot Chili peppers... so I'd say mellow rock lol

@Fox of Spades Mind is she runs into Lawrence? :3 I could see him just kinda going with it like, "oh cool, what we running from?"
  • Love
Reactions: Warden

That sounds fun OwO ehehe, feel free to have him bump into Anais! Also I need to listen to more Artic Monkeys <3
  • Love
Reactions: Remmy Rose
Anais "bumping" into anyone is a bad sign.
By 'bump', do you mean 'set on fire'? And by 'anyone', do you mean 'everyone'?
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Warden

Wow D8< it's only been a day, but ok. I mean, I guess she was kicked out of her hometown for a reason. Oi Lawrence, if you're gonna bump into her, help save her from Jagred pls D:

RIP Lawrence, you sweet summer childe. Press F to pay respect.

F = Flames.
  • Like
Reactions: Fox of Spades
RIP Lawrence, you sweet summer childe. Press F to pay respect.

F = Flames.
"Always knew I would go out in flames." *smug grin*
@Fox of Spades
Listening to old 2000's music, it's a guilty pleasure of mine.
And damn, first post already and we've got a criminal on our hands.
Arrest this woman before she sets the entire continent ablaze.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Remmy Rose