RANT Your Brains Out #98274

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The one problem roommate is back after a week away.

...The peace was nice while it lasted
I'm not exaggerating when I say this is probably the worst sore throat I've ever had. It's so bad that it's all I ever talk about (over text, because actually speaking is near impossible right now) these past few days.
Conventions are supposed to be fun. This is supposed to be a place where we can geek out and have a blast. This is not a place that we are supposed to be tense and upset. This is not supposed to be an event full of drama and bullshit.

When we agreed to sharing a hotel room, we agreed to split the cost fairly evenly. Five people all paying the same cost. The three of us gave you other two one rule. We didn't care that you brought two extra people to crash in the room at no cost. We can overlook the whole ditching everyone at the con in order to go fuck some random stranger in a space that we left our valuables (thankfully nothing was stolen, because you betrayed our trust there, but that wasn't a steadfast RULE that we told you about. It's one of those understood 'No-No situations' but whatever.)

The rule was simple.

It was EASY.

Nobody was to drink any alcohol if they were staying in the room. It was to be a dry space, because one of us can't hold their drinks worth anything. So the rest of us weren't going to drink anything either. Avoiding Alcohol for a few days with so much else going on, should be really easy. We're all adults, none of us younger than 25! So this one rule, this one single thing that we mentioned WOULD be a deal-breaker if anyone violated it...


The one person that is way too much of a handful, the same one who kicked us out of our own room just for sex (which I wouldn't have as much of an issue with if she was paying more than anyone else or had conveyed this message herself rather than pushing it down the grapevine...) is the person who showed up drunk.

Okay, so shit happens. Maybe it was a thing at a con that we missed the notice of?

"Went to a bar and had one beer on a couple of other guys. I was flirting and it was working."

One beer?
You really expect us to believe that when you have three bottles that you threw away AFTER you got back to the room?
"Fine, I had three."
Try again, sweetie.
Now that sounds about right. Maybe six or seven considering how loud you were. When everyone else is asleep, resting after a busy day, and it's the ungodly time of the morning, do not bring another guy back to the room then start bitching and crying over things. Don't make it out that we're the horrible people because we don't want to put up with more of this bullshit. Don't boo-hoo to us that you might have an STD because you've decided to whore yourself out after breaking up with your boyfriend. If you cared about safe sex, the likelihood of that being the case would be much lower and you wouldn't have any reason to panic as if you were just stabbed or something.

We specifically stated that nobody in the room was supposed to drink at this convention. And it was the FIRST FUCKING NIGHT.

Hotels in the area are supposed to be sold out. The three of us all live well over an hour away. That long commute daily certainly sounds better than putting up with three more nights of this BS. But, even better, the money we were supposed to give you to pay for the room? Thanks for not claiming it when we arrived. Now you get none of it for violation of the one simple condition we had. And instead, we managed to get blindingly insanely lucky and found a room nearby. A room that costs us EXACTLY the amount that you were going to get.

Sorry, but we aren't sorry that we're leaving you high and dry on this issue. It was ONE rule. ONE!
And you had been told since this con LAST YEAR that it would be a deal-breaker if we shared a hotel for this con. You were told YESTERDAY morning as a reminder that "Drinking is prohibited and we will find other arrangements if you do it." as well as everyone being reminded that "This is a dry room, so we won't be drinking alcohol here."

If we didn't remind everyone yesterday, then maybe talking about it would have helped. But to get a promise to our face that got broken in under 12 hours, how can you expect us to ever trust you with anything again. At least the situation is better now.

Now maybe I can take care of the other things that are as hard to deal with for this. (Such as the bruised finger and the injured ankle + Knee...)


We had one rule for sharing a hotel room with some friends (and splitting the cost evenly)
We were willing to overlook the non-agreed upon, but should have been understood issues.
We were lied to and the one rule was broken on the first night
Had to find new arrangements - Which we found some really good ones by a stroke of pure luck
Used funds that were supposed to go to the split cost to cover the new hotel room
Still have to deal with a few injuries

Hopefully the rest of this con will go along without a hitch now.
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I'm from Colorado. I moved to Washington after I graduated with my boyfriend. We were doing fine there.

Then his mother paid for us to move down to Tennessee to live with her. We visited before deciding and Tennessee seemed nice.

But after a month of living there we all packed up and moved to Alabama.

I don't know why but I can't stand it here. I have no clue what it is but I absolutely hate it here. I don't hate my boyfriend's family, I don't hate the area, I just hate the state.

I REEEAALLY need these job applications to get approved so I can make money to get the hell out of here.
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I make jokes about my acne and 'haha, sick, I popped a great zit!' but the truth is that I am miserably, horribly insecure. I expected it, I was aware it could happen, but given that I had zero trouble with acne my entire life up until starting HRT, I thought I might get lucky. No dice. My previously clear, beautiful skin, the only physical feature of mine I had any confidence in, is a red, bumpy mess. I feel like I can't talk about how deeply it affects me without someone going 'well, then stop taking T'. Because my mom did. I don't think she meant it very seriously but it shut me up immediately.

I'm so happy to be on HRT. I'm just very self conscious about what it's done to my skin. I've spent so much money on skin products but nothing really seems to help, and I can't go dropping 100s of dollars a month just trying to find the 'right' combination. I wash my glasses, my phone, and change my pillow cases once a week. I'm sure me picking at my skin doesn't help, but I'm just a picker... I've always picked scabs, and bit/picked at my nails for over 20 years... I knew acne would just be another struggle not to pick and pick and pick at.

I'll get over it, and I know it will go away eventually. I'm just very sad and insecure about it right now.
The whole "It's not you, it's me" deal. I totally disagree with the notion of it being you when it comes to ending a roleplay. It's bad enough we got ghosters for no damn reason on sites and in roleplays everywhere.
In my experience, I feel like I attract ghosters more and won't admit they do not like my ideas or me when it comes to roleplaying, when one tries to be open, flexible and understanding for only for ghosters to come to you more and not have people understand your interests or where you're coming from...Then like a turtle, I want to stay in my shell (bubble for RP users) and not come out because no one sticks around and likes my angles.
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One day, I will get to sleep in until my alarm clock goes off. Sadly, today is not that day. Nor was it yesterday, or the day before that...

I still have faith that one day, it will happen.
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It looks like we're going to have to dig up the rest of our backyard. 🤬 Seriously? How in the fuck was this problem not discovered sometime between when the house went up for sale and when we bought it?! I was never crazy about this damn place, but noooo! My hubby liked it and he was using his VA loan so I got overruled by everybody. Now all they're doing is bitching because we can't do laundry, we can't take long showers, and the backyard looks like we're trying to turn it into a mud wrestling pit. Maybe next time everyone will give my opinion a listen!
Why are all my roommates some kinda nuts?
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amazing things: finally have a stable position at work, with benefits!

awful things: (start whiny, petty ranting) my job is the most boring fucking job in the world and the only thing that keeps me sane is being able to dick around on the computer. since they hired someone else for the rotation I have to sit with them for two weeks. what the fuck am I going to do for two weeks, this is going to be dreadful. two weeks training??? this job isn't that hard! the evening/weekend shifts are quiet, it's nothing like the day shifts. and that's gonna be two 10 hour shifts in there! omg kill me. they're probably going to want to talk to me. I do not want to talk. I want to write bad erotica and read AmITheAsshole on reddit (end whiny, petty ranting)
Sometimes I feel like my colleague doesn't like me and just do these things just to annoy or to be the shittiest person to even walk in this office. She's the reason I don't want to work at CS, but since we cannot hire anyone here, I have to continue working here until they might find a solution for this mess. I don't want to come to work and feel like I don't want to be here, but I don't wanna quit since I still work 40% at After Sales.

My other co-worker doesn't want to talk about what's going on, he can't handle it and doesn't want to get ''involved'. But then he starts talking about it ANYWAY, and it infuriates me. If you get angry at me for talking about the situation but continue talking when you feel like it's shit... Wtf?
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I sincerely hate the fact that I have a full time job. Put in 40 hours a week of mindless bullshit and STILL can't afford to live on my own. A full time job and I can't afford rent in my city because it's that outrageous. There's no reason a one bedroom apartment needs to be 1800-2500/month not including utilities. There's just no reason.

And what I CAN afford is in the worst parts of town. I'm sorry, I hope it's not classist, but I refuse to live on streets where I can't walk after sundown.

I'm frustrated. I wanna move out and be my own person but it's financially impossible for me. I hate it.
"gay trans men are erasing homosexuality"

ahuhuhuah that one hurts
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I haven't been able to sleep for more than 2-3 hours a day over the last week.

C'mon body, brain... I just wanna sleep
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I'm glad I went out today, but maaaaan I hurt

I hurt so much.

God, my hamstrings and my calves burn.
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transitioning is great and has improved my life tenfold

but it doesn't fix everything and the pain of my constant loneliness is still there. I wonder if it will ever go away. I think I've reached a point where it is too ingrained in me that I will never overcome my fear. I can't even talk to people on the internet. The concept of going to a meet up or a bar or dating sites is terrifying to me. More and more now I wonder if I'm truly an introvert or if my social anxiety has just ruined so much of my ability to form relationships that I interpreted my loneliness as being an introvert.

well, whatever. testosterone or no testosterone, I'm still a garbage hypocrite hermit undeserving of love and companionship

also, my hair is falling out in clumps, so like, that's cool
So Roommate G (the problem roommate, who still hasn't left, even though he's said he will) has this habit of leaving the back door open all day to let air in (I'm not even kidding, from like 7AM to 11PM it's usually open), and like, I can see where he's coming from since it's summer and nice to get some air flow when you live in a basement, but it's also letting in bugs (which he'll blame the upstairs neighbours for I'm sure) and pollen and shit from outside and it's making me (and others I'm sure) miserable in terms of allergies. My face hurts.
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Have you considered that maybe we don't like you because you're an ass person and not because you're trying to replace my grandma? Complaining about how people my age are useless isn't exactly endearing to anyone. Also, the moon landings weren't faked you dumbass.
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DHL sucks donkey balls and they keep messing up our orders. We've had so many problems, and more problems occur. 2 years ago, I only worked with delayed deliveries, missing products, more products than customer ordered and a shit ton of other problem. It's time my company gets its own goddidlydarn warehouse now.
I understand and appreciate the need for content/trigger warnings and will always use them when requested, or for obvious things without prompting

but I would be lying if I said it did not rub me the wrong way that I have to warn for transitioning in my local trans group on Facebook
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