RANT Your Brains Out #98274

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I seriously doubt I'm going to make any money tonight. Here's hoping that the snow brings in some damn deliveries and I'm not standing around folding boxes all fucking night. X_x
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I have been home all of ten minutes and I already wish I could go back to work. Seriously, today is one of those days that I understand why people suddenly snap and murder their family. No, I haven't reached that point yet, but I seriously understand.
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Toilet's clogged again - second time in less than 24 hours and I know it's the second time because I got it unclogged fine earlier - but I can't get it unclogged this time. It's not even my fault this time, one of my roommates clogged it and didn't tell anyone, let alone attempt to unclog it (the plunger was dry). Also, because Roommate L didn't take his clothes out of the one dryer that the five of us share before going to bed, I can't do my laundry, and because of that, I can't have a shower because all my sleep clothes are dirty and I refuse to put on dirty clothes after having a shower and getting clean

Fine, whatever.

It's times like this that make me want to live in a regular apartment and not a share house, but I can't afford a 1-bedroom on Disability, Subsidized Housing is out of the questions due to mental health reasons, and no one I know who lives here is looking to go half's on a 2-bedroom, and I'm over living with strangers
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Fuck everyone and everything! I don't give a flying fuck about anyone else's problems at the moment. I have a house full of sick cats because I am almost positive their food is poisoned. My kids are freaking out an I am stuck at work late because no one is fucking responsible! Fyck everyone.
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Dear Jehovah's Witnesses,

I wish I had four hands so I can tell you people to fuck off an extra two more times.

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"You're doing great angel"

Uhhhh. ...Thanks?

Dude, I'm just walking. Granted, it probably looks like a huge task to you, since I'm on crutches and disabled and everything, but like, it's not a miracle. I know you probably meant it in a well-meaning way, but honestly, it's just annoyingly condescending and insulting.

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I would rather not be told all the things you plan on helping me with if in reality you aren't going to help me at all. I don't need empty promises, in fact, you would actually save me a ton of trouble by not saying anything at all that way I'm prepared for the let down.
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One day I'll finally learn my lesson.
I'm so bad at managing my time right. I just can't focus on one thing at a time due to my ADHD and it's just so annoying. I've tried medication for it but they always seem to fuck up something else with the side effects. I wish it would just go away magically but I know that will never happen.

Only one day of spring break remaining...
I have done too much in the last 2 days and now it hurts to stand
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Had a character get denied in two D&D roleplay servers today. Apparently 3 million cliched grunting barbarians are fine, but god forbid you actually come up with something fucking original.
someone put me in debt and lied about it for an entire year!!!!!!!!!!!! thE ONLY REASON WHY THEY CAME CLEAN IS BECAUSE I GOT A CALL FROM THE DEBT COLLECTOR BVJHCNKSM
Still pissed off like hell about losing my OU JOB. I was apparently not doing 100 emails a day or staying at 100% accuracy... well fuck me for still learning- and fuck clubhouse too for sending only idiots that I also had to "train!" >:[ yeah that was a helluva back stab, thanks.
Oh how wonderful it is to be back at work, with such lovely colleagues! Applied for a different job in the company I work for, tired of dealing with my co-workers and customer service and I want to be in After Sales. HR Manager calls me while I'm on vacation and tells me that '' Yes, you got it!! BUT!!! There's a plot twist. We need you to work 60% CS and the remaining 40% in AS '' . At first I was fine by this. But now that I'm home from my vacation I FEEL SO UPSET WITH MY BOSS.

She's clueless of how this would work, and want to me to work as if I'm fulltime at CS. ALTHOUGH, I WON'T BE ABLE TO DO SO. She wants me to find a balance, be flexible but also that it's important to make sure you separate AS/CS. She said that in the same meaning. Flexible but still... NOT FLEXIBLE? Nah, it doesn't work like that. I gave her a proposal; I would only be with you to help out. If they are getting behind on something, LET ME DO IT. But nah, I'm gonna do everything they do even though I'm only here a limited amount of time every day and on the side working with something completely different.

My boss just doesn't know what the people at AS do; take care of repair questions for 4 different countries, spare part documents, questions about products from our 4 countries and a lot of other shit. How am I supposed to manage this in 4 hours, 4 days a week? THEY DON'T NEED ME HERE, SO WHY IS MY BOSS HOLDING ON TO ME SO DAMN HARD? We are literally rolling our thumbs right now because not much is happening. Did you not get the hint when I applied for another job, I don't wantttttttttt to work here. I should let her know, but everyone around me tells me to chill for a month or so. I will.

Nah, frigg this mate.

On the positive side; The HR manager told me that there's a high possibility that I can switch to AS sometimes autumn. I know that the AS manager wants me there 100% and he told me he's going to try and do whatever he can to put me there. I really want to work with him, and just not have to deal with stupid consumers (sorry but, they can ask the most ridiculous things and they make you feel awful once you start stuttering). Or with my colleagues here for that matter.

Rant over >_<
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I should have known better. I knew it was going to end up hurting in the end. Reading back over everything, falling in love with everything we'd made together. Knowing full well that I am never going to be able to get it all back again. You're not even here to start over with anymore. I could try and find someone else, but it will never be the same.

It's over. It's my fault its over. But gods I can't help but miss it!
Oh boy, what I'm about to say is gonna sound extremely bad but I need to get this off my chest.

My brother graduated university with his bachelor's a couple days ago, my classmates are all posting about how they are happy to have finished their first year of college and can't wait to see what the future holds, everyone is having an amazing and successful life, BLAH BLAH BLAH.

I chose to wait to go to college and now I can't find even the simplest of jobs because I'm too shy.

But you know what? While all of my classmates are gaining weight in college and losing sleep and constantly posting about how stressful classes are, I have enough time to work out and get fit and look fucking ripped. That'll be my big "fuck you" to everyone I went to school with.

Now it's just a matter of starting my weight loss journey. ;u; Running isn't the problem for me. Intermittent fasting is.
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