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Misguided Ghost
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. Multiple posts per week
  4. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. Transgender
  5. Agender
  6. Primarily Prefer Male
romance, modern, drama, modern fantasy, horror
Rabbit's search thread

Hello! Since it's summer I'm looking for a couple of people who'd want to start something. I guess I'll start off by telling you a little about myself? I'm nineteen, almost twenty years old. I started roleplaying when I was around the age of nine, and kept it up for a good couple of years, quit, and then picked it up again a little over a year ago.
I'm starting my second year at uni this fall. I have no idea how busy I'll be then, but I tend to always make time for roleplaying and other things anyway, so it shouldn't be a problem. For now, though, it's summer, and I have nothing else to do, so, yay.
I'm in the GMT+2 time zone and I live in Sweden. English isn't my native language, it doesn't mean I'm horrible at writing it or anything, but there might be the occasional slip up in terms of grammar and vocab etc.
What to expect from me

-Super active. I tend to be able to reply at least once a day. But I do also match post speed of my partners if they are slower.

- I write multiple paragraphs for each post. My average tend to lay around three to four, varying in size. Depending on what's going on in the RP my posts can be between two and six or so paragraphs. I will match my partner's post length most of the time though!

- I play any gender, and any gender pairing. However, I tend to favour m/m, with f/f and f/m at about equal level. But it all depends on the plot and pairing we're working with and what suits it the most! For the more basic things, like high school set unpopular/popular kid pairs, I probably won't do f/m though, but you can always try me.

- I don't really double. I just don't get the concept really. I prefer just keeping track on one character per scene, though I don't mind occasional Pov swaps and having a lot of sidecharacters.

- I like talking ooc. Whether it be about random things or our characters or things that will happen in the RP. Even if we don't really talk much though, I love me some planning ooc in general.

- I don't think smut is necessary, but given that you're 18+ I don't mind not fading to black for character development and plot and whatnot.

What I expect from you

- No one liners!! If little is going on, one paragraph is fine, but the minimum I like for low paced scenes is generally around two!

- Plot and plan with me! Talk to me before introducing drastic things in the plot! I also like planning future events a head of time. I don't mind seeing where things going in the actual scene, but I can't just do day to day rps without skipping and figuring out what will happen next ooc. Planning is very important to me!

- At least somewhat active. I get that not everyone can post every day, but active Rps keeps me more invested.

- Realistic face claims only!

- Don't set out to make characters based on anime archetypes (aka don't make a stereotypical tsundere or whatever without doing anything to defy the character mold) Also no forcing m/m relationship into seme/uke roles. I don't like yaoi, I don't like fujoshi culture.

- Decent character sheet. I just like something to go off and it's easier to develop a story that way. It doesn't have to be as detailed as mine though.


A place for undeveloped plot ideas, pairings, etc.

contemporary, drama, angst, romance, platonic relationships, young adults, modern fantasy, vampires, witches, supernatural, early 2000, 70/80s, coming of age, slice of life

High fantasy, sci-fi, insta love.

Single parent x Single parent
Single parent x "I'm never having kids, I hate kids,"
unpopular x Cheerleader
Bullied x Popular kid
Witch x Witch
vampire x human
Slytherin x Hufflepuff
Photographer x Model

Settings/premises/undeveloped ideas
High school, college/uni, coffeeshop au (but it's not an au, u get it haha), summer flings, past friends meeting again, summer camp, Hogwarts

Hetalia, South park, homestuck (I only do canon x canon, for these) Harry potter (only oc x oc for this one)


More fleshed out plots I'd like to do! If you have some other snassy plot idea you think I would like feel free to suggest it though!

I Want to Face... Taken
Pairing: m/m
Plot: It's about half a year now since Alexander killed himself. Half a year since Oliver's life started to go downhill. Blaming himself for his boyfriend's suicide he started to push everyone away. Friends, family, nothing matters without him. When school starts again after summer break it has never felt more meaningless to go. That is until your character shows up. A new kid, with his own past, and who has to lie to everyone asks why he transferred and who can't seem to fit in with all the already established friend groups at the school. Soon a friendship is formed and both feel a little less alone. But the question if they'll be able to help each other cope with their pasts.
Notes: tws for this one would be suicide, suicidal thoughts, possible self-harm, mental illness in general. As in terms of your character whatever the reason is he is transferring schools/moving is up to you/ something we can discuss! Also, the title is the title of a poem, Oliver likes poetry. (Also also, hecka craving this one right now, so it'd be a + if you're active)

Let's leave together
Pairing: Any!
Plot: Character A and B haven't really been friends for long. It was only just the last couple of weeks of high school when they started to talk. Yet B is the person A calls at the dead of night two days after graduation telling them they are outside in their car, and that they should pack their bag because they are going on a road trip. Why? It's summer they are free from high school and they can do whatever they want. Is that the actual reason? Who knows but they are leaving with or without B, but would prefer it if they came along.
Notes: Could see this being platonic or romantic, and with more characters possibly joining them along the way, or not!

Only for the Summer
Pairing: m/m
Plot: It's the same thing every summer, school is over for the summer, the town is suddenly full of more tourists than normal and without fail, Character A's neighbours rent out their home to tourists over the summer. Last year it was an old married couple, there to experience the gorgeous nature surrounding the Italian town, before that a happy family of four. This year, it seems to be a bunch of college students, unusual seeing as the very proper middle-aged couple living there makes sure the people renting aren't the type of people to ruin their home with a bunch of parties. But as it turns out these are a group of history majors, here to experience the culture and history of the town.
So with the exception of sometimes checking out Character B out occasionally, and receiving a smile and a nod back, A couldn't care less about them. That is until a fairly awkward and possibly slightly tipsy encounter on their way back from the beach one evening, at which a bridge for some kind of relationship that isn't just longing looks suddenly is opened up.
Notes: I imagine character A being 17 going on 18 with one year of high school left, and B being in his early twenties. I'm usually not one for age gaps like these but eh, thought it would make it more interesting.

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I'm interested in exploring "I want to face..." and "only for the summer". PM me if you want to talk about these and plot. I'd love to see where we can go.
Ooh the "Lets Leave Together" plot sounds good I'm interested