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Zyxis Ouroboros ReArchtype

Original poster
I am looking for new people for this rp. Wanna join? I have no idea what I am supposed to do or put here, so I guess I will put some of the good parts here:
1. Friendly, helpful people. ^w^ (Best part, in my opinion)
2. RPG elements
3. Logical fighting and pvp system.
4. Long-Term progression
5. An actual storyline
6. Each roleplayer's character gets individual story arcs.
7. Inability to be OP. I am serious. You just cannot do it. My system is airtight. @-@
I think that is it. Mostly. All other information is here: OPEN SIGNUPS - Beyond Your Expectations (Info, Signups, and OOC chat)
If you are interested, pm me and we will work together to make a character. ^w^
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