Prion (signup thread and OOC)

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Original poster
Setting : forests around the Great Lakes region, October 9th, 2203. Winter is setting in, heavy snowfall, no crop yields, and human desperation at an all time high.

Plot, short: Civilization has long since crumbled, a side effect because it thrived. You are just trying your best to survive in a harsh world.

Plot, very long:
Human science in the fields of artificial biology and medicine have hit their apex, and to test their shiny new syringes, project ANKH spearheaded by DARPA funding set out to create super soldiers. The side effects were almost not worth the price, with cut corners and design flaws highly apparent due to a massive budget consumption and the limits of intellectual expansion into new scientific fields. The project was an extreme success, with each soldier recieving a tailor made injection of engineered virus and viroid agents that implemented the various stages of body modification to be carried out by the individuals own bodily processes.
The result?
Human beings with carbon nanotube muscles, making them almost as strong as elephants, with more bodily durability and flexibility than their respective bones and cartilidge. 1/4 carbon nanotube Reinforced cartridge, to allow wider range of motion, agility and most importantly, durability. Extremely heightened regeneration, allowing fatal wounds to be healed in a week or two as long as excess calories are provided. Reflexes that were increased so fast that reaction times reached the biological limit of 0.13 seconds across the board for visual, auditory and touch stimuli. Age was no longer an issue thanks to the regenerative Synthetic proteins and tailor made viral agents containing a perfect replica of the subjects DNA the day the first blood samples were taken. Disease struggled to infect the somewhat biological cell make up of the test subjects.
Where did it go wrong?
While the side effects like increased calorie count, intense tiredness after a day without sleep despite requiring only eight hour of sleep per week for peak physical fitness, an inability to reproduce between subjects and the inability to reproduce non-clones when subjects attempted procreating with normal human beings and worst of all the inability to vent the excess body heat released by the artificial enhancements in an efficient way (severely limiting potential output not for lack of ability but entirely because of the likelihood of sudden passing out due to heat exhaustion) were all horrible and made the enhancements barely worth it, the real problem was Michael Somare. His parents were born in Papua New Guinea, and he secretly had the Kuru prison disease in his system. The prion, altered by his artificial augmentations, became a global disease that spread like a virus and could cause death within ten years, leaving its afflicted the last years of their life in extreme dementia and Alzheimer's like states, rambling and mumbling to themselves before their brains ceased to function.

Project ANKH survivors were used briefly to prevent global disaster following the large human population die off, shutting down nuclear power plants world wide or welding sewer exit ports, before one day...they never heard back from command.

From the decades and then centuries that followed, societies arose following borderline insane and infectious people. The number of infected people's is now incredibly low, and human population has dipped down so low that there aren't even enough people to find out how many people are left. The social contract has long since regressed.

It is said that to the east of North America, there the old world builds an army spearheaded by a warrior king. It is whispered that he is in fact also an Unkillable or Sage, some of the terms attributed by tribals to surviving Project ANKH test subjects. For most however none of that matters, as surviving in this far post apocalyptic world is hard enough thanks to a random technology gradient, lack of social trade, extremely varrying languages and cultural identities, the harsh climate of an almost ice age and the even more harsh artificial animals which litter the landscape.
Some such as the Torvosornis Utahmimis and Torvosornis Tyrannomimis are trainable beasts of war and burden while still a nightmare to encounter in the wild, while others are completely useless or untamable. This world is extremely harsh to humans, and it will take everything you have to survive.


Character sheets for Tribals, Subjects and companions :

Homo Sapian, tribal

Clothing/Gear: (If a tribe is known for their clothing or armor, then your character can easily make it if they have the tools. Having only one set of clothes and no back pack for example would be lethally stupid and potentially lethally gross.)
Backstory: (History with the tribe and/or companion animal, why they would want to leave or stay, open mindedness or close mindedness, etc.)
Abilities/Weapon proficiencies: (Gets to include tribe weapon proficiencies and skills while being able to have a handful of personal skills. Include survival, war and academic skills too, though don't forget these are tribes led in multiple times throughout their history by literally insane people so their education and skill set is likely limited unless a good backstory reason is given.)
Tribe: (see list of tribes and descriptions in the next post to pick)
Companion name: (don't fill out if there isn't a companion animal)

Homo Deus, Test Subject

Age/birthday: (add 911 years to whatever their age was when they received their injections, with none older than 40 at the time of injection unless they were special forces with an age waiver)
Clothing/Gear: (given the almost 1,000 years of experience, extra strength and durability, a large backpack with 100lbs of clothing, weaponry, tools, etc. wouldn't be a stretch.)
Backstory: (what have they been doing between their ascent into super humans, the fall of civilization and now? What's the personality been like compared to before they were experimented on, given a life time of hardships and tragedy? These people would likely be so mentally broken or scarred at this point that it's a miracle they aren't sociopaths...or maybe yours is.)
Abilities/Weapon proficiencies: (All ANKH subjects were extremely intelligent former or active US military at the time of injections, so whatever branch and unit they were attached to would've burned many useful skills and ideas into their minds. Be sure to include anything they picked up on over the years, too.)

Artificial Animal Companions

Species: (see next post on species list)
Age/birthday: (given their immortality, use Hatchling/baby, Adolescent, Subadult and Adult or use direct years along with the above age titles)
Appearance: (include weight, height and length if possible)
Backstory: (in respect to their past if they had one and their time with their current owner/master/companion)
Abilities/tricks: (anything deviating from the normal species abilities and/or tricks taught by owner/master/companion. A Tyrannomimis for instance can't learn cute tricks easily, but can accept a variety of simple to complex verbal, such as trigger words and phrases, or physical commands, such as pulling on feathers to give direction while riding or hand signals, to understand strategy in battle or hunting, while a Utahmimis has similar potential but requires more dog-like commands and can have some less direct or aggressive tricks and training which would make an all around more supportive animal. Another example being Dakotamimis are small enough, smart enough and dangerous enough that you could have doubled down on attack and guard training or more passive training- meaning you could either use a trigger word or whistle with a hand motion and sic a battlebird on an enemy for it to dispatch silently or use as a rapid response animal for ferrying messages or medium weight equipment.)

Natural Companions

Species: (whatever the scientific species name for your desired real world animal is. For example, any dog breed or wolf breed would be Canis Lupus Familiaris which roughly translates to familiar canine wolf.)
Appearance: (include weight, height and length if possible)
Backstory: (in respect to their past if they had one and their time with their current owner/master/companion)
Abilities/tricks: (anything deviating from the normal species abilities and/or tricks taught by owner/master/companion. A hawk or eagle species would be great for hunting medium sized game, retrieving pelt or scouting for danger while a German Shepherd would be a great guard and attack dog and has the ability to perform tricks)
List of Tribes near setting starting

• Black Ash- This is the smallest of the tribes, which performs long range trade with some tribes in the Black Lands areas, obtaining obsidian arrow heads and alcohol recipies. This tribe relies on traditional Native American style dress and weaponry, and seem to be a mix of Native American and Icelandic in their geneology, religion, and culture. Language wise, it's extremely similar to English but is practiced in a faster way for women and slower way for men to highlight voice inflection, often pronouncing silent letters. There is not, however, any form of written language beyond symbolic and often primitive art. The tribe frequently utilize Torvosornis Dakotamimis for trade, warfare and hunting assistance. At age 18 a tribal undergoes their first rite of passage, receiving tattoos along their spine and either tribal
or rune style tattoos on various part shows of their body from the village shaman that depict their "destiny," which is also dictated by said shaman. The destiny of those passing the rite line up often with whatever role the tribe needs filled. Men are left to be warriors, beastmaster and instructors while women are usually scouts, hunters on extremely rare occasion or child bearers. The second rite sees the beast master presenting either a mother companion animal on the verge of giving birth or an egg soon to hatch, the rite is passed once the companion animal reaches adulthood but is failed if the animal fails to imprint on the tribal or dies before adulthood, resulting in immediate excommunication and evictment by the tribe. This tribe is also an exclusive ethnic enclave, not allowing new members and therefore genetics in; thankfully there is barely enough male to female population numbers to prevent genetic bottle necking.

• People of the Kalpa- This medium sized tribe practices more local trade than the other tribes and build actual log cabin style homes, possessing crossbows, tomahawks and war clubs for warfare purposes. This tribes animal of choice is the Neomammuthusmimis, using its fur to make fur clothing and decorations for their homes or weaponry. This tribe is decently progressive, though women are forbade from direct combat roles and men are forbade from interacting with any village children unless they are the shaman. At age ten, a tribal is expected to go into the wilderness almost nude and come back with a wolf pelt. If the tribal dies or cannot kill a wolf or similarly sized or larger predator, they fail the rite and are reduced to argicultural roles at best. This tribe is extremely varied in individuals as even outsiders can join unless they are older than ten years old. This tribe speaks an almost identical language to French, but writes in English.

• Ikit- This tribe is notorious for their pyromania, wielding torches, flaming arrows and covering their foes in pitch. This tribe is also extremely war like, if you aren't in the military or married or born of someone in the military, you shall be a slave until you perform warrior services. This tribe is extremely blood thirsty and is well known for a unanimous dark skin color, straight and black hair and black eye color. Interestingly, this tribe has an extreme culture and social standard for its members and expect men and women alike to be poets, firesmiths (basic to adept incendiary chemistry,) slave trainers, hunters, warriors, witch doctors and crude blacksmiths. Their pyromania comes from the belief that fire is the only 'pure' living being, and seem to understand basic medical procedure because of this such as curing food or cauterizing wounds. This tribe despite their blood thirst, will ally with individuals if they can display a mastery of firesmithing or can either defeat in a dance battle or perfectly imitate a tribal dance after only one example being shown. They do not ally with entire tribes though- meaning a tribal alliance would require everyone to attempt to pass either a lethal incindiary chemistry test or matching/winning an equally lethal dance off.

• Frost Dwellers - the Frost Dwellers tribe is more like an ethnic enclave like the black Ashe.This tribe of direct Eastern European ancestry survived after a boat crash on the eastern coast before migrating to the Great Lakes region, utilizing hunting traps and walls to protect themselves and using little resources for home building by putting their rooves on at ground level and creating subterranean homes. This group is said to create their own custom made weaponry, such as black powder or smokeless powder rifles and industrial steel swords and industrial steel armor in the vague image of poorly crafted Knights Templar armor. Their religion has many taboos, and forbid the entering of old world ruins. Their society is a warrior cult, spreading by annexing other tribes or just stealing any knowledge, goods or weaponry of value they can find during a raid. This group also produces genuine weak to moderately powerful explosives and seems to know that consuming the ingredients of powerful explosives (Nitroglycerin) is good for the heart, especially for the old. Before the beginning of a battle, the Frost Dwellers are known to strip nude and stare at their enemies from a decent distance away- motionless- sometimes while chanting a funeral hum for their foes and themselves. This tribe produces not just boats and kayaks, but powerful, wooden sea faring vessels to assist in their banditry practices.

• Kanaedons- One of only two groups to produce firearms, the Kanaedons speak a mix of French and English and seek to be atheistic in religion, overvalueing history for their answers. Here, Sages/Unkillibles/Demigods are given literal red roses like a carpet to walk on and are grilled for hours on end for old world secrets. This group allows their military presence to enforce peace with neighbors, yet still relies almost entirely within themselves to do anything. The tribe is also known as "the paleskins," freaturing predominantly Caucasian, Western European and Asian facial charactericts with ice white skin colors.

• Amer-Khans- The Khans are a brutal war society with custom firearms and interchangeable parts for the firearms. Believed to be descendants of a local national guard outposts, the Amer-Khans speak English though they use the phonetic alphabet as their actual alphabet and are not against stealing resources from long time allies if they need them. This group attempts to innovate or rediscover old technologies but struggle due to a lack of equipment. They worship the "Force One," a mythical being said to fly and give commands down to the very individual within their tribe, handing out gifts to good children and adults at the end of the year or killing those that are bad by feeding them to his war animals. This tribe, like the Kalpa, are extremely varied in demographic. If you want to join the Amer-Khans, simply defeat an Echo-Two (essentially their interpretation of a squad leader or fire team leader) in hand to hand battle in front of the tribe. If you can kill the opponent before he or she drops to the ground, you will become the new Echo-Two and are instantly a life long ally and minor leader.

Artificial Companion Species

• Torvosornis Utahmimis- Savage Bird- Utah Mimic


Nicknames: War bird, Bird of burden, Bone Bird

Biology: thanks to their base genome of a secretary bird and attributes of various Corvus species, the Utahmimis is a pack hunting, trainable, inquisitive and intelligent artificial animal mimicking the Utahraptor decent enough while being overall a great improvement over the original animal. While females have more dull colors during mating seasons and males can develop extravagant feather colors, they can hold a variety of colors or patterns of colors across their bodies year around. Weiging between 1.6 to 2.5 tons with the largest individuals being 2 meters tall and almost 7 meters long. The Utahmimis is a mount, a beast of burden and functions well as a warriors animal, giving it multiple roles for those who raise or tame one. They can manage speeds of 25 miles per hour for up to two hours at a time, and are one of the three smartest artificial companions available. This species can perform a six foot vertical leap and possesss a double jointed ankle, allowing it to rotate almost completely around like a wrist to surgically calculate strikes with a disgustingly powerful seven inch long toe talon.

• Torvosornis Dakotamimis- Savage Bird Dakota Mimic


Nicknames: Battle bird, Blood bird, Speedster, Lightning runner

Biology: The base genome of a chicken with bits of corvus and emu DNA have left an extremely fast artificial improvement over the dakotaraptor. With the largest individuals being around 0.5-1.5 meters tall and 2-5 meters long, it's no surprise this beast is not rideable, with the largest adults being a maximum of 900lbs. This species is however, extremely fast at 45mph, but lack in the speed department. This species is known for pack hunting, extreme loyalty and their ability to swiftly climb trees, Mount other animals using their five inch toe talons for stability, and extremely territorial wild counterparts. This is the dumbest of the three smartest artificial companions available. Males sport colored feather patterns similar to male pheasants, eagles or turkeys while females often resemble female hawks or robins.

• Torvosornis Tyrannomimis- Savage Bird Tyrant Mimmic


Nicknames: Lock Jaw, Steel bird, Walking Tank, Apex

Biology: The Tyrannomimis was built to be the ultimate artificial animal replica. Brutally and coldly intelligent, unparalleled strength, extreme agility both proportionately and realtivistically, and decent speed with an ungodly endurance and durability. The bite force of large Tyrannomimis top out around 32,000psi or higher, a little over double the weight of the individual being measured. Full adults weigh in between 7.5 and 15 tons, are between 10-16 meters long and stand at a whopping 4-6 meters tall. Pack hunters that utilize strategy, these apex predators are as smart or smarter than the raptor replicas by design, and are nearly untamable unless obtained at hatch because they aren't fully aware of semi-advanced hunting/war strategies and their own size and strength. While a wild Tyrannomimis is pure nightmare fuel, being able to stop even battle rifle cartridges cold with their short and spiky protofeathers and upper scale layers, a trained tyrannomimis is an incredibly intelligent and unwaveringly loyal companion. Getting your hands on a trained one, however, is nigh impossible. Few can venture into a nest to steal an egg and make it out of the nest in the first place, much less all the way back home. Male Tyrannomimis are often slightly smaller than females, but have greater agility and seem to have endure the constant blood boiling rage fuel of desiring combat and war to prove themselves. Female Tyrannomimis are far more controllable and while less bloodthirsty, they are far more territorial for their companions and make up for their lower speed compared to the males of their species with their stronger bite force and larger size and weight to throw down with even the smartest of attackers with the simplist of quick movements. Tyrannomimis have incredibly powerful tails, and their small arms are still the length of a human arm and shoulder blade combined, and posses the strength to curl 600lbs individually. Then skull of a Tyrannomimis is perfect for ramming down wood and concrete structures safely, almost as dangerous as their steel shredding bite forces. With the best smelling in the animal kingdom, 1.5x more powerful than the turkey vulture, and the best eyesight, eight times better than that of the Eagle, only 1.5x to 2x better than the real Tyrannosaurus Rex, this Predator once it is on your scent will be impossible to shake. The 20mph top speed that never seems to slow also seals your fate, if it's mate and offspring in its hunting pack don't get to you first. Tribes consider them too dangerous to take but it obtained they are used as get out of jail free cards or trump cards in warfare, capable of making entire other tribes cease their existence in one encounter. Males posses darker base feather colors across their body, and during mating season, display bright red eye crests and either blue, red, white or some pattern mixing either of the three colors on their wing shaped arms which they will spread if challenged by another male during mating season. Females maintain a solid maroon/black/periwinkle/silver eye crest year around after becoming adults, and have black/brown/silver/dark purple protofeathers on their backs, a small horizontal line of white, tan, blue, silver, black or red featuring random dots of that same color below or above that line in a pattern, with either solid white, khak or black protofeathers along the underside of their bodies.

• Neoentelledontaemimis-

Nicknames: Terminator pig, hell pig, giant pig, Tu'skara, land Hippo, megaswine

Biology: of all the artificial animals, the entelledont is the most accurate. Being the size, weight and length of a pony and using Arkansas razorbacks as their genome base, this pig of death maintains swine intelligence and voracious appetite. Be warned, enemy or wild megaswine are extremely fast when attacking prey, sprinting at 36mph and using their large tusks to gore their victims to death. Feeding mega swine more meat will give them larger tusks and more fur bristles, while feeding them plant material will make them more friendly and docile, though a balance of both diets still needs to be the average in order to keep the omnivore from becoming sick. Individuals have black bristles but can have fur color ranging from extremely dark reds to any shade of brown and any shade of black. Skin color is either a dull grey, warm brown, jet black or pink in color (if hairless and being fed plant material only)

• Neomammuthmimis-

Nicknames: Mammoth, wholly mammoth, Furred Elephant, Tu'Raska, Megaphant, Tree Thrower

Biology: A replication of the American mastodon and the Colombian mammoth with traits of both, the largest Tu'Raska stands at five meters high, six meters long, and weighs in between 7-10 tons. The dumbest of artificial companion animals which is still a compliment compared to the entire animal kingdom, the Megaphant are highly curious and peaceful animals, mostly due to their extreme power and large yet tightnit family units. This is the only non-Tyrannomimis or Human land animal alive or dead that has the power and size and weight to fight a single Tyrannomimis head to head and has equal chances to losing, stalemating or winning. The species posses four tusks instead of two, a trait that was to be fixed but was decided to allow to remain as it seemed far more interesting to guests. Individuals have fur colors ranging from silvers, Maroon-grey, any shade of brown and any shade of black.

• (there are other artificial species, just not domesticated or rarely domesticated ones.)