Pokemon becoming the champion

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Jeebus! I've been waiting...so long... *sniff* Q_Q *dives into link*
Awesome! Time to write a post! :'D
Question, what if we are looking for Dual-Type Pokemon? where would we look?
dual type will be in both routes also dragons are skattered everywhere ill edit that in when I'm not on my phone
Right I'll be on most of the night and gonna get this moving But Im away fri and sat back sunday night (UK time) Also I have given your starter pokemon random natures which you will see later. pokedex is nearly ready it will be done today.
Sorry for all the questions, but how do we get the fossil Pokemon?
I'm away on vacation so I will only be able to reply, like, once a day until Sunday (in the eastern time zone).

(edit) I...So much has happened!! It looks like the others have so I will go ahead and do my starting process... I'm sorry my reply are so late!
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Crimson Maiden Just post when you can since everyone on their own adventure I'll get to everyone post soon I just got back from my weekend and trying to catch up with everything,

Kokierra You will find random fossils around or if your lucky might find a fossile pokemon as you walk around the routes
Alright, I'm working on it now!! Q_Q
As you may have noticed, I haven't made a single post.. Just like CrimsonMaiden, I am sort of in a vacation as well (though this one's really mixed with work) so I will be posting less than you guys do. But since there is internet access here from where I am currently at, I will strive to make a post once a day at least or more (if there is wifi) though I will be completely busy this coming Wednesday to Sunday since this is actually the main reason why they sent me out of my home country. There is a formal event in this resort I needed to work with. So sorry about that guys :(

It's nice to see everyone post though ^_^
yea work gets in the way. I have posts to do for this pokemon but I need my pc and Im at work. Take your time dude you'll probably could catch up with everyone easy enough.
Is it okay that Beali has recipes for pokemon food? It's kind of giving her an advantage with her pokemon health-wise so... I just want to make sure I'm not breaking any rules or anything. >.>
its a nice idea but it be unfair for the other 3 since they will have to buy potions and such and waste thier gold. Let me think about it and I might be able to come up with something for all 4 of you. If anyone has any ideas of special abilities let me know. But for the moment it be a no not right now sorry.
I haven't even looked at your post yet. While i'm at work I can't do the pokemon thread. Sorry CrimsionMaiden.
Ok people I want all 4 of you to agree to these terms and I'm happy with debating as long in the end we are all happy with this.

Special trainer abilities

1) In a field area a trainer can waste one post to make a special potion which heals 130hp. Also can be sold at the shops for 400gold. I will randomly give the trainer between 1-6 special potions.

2) In a forest or Marsh area a trainer can waste one post to find any colour apricot and turn them into balls. Which colour is up to you how many balls you make will be random between 1-6. These can be sold for 300 gold. Remember Apricot balls are better than ultra-balls if used correctly.

3) In a Mountain/cave/Volcanic Area a trainer can waste one post to try and find a held item nearby you have a 2in3 chance of finding one. Can be sold for 500 gold

4) In all other areas a trainer can post to try and find a stone nearby you have a 1 in 3 chance and can be sold for 1250 gold.

I would like for all 4 of you to pick one and also debate with me if you think some of these need changing.

You can all trade between yourselves if you in the same city/route. Also you can battle I'll just tell you if you hit miss and how much hp loss
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This is open for discussions nothing set in stone yet.

Also edited Pokemart so you can buy a random TM which I forgot to put in.