Plots, Pairings, Fandoms.. OH MY!

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| About Me |

Hey everyone! *waves* I hope you all are having an amazing and fantastic day. :) I'm here once more looking for a few more partners. I have some plots I'd like to test the waters on (they're all still roughly thought out, so will need a little bit of work), I have a few pairings I'd be interested in, and some fandoms I'd like to give a whirl! Please, PLEASE, send me a private message if interested. I don't check the threads that much so I may miss you if you're interested. I'm a pretty simple person to RP with and I'm super easy to get along with! I don't like my RP's being based strictly on smut, I like to develop a story first. I tend to lean more towards playing a female role, I'm just better at it but I'm not opposed against doubling, if you wish to do that. I try to get in a few posts a day, some days I may only get one, there may be some days where I can't get to my computer to post, but I won't ever leave a partner hanging without informing them, and I ask the same! I consider myself at a casual to low advance level. I know I will make mistakes, we all will make mistakes, but I'm not going to point every tiny thing out in your posts, and again I ask the same. Let's just overlook our flaws, eh? I'm a pretty open book I'll RP anything EXCEPT science fiction. I just don't like it and refuse to do it, also anything that has to do with bestiality (including those creepy furry things people are into), rape, or incest (this included step-anything). Other than that, I'm open to anything! Well, enough about me, let's get on with it! :D

| Pairings |

If there is something you'd like to try and I don't have it listed don't hesitate to message me and ask, the worse I can say is 'no', right?

♣ Vampire x Human
♣ Vampire x Hunter
♣ Vampire x Vampire
♣ Vampire x Werewolf
♣ Werewolf x Human
♣ Werewolf x Hunter
♣ Werewolf x Werewolf
♣ Popular x Unpopular
♣ Demon x Angel
♣ Demon x Hunter
♣ Royal x Peasant
♣ Best Friend x Best Friend
♣ Human x Mermaid

Again, if there is something you would like to give a shot and I don't have it listed here, don't hesitate to ask

| Fandoms |

- The Vampire Diaries -

♣ Damon x OC
♣ Stefan x OC
♣ Klaus x OC
♣ Elijah x OC
♣ Jeremy x OC
♣ Rebekah x OC [This would be a FxF I'd love to try]
♣ Tyler x OC
♣ Matt x OC

- Supernatural -

♣ Dean x OC
♣ Sam x OC
♣ Castile x OC

- Modern Fairy Tales -

♣ Little Red Riding Hood
♣ Beauty & The Beast
♣ Hunchback of Notre Dame
♣ Hansel & Gretel
♣ The Little Mermaid
♣ Cinderella
♣ Sleeping Beauty
♣ The Swan Princess

Again, any suggestions throw them out there.

| Plots |

If it is 'stricken through' then the plot is currently taken.

"She's A Good Girl"

Braelyn Hill had the perfect life, the perfect family. She goes to church every Sunday morning, she graduated high school top in her class, and has applied to several amazing colleges only the best of the best get into (Princeton, Harvard, etc.). She's never been in trouble, never had any kind of drug or dangerous item in her body, has never partied, she's just your overage golden girl. YC (can make up your own name) grew up in the rough part of town. He's ran with some bad people, selling drugs to live. He's been in and out of juvie, he's a high school dropout, certainly nobody Braelyn would fall for, right?

YC gets stuck doing community service, which involves cleaning the streets and ministering to all the young and lost souls out there, and it so happens that the person leading the group is none other than Braelyn. Instantly YC feels a connection to her, and she to him. The two grow close, YC is trying his best to clean up his act not only for himself but for this girl he's fallen for, but when his past comes to bite him in the butt, will he choose to live back on the streets selling drugs with his gang, or choose to give it all up, despite the dangers that will come with it, all for this good girl he's in love with?

"Runaway Bride"

It's the night of Kaitlin's wedding. A day she was suppose to be thrilled about, right? She was going to marry Tom, her high school sweetheart, the two have been together six years, but there was just this nagging feeling telling Kaitlin she shouldn't, that she should just leave it all behind. After all, she'd be stupid to ignore that little voice in her head, it was never wrong. After much debating, that's just what she did. Right before it was her cue to walk down he aisle, she fled the small chapel and down the old country dirt road.

After running for what seemed like an eternity, she stops at an old gas station to rest, and there she sees him- YC. He's pumping gas into a old beat up Ford, looking like a true Southern gentleman. He noticed Kaitlin (with her dirty wedding gown and barefeet). He offers to give her a ride, and she asks to be taken to Kentucky (where she was born). The drive is over a thousand miles or so, but he agrees. The two embark on the long journey, getting close to each other as they do.

When they reach their destination, what will happen with the runaway bride and the Southern gentleman?

"The Cursed Prince"

Over 300 years ago there was a majestic castle, and in this castle lived a king and his son, the prince. They were very wealthy and well off, but the prince was an evil person, since he lost his baby sister only hours after she was brought into the world and his mother who couldn't handle the loss of her daughter, so she took her own life, since then he's been very evil. The prince's father, the King, was very tired of seeing his son's wicked ways, so he found a witch who resided in their small village outside of the kingdom.

The witch had agreed to play a cruel prank on the prince, the King was hoping if he had this beautiful woman put a pretend curse on the prince, than that'll help the prince straighten up and have a kinder heart- but the witch hates the prince and anything he stood for so instead, without the King's knowledge, she put a real curse on the prince- he'd have gray hair, bloodshot red eyes, scars would cover his body, he would become what his heart truly was, and that was ugly beyond belief. The curse would be much similar to a vampire- he'd have a thirst for human blood, the sun would burn his skin, and he would never be able to leave the castle. The king, after realizing what the witch had truly done, couldn't handle seeing his son's ugly face, so he locked him away in a room under the castle, hiding the key. Only the chosen one, the one who can break the curse by helping the Prince change his wicked ways, can then find the key and release him.

300 years later, a beautiful young girl and her older sister move to England, fleeing from their abusive parents. They stand out as 'hillbilly Americans' among the English people. The young girl gets a mysterious letter one day, offering her a job cleaning an old castle, the pay would be $1,000 weekly. Needing the money, she takes the job. Once arriving at the castle, it draws her in and she doesn't know why. A small necklace she wears around her neck begins to glow the closer she gets to the castle, and once inside she somehow finds herself in the lowest part, standing in front of an iron door. Behind it, she hears small scratching sounds and something inside the girl is telling her to take the key (which her sister had given to her at a young age, she was unsure of where it originally came from) and open the door.

When she does, she's surprised at what she sees...

"Bad Boy Blues"

For three years, Anastasia Greene dealt with the vicious emotional and physical abuse of her boyfriend, Derek. He'd return home every night in a drunken rage, he wouldn't allow her to make her own choices, she wasn't allowed to go out of their apartment and leave without him by her side. One night, after having enough, she slips her some sleeping pills and laxative in his beer she was ordered to bring him. After he was out, Ana quickly packed her things and left, never looking back.

Three months later, Ana is now living in Canada. She got a job working at a small Italian restaurant waitressing; it's been the whole three months since she's seen or heard from Derek. She colored her hair and trimmed it to make herself a little different, but even now she finds herself looking behind her shoulder to be sure he hasn't found her. It was this night that Ana's life would change.

A small group of man walk into the restaurant, her boss who seemed terrified of them informs Ana to give them whatever they want on the house. One particular man stood out the most to her, he appeared to be the leader of the group. She takes their order, and thinks she sees Derek, after finding out it isn't him she runs outside for some fresh air, but hears a commotion in the distance- the men have dragged her boss out and was questioning them, then the leader shoots him in the head. Trying to back away, she knocks over an empty coke bottle and is discovered, so the men take her with them back to the United States- more specifically the very same place she had ran away from, New York.

In the hands of her captors, Ana begins to fall for the leader as they grow closer, she starts to see the real him, but now a rival gang has threatened them, demanding the leader to marry his sister to unite the two gangs, and they want Ana for themselves and what will happen when Derek finds Ana?

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  • Like
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I'm not sure how the "strike through" ended up through my post, and I'm not sure how to remove it. I didn't select it to even be on my post. So if anybody knows how to take this off please let me know because I tried making this post look pretty. xD

I'm not sure how the "strike through" ended up through my post, and I'm not sure how to remove it. I didn't select it to even be on my post. So if anybody knows how to take this off please let me know because I tried making this post look pretty. xD
If you go edit your post and turn off the rich text editing, you should see the bracket 's' bracket after this.
I like to develop a storyline before it leads up to that/those scene

Remove that and the corresponding close strike through code and it should go back to normal!
If you go edit your post and turn off the rich text editing, you should see the bracket 's' bracket after this.

Remove that and the corresponding close strike through code and it should go back to normal!

Thank you so much! :D
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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You're very welcome! ^_^
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