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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
  5. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Whenever I can get on.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Male
Fantasy, Comedy, Medieval, Romance, Sci-Fi, Modern
Introductions and Expectations
Hello there, you can call me Angel if you want. I have a few plots that I'm interested in below. I've been on this site for a while, and consider myself a fairly proficient roleplayer as long as I am given enough to respond to. I ask for medium length responses, around two nice sized paragraphs, at least. I ask for a good understanding of grammar and an attempt at spell-checking in these responses. If I give you three paragraphs, and you give me a one liner in response, I have and probably will disappear from the rp and cry in a corner. Feel free to stalk my recent postings if you want to see my usual response lengths. I'll include a few in-character forum posts in spoilers if you're interested in seeing them without stalking me. I roleplay on threads, or through pm/dm. Discord is a way to get in contact with me, I'll give you my details in pms if you ask, though I'd like to keep in-character responses on-site.
Matthew Michael Volt

"You think I'm scared?"
Location | Family road trip.

Time | To sit back.
Weather | Blown away.
A little bit of an honest smile appeared on Matthew's face at Fianna's reluctance to make physical contact with him. 'Well, that's one person you don't have to worry about.' He slipped his hands into his pockets after following her gaze. He felt a bit uneasy with the way she talked, having to scratch the back of his mind to what formal people said in books during his English classes in order to bullshit a response since he knew that acting similarly would probably make friends faster. "That lack of formality would probably be better for the both of us. I'm not too fond of contact, anyways." He didn't say she was safe while he had his boots and gloves on, not willing to let a potential point of weakness show this early in the game. Liam was trying to run on silent mode and he'd try to run as a social blocker for the guy if he could, since he seemed to be in desperate need for some quiet time. Honestly, Matt couldn't blame him, he could feel his own reserves of niceness starting to tap out and he really could use some time away from people in order to get a better grip on himself. But, here he was, doing the whole social overexertion thing mostly for the sake of a guy he really didn't know. Maybe Leo did teach him better than he thought. "Maybe give him a bit of a break, ok? He's burnt out, let him rest." His voice was a bit softer as he addressed Myla, who'd been hounding Liam. There was a little bit of warmth to it, nothing too heavy there in his delivery, underlaid with a bit of tiredness that was sure to win some sympathy points. He didn't have to fake that one too much either, he already felt tired and strung out. He was hoping she'd pick up on the guy's body language and settle back a bit.

His gaze drifted over the car once more, always paying attention to the variables at play. He noticed the little things, like Liam's gaze landing on the blood bender's nails -claws... no, teeth, the hell?- for a little bit too long, and it had taken him a bit too long to process that because she was looking his way now, and then their eyes met.

The little smile that he'd almost forgotten about wearing disappeared when he got the glare from the blood-bender. 'And that's one you definitely should worry about,' his mind unwittingly supplied. The emotions he wore slid away, his cold indifference front and center as he faced her. He didn't make a move until the hand came at him, and even then, he'd only blinked and inched back slightly from the hand that was in his space, no sudden movements as his mind screamed for rules one and three. He was expecting a strike. His cold blue eyes narrowed on her. "Posturing doesn't exactly suit you and certainly won't win you any favors here." His voice was a cold rumble, low enough to remain unheard by anyone that wasn't paying attention. He was used to threats. He grew up with dangerous kids that fell outside of the system's line of sight, he dealt with dangerous foster parents too, and went through the school of hard knocks just like any other unlucky foster kid. He refused to back down in the face of a person like her, someone who thought she could get results through fear and underhanded intimidation tactics, he wouldn't give her any amount of satisfaction with this incident. He flat out refused, and retaliated in his own underhanded way, stripping the woman of any relevance. He'd get more attention on him, get the blood-bender to back down before she could lash out at him. She wouldn't want witnesses to her temper, right? Every other shitty thing happened to him behind closed doors, he doubted the pattern would break here.

His grin returned with a vengeance that rivaled even Myla's enthusiasm as he turned his attention away from the woman, a silent dare hanging in the motion. If she wanted to make a move, he didn't have any means of stopping her anyways, so his blatant apathy and apparent lack of self-preservation skills in a social context would get him through this one way or another. "I've got another question for everyone... Would you rather fight a single tyrannosaurus-rex-sized duck, or ten duck-sized tyrannosaurus-rexes?" He was going to lock himself in his room for a week after all this. He was so done with everything. He wondered when he started wanting to eat pancakes, too, the craving hadn't made itself known until now but it was hitting him a lot stronger than it should be and the little voice that often supplied his more spontaneous decisions was chanting for iHop in the back of his mind. He'd never even been there before, but whatever. He wanted iHop. "But, more seriously... Think we can go to iHop after we're done with all this?" He called up front to Allison.
Rowan let out a small sigh as the kid rode next to him. "Well, this is a first. An apology from the guy who shot me. Real rich." He spoke flatly, not exactly keen on listening to the kid at this point. His ears pinned back slightly at the kid's offer of reparation. "That sounds fine and dandy, but... Why the hell would I trust you? You've been after my sorry ass for how many years now. And you just caused six more problems for me, and these guys are actual problems instead of nuisances." He spoke with an edge to his voice as he glared down at the kid.

The outlaw couldn't keep his temper going for long, though. His shoulder was killing him, and after riding through half the night yesterday, he was exhausted. Probably more so than his old horse at the moment.

The kid simply didn't know how to make it as an outlaw. After all, he played for the good guys. And even then, he wasn't that great of a player. Perhaps the outlaw had been a bit too generous with all the less than fatal encounters that he'd had with the kid up until now. The kid hadn't grown any metal after those events. He wasn't a threat and showed no signs of becoming one.

And this was when Rowan had an epiphany. He could use this kid to his advantage. After all, the kid owed him. And maybe the kid could gain a bit from it anyways if he decided to go with it. And if not, then right here would be the end of the line. After all, if those idiots got a hold of him, then it would be easy enough to make him squeal what little information he had on where Rowan was heading next. And that was enough information to threaten both the outlaw and his allies. And Rowan wouldn't have any of that.

A wolfish grin tugged at the corner of his mouth as he looked the kid over once more. "You want to make things even? Then ride with me until we get this mess sorted out and taken care of. Deal?" The canine extended a hand so they could shake on it. He winced slightly as his shoulder disagreed with the movement. The outlaw really hoped that the kid would take his deal.

For some strange reason Rowan really didn't want to have to kill the kid. Probably because of the sentimentality that had built up over the years. It was fun to watch the him struggle. It gave him something to look forward to, almost. The life of an outlaw wasn't a glorious one, day in and day out stealing and killing just to do the same old shit another damn day. But getting chased across the West by some wannabe bounty hunter brought something different to the table. It was fun to feel the presence of someone who actually wanted to see him. Someone who was depending on him, and someone who couldn't tie him down because of it.
Please start a conversation with me through the personal messages here on site if you'd like to start a roleplay with me.

More will be added at a later date, but for now I have this concept that I've wanted to play with.
Brief Tags

MxM | Romance | Action | Assassins | Age Gap | College | Thrill | Character Death | Forbidden Love | Pride

Plot Prompt

There was something we always said before bed at the school. It turned into a prayer for us, honestly. Sure, we had our pact, but this went deeper than blood. By graduation, this was carved into our souls. We used it as a grounding technique, no matter how far down the rabbit hole we went, as long as we clung to it, we could always pull ourselves back. I'm going to share it with you. This is the oath of our family here, learn it and treat it well, for it will protect you as long as you accept it.

Stay low, go fast.
Get down, stay back.
One shot, one kill.
Not luck, all skill.
Don't look, think past.

Kill first, die last.

Plot Summary

My character will be a world renowned assassin who has stepped away from the field in order to train the next generation of skilled killers. Your character has met him before they were recruited into the school, whether they have seen him performing an assassination or he had seen them doing the same. Either way, he had expressed interest in your growth as an assassin, and invited you to attend.

Brief Character Write-Up

Known only by his alias, Ghost is a quiet yet strong presence to everyone that encounters him. He doesn't rely on intimidation tactics as his reputation proceeds him. As a close friend and ally once said, "take everything that you hold dear, take every moment of pride and sorrow... and see that your deeds are mere specks of dust compared to what he's done." He's fought battles and wars that were never written down or spoken of, he's worked for every last breath, and has seen things that would have broken any lesser of a man. His voice is soft and warm despite his stony face, and he guides with a gentle hand.

Einstein Poster 3.jpg
Brief Tags

MxM | Romance | Action | Superpowers | Whump | Villain x Hero | Amnesia | Character Death | Forbidden Love

Plot Prompt

He was a danger to society. He was going to blow up a building with innocent people inside unless you got him outside the range of that detonator. He wasn't strong, he was quick but not quite as fast as you. The only thing that made him a problem was that stunning mind of his and his uncanny ability to narrowly avoid your hits.

You went in for another swing, and suddenly his posture was all wrong, his limber frame goes tense and you see the fearful and pained expression on his face and feel the impact in slow motion before the force of it slams him off the roof.

You see the splash in the nearby river and you feel proud yet numb at the same time. You actually hit him. But... you didn't know if he could have survived a hit like that. You'd never managed to land a hit on the guy despite all your encounters. So you wait nervously on the river bank, watching for him to resurface. But, as the seconds tick by, he wasn't coming back up.

He probably hadn't died from the hit. Hitting the water might have worsened his condition. He was going to drown. It was going to be your fault. So you do your hero thing and rescue the unconscious man from the depths of the river.

He wasn't breathing. You take off his mask. You do what you can, and suddenly he coughs up a lung full of water, shivering as he curls in on himself. He's muttering something you can't understand, and he sounds so damn scared. You call him by the name he'd given himself, and he finally looks up with more confusion than fear, says something in what you now pick up as Russian, then he goes quiet, before he asks again in English.

"Who are you?"

He knew things, but didn't know how he knew them. He knew that he was afraid of you, but he couldn't remember why. He didn't translate what he'd muttered when he'd woken up, but he knew that there was a reason burried somewhere in his head, if he could just remember it. He didn't show any signs of physical injury by the time he'd settled down. You took him in out of guilt, with the aim of aiding him in recovering his memories.

Plot Summary

Kot was a newly emerged villain, who appeared about a year ago. Your character is a powerful hero that had taken on the side job of dealing with his crafty ass. He wasn't completely enhanced, from what your character could tell. Night sight, good hearing, enhanced agility and balance, mildly enhanced speed, some sort of trained style of fighting. He was smart, but you couldn't tell if that was an enhancement or if he was just a good problem solver. But all of that was wiped away after the last fight. He didn't remember anything, he had a healing factor, and he needed to have someone look after him.

Brief Character Write-Up

Kot was a villain. He was snarky, talked back to you, and most importantly, he didn't let things get personal. He didn't state his motives, he very rarely monologued, and gave zero fucks about authority. He targeted science labs, stole files and money. The incident brought around some major changes. He is quiet, moves silently, and has the resting expression of someone who wants to believe in something but knows that it's probably a massive lie. He notices things that other people don't. He's much more twitchy now, jumping at noises that only his enhanced hearing can pick up. His awareness is almost scary. And of course, he's clever and smarter than you'd actually thought.

Einstein Poster 5.jpg
Brief Tags

MxF | MxM | Warrior Cats | Loners | Betrayal | Clan Wars | Cats | Blindness | Forbidden Love

Plot Prompt

Briarstar was dead and you had their blood on your claws. You had found your leader with a cat from an enemy clan, obviously too... friendly with each other. Before you were able to return to your clan, Briarstar asked you to join them on a patrol. They demanded you keep what you saw to yourself. When you showed signs that you weren't going to do so, they attacked you. You fought long and hard, things looking bleak, and managed to land a slash to Briarstar's throat. Blood stained the sandy soil. Too much blood. You watched helplessly as seven lives drained out from your leader. A group of your clanmates stumbled across the scene as you stood there in shock. You couldn't find the words to even begin to explain what had happened. They launched into an attack almost immediately, and you had no choice but to try and run. There wasn't any other way out of this.

You manage to get out of the territory, though you're afraid that you'll be pursued. You push yourself to run as long and as far as you can, crossing streams and marshes in order to mask your scent and make things difficult for those who might end up pursuing you. However, these added obstacles take a toll on you with your untreated injuries. Eventually you're forced to stop and rest in the shadow of an ancient abandoned stone twolegs nest.

You awoke to the feeling of someone tending to your injuries, and try to jump to your paws, fur bristling, though you were quickly pinned down by a heavy weight on your back. A tired sigh can be heard above you. A sideways glance reveals the shadow of the cat pinning you down. They didn't look too big. You could probably take them in a fight if you weren't in as bad of shape as you were.

"Settle down. I'm not going to hurt you as long as you don't hurt me, got it?"

Plot Summary

After being chased out by your clan, you run to the point of exhaustion and collapse outside an abandoned twolegs nest in the middle of an unknown forest. You awake to a loner tending to your injuries. After a tense period of neither of them trusting each other, they decide that for now, it would be best if they stuck together. As they journey together, the blind loner's old enemies occasionally pop up, and eventually a group of cats from the clans show up, asking you to return and fight against the clan that had taken over your old clan.

Brief Character Write-Up

Shadow is a small black tom who has a terrible streak of bad luck going for him. He doesn't back down from a challenge and is probably more stubborn than he should be. His sight has never been good, though it's swiftly failing him now. He is pretty much blind, though he's found ways of surviving on his own. He's tenacious and never gives up. He used to be a formidable opponent before despite his smaller size. Fighting is something that he tries to avoid now that his vision is failing him since he relied mostly on sight for it. He's terribly slow to warm up to new cats and has difficulty trusting anyone... But, he does know the difference between right and wrong. He has a kind soul and rarely turns his back on a cat in need. He doesn't fight unless he's provoked.

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New plot added!
Hello!! I love the Assassin's Oath plot, and would love to discuss about it further!!! Feel free to PM me, and I'm excited to hash out an exciting story line!
Still searching.
Craving the Battle after Battle plot!