Plot Practice: Week 32, Monster Quotes

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The Mood is Write

Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. Multiple posts per week
Online Availability
It varies wildly.
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
  2. Prestige
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Nonbinary
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
I'm open to a wide range of genres. Obscenely wide. It's harder for me to list all I do like than all I don't like.

My favorite settings are fantasy combined with something else, multiverse, post-apoc, historical (mixed with something else), and futuristic. I'm not limited to those, but it's a good start.

My favorite genres include mystery, adventure, action, drama, tragedy (must be mixed with something else and kept balanced), romance (again must be mixed, and more.

I'm happy to include elements of slice-of-life and romance, but doing them on their own doesn't hold my interest indefinitely.
Everyone loves plotting! Plotting is a fabulous way to find new ideas, breathe new life into old ones, and otherwise just have a really good time.

I'm going to throw three basic plot ideas (in various formats) a week, and users are welcome to post their takes, their interpretations, and what they'd do with any given plot. Participants can use the inspiration and prompts however they wish!

This is primarily an exercise in how to make use of inspiration even when you maybe aren't 'feeling it'.

This week, I'm going to use all quotes I've gathered from Pinterest. You don't have to use the quotes at all, but let them (and the images they link) tickle your mind and help form new ideas.
  1. "They forgot to pretend they were human."
  2. "I want you to remember you deserve this."
  3. "Oh, and just because I like humans, it doesn't mean I like you in particular. That's very important."

Bonus Rounds:

Just wanted to throw in something new for people to try out, just to spice things up. If it goes well, bonus rounds and use of pinterest may be a thing I use more in the future!
Xander stared at the flickering screen, a mixture of horror and pity in his eyes. The teen whirled around, messy black hair falling in front of his face. He glared out from under the strands with the heat of a hundred forest fires. "Stop."

The man standing behind him scoffed, looking down his nose at him. His brown eyes were rock hard and darkened with an almost evil light. "They forgot to pretend they were human."

"They didn't do anything!" Xander's scowl grew deeper. "We didn't do anything!"

Alexis shook his head in mock pity and tapped his pencil against the clipboard he was holding. "Your dragon friend's criminal record alone spans five papers. They needed to be put under control. You understand, don't you? They're weapons, and weapons out of control get locked up."

Xander's fists clenched at his side, and his glare deepened. "They're people. Luna, Alex...all of them are still people. And if you can't see that, you're blinder than I first thought." His eyes rolled back to the screen, where he could see his adoptive sister crumpled in the corner of the tiny solitary confinement cell she'd been tossed into since her capture. She had both hands on her head, her fingers digging into her scalp and tangled in her hair, and she was rocking back and forth, tears running down her face. Black bracelets were locked tightly on her wrists, red lights blinking at their sides.

What had this organization come to?

Why had their superiors put this jerk in charge?

He was talking again. "You must remember, they needed to be put in check. And I want you to remember that they deserve this."

The boy shook his head fiercely and turned back to the man that held his family's fate in his hands. "So your solution to keeping them in check was psychological torture?"

"Please, you really think they'd listen to me otherwise? As soon as we suggested the confinement laws, half of you ran away. Barry's been causing a lot of problems for me, too. But now that I have both of his kids, I'm sure he'll be more than happy to turn himself in." Alexis' eyes narrowed at him, pinning him to his chair. "Just remember, boy. Don't cooperate, and I'll be more than happy to toss you in a cell too."

Xander wanted to lash out. Oh, how he wanted to slam this asshole into the wall with the metal table separating them. But he bit his tongue as his mind started working, coming up with a plan.

"...I'm so glad you agree." Huffing, Alexis turned on his heel and stormed out. After he left, the teen turned back to the security feed- Alex pacing in a cell, shaking and muttering to himself, the carpet and blankets around him scorched. Luna, crumpled helplessly in her corner, whimpering and pressing on her head. The others weren't any better off. And Barry, the leader of the others who had managed to escape...he would be captured eventually. Even the experienced assassin couldn't hide from the government for too long.

"I'll get you out of here," he muttered to the screens. He didn't know how...but Xander would get them out of those cells and free again if it killed him in the process.
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I first began to understand that my roommate wasn't exactly... from here around a year into living with them. To this day, I still don't know what gender to refer to them by, given the fact they seemed a little like a 'default' human being. Like you picked out the most basic factory conditions, everything set to zero. Sam doesn't have any distinguishing features that I can tell, with a completely forgettable face, voice, everything. In all aspects, they were... almost boringly normal.

What really tipped me off first was the fact that they threw out a ton of food. Not my food - Sam was super polite, wouldn't ever do anything to step on my toes - but their food. Whole reams of cabbages, pasta noodles, ramen, all of it - cooked, then thrown away. It took me a while to notice just because Sam was always good about taking the trash out once it was full, and besides, who of us watch people throw out trash? It wasn't until a buddy of mine asked what Sam's favorite food was that I realized I'd never even seen them eat.

Other stuff started to key me in, too. Sam barely slept, and when they did, they always slept in their room - never on the couch, never where I could see them. Sam was extremely tidy, almost germophobic, to the point where the apartment stayed spotless. Sam also had the most patience I had ever seen a person express, talking at length with the homeless people just outside the complex door, to being more or less catatonic where traffic was concerned. Sam had an eerie serenity, but it was one that I - a former foster kid and high school dropout - sorely needed.

And I think Sam started to pick up that I was picking it up. They started to be a little bit more 'themselves' with me. Mentioned that back home, where ever home was, television was a little more, eh, lackluster. Sam's favorites were soap operas and nature documentaries. They couldn't get enough of textbooks. They'd shell out hundreds on a brand new analytical chemistry text, or something on the cultural food biographies of five East Asian chefs, or a geology brick about sediment. Usually, I carried in the books to them, and their eyes just lit up. I even bought a few just to surprise them with (though I always bought used, and I never paid over 20 bucks). It didn't matter what I put in from of them. They loved it.

And eventually, sometimes, they forgot to pretend to be human.

I found out Sam could make music without opening their mouth. It just echoed through my head, like my skull was an amphitheater, and it was the most gorgeous thing I've ever heard in my life. They'd only ever sing when they were 'cooking', putting together a bunch of rocks in a boiling pot of water, adding things like borax and sodium sulfide. Occasionally, I think Sam would forget and speak to themselves in their 'native' tongue.

And I think, after a while, Sam figured out how I pretend to be human and how I came out of my shell. Sam leaves me new shoes in my room. They cook for me - actually cook, though they ask my input on how to make it taste like 'food'. And they knew never to slam the doors or make sudden noises or move too quickly.

It would figure that the only person who could live with me is an alien.
Hunter appeared outside the tent of his target. This was an odd assignment for him, as he was usually sent to kill people not protect them, but apparently there was something special about this woman. He didn't have a good track record with women,and having to protect one was rubbing his hackles the wrong way.

He could sense the murderer less than a mile away, and even had the scent of fresh blood, so he'd just killed again. He stepped into the tent and his large frame dwarfed everything and everyone inside. "Which of you is Kate?"

The only woman in the room turned and cast an unappreciative eye at him, "Me obviously."

"Oh need to come with me right now."

"Not possible. I have patients to attend to...they cannot be left unattended at this crucial moment in their recovery." She wasn't even looking at him now, but checking on a man on a cot along the left side of the tent.

Hunter growled but stepped outside and surrounded the tent with the most powerful wards he could and waited. It wasn't a long wait, as the murderer was now standing just beyond the wards looking at the large guard dog.

"So...she has a lackey does she?" Victor sneered, "No matter, more power for me when I feel your blood on my hands."

Hunter laughed, "My blood will not be easy to spill little human."

Vincent smiled an odd smile, "Perhaps I will finally have a worthy opponent then." he said as he moved forward only to bump into the ward." He looked around at it and then stabbed it with an odd looking knife. Sparks flew and the knife was glowing almost white as Vincent stepped forward, "nice try, but not quite good enough."

Hunter was more than a little shocked that a human could break his wards, but he was ticked off now and fire flew up in a circle surrounding Vincent. Hunter disappeared and was instantly beside Kate, "You are leaving now." He grabbed her and they both disappeared as Vincent entered the tent but not before Kate made eye contact with him.

They appeared in a cabin about fifteen miles away, because Hunter was going to see the end of the man, even though this was not the best way to keep his target alive.

"How did he" she asked as soon as they were in the cabin, immediately pacing the floor as she muttered under her breath. Suddenly she stopped short and blinked, " did you do that?"

Hunter shook his head, "'re all crazy you know that?"

"I am not crazy."

"Right." He said and began to set up wards outside in layers to that the man would have to fight through each of them to get to the cabin itself. "So what's the story? Why is this guy bent on killing you?"

"I would venture to guess it has something to do with the fact that he has been in prison for twenty-five years because of my testimony."

"Ahh...highly likely. Was he guilty?"

"He is a blood thirsty power mad killer...mister...who are you?"

"Hunter...just Hunter. I was sent to keep you alive. Apparently there's something special about you." He huffed as if he didn't believe it.

"Maybe because I have developed effective antidotes for the some of the most lethal plants and animals on earth and have almost succeeded in another...though this toxin has many systems it attacks, so i has been a long process...what ARE you doing?"

"Magically protecting this cabin. Your guy is about 14 miles away...give or take...and sorry but he killed the people in the tent. you know something about him gaining power as he kills people?"

"He believes he can claim the souls of those he kills and add their power to his. Something about a knife....but he's clearly insane...such things are not possible."

"Just like instantly disappearing and reappearing fifteen miles away isn't possible?" he smirked, "I was sent because this guy is not a normal threat. We are not sent for this as a rule. I am usually sent to kill people, not protect them."

"You were sent by whom?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you," he tossed over his shoulder as he pressed his hands to the door and hit began to glow for an instant before fading again. "But ok. I saw the knife. He was able to get past my ward with it. It's possible it is adding to his strength as he kills. I've seen stranger things....much stranger."

"I just can't figure out how he keeps finding me," she muttered then, "I've been running from him for five years. I'm soo sick of it."

Hunter grinned at her, "Luckily for you, he pissed me off. So you're done running."

Kate looked a bit confused but didn't ask. He was making her feel like she possibly was crazy and she didn't like it.

He sat down then and got comfortable as if nothing out of the ordinary was about to occur. Resting his elbow haphazardly on the top of the table next to him he looked at her. He didn't have a good track record with women but he could still appreciate them. This one was a bit too thin but she had an interesting face and she was smart, even though she was totally out of her element at the moment. And, most important to him, she was not falling into fits of hysterics or uncontrolled weeping. "So you are a doctor of some sort then?"

Kate was watching him analytically or attempting it. He was broad and thickly muscled, and his skin was bronzed as if he spent much time in the sun or possibly it was his natural skin tone. His face had strong features that were attractive in an unconventional sort of way. his casual air in light of the situation was intriguing to her. His question sliced through her reverie and she blinked, " three ways. Medical doctor but I also have doctorate degrees in Chemistry and Biology."

"You would."

"Is there something wrong with being educated?"

"Not a thing. Listen...when this goofball gets just stay in here and whatever you hear, whatever happens..DO NOT OPEN THAT DOOR!" he commanded her and the tone of his voice was not something to be ignored. "I promise matter what I will be fine. DO NOT.."

"Open the it."

Hunter could see he had insulted her somehow and that she was now in that mood that women got in when they were peeved at you, but were not ever going to say why. Women were sooo frustrating...why did his target have to be a woman?

They sat in silence then, as she would no longer speak to him, even when he did attempt conversation. He shrugged and searched for Vincent. He was closing in, but Hunter was just sitting smugly in the chair. It took a few hours for Vincent to arrive and Hunter felt him break through the first ward. "He's here." was all he said and then he disappeared from the room.

Kate was exasperated by his manner and the fact that she found him astonishingly attractive in spite of it. She was more angry at herself than him and as soon as he disappeared she took to pacing again. Pacing helped her think, usually.

Vincet broke through the last ward and started up the stairs to the cabin. His voice loud and clear called out, "It's almost over Katherine....I can taste your blood already." He stepped up tot he door and touched it but was thrown back about five feet. "You are growing tiresome lackey."

Hunter was inside the cabin in the space outside the room where Kate was safely hidden. He smirked a bit hearing the man but he didn't move. He knew the man would gain entrance, because he wanted him to and for no other reason.

Vincent touched the knife to the door and then turned the handle and stepped inside arrogantly. "Ahh...there you are...but where is Kate?" he asked and then looked at the door beyond Hunter and smiled, "Oh of noble of your to sacrifice yourself for such and unworthy wench."

Hunter shrugged, "I was not planning to offer myself as a sacrifice."

Vincent curled hi lip and with a flick of his wrist threw the knife at hunter without any warning or prelude.

Hunter disappeared and the knife sunk into the wall behind him as he reappeared behind Vincent and grabbed him about the throat with his forearm. "Not very sportsmanlike."

His hand rose and the knife returned to him and he sunk it into Hunter's thigh, "Rules are for the weak."

Hunter reached down and tried to get possession of the knife but Vincent was pushing against his hold and with the knife in his leg his footing was not as stable as it would normally have been and they slammed together into the wall. In a remarkably agile move Vincent spun and sliced the blade across Hunter's chest and then sunk it into his chest, barely missing his heart. Hunter let out a stream of curses.

Kate heard the thump and the cursing and threw open the door. "Stop it!"

Vincent smiled and turned and threw the knife at her and watched in satisfaction as it sink into her side. he was over her in two strides, "I want you to remember you deserve this." as he pulled the knife out and made ready to stab her again, "But I think you will die slower...I want to enjoy it."

Hunter Appeared between them and grabbed the knife and with a swift twist and thrust upward buried the blade deep in the Vincent's chest slicing his heart in two. The knife began to glow as the souls and power left Vincent and entered into Hunter. His body shook and he was glowing bright white. "Sorry...I just totally forgot which dimension I'm in."

Vincent fell and Hunter wrapped his fingers around his arm as both disappeared. Kate lifted her hand from her side and looked at the blood and frowned. She made her way over to the bed in the room where she had been and sat down. She had no way to tend to herself here. All she could do was keep pressure on the wound and hope for the best.

Hunter returned a few minutes later, no longer white or glowing. He went to her then and placed a large hand on his side where she'd been stabbed, "I told you not to open the door."


" it." His hand was sending healing energy into her and she would soon realize it.

"You can heal too?"

"I can do a lot of things, Kate." he grinned, "And quite well I might add."

"I have no doubt."

He was surprised by her candor, but decided it was safer to ignore it. "Your stalker is gone, delivered to my authorities, along with that knife. So you are safe. I am to deliver you to wherever you wish to go."

Kate sat up and folded her hands in her lap. She was quiet for a bit and then she looked up at him, "Did they say WHEN you had to deliver me?"

Hunter chuckled and shook his head, "No ma' rush at all."

Kate reached up and touched his hair, "Good...I think I'd like to see some of those other things you're good at first hand then..."