EXTRA HOLOTAPE DATA Play this to remember yourself

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living corpse
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
apocalypse, dystopia, thriller, human drama, horror, sci-fi, zombie, cyberpunk, Eldrich horror, mistery, analog horror
...ing on? Oh.

Heya future me, you ugly noseless sunnova bitch. Don't destroy nor discard this. You'll need it, trust me... well... trust yourself. Because I am you.
It's that time again. In case you're wondering why you needed to play this, it's because you've lost your memory. Ever since your noggin caught a 7mm you've been a mess. People in general don't like an amnesiac loony speaking gibberish, so for your own self interest, listen up. The symptoms of impending memory loss are: vertigo, nausea, vomiting, tiredness and petit mal seizures. If you're traveling with somebody, better tell them to play this to you. Usually you'll have a day or three to set your affairs in order and prepare for a blackout, so do it somewhere safe and with people you trust. Keep this somewhere you can see in case you are alone.

Your name is Matt, your last name is Metal. Both of which are self appointed, hate to get your hopes up, but your... my... family died a long long time ago, in case the ruins around you didn't give it away yet. I don't know their name, nor faces. But without a family you wouldn't be in this hell, for better or worse. So you... I had one. They died when the bombs dropped, maybe you should ask around, people generally know when the bombs dropped. You've been a rifleman in the American army when shit went down, you died and woke up in hell on Saturday, October 23, 2077, this happened when you we're 27. So... do the math. kind of hard to concentrate with a peace of led in my head.

Second, that bag with the bolt action beauty strapped on it? That's yours. In the back compartment should be a mirror, I'll give you a minute to look at it.........
Yeah. That ugly fuck is you alright. You are a ghoul, type III to be exact, ugliest bunch around. But on the bright side, looks really don't matter considering your dick ain't worth much more than pissing, plus ladies don't much care for a zombie with charcoal black skin and yellowy bloodshot eyes with only strands of hair to cover that rotting scalp. So ya better focus on keeping yourself alive.... also don't forget to wear your hat, that bullet wound ain't going anywhere, draws needless attention.

Alright, that's for the basics. Bein' ugly and having a defective junk ain't half bad once you consider the pros:
-Radiation won't kill ya', feels like standing in a jacuzzi, repairs your flesh wounds as well.
-Bad people can't reach you in radiated zones, so you can sleep in the worst places imaginable. I would urge you to do so.
-Diseases don't affect you as much.

....that's basically it. Don't forget, you ain't immortal. Avoid bullets, machetes, clubs and assholes. Also, maybe you should pull out a bottle of water and eat some food so you can focus up on this next section. You need to sustain yourself to survive, bud.

Look, I know it's easy to get into a spiral of self hate and sorrow, but you need to keep your mind sharp. Okay? You've got worth in ya, and here I'll tell ya what you're good at:


Ya got muscles, guns! Well... you got a real bolt action gun. But smoothskins use the term guns for muscles too. I wouldn't rely on them in a fight, but ya got enough to carry your weight and then some. Can also handle a kick from the rifle you own, but don't go overboard and pick up a minigun or something crazy heavy.

Also, you're not wearing glasses. Your sight is as sharp as your short term memory. If something tries to end you, I urge you to try out that gun I've been mentioning, it's there for a reason. And trust me, once you grip that handle, your intuition will do most of the work for you. Your mind might be faulty but your muscle memory is still very much functional. You've shot at alot of things many times, you are a killer. People fear and respect killers in this world.

Being a rotting ghoul doesn't mean you're weak. As I explained before, I am a tough son of a bitch. And people will pay to subject your body to punishment, which to me is no problem. I'd advise you lean into this. This body is ugly but durable, just about the best thing about me really.

Being an ugly son of a bitch means you're better of traveling alone. Trust me, aside from traveling Joes, nobody wants to tolerate your presence. I'll get back to that one in a minute.

You ain't the sharpest tool in the shed, smoothskin call you an idiot. But alot of those so called "smart" people who insulted you succumbed to illness, radiation or blood loss. So yeah, I am an idiot. An alive one.

And your legs function well enough to walk or run, but thats about it. Don't go on doing parkour or climbing in rough terrain, you won't get far.

Being in this predicament, I wouldn't call myself lucky. Not by a long shot. I have been fucked so much it's a miracle I'm alive. I guess my body ain't ready to give it up yet.

If you're not sure what to do, I advise you pick up your shit and walk down the I95 to meet up with a traveling Joe, they are your only friend in this hell hole and you've done alot for them. Tell them you forgot again, and they'll get you set up with a Job and a low down of your reality. Think of them like an unofficial family.

That's about it. Not much more to say. You have a map in the bag, you should take a read when you get your bearings. Play me again in case you need a refresher of who you are. Good luck champ, don't let the world break you, because heaven nor hell is NOT guaranteed, so don't go dying to find that out.
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