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✿ crafty flavor ✿
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy (high, low and anything in between), modern, medieval, anything that'll keep me at the edge of my seat. Romance is absolutely necessary. And fluff. Just a lil bit.
Dusk swept over the sleepy town at a hurried pace. The red light district and bumbling drunks were the only lively things in the streets, apart from, of course, the castle. There, everything was crumbling. The Princess was missing, the Prince refused to give into her whereabouts and additionally refused to leave the castle, the King's papers and contacts pertaining to the deal had been swiped, the noblemen were only adding to the chaos and confusion while the Queen progressively felt more ill as the heinous night wore on.

June was absolutely peachy. She had crept past the palace walls while the guards lie asleep, unsuspecting of the absolute mayhem that would follow. Through the beautiful gardens, past the pubs, past the harlots, June finally arrived at the soggy wood of the docks. Before her, a majestic ship with a primed, polished quarterdeck, a grand mast and massive hull was tied to the ports by an intricate connection of rope and anchor. A beautiful woman looked to be carved into the beak of the ship, and June stood before such a magnificent thing with a parted mouth and eyes of wonder.

Just that very day, June had been gripping her brother's collar, screaming grievances at him as if he had control over anything that took precedence in their lives. Rufus had, essentially, been born as a bargain. Being a capital city near the coast was risky business, what with constant raids and attacks from neighboring nations looking to overthrow the King with sheer naval might. And thus, the King made a deal with a fellow member of royalty, the King of the Sea. A pirate, a criminal, known as the God of Gold to some and to others, a rat. Protection in exchange for the firstborn--a simple enough trade. Which was what angered June the most. The very simplicity of it, tossing away your own son like a pile of coins slid across a merchant table. Overwhelmingly, June had forced her will down the throat of her brother, the bargaining chip.

She would take his place.

Of course, that earned equal opposition from Rufus, who almost couldn't fathom his sister's stupidity. But in the end, after hours of bickering, he gave in. He would keep the plan under wraps until morning. He would sit with her and teach her how to hold a dagger, how to fire a cannon and how to fire a bow. He would not weep and he would stand by June until the very end.

Eventually, she mustered the courage to step on board. Almost instantaneously, a pack of grizzly looking men flanked her, eyeing the small woman with somewhat amusement. She took a shaky breath and puffed her chest out, paralleled her shoulders with the ground and held out the contracts and papers she had snatched. The men shuffled.

"I, June Asina Atticus Paciacus, Daughter of King Bacchus and sister to Prince Rufus, will be taking my brother's place as a fellow sailor."
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Silver strands blowing through the breeze as the scent of salt fills his nostrils. The young and handsome Dimitrius seemed more like a prince then a pirate, with his long hair and strong features, a lady killer to say the least. Dimitrius was a towering six foot eight inches, with a toned physique, sun kissed complexion and his eyes were the color of the sea and sky's offspring.

"Land Ho!" Yells a crew mate. Dimitrius smirks ever so slightly and he stepped back into his room from the balcony. It had been a few months since they had been on land and he had planned to wonder around for a day or so. However he need to finish up somethings before getting off. It wasn't long before he could hear yelling up on deck.

"What is a young little thing like you thing shes doing boarding our ship?" Asks a round man with a long salt and peppered beard. When she proclaimed to join their crew the men burst into laughter. "Woman are not aloud. I'm sure you can be an exception if you wish to be everyone's little sex toy." Roared a male from the back.

Dimitrius steps outside wondering what all the ruckus was about, he grabs his hat and cloak and close the door behind him. "What's all this noise about!" He boomed. The clicking of his boots drew closer as the crew shuffled. He raised an eyebrow at the girl, snatching the papers she held in her hand. His blue eyes scan over the papers. "Unless you were the first born male who turned a woman, this contract will be broken and your seas will not be protected. The agreement was first born son and if he's not aboard my ship by sun set you can bet your ass that this contract will be broken. And in no time at all your lands will be raided by those who have wanted this land for the past ten years. People tend to want what they can't have, now get off my ship Princess."

With that Said Dimitrius jumps off the ship and heads into town. Unlike most Pirates the Pirate King's Ship only stole from though who deserved it, such as greedy kings who have most of their kingdom in poverty. "The Pirate King is back!" Squeaks women in excitement.
June's cheeks flushed with indignation. She was absolutely enraged at the unadulterated audacity the pirates had to even suggest such a thing.

Even so, as the brash Pirate King stepped out of his den and snatched away the papers, she had to wonder. The deal had been made between her father well before she or her brother were born, so she assumed the Pirate King would be as old as her father, but he barely looked any older than herself. Which was puzzling.

June took back the papers after his oration and glared straight ahead as he brushed past her. She was fuming. After a moment of hesitation, the woman, who barely surpassed 5 feet, leaped off the ship and stepped in front of the Pirate King, making the man take a tentative step back. She gripped his collar with her free hand and, with a warlike tenacity, pulled him to her face. The flock of women behind her gasped, a few scowling at June with something akin to either envy or distaste.

"Listen here, I don't know what stunt you're pulling, but I know you are not the Pirate King that made that ancient deal with my father. Either way, the bargain was made, with my brother as the chip. I refuse to allow him to leave. So you will accept me as a member of your crew and you will continue to guard these coasts." She spoke lowly, before pushing him back and letting go of his collar.

Rufus was next in line for the throne. Her mother was no longer capable of conceiving a child, much less a son. Meaning if he left, June would have to be victim of the vicious assesment of a long line of suitors who would've traveled from far lands. Her skin prickled at just the thought of wedding a man she would likely never meet until her wedding day.
Dimitrius raised an eyebrow at the woman before him you had him by the collar. When she finally let him go he starts into a fit of hearty laughter. "Well Princess, what you don't know could be the death of you. For starts, no I'm not the Pirate King who renewed that contract with your family. That was my father, He'd grown ill a few years ago and retired from being a pirate, died about six months ago which is what brings me here. For starters this little contract of yours has been going on for generations. It originally started out with the first born Princess being handed over to the Pirate King as a suitor, one of many actually, however that changed when they became good for nothing more then sex. Then again what do you except from woman many generations ago." He starts before walking past her.

Dimitrius smiles at a woman who swoons and lends him her horse. "If your brother was the bargain then that is that. If he doesn't come then the deal is off. This deal was not made with me therefore I can not change it. The only one who can is dead. Now you can either stay here or go back to the castle with me. I need to talk to the king. It the main reason I am here."

With that he takes off towards the castle whether she got on or not.
"Then all the more reason to allow me on your ship! A woman from many generations ago was taught to sew and cook and listen to her husband, they were puppets! I have learned the art of the bow and dagger, I know to navigate stars and I most certainly can look after myself." She argued, persistence evident in her tone. June was always a stubborn one.

Hesitantly, the woman vaulted over the horse. The castle would be a safer bet than a ship of miscreants who valued her as 'sex toy'. She tentatively wrapped a pair of shaking hands around the apparent son of the Pirate King's waist as the horse took off, galloping with tenacity. June sat silent.

They arrived at the castle soon enough, which looked just as in shambles as it was. June stepped off and frowned whilst a pack of guards flocked the pair immedietly, posing questions and reprimanding the Princess for her recklessness. They were ushered inside and sat inside a quiet room, likely the only room in the palace that wasn't overrun by mayhem, with three chairs, a table and a hoard of decorums that befitted royalty. There was a minute or two of silence between the two, and June almost spoke, but the King burst into the room before she could. A pair of guards flanked him on each side. He looked the way June felt about a half hour ago. Absolutely livid.

"Father, I can explai--" She was cut short by the crack echoed through the hall. A slight sting. The King's hand glowed a bright red that matched the side of June's face, both expressions were tense. Even the guards readjusted their grips on their sabers. Before either person in the room could speak, the doors of the hall swung open once again, and in stomped Prince Rufus.

"June! Oh, you precious idiot. Father, allow me to--"

"Silence!" The King's voice rumbled, shaking June's chest. "You insolent children dare interfere with my plans--"

"You vain King dare throw away your own son like a sack of coins?" June finally spoke, indignant. What followed was hazy in her memory. There was screaming. Quite a bit of it. The prince even joined in. The guards simply didn't know what to do, and called in a pack of noblemen who only furthered the confusion happening in the room.
Dimitrius who had seemed to not even been noticed with all this mayhem had been taping the metal claw on his left hand on the table. The bickering strung on for a while before more people entered the room. By this point he was annoyed, very annoyed. He even took of his hat to apear as not rude but they were being very much that.

He rose from his chair slammed his hands on the table before him and yelled out a silence. "I do not care for your idiotic battering. And I am certainly not here to listen to it. Now shut up shit down and let me do what I came here to do!" He growls in a low yet firm frightening tone.

Once everyone quiet down and got comfortable he sighs slightly before speaking. "If this is how you treat guest you don't even know then I'd hate to see how you run you kingdom." He starts "I am Prince Dimitrius Lockheart Sinclair of the island nation of Azar, current Pirate King. I have come with news that the previous Pirate King Emual has died a few months ago."

Dimitrius bows ever so slightly. "Your Majesty, long ago you made a deal with my father about protecting your lands much like your father's before you did. Each generation signed a new contract with the pirate King like you have for centuries. Though I can not do anything about the previous made contract with my father I can however propose a new one. But first let me tell you about myself. My father was a smart man, I however add to that by have a silver tongue. I might be a pirate but I am first royal blood, heir to my kingdom." He states.
June was a little taken aback, but shameful nonetheless. The Queen was usually present during all affairs, however, to her knowledge, she was ill and bedridden. She was somewhat of a tranquilizer, keeping the atmosphere in the room calm and her husband, collected. The prince stood beside his sister and the noblemen left the room with polite bows.

The King did nothing but sit down, with guards flanking his sides. He was aware of his wrongdoing, nevertheless, as he listened to the Pirate King intently. Stress and old age tend to get to a man at times. June, somewhere in the back of her mind, knew her father was a good man who did what was best for his kingdom. Letisia was a peaceful nation, the 'poor' still had ample access to needed social services, the merchant class wasn't seething with supremacy.

What he said was certainly news to June, though her brother and father didn't seem to be phased. A Prince? Well, he certainly has the looks to befit one, she thought.

"Then who runs the Kingdom in your place?" June blurted, out of place. It earned a stern look from her father and a slight shoulder grip from her brother. She sighed.

"Well, it does seem we have been rather rude this evening. You must forgive us, the castle has been overrun by mayhem the past few hours. I, on behalf of everyone present, offer my sincerest apologies to you, young Prince. Do enlighten me on your proposal." He explained, his composure finally showing.
"I have a younger sister. She handles the kingdom along side my mother. I handle international afairs and war when needed." Dimitrius explains to June who had asked.

Taking his seat in front of the King and places his hands together on the table. "Like I had said I can not rewrite my father's contract. Only he can do so and it says that in the contract. But what I can do, is a trade his for mine. So will you agree?" He asks with a sly smirk.

"I am already a King and I have a country, what are you willing to give to benefit me for keeping your coasts safe?" He asks.
"Father, if you will." The prince interjected, before the King could speak a word. His response was a solid, but tentative nod. Rufus cleared his throat.

"King Dimitrius," He addressed, "You said you were an island nation, if I remember correctly. To my knowledge, we have no existing trade relations as of yet. If I'm assuming accurately, Azar must be a small, isolated island, which would be why they sent their King off to establish a reputation elsewhere. Geographical isolation isn't exactly good for a country's economy, and islands tend to not have an abundance of resources. Therefore, leading to focusing all your energy on one type of export. I'm not too familiar with your nation's history, but my best guess would be sugarcane or some similar crop." He explained his thought process. For a moment, he dimpled, smugness and pride evident in his features.

"We have to offer an abundance of gold and goods and riches. First, a payment of, say, 10,000 shillings, simply to agree to the contracts." At this, the King gave him a sharp look. "...Which could also be negotiated upon, depending on the circumstances. Then, a trading partner to last you 20 Kings. What say you?" Rufus asked finally. It was a miracle offer. A king would simply be stupid to refuse such a thing. June looked up at him, feeling her very own pride swelling for her brother.
Silence staied by him into the young Prince finished talking which left to Dimitrio bursting into laughter. Once he settled he apologized. "An island nation we are however we are not simply one island, the main land is the biggest island. I'm called King of the Seven Seas for the sole purpose of having islands all in the Seven Seas under my kingdoms name. They have their own little governments by my word is law, it's the reason I'm a pirate. I travel from island to island or just for the hell of it." He explains. For a moment he thought, it was a good offer but it wasn't anything that interested him and his kingdom would be fine with or with out it. "Your daughter over their seemed up for taking her brothers place. For some odd reason or another. I am in need if a fiance." He says and for a split second mischi flickered in his eyes. "Your daughter marries me, our kingdoms become one and you'll never have to worry about signing another contract. You'll stay in rule like most of my other islands do. If your kingdom is my kingdom I will protect like i do my own." He proclaims. Not that anyone could resist this idea. After all they'd never have to sell of another one of their first borns for protection.
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The Prince blushed in embarrassment after his mistake, but June gave his hand a nice pat, as if to say don't sweat it, bro. However, upon the Pirate's proposal for marriage, their roles were switched. June straightened in her seat and she sat stock still, her eyes visibly contracting. Rufus turned to the King, "Father-" he blurted, in place of his sister.

"Silence." The King said, raising a hand. He let out a low, rumbling breath. It was a breath of deep consideration, and June knew it best. Indeed, trading the Princess instead of a Prince would be much less of a loss. In their kingdom, it would be frowned upon if the Queen were to take up power. Although she did share a good amount of influence, and worked closely, hand in hand with the King on most matters, it was simply how it was. Maybe her kingdom could learn a little from Azar.

"Very well. I accept your offer." He said, finally, after careful consideration. "However, you must allow me to run this over my council and my Queen, because the King alone cannot make such powerful decisions." He explained, before rising, finally. "You are permitted to stay here until the decision is made. If you'll excuse me." And finally, he stepped out.

The guards hesitated for half a second, but stood to usher the Pirate King and the siblings to their respective rooms. June said not a word, but her shoulders were tense and she seemed to have an odd fascination with the tips of her shoes, as her eyes were trained there and only there as they walked.
"But of course. I will be heading out on the third morning, my men have to restock supplies and will spend a day with the woman near the port." Dimitrius explains with a gentle laugh.

Upon being motioned out by guards he glances over to June. "I'm not a bad person you know." He whispers to her with a boyish grin.
June does not say a word, simply takes a sharp turn into her living quarters. The Prince follows her in, scratching his head. They both knew this was the very thing she had been trying to avoid; trying to hitch a ride with the pirates in order to escape wedding a man she had never met, which would've inevitably happened, had the Prince left instead. It was frustrating. She was simply back a square one.

Even so, she knew she had a duty as the first Princess of Letisia.

After spending a few rough hours consoling his frustrated sister, he decided he would give Dimitrius a stern talking to. He left the room and gave the Pirate King's door a few knocks before opening the door.

"Dimitrius. May I have a word with you?" He asked. The next few minutes, he spent explaining June's situation. Why she snuck out of the castle, why she was so deeply upset, why she would follow through with the marriage if it should be approved. He only asked, sincerely, that Dimitrius treat the Princess with consideration and the upmost care. If Rufus saw one tear on her face, he would not hesitate to set out for Dimitrius' head. Though, he noted that June would probably beat him to it.
"Sure." He responds. At this point he was not wearing his jacket or hat and simply seated on the couch. "I could have told you that was her reasons. Im not an idiot and its the reason most nobles run off. But have no fear, I was brought up in the right manner. I have no reason to treat her illy." He says.

Once the Prince left he sighed. "What have I gotten myself into this time. I should have just took a years worth of supp an left like I was planing to." He mumble to himself.
Meanwhile, June was brooding in her room. She could always simply run for the hills and live with woodland animals off in a forest somewhere. Sighing, she threw the idea away. Her mother would likely contract heart failure. At some point in time, June finally fell asleep. It was still the middle of the night, after all.

The next morning, the news had spread before June was even awake. The Princess was to be wedded to the Pirate King from the far lands of Azar! It was to happen as soon as possible, the very next day, even. Today would be spent on preparations. June was brushed and primed from head to toe, taught the customs of a wedding, how she was to carry herself and her hulking dress. Demitrius did not get off easy either--he too, was bathed and scrubbed and tailored by a myriad of blushing palace maids. He was given the rundown of proper etiquette as well. Indeed, that day was just as hectic as the previous night, but for a different reason entirely.
"Don't you even think about getting close to my hair with those things." Dimitrius hissed at a maid holding scissors. He told pride in his long, soft silver strands and the only one around near it with scissors was his sister, mother or his personal maid. The maid simply puts down the scissors and picks up a brush.

"Are you sure your a real pirate?" She giggles taking the ribbon from his hair to let it fall out. It was nearly waist length. "Your not very dirty or smelly and you don't look all broken. Your young, healthy and beyond beautiful. Perhaps your a God instead?" Dimitrius shakes his head with a chuckle as she finishes up. Once she was one with his hair he stands and she reaches to undo his shirt to change into the outfit he'd wear to the wedding. Before when they bathed him he was to covered in bubbles to really see what he was hiding.

Dimitrius swats her hands away. "I can dress myself." He tell her. "But highness..." She starts but was soon cut off with him yelling for her to get out. He let's out a soft sigh as he unbuttoned his shirt. It drops to the floor to reveal a well toned body of bulging muscles and many scars on his back and one or two on his abs. His eyes sadden as he glances at the scars from the mirror and quickly pulls on his shirt. A sudden knock on the door and he walks over now fully dressed. "I'm coming I'm coming."
June had, at this point, grown used to the pampering and priming that came with constantly attending formal events as a member of royalty. She did, however, only allow a certain girl of African origins to perform the intimate bits of preparations, as the two had known one another since childhood. It felt right. Comfortable. Though she was reprimanded for sometimes being too comfortable.

"But Layla-"

"Oh, you'll be fine, June. This is a King we're talking about, I'm sure he's a lovely.. er, pirate. He should know how to behave himself, and he certainly won't bite." Layla, the woman who was currently brushing tangles out of June's hair, reassured. June simply sighed, and nodded in agreement.

By evening, the tailors had crafted a beautiful dress of snow that dazzled brilliantly if you held it close enough to the light. June had never seen anything like it, and even she, the reckless princess, was in left awe by its beauty. It was decolette, meaning her shoulders were bare, and the ruffles waist down grew in radius and spanned a wide circle that touched the floor. Her veil had been artfully put together with golden flowers decorating the top that matched the bouquet.

The wedding was to be held in the morning and was to last until evening. It was masterfully planned with the best of organizers that the Kingdom could gather and fell together perfectly.
(To think he had to leave the next morning.)

Dimitrius was made to walk around an hour in his suit of black and red. It was basic nothing extraordinary about it. Then again the guy is always basic, the women where the ones to go all out. By time he got done walking around he took it off. It was almost dark and he had get to tell his men.

Whether the King wanted it or not it was only far they came too. So thats what he did he vanished into the night. "Captain your back!" Yelled is right hand man who was sitting on the dock will the others did god knows what. This man was a bit messy looking with a long beard, and loose fitting cloths. No of his men looked to terribly bad once they had a bath and cleaned up, most the times it was because their cloths were ripped and their teeth were bad.

"I'm getting married tomorrow Scottie." He says softly. "What!?" Scottie yells. Dimitrius just nods. "I have made this kingdom my own by marring its princess. The real question is if I'll leave her here or take her with us. Well thats besides the point. We won't be heading out tomorrow morning thats for sure. I want the men to come but you best believe they look the part of a royal wedding. Acting the part would be nice too." He laughs lightly knowing how much they loved some booze and to party.

"I'll keep them under control. What about your mother and sister? You know how they would wanna be here." Scottie replies. Dimitrius let's out a sigh "Yeah I know, which is why it will be a secret. That we are married that is. I'll write a letter to them claiming I found the love of my life and asked her to marry me. That I'll be home in a year so they can plan, I mean they will have to crown her crowned princess." Scottie nods before heading off to the castle after sending out the letter by hawk.

Upon returning to the castle and sneaking in he runs right into June. Due to his lack of attention he topples over on top of her. "I'm sorry." He says looking into her eyes almost lost in them. He snapped out of it and got up helping her up.
June had spent the good part of her evening with her ill mother. She had always been a little closer to the woman than to her father, and they jested and laughed with each other. They did not speak of what took place the night before, but instead, of the man with whom she was soon to wed. The Queen warned her of the prying eyes of evil men, but June only laughed her off. He was a good man at heart. She knew this for sure. Otherwise she would've already been halfway across the kingdom, off in a forest somewhere.

As June left, she had accidently bumped into a wall and fell backwards. Although, upon further inspection, June discovered this wall was not a wall at all-- it was a person! A man! Dimitrius! And on top of her? June could only blink as her mind registered the current turn of events, before her cheeks blazed.

"Thank you," June mumbled as he helped her stand. She was no longer in the wedding dress, but rather, a night gown. A pause.

"I- I should get going," She said quickly, suddenly brushing past him. Even if it was decided and even if she knew it was her duty, the prospect of it was still heavily upsetting. Frustration was only second nature
Dimitrius chuckled lightly at her before waving her a fair well. He vanished to his room. "She's adorable when all flushed." He chuckles to himself.

The next morning he was literally being drug out of bed by maids to prepare him for the day. With an over exaggerated sigh he gives into letting them do what ever, well that was until he needed to dress. Prepared and ready to go he steps out of the bathroom. He glance unto the mirror. His long silver hair tied into a ponytail, red button down shirt, and the rest was black.

"And I'm getting married. I figured they'd wait or not agree." He sighs to himself. "Well here goes nothing."

(I'll let you go through ceremony and all, I'm not good with wedding and would probably fail miserably at my own. XD)