Patrimony [Viverescribere & Nemopedia]

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He imagined Elly's face to be reminiscent of the expression he had once carried as a child. Freshly dethroned and ignorant of the world. It was the coup that had granted him the privilege of knowing and understanding the hardships outside. Before that everyone had been too occupied cushioning him, just as that Elly had been kept out of all that could make her undesirably sentimental, or mouthy with her own set of thoughts.

"Whatever you say," Haakon dismissed while continuing to rummage in the back, pulling out more crates needed, "keep the sob stories for the library," was the curt exclamation before silence washed into the cabin once more, time slipping away in the barely lit room by the indication of the lowering candle. Bringing forward empty wooden boxes to easily contain all packages at once Haakon heaved a sigh before casting a look over the stump left of the candle.

"Supper should be ready, come," he orders the lady before offering her a hand to step across the crates and boxes littered over the floor as Haakon instinctively blew out the candle next, wishing to save wax, but condemning into the dark at the same time.

Speech colour: #5b807e;

Elswyth Mary D'Ambrisio

The candle had been blown out just as Elswyth lifted her foot and moved forward, her hand having hesitantly slipped into his to take the help that had been offered. Immediately disorientated, the young woman instinctively began to put her foot down to allow herself some time to adjust to the darkness. However, in a mad rush to compose herself, she felt the heel of her shoe hit the edge of a wooden box which had her raising it again to avoid damaging any of the packages they had just worked on. Her leg then stretched out in the hopes of stepping over the box, only leading to her heel once more catching the other edge.

A sharp inhale was followed by an equally cutting gasp as her weight moved forward in a bid to catch herself, leaving her trailing leg to go slamming into the side of the wooden box. Her hand tightened around his as she felt her front knee buckle under the weight of herself, the other grabbing hold of the front of his shirt on his right side. Her foot on the side closest to him slid forward, causing her other leg to drag over the box and her body to fully lean into him; the side of her face hitting his chest as she attempted to turn away to protect her head and her chest landing against his abdomen.

The shin of her left leg throbbed from where it had dragged over the rough wooden edges and her right ankle shared the same ache after twisting slightly due to the heel locking onto the edge before slamming down onto the ground.

"I-- I'm so sorry. My God--" Both hands raised to rest on his shoulders in the attempt to stand herself back up, eyes desperately trying to make out where his head was in the darkness as to not accidentally hit him there either. "You blew out the candle and-- how did you expect me to see--?"

The sudden darkness took time to adjust to but familiar as Haakon was to the cabins of the ship, as strange the lady was still to both the ship and him. The sudden weight had him stumble. His knees bending and Haakon grunted and caught Elly by the elbows, supporting her as much as he tried to support himself, only finding it with a crate behind him into which he smacked with his lower back, drawing out another hiss at the sharp corner digging into that particular joint.

A sharp inhale of breath, and the smell of perfume, mingled with the familiar smell of the castle reminded Haakon of his queen-mother. Young and foreign, yet steeped so bitterly within the court in which she was caged. Instinctively Haakon's hand went from the elbows to the back. He had been so small when he last had seen his mother, and now he was a grown adult. She had seemed so large and dependable then, but the body leaning against him was shorter and smaller than his, and the question that followed was nothing like the gentility he knew his mother for.

Arms retracting Haakon only held onto her arm, pushing her back on her feet as he pushed the door open of the cabin, allowing the descending sun to flush into the room and the cool air to calm his beating heart.

"It always returns," Haakon answers, meaning the light, but it felt awkward and in need of clarification that the man couldn't give, his eyes avoiding that of the lady before he finally let go of her arm as well, stepping away from between her and the crate and the mess created.

Speech colour: #5b807e;

Elswyth Mary D'Ambrisio

It was the closest she had been to a man. The warmth of his hand against her lower back seemed to burn through her dress and scorch her skin, making her all too aware of the intimacy of the hold. When she had danced with power-hungry men and wanna-be suitors, they had all kept a respectful gap between their bodies and their hands had never dipped lower than just below her shoulder blades. None would ever dare touch the princess in a way that could be perceived as forward or sexual.

But being chest to chest (or almost chest to abdomen due to height) with Kun, his one hand on her elbow and the other at her lower back, her own pressed against his shoulders... it made her realise just how much of a man Kun had become. The little boy she had spent her younger years with was gone, replaced with a stranger with strong arms, work-roughened hands and a cool personality. It left her wondering if he would have been the same if he had been left to grow up in the castle, if he had still been prince.

A shiver ran over her as he stepped away, removing the warmth that she had been briefly acquainted with, and Elswyth busied herself with straightening her dress and hair. Clearing her throat, she too avoided looking in his general direction and reluctantly looked to the box she had inevitably knocked over, now visible with the setting sun streaming in through the door. A small wince betrayed the guilt she felt, lower lip being worried between her teeth soon after.

"...I am not that hungry," she eventually murmured, despite it not being the truth. She was just grateful her stomach didn't grumble in that moment to disagree with her. "I will collect something later, once I have sorted this out." Elswyth partially turned away from him and the door, head turning the rest of the way to survey the full extent of the damage.

Her heart continued to race and the fingers on her one hand played anxiously with the material of her dress skirts. Not due to the unfamiliar closeness experience moments ago, but the sudden spike in paranoia regarding Leah's earlier warning: do not get close to him. There was that immediate urge to put distance between herself and her former playmate despite her best attempts to reason with herself - if he hadn't recognised her yet, then surely he never would.

"That will mean going without food until we break our fast," Haakon sharply pointed out, a slight annoyance rising once more at the idea that there would be scraps when there was barely enough to eat to begin with. Many a night the men still had to sleep with rumbling stomachs, whether they had an extra mouth to feed or not. The idea that there would be anything left was presumptuous, and the more the idea that anyone felt confident about skipping meals.

"You will be grateful for what you have, even if it is one single bite you manage to swallow," Haakon sighed, though he didn't fight the lady on it anymore, his anger subsiding as he remembered the sarcasm of Leah earlier and Elly's own frustration. "Just know that you can't avoid the crew forever," he warned her instead, thinking of the meals she would have to skip in order to manage that.

With that he shut the door of the room, leaving the woman alone in the darkness as the candle was out and there were no windows in that part of the ship. A detail forgotten after everything.

Speech colour: #5b807e;

Elswyth Mary D'Ambrisio

Her eyes closed as the door was shut behind him, the darkness no different to what would await her when she opened them again. She felt no better here than she did in her first days in Court. Just like back then, it felt as though every little thing she said was incorrect. There would be something to take offense at. Yes sir, no sir... those two phrases should be the two she ought to stick to until she learnt what was correct.

She could imagine his frustrations at her lack of desire to eat came from the fact that there may not be much on the ship to begin with. That any mouthful should be one to be grateful for. She knew she was now an extra mouth to feed... avoiding one meal, and avoiding whatever looks or scornful comments from Leah, should surely not be too much of a problem. However, was there any chance of her winning again with whatever decision she made? If she went and ate, she would be that extra mouth and leaving less for everyone else. If she didn't go and didn't eat, she would be considered ungrateful. Elswyth could see the eyerolls and hear the snorting.

After a few more moments of internal debating, Katya finally opened her eyes and felt her way to the door. Taking in a deep breath and steeling herself, Elswyth pulled it open and stepped out, leaving the darkness behind her.

Was it relief that Haakon saw on the face of Leah when Elly exited the room? The man couldn't quite tell, but it was what he felt, the sound of the porridge falling into a bowl in a disgusting sticking manner reminding him of what they couldn't afford, a stark comparison to the feast they had allowed themselves the night before. The one Haakon had left to waste on his table in his room.

"Joining us, Kun?" John the boatswain questioned, handing a bowl to Haakon before filling another for the lady that followed, "or keeping the new one company?" he teased, pushing the sustenance into the direction of Elly with a smile and a wink. In hindsight Haakon wondered if he had been better off leaving the noble lady with John instead. The jovial man was rarely ever in a bad mood, if he showed one at all. Just a known skirt chaser, which at this point didn't even seem that dangerous, or even to matter anymore.

"If there is still some cinnamon sugar, add some," Haakon instructed, his chin jutting towards the bowl stretched out for Elly, "it will make it more palatable," he motivated, knowing that it did truly help.

And after Haakon felt as awkward as Elly had done on the ship all this while, his presence at their mealtimes so rare as he had the food brought to his room instead, spent in company with books to distract his wandering mind instead of the view of the darkening horizons.

"Captain, here with us!" one of the members of the crew called when the surprise had descended, following with a waving arm for the lady that followed, "and bring the new one as well for us to admire!"

Elswyth Mary D'Ambrisio

Elswyth glanced to Kun at his piece of advise, hesitating for a breath before reaching out to take a pinch of the cinnamon sugar that was left. Not daring to take more than that, given his words regarding food only a moment ago. Despite the lack of appeal the porridge gave, she couldn't deny that her stomach grumbled at the smell. Her cheeks soon grew pink at the comment thrown in her direction and she began to lower her gaze, only pausing as they met Leah's.

The conversation from earlier, and her short words, came back to her mind and the descent of her gaze hurried as she looked at the porridge in her bowl.

Colour in her cheeks only bloomed at the next words about her involvement and she reluctantly turned her head towards Kun again, eyes rising to meet his. "Perhaps it is best if I return to your quarters to eat while you enjoy the company of your crew. I needn't be a further burden." The words spoken were not borne entirely from a wish to make his night easier, however it was her intention to make it look as that was the case. In reality, Elswyth did not want to be asked questions that she may find difficult to answer, nor did she wish to deal with any inappropriate comments.

However, just like with mealtimes, she knew she could not and would not be able to avoid the crew forever. There would be a time that she would have to interact with them fully, she just hoped it would be later than sooner. But, if Kun told her to stay... she was hardly in a place to disagree.

Did she despise cinnamon by chance? Haakon wondered if that amount could even be tasted through the thick gruel but decided not to insist upon it.

"They want to know you," Kun said, deciding not to give her permission to leave, nor deny her the opportunity to leave. He had told her before, to give the crew a chance, and now they provided the chance themselves. "Besides," the male continued, a sharp glance turned to her direction before he moved forward, "that is still my cabin."

"It's rare to see you join us," Kun got as he joined the group, his eyes gliding over the aged faces of his crew, every single one of them weary and old enough to be distances away from him, some old enough to be his father, others a little younger, but still not his peer. It suddenly occurs to Kun how rare it is for someone of his age to be on the ship, the last time being the day he left Hauviel.

"Got yourself a bride?" one of the crew members teased, though none of it was ill-intentioned as chuckles were exchanged and crates were turned upside down to make more seats for the newcomers to use, "finally someone friendlier than Leah," another joke followed, earning a guffaw this time.

Elswyth Mary D'Ambrisio

Taken aback by his response, especially given she hadn't actually claimed her quarters as anything other than his, she faltered in her steps. This dance was becoming exhausting; trying to guess what might be best and what might be wanted was not ending well. It left her to wonder if she ought to just keep her mouth closed and follow diligently, especially if it assured her survival. But then would that become annoying and tiresome for the man who she once knew as a boy?

It was a consideration she was tempted by, to stay quiet and simply follow and obey. It felt slightly ironic to do so, considering not doing so in the first place was what got her into this mess in the first place. Not to mention, she had hated following orders at home: being told to sit and simper, to focus on needlework, to leave the more 'challenging' books alone in the library.

Yet she supposed she ought to look upon this meeting of the crew as an opportunity. A chance to convince them to like her and to get them onside. Perhaps, if they liked her for who they thought she was - even if it was some noble - then it would save her later on... if they ever found out the truth.

"Come now, even I can tell your captain is married to this ship and crew. Any bride of his will bound to be a lonely one, no?" Elswyth chirped back, forcing herself to relax her shoulders as she settled onto a free crate, overturned for her.

Her answer had taken Haakon by surprise, his eyes set onto her in a different light from what they had been before. "Would have never taken her for the captain's type," another crew member responded, a chuckle shared amongst the men at the quip Elly had delivered.

"Yeah, I always imagined his type to be more… square," another added in, waving for Elly to sit down and make herself comfortable, "in all of the years I have known Kun he has only hugged books, and the occasional plant," came the jest to which Haakon sent an icy glare that was met with thrown up hands in the air, the threat and fear both good natured theatrics.

"He is a growing man, no longer a boy," Leah scolded, coming to Haakon's defence in a way only mother's could do, which sent the rest of the ship laughing once more after pointing out exactly that, leaving the situation all the more lighthearted and humorous in a way that Haakon hadn't experienced in a while.

"I'm not in the market for a bride," Haakon dryly answered instead, though he could see the nudging shared amongst the men who didn't believe a word of what he said while they mouthed Leah's words that had helped none in the situation. "I hope you will still treat Elly with decency, however. She is a long way from home and will be so for a while," Haakon continued, quickly smoothening over to the next as he took a bite from the thick gruel provided.

"Think of her as a little sister, or a daughter, whatever your age is," he instructed, wanting to believe that they were all decent men. Haakon didn't run a ship of waywards, but it never hurt to be careful and to make sure.

"Aye, the prettier sibling to our captain," another one quipped, the crew never allowing a moment to pass to make a joke when the possibility came up.
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Elswyth Mary D'Ambrisio

"The prettier sibling, remember that. Do not be trying to matchmake us together like you just did." Elswyth agreed with a mock-stern tone that was accompanied by a teasing smile. Her spoon stirred the gruel provided, mixing the small amount of cinnamon sugar that she dared to take within the grey slop.

She forced a few mouthfuls down, mindful to swallow down with it her reaction to the taste and texture. Once she took what she could stomach, she paused for a break and continued: "Besides, you heard your captain. He isn't in the market for a bride. Behave yourselves and calm your teasing." She cooed, winking specifically to the one who commented about Kun's type being more like the books that adorned his cabin shelves.

Elswyth avoided looking at Kun during the conversation, despite feeling his eyes on her at the start. She knew he, and possibly Leah, would have some questions regarding her change in demeanour. But for her, it felt no different than being at court. Building relationships, getting people on side, creating potential allies... it felt all too familiar.

A different person indeed, between Leah and Haakon looks were exchanged, one of surprise and the other of suspicion as icy blues went back to Elly, eyes narrowing at the sparkle of mischief and wittism that felt so familiar to him. There really had been only one lady of fine birth who dared to act so boldly, Haakon felt, his eyes narrowing further.

"Aye, our captain is a handsome lad, give him a chance," one of the crew tried to defend the man, fruitlessly as the rest pitched in that Elly's beauty was wasted on a man who only had his eyes on the stars in the sky and the pages of his library.

"Maybe you will be mine?" a particular cheeky boatswain asked, one of the younger members that had only recently joined the cause. One of the few who didn't know about Haakon's identity, but who Haakon hoped to initiate soon if the man proved himself useful.

"Obviously Elly has too much brain for you to handle," Haakon added to the conversation, shutting the boatswain down without ever breaking his eyes off the lady, his mind whirring as he tried to make sense of the situation and the pieces he held. "She will, after all, hold you for the fool," he continued slowly, the assumptions within his mind building up rapidly as he thought of a past he had left behind so long ago, with a crown that he was still chasing after, and a friend he had thought he had long since forgotten.
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Elswyth Mary D'Ambrisio

Laughing softly at the boatswain, she forced a few more mouthfuls down which allowed Kun the opportunity to respond in her stead. His words, however, caused her smile to falter for the briefest of seconds until she was quick to fix it. The momentary playfulness she felt - dare she say the enjoyment she was having - when talking to his crew, depleted. His comments felt loaded and it made her wonder.

"You should heed your captain," she proceeded to continue with her teasing, "Do you think you could handle me?" Her smile had regained its strength as she got herself settled in the conversation again.

She did, though, dare to look across to where Leah and Kun sat. Which felt like a mistake as soon as her eyes landed on the two of them. There was some satisfaction in seeing the surprise on Leah's face, Elly couldn't deny that. But seeing the suspicion in Kun's eyes... it filled her with dread.

Elswyth was quick to turn her head back to her bowl, finishing it hurriedly and then resting it in her lap. "It's been a pleasure to meet you all tonight. Perhaps tomorrow you will be gracious enough to have mercy on me if you see me struggling with any tasks." She chuckled after, glancing around the group, but purposefully avoiding Kun's gaze again.

"Oi, nay, I fear Leah more than that I like a pretty lass," came the immediate response from the crew, followed by a protest from Leah's side who tried to hurry into her own defence as Haakon chuckled at that, his smile hidden behind the cover of his hand.

"They will help, provided they know how to do it," Haakon remarked, eliciting another round of protests and discussion from the men on his ship, though some did haphazardly look the other way. It was a ship of men, after all, and without Leah running around most of them would walk around without a shirt for days on end to keep laundry to a minimum. And with that Haakon decided not to pursue the matter any longer.

With the sun lowering and their meals finished the hour drew near for their days to end, the night shifts divided as the first men headed to their cabins, ready for some sleep before their days started once more.

"First shift is ours," Haakon informed the lady, the deck slowly emptying itself out as he moved to the bow pulpit in the front, dark water endlessly stretching out before them as his eyes locked in on the first star that had appeared.

"Now, be true, who are you, Elly?" Haakon finally questioned, breaking the silence on the deck as he allowed his suspicion to sound and carry over the waves.

Elswyth Mary D'Ambrisio

Breathing out a sigh of relief as the last of the crew left them, the young woman followed Kun's direction and left her bowl where he did. She looked out to sea as he did, unnerved by the stretch of water that greeted her. She tended to hate being on boats, avoiding them wherever she could. Mostly because it meant having to go to other kingdoms to help her father strengthen or make new alliances.

She would go for no other reason than to show unity with her family. And probably to look pretty - she knew that now, because of her arranged marriage.

At his words, Elly glanced to him with a small frown, "First shift...?" She repeated, uncertain as to what he meant given her lack of experience. Then his next words, his first question of the night, hit.

"I... who am I? I told you." She responded, not daring to allow her shock rest too long. She couldn't allow it. She couldn't allow him to suspect anything else. "I am Elisabeth Louet. You, however, named me Elly."

Artem would return with answers tomorrow. Haakon knew that and yet…

"You take the quarterdeck," the captain instructed, turning his back against the female as he moved towards the shrouds, hands already busying themselves with inspecting the ropes. "That's the back," he clarified for the lady, in case she didn't know the parts of the ship before moving further to the front.

The first shift, after twilight, never amounted to anything generally, which was what Haakon banked on when claiming it with Elisabeth. What he didn't bank on was the return of Artem's ship in the horizon, the man himself a bundle of fabric crouched over instead of upright.

"Elly!" Haakon calls, his voice even as he tried to keep the emotion out of it while making the preparations to haul the boat in, "call everyone back," he instructed tersely, gulping as his gut took a plunge.


Elswyth Mary D'Ambrisio

The young lady had been desperately trying to keep her eyes open as she stared out to sea, leaning against the wooden railings with her elbow perched upon the surface and chin resting within her hand. It had crossed her mind to wonder why he had wanted her out there. She hadn't the faintest idea about the ropes or knots to secure them, nor did she know much else that would have kept her from being idle. And she hadn't wanted to be idle.

His question had come as a surprise, one that set a heavy weight of dread in her chest. Why had he asked so specifically who she was? The suspicion had been clear in his eyes, not just during his questioning but also during their evening meal.

And Artem, she hadn't seen the old armoury master for two or so days now. Where had he disappeared to?

Her thoughts were interrupted by Kun's sharp yell and her eyes snapped open from their half-closed state as she whirled around, peering across the deck. Her eyes squinted against the darkness as she headed for the steps only to pause at his hasty order. Despite the panic it created within her, Elswyth hurried down the stairs as fast as her skirts would allow her, disappearing into the quarters below.

Soon enough, the crew were to hand, joining Kun with the preparations. Elswyth moved to the edge, out of the way but eyes on the small boat, heart in throat.

"Who issit? Captain, is that--?" One member of the crew asked, frantically sorting out ropes as his own eyes darted from the approaching boat to the rope in hand, "It ain't-- Gods, it ain't--?"
"Get him onboard," Haakon sounded strained when he gave out the order, fearing the worst as he watched the crew bring the unconscious Artem in, a gaping wound at his abdomen. "Get the ship ready," the captain continued, his eyes tearing away from the wound with a pained look knowing that a long night was to come ahead, "I need all hands tonight, leave nothing up to chance," Haakon called out, and the crew moved along, knowing exactly what they needed to do as they put in the motions to untie and tie the ropes needed above and below deck.

But there was additional cargo to be dealt with, Haakon knew that as he turned around to Elly, quick to grab her by the hand and marched towards the side of the ship, a spare boat there with a disassembled sail within. "Get in," he instructed, his voice stern in the way that he wouldn't allow for any objection before turning away, giving out more instructions as he spoke to his crew in a hushed voice, taking a compass from one of them before taking what he needed and returning to the boat.

Half an hour later the little boat was in the water, its sails pulled up and assembled as they picked up good wind into the horizon away from the ship. Haakon hadn't said a word since then, busying himself with the lines of the sails as he tried to maintain the fastest course possible and praying for a clear night to guide their way.
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Elswyth Mary D'Ambrisio

It all happened in a blur. One minute she was staring at the gaping wound Artem had acquired from gods' knew where, to suddenly being in a spare boat and sailing away from the main ship. With Kun.

The young woman sat on the plank wood seat at the other end to him, hands gripping tight onto the edge of the plank as the boat swayed more noticeably in the waves. She could already feel her nausea begin to rise, but she forcibly swallowed it down. Elswyth trained her eyes on Kun, her nails biting into the wood as she followed his movements, watching each pull or twist of rope.

"...Where are we going? Why are we leaving the ship?" She eventually dared to ask, voice weak with the nervousness of his reaction and uncertainty of what was happening. "You should be back there, with them. With Artem." There was a small flinch at the mention of the older man, her memory reminding her of the wound at the old armoury master's stomach. "What happened to him? Where did he go? I don't understand--"