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Astronomy enthusiast
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
Online Availability
I am mostly active in the early mornings and afternoons
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Intermediate
  3. Adept
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. No Preferences
I love anything related to Anime, scifi, Modern, Horror/gore, Adventure, Romance, Fighting/action, Mystery, Angst, and Yaoi.
Hi, Hello! My name is Tianna but I usually go by Tia~ I'm not new to the roleplaying scene as I've been writing for a good five years now, However, I have been on a hiatus for a while with roleplaying due to school, but I'm currently trying to get back into it! I'm still trying to adjust to this site despite having this account for a little over a year. I haven't really gotten around to trying to make friends or finding partners up until now~ So, heres a few things you should know about me as a person and a roleplayer:

  • My timezone is EST (UTC−05:00) on weekdays I'm not very active until late afternoon like 5 or 6 pm due to school. However, on weekends I'm usually very active all day and up all night till the sunrise.
  • I reply pretty quickly. I can get a few replies in a day if I'm not busy since I don't like leaving people hanging for too long.
  • I enjoy making friends with people I roleplay with as it makes me more motivated to reply back.
  • I am more use to playing female roles. However, I am willing to try out male roles also! But I wont double up.
  • I love anything supernatural. I enjoy anything that involves powers, werewolves, vampires witches etc. I also love drama, slice of life, fluffy romance but I'm open to mostly anything!
Now, here are a few plots I've been itching to do lately~

"Weak for love"
Character A feeds off of affection…literally. Without love and attention, Character A will wither away. In order to stay healthy and strong, Character A has a string of people they're not-quite dating so that they can cuddle on a regular basis, but they make sure not to develop serious feelings for any of them. It's been working pretty well. Then Character A falls in love with the least affectionate person ever, Character B.

Magical meeting
Character A has just been assigned a roommate for their freshman dorm room and cannot wait to meet them. Although they were a bit apprehensive initially, they decided that they would just come clean to their roommate, Character B, about their witchcraft and just straight up tell them that they'd be practicing spells in the room. Character A squares their shoulders and rolls their suitcases into their dorm room only to be assaulted by Character B's Hogwarts memorabilia and countless posters depicting J.K. Rowling's Wizarding World. Character A gulps - maybe it would be best to wait a bit before springing the news on them that magic is…well…legit?

Cold marble lips
Character A lives and works at a temple of Character B, the deity of the moon/the seasons/death/etc., and while cleaning the marble statue of Character B, Character A is struck with the overwhelming desire to plant a kiss on Character B's cold, marble lips. Upon kissing the statue, it immediately begins to grow warm, and Character A watches in rapt fascination as the statue of Character B begins to move and animate, looking more and more human by the second.Character B is a deity that has been trapped in a marble statue for decades. Supposedly, the only thing that could bring Character B out of their state as a statue would be to receive a kiss from their soulmate.


Characters A and B are on their first date together, and Character A couldn't be more nervous. Not just because Character B seems to be perfect in literally every way – their perfect hair, perfect eyes, perfect smile…– but also because no matter what lighting Character B is in, they always seem to look like they have a small halo behind their head. Could it be that Character A is dating an angel?

The witch and the werewolf

Character A is a witch that lives in a nice, quiet cottage in the woods, with their closest (and pretty much only) neighbor being Character B. Character B will sometimes come over – for spells/potions/to say hello/etc. – and has expressed their concern for Character A several times, because it really isn't all that safe to live alone in the middle of the woods. Character A is confident that they can protect themself, but is always wary on the full moon, when they can hear howling unlike any wolf they've ever heard….One night, while the full moon shines overhead, Character A finds the source of the howling –- an injured werewolf that's whimpering on Character A's doorstep. Character A cares for the beast, and looks after it until morning when it changes back into human form…and is revealed to be Character B.

Desperate Measures AU
Magical universe AU where magical creatures are taboo, often being turned out of their houses and having very little resources to help them through their transformations, or lives afterwards. Character A has recently been bitten by an unknown magical creature and doesn't know how to control themself. With nobody else to turn to, Character A goes to visit their friend, Character B, who makes a living out of hunting feral monsters – namely vampires and werewolves. It's not ideal, but Character B is the only person with the knowledge about Character A's condition and how to possibly control their new, monster urges.

Those who are left behind
Dystopian AU where every person is required to go through a series of tests to see if they're smart enough to be a part of the upper, elite class of people. Character A and Character B are childhood friends that have spent their entire lives planning on living together in the elite class…but Character A just got their test results back, and they failed the test.

Over the wall
Character A lives in a time period in which humans live in a specific area of the Earth, the reasons why are kept only by the governments of the cities. The Wall is an area that is heavily guarded, and surrounded by thick woods that are home to many of the criminals. Character B happens to be a thief, and quite a large one at that. A and B's lives cross when B drags A into a whole gig of theirs. They escape into the woods, and make it near the wall. How does their journey end? Does B ditch A out in the woods? Do they attempt to breach the wall?

Cold Lips AU
Character A has been flirting with Character B; they're beautiful and mysterious, and Character A is intrigued. When they kiss Character B for the first time, Character A is shocked by how cold Character B's lips are. Character B is a vampire, and they're secretly torn between wanting Character A to be their significant other, or their next meal.

[warning: horror, murder,mystery] this storyline is about two specific serial killers. each of them have a special skill and method to finish their work. one is more violent than the other who is more pendant and discreet. they aren't rivals. they don't compete against each other. but instead they were basically in love with each others work. the interesting thing about them is that they had two labels, "Red Robin Hood" and "Rioters". The first label was from the people's side, and the other from the police and investigation organizations. the two were preying on the rich and mighty and had always led the people to take what it remained, their homes, any kind of materials, food and other things. the duo couldn't be figured out just yet. as time passed the two came closer and the tension between them was closing gap. it was just a matter of time when would love really bloom between them. however, there was one problem. one of them is caught and tortured to say what their plans were- the other has to find a way to release their partner.

between red and gold. this is actually a gang au.
Kyoto is a very beautiful city, just like any Japanese city, however it's streets were very dangerous, being occupied by the followers of the most largest gangs in Japan. There were minor gangs who weren't as frightening like two larger gangs. One gang had a leader, a former prisoner that is, but he/she is quite the business man with foreign countries. The gang was called Golden Chairs, indicating that their gang would be the one who took over the title of the most dangerous gangs. The second most feared gang were The Red Hawk's gang. The Red Hawk gang was leaded by an anonymous leader. The past leader has chosen them as the most adroit one to lead the gang, despite not revealing their identity. . The Red's were all too free with their leader, they basically owned a half of the citizens because of their leader - even of there was a wild party citizens could join and even if they harm someone from the followers there wouldn't be an execution. The leader avoided conflicts with citizens, they're a weird one? Well, apart from that the anonymous leader was merciless towards other gangs. They loved each of the followers. Now, the problem between the two gangs were that the leaders had a race. More and more people were joining their gangs, even foreigners! Even if the two leaders had meetings with foreign businessmen they were in a slight war, however they didn't let their armies roam around and destroy everything. One part is believed that the gangs were protectors of the city, but the other one was no where near that opinion. M/C will be the Leader of the Red's. Since they opposed the system the other leader is doing (and that is using the citizens girls and women) they catches a glimpse of a man/woman that they liked and wanted for themselves. . That would be Y/C. But Y/C is very important that's why they belonged to the leader of the Golden's. Y/C is a hacker, very stunning and intelligent.

Deep breathing au
Character A is a werewolf that struggles with maintaining their human form in stressful situations – anything from their card being rejected at the supermarket, to getting locked out of their apartment – and so they've decided to start yoga/meditation classes in order to calm down and gain control of their transformations. Character B is a vampire with anger issues that is attending the same class as Character B, and the two of them quickly become friends outside of class – Character A's cautious nature countering Character B's impulsiveness, and Character B's fearlessness inspiring Character A.

As punishment for heartlessly breaking up with people, Character A is cursed to never be able to love again. It's not that Character A isn't able to find love – since they're devilishly attractive, Character A has no problem with making people fall in love with them – but if any person becomes too close with Character A, then Character A will begin to unintentionally feed off of the other person's life force.

Hello! I'm new to this site but not new to roleplay, I've been rping for years. I also operate on EST, though due to job constraints I'll only really be available to reply very early in the morning, and then in the evenings. On days I have off I'll be reasonably available all day! I'm more accustomed to playing male characters honestly, but I have experience playing females, as well.

I like a lot of your prompts! They're varied and creative so I'm really impressed~ if you'd like, I'd be up for being roleplay partners!
Hello! I'm new to this site but not new to roleplay, I've been rping for years. I also operate on EST, though due to job constraints I'll only really be available to reply very early in the morning, and then in the evenings. On days I have off I'll be reasonably available all day! I'm more accustomed to playing male characters honestly, but I have experience playing females, as well.

I like a lot of your prompts! They're varied and creative so I'm really impressed~ if you'd like, I'd be up for being roleplay partners!
Hello! I am happy that you're interested in being roleplay partners! Please PM me so we can discuss more!
I have a idea for you. If you will message me in pm. I would be happy to rp
Still looking ~
Characters A and B are on their first date together, and Character A couldn't be more nervous. Not just because Character B seems to be perfect in literally every way – their perfect hair, perfect eyes, perfect smile…– but also because no matter what lighting Character B is in, they always seem to look like they have a small halo behind their head. Could it be that Character A is dating an angel?

I'm interested in this and was wondering a few things. May I PM you with my inquiries?
Hey! I'm totally interested in doing some rps with you, should I pm you?
I'm interested in this and was wondering a few things. May I PM you with my inquiries?
Sorry for the late response but of course !
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Either of these taken? alternatively I've got another idea involving an angel and demon if you're interested?
I'd be happy to hear it! Please pm me!
Hello there! Who plays character A in the Leeching plot? I'm interested in trying that plot or maybe one we come up with together if you're alright with that. :)
Hello! I'd be interested in doing either Weak for love, or Those who are left behind.
Hello there! Who plays character A in the Leeching plot? I'm interested in trying that plot or maybe one we come up with together if you're alright with that. :)
Yeah sure! Just shoot me a pm :)
Hello! I'd be interested in doing either Weak for love, or Those who are left behind.
Shoot me a pm so we can discuss more !