Partner Search! Open 24/7

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Certified Rangler
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
Online Availability
Literally every second of the day (most of the time)
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Nonbinary
  3. Transgender
  4. Primarily Prefer Male
  5. No Preferences
Romance or Fantasy or Sci-Fi,, can do others, I’m open to trying new things
476D5153-58BF-4912-B205-ACA99CF267D9.pngA wild Fennekin appeared!

Actively Searching for Roleplay Partners

Hey! I'm Fen, and I'm searching for some partners in crime to do some roleplays with me! I'm not super strict when it comes to reply length, seeing as I tend to slow down a bit as time goes on. I'm open to plots and pairings, and if something isn't up to my liking, I'll tell you. I'm more leaning into roleplaying with some of my Pokémon OC's, seeing as I really haven't been able to roleplay with them much on here. Though, I do have a few humans that I will gladly roleplay with!

- My partner must be at the age of 25 of under, I had something that happened earlier in the year that has effected the way I see some people. I hope you understand.

- I don't really expect much with reply length, as long as it smooths the story onwards, and isn't something completely unrelated.

- If you have to go somewhere, do something, or something came up that will effect your activity, I would like to know beforehand so I know not to be checking our conversation every five seconds.

- You absolutely have to respect my limits, and I will do the same to you. If something is making you uncomfortable, please tell me, and if something is making me uncomfortable I'll tell you.

- This isn't a must, but it's just something that'd be kinda cool, I'd like it if we could have some sort of separate PM for our roleplay if we get really into it. If that's the case, I might bring out my art skills and draw some stuff for it, and you're welcome to do the same!

- Feel free to notify me from time to time if I haven't responded within the span of five days or more!


- Activity, activity, activity, I check Iwaku almost every hour of the day, if you reply, I'll probably reply not long after.

- I run on EST, and am most active in between the times of 11:00 AM to 2:30 AM.

- I usually tend to mimic my partners reply length, this would be the reason I always ask my partner to start, so I can try to adapt to how much you write. If you ask me to start, I'll probably give you 2-4 small paragraphs. I am a minor and am still working on my writing, so I'm the mere future, it might be more.

- I type very, very fast, so I apologize if I have a few grammar mistakes throughout my responses. If I spot them, they usually get edited later on.

- If something is making me uncomfortable, or I am just not feeling the roleplay anymore, I'll notify you.

- I might make a few jokes about the roleplay in a small chat to the side. Know that I mean no offense by these and am just trying to vibe with you ^^

- I mostly RP as a male, and prefer MxM RP's. I don't know why, it's just more comfortable, and more preferred.

I would love to hear any plots anyone has in mind for any of these parings! I'm open to hear all of them! Just shoot me a PM :)

My preferred roles are in Yellow

- Werewolf + Human
- Vampire + Human
- Soft Boy + Tough Girl
Soft Boy + Tough Boy
Demon + Angel
Flirtatious Villain + Flustered Hero
- Canon +

The Fennekin ran away!
Last edited:
Still looking!
I am very interested! Do you play Marvel Characters? Specifically Xmen or Avengers?
I am very interested! Do you play Marvel Characters? Specifically Xmen or Avengers?
ahh- unfortunately, I am not familiar with Marvel (least not yet) that much- other than Guardians of the Galaxy, I haven't really seen much of Marvel- I apologize
Nothing to apologize for! What about Harry Potter? Have you ever tried that as an RP?
Oo! I've watched the movies, though never trying to roleplay it out, but I can try :)
Sending you a message! :)
Hello, I'm Cinnmon. I read your thread, and I'd love to try playing with you! I have no plots, but I have two characters: a scatterbrained, sweet-tempered avian humanoid and a sentient, compassionate doll.
Oo! Wanna take the convo to PM's?
Still searching ✨
I have a few ideas for some plots, if you're interested in doing them with me, I can send over the details.
Hey there! I'd be interested in playing with you, if you'll have me. :)
Hey there! I'd be interested in playing with you, if you'll have me. :)
Very sorry, but I am not completely comfortable roleplaying with people over the age of 25. Past situations, again, sorry. ^^'
Hey there! I'd be interested in playing with you, if you'll have me. :)
Very sorry, but I am not completely comfortable roleplaying with people over the age of 25. Past situations, again, sorry. ^^'
It's totally fine! I appreciate your honesty. :)
Still lookin'
Updated! Made it a bit more fancy