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Future Crazy Cat Person
[Tab=About Me][/Tab][/Tabs]

  • What I'm Looking For...
    ~(And what you can expect from me.)~
    • A partner who writes a minimum of one strong paragraph. (Approximately 7+ sentences of content is what I mean by strong.) I have no maximum for response length, so go crazy if you must. I often do.
    • Someone who is literate to advanced literate. Please check my writing samples before asking to roleplay, for they are good examples of what I expect.
    • Regular activity is important to me. In a partner, I am looking for someone who can commit to at least 5 replies a week, if not several a day.
    • Someone willing to get to know me and possibly become friends. From my experience, that makes for the best roleplays.
    • Multiple characters! This is not a requirement, but I heavily prefer that we both play multiple characters and NPCs. A story begins to get stale with only two.
    ...And What I Am Not
    ~(My deal breakers are static.)~
    • One-liners. Get outta here.
    • Anything related to vampires or angels.
    Sample 1
    Katherine stopped near the gate, waiting for it to be opened. The rustling of chains told her that some of the soldiers atop the wall were busy at work prepping for her exit. She looked to Titus with a rueful smile. "I know, Captain," she said, "but I can't stay cooped in here forever." Bringing her hands up, she gripped the hood of her cloak and dropped it over her head. And just like that, Princess Katherine was simply Katie. "Besides, the beasts only come out at night," she added as an afterthought once the gate had been lifted fully. Stepping towards the outside world, she waved farewell to the guard captain and went on her way.

    While she appreciated Titus' loyalty to the castle - to her father - Katie wished he wouldn't try to dissuade her from her adventures every time she meant to leave. Granted, he was much more lenient than the king. Her father made it blatantly clear before being prescribed the calming medication that he'd like to keep her boarded up inside, turning her home into a stone prison. As awful as it made her feel to think of it, Katie was secretly glad her father's medication worked so well - rarely ever was he self aware enough these days to acknowledge her excursions were becoming more and more frequent.

    After gathering a simple bridle and saddle from the stables down the hill, Katie suited up her palomino and set off down the road. With the morning came a heavy mist that dampened her clothes, sticking the fabric to her skin. Had it not been so hot outside, Katie might have found it a little refreshing. But alas, that was not the case as she brought the hem of her cloak up to wipe her face free of the warm moisture.

    Despite the weather, Katie wanted to explore further along her kingdom's territory than she ever had before. Perhaps she'd make it to the border. As her horse made its way across gritty dirt roads, Katie imagined what it would be like to look across the invisible line that separated her kingdom from its neighbor. A chill swept up her spine and she grinned. With a tap of her heel, her horse broke into a controlled canter. She would get there, definitely, but that didn't mean she wouldn't stop to smell the roses on her way.
    Sample 2
    Landon pulled on the pair of pants with little problem, save for a slight twinge of pain from bending over. His abdomen had still not healed, despite his quick regeneration. He ignored it, though, grateful for the one useful things about having a human body: adrenaline. For all of their weaknesses, the number one being their minute pain tolerance, adrenaline helped greatly. The peach fuzz on the back of Landon's neck stood rigid, sending chills down his spine.

    Frankly, he was surprised they hadn't woken up to a dragon spitting fire in their face by now.

    With frantic movements, Landon threw the linen shirt over his head and maneuvered his arms into the sleeve. "Landon," he said simply, threading his arms through the sleeves of his overcoat and dropping the rope of the necklace around his neck. He looked into the trunk again, pulling out a pair of leather boots. With a deep breath, he steadied himself against the rim of the trunk and attempted to stick his foot into one of the boots. It did not come easily. Landon winced, only able to secure one foot in the acquired footwear before the pain was too much. He'd have to deal with being half-barefoot, for now.

    "Carry this," he said, tossing the boot at Kaen's feet. From the trunk, Landon pulled out a long scimitar and its scabbard. He quickly wrapped it around his waist, letting it drop to sit at his hips before sheathing the sword. Satisfied, Landon headed towards the entrance of the cave with more of a limp than he'd like.

    "Come on," Landon said, waiting at the cave's mouth. "We don't have much time."

    If interested, please PM me with a writing sample of your own.

    • High Fantasy
    • Sci-fi
    • Horror
    • Action
    • Adventure
    • Romance
    • Medieval
    • Apocalypse/Dystopian
    • Space

    • Princess x Anything
    • Monster x Human
    • Dragon Shifter x Human
    • Rivals
    There are definitely more than this, but my brain is like nah.

  • Multi-character Plots

    The Cloud Accordance
    For the last five-hundred years the continent of Zarinar has been at war: ten kingdoms of humans, elves, dwarves and other such races have banded together to defend against the dragon onslaught, driven by the mad black dragon Dagmar himself. As new generations come and go, however, mindsets begin to change; the primarily human kingdom of Oneac does not wish to fight the dragons any longer.
    The Cloud Accord is drafted, revised, and finalized into a peace treaty meant to not only call off the war, but make allies of dragons and the ten kingdoms. Not all kingdoms are pleased with this idea, and a majority of them are doubtful the dragons will even agree. In order for the nine kingdoms to sign the accord, the kingdom of Oneac must acquire Dagmar's signature first. If the leader of dragons agrees, the rest will follow.
    An Oneac delegation party then sets out on a mission of diplomacy to meet with each of Dagmar's generals, hoping that with their aid they can convince the black dragon that peace is the better option.

    Pairing Plots
    {MxM and FxF only}
    Note: I'm in the mood for romance right now but I am down to make these platonic.

    Dragon's Breath

    For the past three centuries a war has waged between dragons and those not considered part of The Clan. Humans, elves, dwarves and any other non-dragons have long since banded together to rid their world of the fire-breathing menace. What happens, though, when the dragons prove to be more than they seem?
    This story begins with Muse A, a curious two-leg, and their desire to learn more about the wild dragon Muse B, who doesn't appear to be the bloodthirsty monster their kind is made out to be.

    The Cellar Dweller
    Muse A is an orphan who, through a sheer stroke of bad luck, was purchased by a family only looking for cheap labor. They grow up in a cellar, are rarely ever allowed outside, and often dream of one day obtaining freedom. Which is unlikely, if their masters and the debt they hold over Muse A's head have anything to do with it.
    One day Muse A is ordered to fetch water from the well down the way. It's not far of a walk, but the household owners can't be bothered with it. As Muse A heads for the well, they begin to hear voices... Every tree that Muse A passes whispers their name.
    Enter Muse B, Guardian of the Forest. They've been waiting for Muse A for a thousand years and now Muse A has finally come home.


    Muse A is the Holt Kingdom's sole heir, next in line for the throne after their father passes. Things don't go as planned, however, when an estranged family member strikes a deal with the opposing kingdom of Faldren - one that leads to an invasion on Muse A's coronation day.
    Blood is shed and the kingdom falls, but Muse A lives to thank Muse B, a traitorous Faldren knight, for saving them. Now and together, the two set off on a journey to dethrone Muse A's estranged family member and restore Muse A's rightful place as the true ruler of Holt.

If interested, please PM me with a writing sample of your own.

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I've updated the original post with new information in the tabs. Still looking for a partner. Feel free to post here or PM me - your preference (:
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