Paragon-A Restaurant RP

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We're werewolves not swearwolves
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Hey all! I'm returning to RP after having my second child and I was looking for some more slice of life RP's. I've been mulling something over like a restaurant RP for a while but I could never find one open so I thought, what the heck, I'll just do my own! I don't have much as far in the way as plot and I'd like it be more of a group effort. I'm just not sure how many others would be interested in a restaurant RP. There would be drama, romance, comedy, whatever we as a group could come up with.

I'd like a variety of characters so perhaps at least 7 others to join with a total of 8 players. We would need characters such as a bartender, waiters/waitresses, as well as line cooks and a head chef and perhaps a regular customer or two.

I'd really love to see some interest in something like this since I can't get it out of my head!
Hmm, a slice of life RP sounds like a nice change of pace from all the action in my other ones. You can count on my interest on this one. :)
Welcome back
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If you've got space for one more, i'm interested!
Great! I'm so happy there's interest in this! I made an intro and I'll get a sign-up thread up tonight :D



Located in historic New Orleans is Paragon, a fine dining restaurant known for it's exquisite courtyard and delectable gourmet dishes. Founded in 2008, the eatery has quickly earned a place among the top 5 restaurants in New Orleans, a feat that can only have been accomplished with the efforts of the excellent staff.

Paragon had it's start as a townhome built in 1836 where Amelie Miltonberger, the first American princess of Monaco was born and raised. It was she who designed the enchanting courtyard where much of the dining now takes place. The home was then bought and converted into the lavish bistro it is today.

Paragon not only offers a unique dining experience, but also offers their lovely courtyard for weddings and other large events.


This is the story of the wonderful staff of Paragon.

They are students, musicians, struggling entrepreneurs, here only as a rest stop on their journey to greatness. There are mothers and many others struggling to pay their bills, here for what seems like forever. And while each of them are different in size, personality, and age, Paragon is the one place they are all brought together no matter what they have going on in their life. Every night, drama is promised, as well as tears, and stress. All it takes is for one broken glass, one rude customer, or one argument with the boss to send everything downhill. Like a domino, one person's fall affects the rest.

Will the staff be able to stand the busy weekends and teasing of the senior employees? With different personalities under one roof, can they all remain professional while on the clock? What happens when the aprons are off and restaurant is closed?

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I am up for it!
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