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You all know the stories and legends of those retired heros.


Soldier 76.

How all of these heros, Human or Omnic, Saved the world. Then were shut down due to rumor. thanks to Winston's Actions, and Recalling the members, The team Exists today. Ready to train the next generation. The Generation, that YOU WILL FORGE. Regardless of where you reside, you'd all come to find that an all too familiar Logo would find itself under your attention, always on correspondence to you. Overwatch wants YOU. Nay,



I think this is pretty self explanatory. Anyone Interested?

I am Cirilla the co GM of this rp ^-^ FireDrake150 is the head GM XD

So far we have had great interest, so we have moved forward and made this thread to move on to character sheets anyone's ideas and general rp chatter. Please try to keep your chat rp related or Overwatch related just to keep the thread semi organised.

You may be as descriptive or basic as you like as long as we understand who your character is and what they do. Please be careful to balance out your characters abilities so we do not have overpowered characters.

Your characters reason to join overwatch:

Secondary Weapon:
Role: (Tank, Healer ect..)
Basic Skill Set:
4 Ultimate:

Soldier 76.

Mostly answered so far by FireDrake150


Q: How are we doing powers? will it be like overwatch's game with a primary weapon (maybe a secondary, sic mercy/torbjorn) a main ability, and a secondary ability and a ult? or will it be more freeform with a series of skills that blend in to a set of abilites?

A: I'd say closest to the game (main, Seccondary weapons and fire, ult, passive, etc.) but should we choose narration more flexibility can be implemented. (also charcter sheets should help)

Q. What sort of posting level are we expecting? 1 line a post? a paragraph a post? a novel a post?, What post rate do you want? Post per day? per week? per hour?! Is this a socially driven roleplay (character interaction and growth) or a plot/objective driven roleplay (You need to stop them from getting doomfists gauntlet ect)
(combined it to one huge thing XP)

A: I would say post as you are comfortable. one liners are hard to go off of, so I'd suggest a few lines minimum, But I'm not harsh in that regard. As for how it works, What would YOU find more enjoyable? I could see either narrative or social working, Though currently I'm leaning towards social since I'm not the best at story line generation.

-Hannah Marie Autidoe by Cirilla
-Jonathan Ziegler by Razilin
- Alexander Gladstone by EddiEddi
- Erik Grupen by Dunruffle
- Chu-li Shimada by Sasha Bliss
-Joseph Colson by Zadok shadows
- Tanaka Yamashita by FireDrake150
- Bailey Jones Oxton by Unbound
- Akil Amari By Artorias
- Celio Jean by Sanctus
- Hikaru Kaede by DragonLord
- Kristen McCree by Cirilla

The Thread:

OPEN SIGNUPS - Overwatch Second Generation!.

If you have any questions or concerns post here, or pm the GM's ^-^
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Hannah Marie Autidoe




Five foot five

Fifty Kg




Hannah is a very confident and positive individual. She will cheer you on and help you out whenever she can. Her intellect is incredibly high and it helps her with repairing her own bionic limbs and weapons. The blue haired genius has a mean streak when people comment on her family or bully others.

Born in Italy and raised by her parents to the age of four until her family took a trip to America when an attack caused her to be caught trapped under rubble both legs crushed. Over watch came and saved her but could not save her family. Taken in and rehabilitated by Winston Hannah gained the skills to walk and live again. As she grew up she learn;t to fix her limbs and constructed her own mechanical limbs so that she could move faster, hit harder and help people.

Your characters reason to join Overwatch:
To help prevent what happened to her happen to the anyone else.


Elemental Assault Rifle

Secondary Weapon (s):
elemental pistol


Basic Skill Set:
Hannah is good in close combat and mid range. She fights with different types of bullets, fire (incendiary) ice, electric, poison and standard bullets. The elements can only be active for fifteen seconds at a time a good thirty second cool down on each. Once the ultimate is used she is stuck with regular bullets for thirty seconds.

Ice, Fire, Electricity, Poison


Melee Attack:
A solid kick with her bionic legs.

Element Switch: Switches the elements of her weapons.

elemental mini grenades: Hannah throws mini grenades which do damage from what the element she has equipped is.

Mech Dash: Her Mechanical legs make her sprint faster and longer than a normal person.


Final Discharge: Once Hannah is holding enough energy she fires a massive ball of energy of whatever element equipped at the time. Though once fired she is back to standard bullets.

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Name: CAPT. Jonathan "Jack" Ziegler, US Army Special Forces

Callsign: Blackjack

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Height: 6'4"

Weight: 220 lb.

Nationality: United States



Personality: Charismatic, friendly, and idealistic

History: Jonathan Ziegler was the son of Dr. Angela Ziegler (callsign Mercy). Though his mother was a Swiss citizen, he was born in the United States and held the appropriate citizenship by birth. Aside from sharing his mother's hair, eyes, and name, he could not be more different. Whereas she was a staunch pacifist and scientifically-minded, John opted to forgo higher education and joined the US Army at the age of eighteen, eventually entering the Green Berets. By the time he was twenty-five, he had served in three tours and had earned a reputation as a bold, fearless warrior who inspired loyalty in his fellow soldiers. For most of his life, he clashed with his mother concerning his desire to fight on the front lines and to pursue a military career instead of a less violent one. Against his mother's wishes, he joined Overwatch. Despite this, Dr. Angela Ziegler could not help but feel proud that her son was accepted into the ranks of the prestigious organization.

Your character's reason to join Overwatch: His desire to fight for the greater good.

Mentor: Mercy

Weapon(s): Assault rifle

Secondary Weapon: CQC (Close Quarters Combat; hand to hand)

Role: Offense

Basic Skill Set: Blackjack was an excellent mid- and close-range damage dealer. His assault rifle gave him decent DPS at range, while his CQC skills made him a terror in close combat. He was also a natural field leader capable of inspiring his allies to fight harder.

1: Adrenaline: Blackjack can move faster, shoot more frequently, and hit harder for a brief period of time. Effectively, he temporarily increases his movement speed and damage per second at both range and melee.
2: Rapid Fire: Blackjack sacrifices sheer damage for the ability to accurately shoot multiple clustered targets in his vicinity. Injured targets are stunned, but sustain less damage.
3/Shift: Cover: Blackjack can interpose himself between a nearby ally and an enemy, taking the damage intended for his ally.
4 Ultimate: Aerial Bombardment: Blackjack can call on an aerial assault from an Overwatch orbital weapons platform. He must "paint" a target using a laser on his assault rifle for a period of time for this attack to hit.
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Name: Alexander Gladstone
Callsign: Phantom
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2
Nationality: British, (No stupid faux cockney accent, tracer shut up.)
Combat Armor

Out of Armour:

Alexander is warm, friendly, and kind, but he isn't outspoken nor is he cocky or often found being overly social. His role on the field often marks him as a loner and this carries over to his normal life as well.

Alexander was born in the mid west of england and has a very soft accent because of it. most people would call his accent 'refined' or 'posh' though he dosn't consider it as such. He found he had a very odd ability at a young age, be it by genetic fluke or by some kind of outside influence. Alexander was not only immune to, but invisible to radar, xray, infra red and most other scanners. It didn't take long for him to hear about overwatch and yearn to join them.

Your characters reason to join overwatch:
To make the world a more accepting place of those different of them, be they cyborgs, omnics, geneticly engineered monkies or a genetic hickup along the way.

Some time with Genji, some time with Symetra.

Asassins Pistol: 20 DMG body shot, x5 dmg on a headshot, no damage drop off, 6 round clip, same reload time as symetra. alt fire.
Secondary Weapon:
Toxic dagger, 50 Dmg strike, + 90 DMG over 5 seconds as poison.
Role: Support/Assassin
Basic Skill Set:
1: Shadow Sphere, Phantom places a small marker orb, He can place one every 3 seconds, all allies within a 10m radius have their health bar hidden from foes and are protected from infra-sight and hanzo's marker arrow. After 3 seconds the radius decreases to 5M and after another 3 seconds fades.
2: Shadows Dash, A short range, damaging teleport, like Genji's dash, however, damage delt is that of the Toxic Dagger.
3/Shift: Phase Step, Shade pushes his ability further, phasing fully out of the real spectrum, becoming invisible for 5 seconds, However he cannot cap or contest in this state. Attacking will reveal him, however the first attack (the one that reveals him) Will deal 2x as much damage (This stacks with headshots, so a stealthed headshot deals 10x as much damage!) 10 second recharge, starts recharging immediately.
4 Ultimate: The Phantoms Dance, Phantom Teleports to the closest foe in LOS, stabbing them once with the toxic dagger, Then to the next foe in LOS from there, so on and so on untill either there are no-unstabbed foes, or there are non in LOS. While powerful this can leave Phantom over extended, or in the middle of the enemy team, or worse, off the edge of a cliff. This ability is often best used just after, or before a large team fight to weaken or finish off the enemy team. It is also a fantastic disruption ability.
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Name: Joseph Colson
Callsign: Killswitch
Age: ??
Gender: Male
Height: 6 ft
Weight: 210 lbs
Nationality: American

Personality: Joseph seems to have a constant smartass attitude. His tone often hints at sarcasm. His is cocky and overconfident in his abilities, but he is loyal to those he calls allies and friends. It is quite possible that this is all just a front to hide his true self.
History: Joseph doesn't remember much of his old life. The earliest memories he has are from a white lab setting where he was being tested with his new cybernetic body. He was sure that at one point he may of been human, but now most of his body is bionic. Though much of his life of testing has been left behind in favor of a life of danger and excitement.

Your characters reason to join overwatch: He didn't have much better to do.

Mentor: Soldier 76

Weapon(s): An energy blast that is fired from his palm.

Secondary Weapon: A wrist mounted rocket with a slow firing and reloading.

Role: Offensive

Basic Skill Set: Mimic is typically proficient in close and mid range combat.

Skills: Due to his cybernetic enhancements he can traverse the battlefield efficiently. He can double jump as well as wall run for a short period of time.

1: Ricochet: Killswitch fires off an energy shot that bounces off the walls until it hits a target.

2: Cluster Rocket: Fires off three smart rockets that will follow targets.

3/Shift: Mega leap, killswitch uses his bionic legs to leap into the air and move a great distance to a different area.

4 Ultimate: Cluster bomb, Killswitch activates a time bomb that when it explodes releases a multitude of ricochet shots.
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Hey, out of curiousity: is there actually an Overwatch character with both a secondary weapon (or firing mode), and 4 skills? I can't find any. My understanding was that skills were mapped to LM, RM, Shift, E, and Q.

Now, if we're just going with "everyone gets 1 extra ability," that's also fine?
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Reactions: Cirilla
Off the top of my head, Lucio 2 firing modes, 2 'abilities' and 1 activatable (Plus wallride). Mercy: 2 firing modes, 1 alt weapon, 1 passive, 1 activatable.
I can't think of anyone else. Unless we're including melee attacks (which I'm not in this work out) in which case the short answer is most people.
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Mercy actually has two activatable abilities (Shift and Q). But she doesn't have an E to make up for her (1).

But, I meant excluding Passive abilities. For instance, Lucio has two firing modes, and a E, Q, and 1? Or is the stance change on Shift? But he doesn't have E, Q, stance change, and a movement ability, so he's still primary/alt fire and three abilities. This CS has spots for primary, alt fire, and 4 abilities.
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Fourth ability is Ult.
So, Lucio's ability would look like this
Weapon(s): A sonic cannon that fires pulses of shockwaves

Secondary Weapon/Alt Fire: A close range shockwave that throws foes back


Basic Skill Set: Speed bosts and heals all through music

1: Crossfade

2: Amp it Up

3 Wall Ride

4 Ultimate: Sound barrier

Notice that it includes movement abilities. Passives as well. so I think that the 'alt fire' can be replace with 'Alt weapon' EG my character's gun has 1 firing mode, but he has a alt weapon.
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Alright, I suppose I'll rework my character with that in mind! Thanks
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Reactions: Cirilla
Hey, out of curiousity: is there actually an Overwatch character with both a secondary weapon (or firing mode), and 4 skills? I can't find any. My understanding was that skills were mapped to LM, RM, Shift, E, and Q.

Now, if we're just going with "everyone gets 1 extra ability," that's also fine?

I am kinda on my own with this so far so I apologize for any confusion. But EddiEddi is onto it. I am leaving the character sheet very open at the moment since I'm the only gm active.
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Name: Erik Grupen
Callsign: Panzer
Age: 32
Gender: male
Height: 6'8"
Weight: 250 lbs


Personality: Erik is a stoic and quiet individual. Speaking only what needs to be said, he is a determined individual who always gets the job done. While he may not be that friendly, Erik will always hold up his end of the deal and makes sure that nobody gets left behind. While he is usually calm and collected, if something really gets on his nerves he is likely to become angry and violent.
History: Born in Germany to a poor mother whose husband had abandoned her, Erik always felt like he needed to be strong for others. Always getting in fights as a child over people who insulted his mother over her social status or lack of a supportive husband, Erik grew up learning how to take a beating. Enrolling in a military school, Erik learned of overwatch and their history. After graduating school, Erik sought out Reindhart and begged to become his pupil. After a bit of trial and error regarding Erik's temper, Reinhardt began teaching him everything he knew. Learning both Reinhardt's moral code and combat techniques, Erik proved to be a quick leaner. After completing his training, Reinhardt gave Erik a suit of heavy armor to inspire fear in his enemies and raise hope in his allies.
Your characters reason to join overwatch:
Obligation to Reinhardt and protecting the weak

Weapon(s): Guass heavy machine gun
Secondary Weapon: fists
Role: Tank
Basic Skill Set: Enemy suppression and area denial are Erik's main focus. He can also be useful in taking out entrenched enemies.
1: Caltrops: Erik lays down a field of caltrop foot traps, slowing down anyone moving through them.
2: Charge: Erik charges with full force(like Reinhardt), knocking almost anyone or anything out of his way.
3/Shift: Steady: Erik cuts his speed by half to reduce recoil and increase accuracy for himself
4 Ultimate: Napalm Inferno: Erik's weapon transforms into a heavy flamethrower that Uses the plasma discharge created from cooling the machine gun. The flamethrower shoots a stream of napalm about 20 feet and the napalm sticks to whatever it touches and burns intensely. Best used for cutting off attackers or burning out defenders. It has a limited ammo capacity so it can only be used for a short time.
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Any estimate on when the IC thread will be up?

Face: [spoili]
Name: Chu-li Shimada
Callsign: Shadow
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Height: 134 lbs
Weight: 5'9 ft
Nationality: Japanese-Chinese
Personality: Strong willed, Brave, and Passionate
History: Being the daughter of a shimada she was unable to control the dragons, this was because she was ill bread do to having an outcast of a mother. She became the black sheep of the Shimada clan, her father, Hanzo put extra strain on her to make her strong. A near death experience caused her new powers to form, she gain the dragon of the shadows. Being pushed her father trained her further in to what she is today. Her father doesn't know she's joining overwatch.
Your characters reason to join overwatch:
To get respect from her family
Hanzo, sometimes her uncle Genji
Weapon(s): Bow
Secondary Weapon: Rapier
Role: Offense
Basic Skill Set: To be able to take out challenging targets from most any direction.
Exploding arrow : An arrow that sticks to a target, exploding in 3 to 4 seconds within contact.
Misfortune arrow: This arrow will lock onto to one person, but if someone comes within a short range the arrow changes it's course to go for someone else.
Fade: If two or more enemies fire at Chu-li with her not being able to get out then she becomes intangible, and is able to pass through one wall for 8 seconds, has a cool down of 10 seconds
Rapier Shadow: The dragon of the shadow wraps round her arm making her intangible for most of her ultimate she takes out her rapier, when every time she jabs at an enemy she no longer becomes intangible, if being fire upon while jabbing and slicing, she can shed most of the damage using her rapier.​
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Hey I'm gonna be gone for two weeks, not sure If there will be internet where I'm going.
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