Our Time at Olympus: An Action Romance School Life Bio and Jump In RP

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The RAWRing 20s
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
After 11pm EST
Writing Levels
  1. Beginner
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Transgender
  4. Futanari
  5. Primarily Prefer Female
Yuri, Yaoi (if there is a crossdresser), Furry, Romance, School Life, Fantasy, Sci Fi, Modern, etc. I'm pretty open minded
Two centuries ago monsters crept through portals that littered the world. The alien creatures wrecked havoc across the world leaving destruction in their wake. So much so the end of the world seemed near. Nothing could harm them and most of the world was wiped out.

Nations across the globe came together to find an answer to this onslaught and to create a Sanctuary called Olympus to protect what was left of the populace. As the hell on earth proceeded so did the people of Olympus's work. Before all was lost, a breakthrough came through in the form of new weapon called a Module. This new power was enough to stave off the monsters advances. But ultimately it wasn't enough, only slowing things down to a stalemate.

Now students attend the Olympus Academy to learn to deal with these monsters in hopes of fighting for a new future. And since Olympus is one of the few sanctuaries left, people tend to make the pilgrimage through the Wilderness for a chance of salvation.

Our characters will be teenage students of Olympus from varying grades from freshman to senior tasked to learn and fight against the present day monsters that still lurk with the might of their Modules. Each Module is unique to their Envokers and not only does a Module grant a weapon but also grants different abilities and powers. But prolong usage of a Module can be tasking and in extreme circumstances lead to death. Our characters will have to balance power, duty, and school life to strive for a bright future.

Some students come from nobel families who see being an Envoker as climbing the social ladder to greatness and one day being granted a seat on the governing body of Olympus called the Council. There are students who were recruited by scouts who saw potential in them. There are also an unfortunate lot who are poor and see being an Envoker their only way out of a life of poverty. But a Module chooses their Envoker. Not all may become an Envoker. But in the shadows, something sinister lurks.

I am thinking this will be an action packed school life romance anime like RP. Our characters will juggle school life trying to make good grades, learn what it is to be a part of a team that combats monsters, how to deal with growing attractions, and all the while finding pieces here and there about a secret society that yearn to control the monsters and use them for their own malevolent agenda.

I plan on making this RP a Bio and Jump In thread. The only requirements would be writing at least two paragraphs and using a anime picture as your character avatar. Multiple characters would be alright but would limit it to three max. But our characters will be separated into teams of three. I attached pics for examples of what I am looking for as far as character pics. I'm okay with animal ears and tails anime characters.

Anyways, I hope I hear back from you all. Feel free to ask any questions that could help me flesh things out better. But by making it a Bio and Jump In RP, I am hoping everyone has a chance to add their own flavor to the overall narrative and throw in some good curve balls that could keep things fresh and exciting. Since there could be a romance element, any pairing is welcomed. But keep things in line. Also no god modding, your character should struggle in some capacity.

I hope this would be interesting enough and I can't wait to hear back from you. :)


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I'll throw in an interest. Sounds interesting. Is there going to be a certain CS you want us to follow when the OOC is created or are we free to just make our own CS?
For the most part, you're free to create your own. But you can use this basic one once the ooc is created:

Module Name:
Bio: At least a paragraph or two.
Appearance (Anime Pic): Can also include a pic of your Module.
Seems like something that could be a lot of fun, consider me interested ^^
I'm quite interested in the premise and would love to join if it's still possible.
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