Original Characters and Plots inside! Historical, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Anthro and Modern Japan...

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I have several characters and storylines that I'm looking to RP. Please take your pic!

I mostly play anthro characters, either fantasy creatures or anthro characters in a historical setting. I also have a modern Japanese storyline and character that I'm trying to get going. Most of my RPs tend to be slice-of-life. I'll add more as these fill up.

These are just quick overviews of the characters; if you're interested in one, you can PM me for more info! Please ask if a character is also available for Red Star play.

#1: Clayton "Clay/Whit" Whitfield (Historical anthro)
A retired WW1 mechanic, known by Whit to his service buddies and Clay to civilians. He is an Australian Shepherd dog with no tail, and an incurable optimist. Originally from a small farming town in South Dakota, there was no going back to the quiet life after the War. Clay decided to use his war bonus to start up his own mechanics shop in St Louis.

#2: Kaede Miyamoto-Watts (Planned storyline - Modern Japan)
Kaede is 15, mixed race (Native American/Black/Japanese) and originally from Los Angeles. He finds himself suddenly living and going to school in Japan after the death of his mother. Aside from the shock that his estranged father is a high-ranking official to the Imperial family, Kaede begins to discover that he himself is not as normal as he thought.

#3: Erei (Fantasy)
Erei is a half-human, half-dragon, who was taken in and raised by a human village. She was taught a trade as a tanner, but has grown tired of the mistreatment she receives selling her wares in the nearby market town. Also, her wings have recently sprouted, making her marginal place in her village even more precarious.

#4: Azavej and Farvardin (Fantasy)
Azavej is a satyr-type creature with long curving horns and light cream fur. She lives in a castle town with her mount, a very well-read gryphon named Farvardin. She herself is a scribe, translator and bookmaker. She is beginning to get itchy hooves though. Maybe a journey will put her to rights.

#5: Elizabeth "Liz Hannah" Cooper (Historical)
A widow with two young children lives in a small frontier town and struggles to keep her late husband's mercantile in business. He was killed by bandits on the trail, bringing wares from the nearest railroad town. Now, she's just about to discover that the young man whom she employed to drive in the wares has just suffered the same fate.

#6: Camilla del Bosque (Steampunk)
A privileged, genius inventor whose father's merchant business helped to pay for her education and research until she could establish herself. Her specialty is in creating chemical fixatives, sealants, and fuel additives that will allow engineers to create smaller, more powerful boilers and advance the efficiency and potential of steam power. She has a very aloof personality and quite a fiery temper.

#7: Apple Bennett (Modern)
Apple Bennett is a popular photojournalist who grew up in Wales but is now loosely based in London. She often swaps between natural world pieces and cultural stories. She is a tiny thing who can get herself (figuratively and literally) into some pretty tight spaces! She's used to travelling and working in remote locations and is a bit of a thrill-seeker as well. Think a modern day Nancy Drew.

I'm looking for a partner who is willing to hash out some plots and storylines with me, and who is willing to focus on character development and a bit more slow-paced, slice of life rather than tons of action. If you lose interest or are struggling with your character or the story, please let me know and don't ghost on me! I prefer a paragraph or two and a collaborative style; give me something to work with and don't leave it all up to me to advance the story. I don't RP over PMs. Forum only please, here or in the Red Star.

I'm flexible with post times, I understand stress can kill the muse. I usually don't poke people until a week between posts, but if you let me know it'll be delayed that's even better. It's all about communication.

That's about it! Please reply here or PM me if you'd like to play!
Hello I am interested.. Just having issues figuring out how to pm.. XD
That's fine, we can chat here or I can PM you if you like!
I prefer pm. XD
#5: Elizabeth "Liz Hannah" Cooper (Historical)
A widow with two young children lives in a small frontier town and struggles to keep her late husband's mercantile in business. He was killed by bandits on the trail, bringing wares from the nearest railroad town. Now, she's just about to discover that the young man whom she employed to drive in the wares has just suffered the same fate.

What would I be doing in this particular plot? Would I be the bandits? Would I be the hired guy; did the hired guy's wife die to the bandits or some other close individual to them? What period are we in? 18th Century? 19th Century? Where are we? Frontier could be anywhere; the Frontier of Kentucky in the colonial times, to the frontiers of the Wild West. I'm trying to get a good sense of what you want. ^^'
So, this particular story would require a couple on NPCs, but I think you'd be a townsperson who would help her to cope with the fact that she might well lose the store, and try to figure out what to do next.

This particular frontier would be Wild West frontier, since we're dealing with trying to get wares to and from a railroad town. The young man she hired was young, about 17 or 18, unmarried, but leaves behind his parents who she'll also feel dreadfully guilty towards because it was his work for her that got him killed.