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Okay, Yeah. Coming to the world capital for debauchery was maybe a weird plan to begin with, but a scoop was a scoop, right? And everyone knew that anyone who would ever be hot shit was probably going to come through here eventually. That left him with something of a unique opportunity. By coming to this once-in-a-lifetime fuckfest, who knew what was going to pop up? Celebrity Gossip was the most profitable kind of gossip, and while it wasn't exactly what he was in for, to begin with, he figured this was a good chance to bump shoulders with the greats after bumping uglies with one individual in particular. It wasn't admittedly the cleanest plan, nor the one he was the most pleased with. Buut he kinda needed the cash. So Orgy-For-Networking was where he was at. The magi had his camera on hand, but it remained atypically unsnapped. Wandering through the halls winding his way to finding the Orchid room, He was looking for snoops- not to get off on the embrace of others. While he was pretty sure a good chunk of the Libertines would be perfectly fine with that, he hadn't stopped to ask. And something about this whole event had a kind of...sacred appeal to it. For now, his camera roll would have to be sated with a few establishing shots of empty scenery, and he kept telling himself that he was just waiting for the perfect kind of shot to swing by- or someone looking decent enough that it was just conventional random photography.

Cole himself had done his best to dress up, especially with his somewhat...meager budget. That meant renting a nice black Tux and that was about it. He didn't have the fashion sense nor the aesthethic ideas to come up with a particularly striking design to peacock around in. And, while he knew a tailor who could probably help him with that he hadn't quite figured out a way to tell them that he was looking to go undercover at a massive sex party to look for snoops and dirty little secrets. That was...probably going to be a long conversation, so he just hadn't brought it up. Rounding a corner and giving a friendly nod to two libertines just kind of...going at it in the corner, he found his way to the Orchid room, giving a small smile as he felt a little bit of confidence surge back into him. He opened the door and slipped inside.

Letting out a small whistle, Cole couldn't help but smirk. He wasn't sure how much magic went into making a room like this appear in the middle of a castle, but one thing was certain- he was just a tad overdressed. Maybe he could get the one up on his romantic dance to be since he was here first? It could be a fun way to set the mood, he imagined. Quickly, Cole undressed from his Tux and slipped into the water naked. He just had to find a dramatic postion to wait for his soon to be partner for the evening to arrive...maybe he could get a shot of her reaction? He ended up setting up his camera on the bed before waiting with his arms resting on the walkway- he could set it off remotely whenever this Julietta woman arrived. For now...he just needed to enjoy the water and the idea of being a little dramatic.


It wasn't the sort of invitation Juliette would turn down. There was debauchery to it, but there was exclusivity as well. And there was the promise of sexual bliss. It intrigued her.

The woman moved with cool determination, not hesitating at any door which wasn't hers. She was curious to see how this went, and if the Lady truly made perfect matches. "Cole" was a basic name, and she hoped it did not belong to a basic man. She deserved better than that. Juliette didn't want to waste her time, even for a night. The blonde wore an obsidian cloak draped over a sleek crimson dress, at the edges of which the lacy black fabric of her lingerie was barely visible. Her shoes were simple black heels. Her long manicured nails were painted in a dark glossy red, as were her lips.

The Orchid Room. Juliette had no difficulty finding it. She did not hesitate or ponder outside the door. No, the woman pulled it open and stepped into an undeniably beautiful room, full of shimmering pools of water. It was elegant, accented by flowers. But Juliette wasn't sure how she felt about all the water. It would certainly ruin her dress.

She raised an eyebrow at the man who was waiting there for her. He had stripped and submerged himself in the water. Cole was a fine looking man. Not anyone to take her breath away, if such a man even existed, although he was certainly someone she could enjoy for the night. At least based on his appearance, which only counted so much. Juliette could've picked apart every aspect of him, but it seemed in contrast to the spirit of the event. There was one goal for the evening, and she fully intended to satisfy it and herself.

"Hm." Juliette paused a moment to observe him. Her eyes travelled his form. "Hello," she said, voice formal.

The woman lingered in place a moment before she stepped forward, unfastening the tie to her cloak as she did. Dark fabric fell crumpled to the floor. She removed her shoes next, setting the glossy heels neatly beside the fallen cloak. The stone of the floor was cool against her feet as she walked over to the edge of the pool. She did not discard her dress, not just yet.

"Not shy," she said. "I like that."
Code by wren.
  • Wicked
Reactions: TerraBooma
Cole's plan fell apart pretty quick.

For one, leaving his Tux by the door meant that he didn't have his smokes, and he wasn't sure if he would look better with one in his mouth. It was a pretty timeless look, right? Dripping water onto the walkway would kind of ruin the image when you first step in though, and Cole had enough of a photographer's head for composition to know that things would look better if there wasn't an obvious trail of water wending its way back and forth along an otherwise unstained deck. He could probably clean it up with fire magic, but precision like that wasn't exactly his specialty; he could either end up looking like an idiot heating the floor for no apparent reason, or he could set the walkway on fire. Neither of those Cole reckoned to be particularly sexy. His setup then was a littled flawed, and he was left waiting with little else on his mind but anticipation. Anticipation that was duly paid off for when his second problem arrived. His...partner? Fuckbuddy? Embracer for the evening? Was absolutely drop-dead fucking gorgeous.

"Oh. Fuck. You're hot."

It's the kind of admonishment that tumbles from your lips like it's ripped by sheer presence alone. All the suave quips that he'd been cooking up while he was waiting seemingly sparked into ash in his mind, leaving nothing but smoke metaphorically trailing from his lips. His whole plan to snap a photo of his partner as she walked in the door and saw him waiting also went up in flames as his concentration lapsed. The incantation he was holding to set off the camera flitzing out without the concentration it needed to actually trigger. From near the bed, there was a small singing sound as it dissipated hardly into his trust piece of equipment; the actual camera itself has long since become an enchanted item to protect from this very kind of mishap. He didn't spend much time dwelling on it, his eyes drinking in her presence in such a way that the image would be burnt into his mind for quite some time to come anyway. He wouldn't need a photograph to remember her.

"I uh...glad you like what you see!" He recovered his bravado quickly enough at least, flashing the closest thing he could still muster to a wolfish grin as he hefted his body up so that he was half leaning out of the water. "It's pretty in here yeah? Honestly, I'm not sure how they make it work. I mean, I'm a magi and everything, and I have no idea what kind of spells you need to recreate that kind of view. It's almost as good as the one back home; I'm from Aeaea. What about yourself...You're Juliette, right? I sure hope you are. I'm Cole. It is a...pleasure to meet you." He was looking up at her rather...imposing and attractive form. "You're more than welcome to join me. I would love to get to know you better." His eyebrows waggled suggestively. "What else is it that you liked?" She was an enthralling woman- he certainly wouldn't mind fitting the criteria of a few more things that she liked.
  • Spicy
Reactions: Dusk
Cole blurted out his first impression without reservation, causing the faintest of smiles to crack Juliette's red lips. Not because she was flattered, she both knew she was beautiful and was used to hearing it, but because it displayed an obviousness about him. She felt that that gave her an advantage. But he recovered himself well, she'd grant him that. At least this time.

"Cole," she said his name as if tasting it, as if trying something new for the first time. "Aeaea, hm?" She mused, her voice full of judgement. It was somewhere Juliette had never been. Her eyes slipped from the man in the water to the replicated view behind her. It was a scenic view of false sunlight. Juliette did not love that. Even in imitation, there was a part of her trepidatious to stand in it, and she kept herself to the shadowed part of the room. She made no further comment on the topic, however.

"I am," she responded to his question of her identity. The corners of her mouth remained upturned at his obvious excitement at the prospect. "Black City is my home, and I'm an artist," she added flatly. She decided to leave off that she was a noblewoman, and especially that she was a Fisher for the time being.

"I'm sure it is." She added, following his statement, that he was pleased to meet her. Whether she found it a pleasure to meet him was another matter. A question only the evening would answer. The smile slipped, and her face returned to her blank expression. An expression which lasted only momentarily as one of her brows arched up at his suggestion to join him, and at his lascivious eyebrow wag.

"Hm, I could join you," she mused aloud. Debating it with herself, still a little hesitant to get into the water. It was more aesthetic than it was something she wanted to be submerged in. Swimming was not a favoured activity of hers, but the water was plenty shallow to stand. She took her time thinking on it, not bothering to react quickly. She decided she would wait, at least a little longer.

Juliette dropped to a crouch, the slit of her dress revealing the pale flesh of her leg as it warped to allow the movement. She balanced perfectly and moved with certainty, her eyes remaining fixed on Cole the entire time. It was a movement which placed her much closer to the man.

"Hm, now should I tell you, or should I keep you guessing?" She asked rhetorically, crimson nail pressed into her red lip. Juliette let her words linger a moment before speaking again. "I do like to keep you guessing," she said. Through her blank expression, Juliette considered a moment. "Getting asked such a question," she answered, finally.

"And I enjoy a man who isn't pathetic," the woman said, reaching out her hand to gently run her nails along Cole's cheek. "Yet." The corners of her lips twisted slightly upward.
Code by wren.
  • Spicy
Reactions: TerraBooma
He was starting to get a pretty good feel for who his romantic partner for the evening was. Certainly not a lucky low-brow invite like himself. She moved with far too much grace and beauty and purpose to be part of the rank and file. There was a careful momentum to her movements that came from being watched, and had he been in his usual role of snooping around, he suspected they might find themselves on the opposite side of a few different lines.

Most of that deduction unfortunately gets tossed quite unceremoniously when Juliette bent down and ran her nails along his cheek. She had a wicked sharp beauty and what appeared to be an intellect to match it. It seemed to Cole like she was almost testing him- eyeing up his worth before deciding if he would be worth the night in general. It was- he reflected, much like how a cat would eye up a mouse before deciding to eat it or not. Well, this mouse would play, and if she wanted interest? He could be interesting. He had enough time to think too; she held him in a silence that she clearly controlled, and it left him squirming with anticipation for her next words. The sole consolation was that it gave him more time to look at her- he could barely pull his eyes from hers but the flesh the slit revealed gave him plenty of things to consider.

"Well, I like to think I'm far from pathetic. I've heard otherwise, but the jury is still out on that one. Maybe you'll just have to decide for yourself." He smirked playfully before pulling himself out of the water. It was his own little power move, and it kept the tension going since it wasn't clear if she was going to come in. He was taller than her- which helped shift the sense of power a little bit back in his direction. It wasn't much; she was an imposing figure, but he got the feeling this was likely his own chance to flex. To be totally sure, he wasn't sure if what he was planning to do would even work. The room did ooze with magic though, that was the one thing that he could work with. Fire was the magic of change, and while he was usually a bit better with parlor tricks and

"You're dodging the light. That and the fangs- You're a vampire yeah? Must not be a fan of the current mood. Let me see what I can do." It was a blustery statement and one that he couldn't quite back up. Ideally what would follow is a movement in the light. A lowering of the sun and a resetting of the illusion to be that of a dimmer sunset- one that would let shadows consume their little bungalow. He's still able to complete the illusion transition, but it's far less subtle- flicking back and forth between scenes as he grunts audibly from exertion, and then pants heavily from the result. He does his best to look impressive standing there naked with water dripping from his body, but the magical toll changing the scene in the room took is rather obvious.

"Just uh...taking care of things." He wheezed, having lost any sort of impressive edge he could cultivate. "I'm a magi- pretty tough. Master of flames and all that." That was total bullshit, but he said it rather confidentally. "But you're an artist eh? I'm a photographer. What medium do you work in?" That genuinely piqued his interest- he had an eye for pretty things, so he seemed legitimately interested in learning more about her work. "Let me guess...painting? No- that's far too broad. How about...Oil Paints? Hot or cold?"
  • Wicked
Reactions: Dusk