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@gamer5 (Naia) @Takashi (Jorm)

Sol glared daggers back at the two as they spoke their piece. Solid arguments, but they fell on deaf ears. The short one simply confirmed Sol's fear: they had no intention of ending their growth. Even worse, the short one fully intended to defy her, perhaps even kill her. Of all the foolish things....

Before she had time to process this, the ghost came in with.... actually she had no idea what he was saying? The "wolf skull" was supposed to catch her? What? And a daughter?! Sol had heard of other celestials conceiving children before, but it was extremely rare, and Sol certainly hadn't made one to her knowledge.

"Subjects? If the rest of these planetaries are anything like you two, you had better hope you have the power to show them their place." Sol spoke these words with hostility, implying she intended to do the same to them. In truth, she had no intention of destroying the Earth, or killing her beloved humans, so her orbs ceased the volcanic eruptions, though they remained in space doing.... something.

"To think Sol would actually destroy Earth. Sol: Earth's caretaker and protector. No, even if all humans were as defiant and respectless as you, Sol would still shield them from dangers. Dangers like, for example, this place."

In a flash, the space around Sol folded and she was warped a several thousands of miles into space, directly above the school. Ordinarily fatal to the average human body, the vacuum of space was held at bey by a small bubble of atmosphere around the humanoid form.


Down on the surface of Omnibus, a dark cloud began to draw closer and closer. As it did so, it became clear that it was not a cloud, but a swarm made of thousands of black, metal orbs the size of baseballs. In the center of this mass could be seen the light of Sol's red orb, likely commanding the swarm. Once it had closed the distance to the school, the cloud formed itself into a tendril and the entire thing began to spark with electricity as it dove into the thick of the school, hoping to electrocute those it touched.


A large ball of jellybeans that had been hovering in the air, growing more and more, suddenly crashed into the ground and began rolling towards the dormitories, crushing any mundane material unfortunate enough to be in its path.


High up beyond even the atmosphere, a dim, white light could be seen growing brighter and brighter, punching through the blue of the sky. Considering the other things occurring around the same time, it was likely a bad sign, though from this distance it was hard to tell what it was exactly.
@Eruantien @Kagayours @Shinku⭐Kun

The pirate flashed the "purple-eyed biker witch" a cheesy grin as she insulted him, as if he somehow registered it as her coming on to him. Or perhaps he was just pretending to bug her further.

"Aye, miss tsundere witch. Ye see right through me. Hah, nay, I may be dishonest, but I love me a deal. 'Specially with a potential love interest...."

Suddenly the UFO hovered upwards and an ethereal-looking lady appeared beside it, midway into a hearty slap on the pirate's face.

"Will you behave! Honestly...."

Kayden clenched his teeth and growled as the girl vanished for a moment, the UFO flew over towards the raft, and she flashed back into existence beside Luna. Luna, having some familiarity with her kind, jumped backwards and made a silly fighting pose, showing obvious hostility.

"Pleased to meet you," the UFO girl greeted with a bow. "I'm Mia, and that," she gestured to the pirate still rubbing his cheek sulkily, "is Kayde--"

"CAPTAIN Kayden, for cryin' out loud! Get 'er right."

As these introductions went on, a certain reaper fell down unconscious, commanding them to move in a certain direction. "Gotcha'!" Luna shouted, wasting no time in shoving the UFO girl away and suddenly tearing the water behind the raft in an effort to get as far away from the Empire Pirate as possible. The raft tore through the water at speeds that would put a motorboat to shame, leaving a confused pirate and hologram in the dust.

"Well then.... get back 'ere frisbee, this ship ain't runnin' itself."
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@Kagayours @gamer5 @Takashi @(really everyone :D)

And then, the ball of light exploded, filling the office with a blinding whiteness.

Nightshade's eyes burned, and he couldn't help but think that the ball had something to do with what horrible crime he had committed....

Sail felt a tingle shoot through her body. At that moment, she knew her ball had found its target...the culprit had now be revealed.

The light began to clear, seeming to be sucked into something. That something began to glow brighter than its surroundings the more it sucked in. That something was Nightshade.
Badda Bing...

@gamer5 , @Luma , @Sail ...

Deen looked at Aerly and... then The Question. Deen rubbed his muzzle as he pondered for a moment. In silence. Because no one else seemed to know the answer to said Question. And because Deen was pondering just where that rifle had gone to. But then! So many distractions. So much data starting to flood in like an overflow of jellybeans.

Well, what was done... was done and over with. Onward!

... "I think the local sun is mad at us......."

Deen wasn't particularly happy with how things... hmmm. But he grinned anyway, Free Spirit to the fore. Dropped to all fours. And started a little dance. Fingers, toes, claws... all drawing "patterns" on the floor...

... "My mother taught me this dance..."

Indeed she had. Tail up, tip a-flick, fur ruffled, ears up and forwards, he danced and drew and even hummed for the twenty-one seconds he spent on the matter. Before the dance swept him up onto his feet, fingers and claws tracing an "involved" circle on the barrier wall holding back the beans...

... "Gotta let all that 'hell' work itself out, for now... we have beans to conquer!"

Yes, with that declaration, he smacked his right palm against the barrier, the Omni Bits responded, and a flow of chi from the nodes he'd just made, through his body and into the barrier....... space folded a bit right down here, though in a more subtle fashion, a tunnel unfolded through the mass, Deen's enhanced senses also digging as he moved on all fours, tail still up, tip still a-flick...

... "Sorry about the butt... follow me, if you dare."

With that, he walked.......


Yes again, things with Sol's green sphere and a hoard of "attracted" jellybeans got out of hand. Omni Bit, distracted by the escalating exchange between manifested sun and... well, did it really matter, now?

Because that one poor Bit had to take responsibility. And did Sol notice her poor green sphere was still in the middle of that jellybean mass?

Who knows.......

Meanwhile, Again.......

"Tinkerbell" didn't stop glaring or tapping her foot at Nightshade, even when the ball of light "marked" him with its glow. Yes, this Omni Bit had been doing its own job, relative to events... just like all the other Omni Bits Deen had instructed.

Walking down his tunnel, Deen could only shake his head with a snort.......
@Luma (as Sol), @Takashi (as Jorm)

Naia cursed the other entity. Rule the world? Damned megalomaniac. But for now she need to focus on saving this place from total annihilation or whatever Sol had planed for Omnibus. As such she opened a portal bellow herself that moved her 1 km into the air. Using a quick macro her wind magic sprang to live and hovered her in place as she started casting a spell that dwarfed the one she used to reach the Mire. "I am the gate of magic. The sage that rules over the flows that move the world. I rend the world to my will. In the name of Naia Matei I order magic to gather. Bend the fabric of magic and the world. Kneel before my will and follow my command!" The amount of magic that Naia was outputting and gathering was on a ridiculous scale. This was her not holding anything back. "Enclose." A massive 1km radius sphere of magical lines appeared around Omnibus. As Naia chanted on symbols filled up along those lines. "Shield. Protect. Guard. Secure. Apply. Reinforce. Empower. Boost. Strengthen. Apply. Copy. Layer. Multiply. Clone. Apply. Infinite. Eternal. Perpetual. Endless. Apply. Run. Execute. Start. Begin. Complex program MATAI 022 'Expanding Eternal Multi-Layered Shield' now running." And with that done a massive barrier enclosed the Academy and 1 km around it, a barrier that had only ten layers of wind, water and portals for now but new ones started to constructs at rapid pace as soon as the spell was in place. Naia, a small about of sweat running down her face, prepared to face Sol, exchanging her spell Macros and regathering her magical power and concentration...

[Since the casting took time anyone could have taken the chance to go after Sol. Do note that the barrier is now preventing anyone from leaving, except if they can punch trough it or somehow else pass trough or 'around' it.]
@Luma @Eruantien @Shinku⭐Kun

Kaessya rolled her eyes as Kayden called her a "tsundere witch". Sure, Kaessya was sometimes willing to play along with the advances of human men (or women) if it meant getting them to do what she wanted. But Kaessya did not have the patience for that kind of thing today. "Don't even try your luck, punk. You're not getting anywhere with me." Kaessya deadpanned. Not unless you're into vore. she added silently, laughing inwardly at her own joke.

Kaessya grinned with satisfaction as Kayden got a well-deserved slap from the lady next to him. That lady then disappeared, and then, after the UFO floated down to Luna's raft, she reappeared, and gave a polite introduction for herself and Kayden. Mia seemed friendly enough, Kaessya thought, but Luna seemed to think differently of her, and Kaessya wasn't sure what to make of that. But then, does anyone ever know what to make of Luna's words and actions?

Key, seemingly having just as much patience for the "space pirate" Kayden as Kaessya did, told Luna that there was a settlement nearby, and urged her to travel in that direction. Kaessya was glad that Key was able to sense such a thing, but she did wonder why he wasn't able to sense it before now. Before she could ask, however, Key fell unconscious. Kaessya tensed up a bit, and stepped awkwardly out of the way as Azrael rushed to his side. Kaessya had mixed feelings about the Harbinger and wasn't sure if she should feel concerned for him, but, at the very least, she knew that she didn't want to stand in Azrael's way at a time like this.

As soon as Luna got the word from Key, she sped off in the direction he'd pointed in. Kaessya squinted at the waters ahead, eager to see some signs of civilization again, and happy to be leaving Kayden behind.
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@Roose Hurro @gamer5

And so, Deen began to tunnel through the jellybeans, and he found… more beans. Lots more beans. Really, the whole place was packed with beans by that point. But if Deen was clever, he might be able to detect a sort of current in the beans, pushing them from one place to another. And if Deen could make sense of the direction of this current, then he could trace it back to the source. This might've taken Deen a while, though, given that the source of the beans was near the center of the school, and the beans that Deen was swimming through likely would've traveled across numerous hallways and staircases to reach the barrier that Deen had started from. And when Deen did find the source, well… there really wasn't much to see.

You know what it's like to be in a pool or a hot tub, and to find one of the jets of water pushing out from the filter? You can feel the water pushing on you, but you can't really see it because it's surrounded by… more water. The only way you would see the jets is if the rest of the pool was empty, making the water from the jets plainly visible as it shoots out into the open air.

Well, with a school full of beans, the source of those beans would behave much like a jet of water in an already-full pool. There was one spot in the floor of one particular hallway where jellybeans were gushing up and out with more force behind them than anywhere else. And only by feeling that strong current of beans would anyone even be able to guess that this was the source of the jellybean invasion. And unlike water, jellybeans aren't so easy to see through. So if anyone wanted to get a good look at whatever hole these things were shooting out of, they would have to clear as many beans as possible out of that particular part of the hallway.

Which, standing right next to the source, might be a bit of a difficult task.
@Takashi @Sail @Roose Hurro

Just as the receptionist asked if the orb belonged to anyone, a student with horns and wings flew in through the broken window, asking who it was that the orb had "selected". The receptionist was about to say that she didn't know anything more than he did, but, before she could get the words out, the ball of light exploded, and the receptionist flinched and shielded her eyes as the room was filled with a blinding light. Once her eyes began to adjust, she realized that the light was gathering itself back up again — but instead of regaining its spherical form, the light was apparently being absorbed into Nightshade. "I guess it's selected him." she told Kaine. Whatever the hell that means. she added silently.
@gamer5 (as Naia) @anyone

Jormungandr merely looked on as Sol spoke and then disappeared. As the metallic orbs drew closer commanding electricity, Jormungandr considered his options. On one hand, he could stay in astral form and none of this could even touch him. Then again, none of it was a living being so he also could do nothing against it. On the other hand, Jormungandr could take on a physical form thanks to all the magic he had siphoned from the air, thanks to one particular short witch, and try not to die again. Jormungandr decided he liked the second option better, he had dealt with the likes of Thor, god of thunder and lightning, after all. Even if it did get him killed last time. And so, he began. "Astral Plane, grant me physical form by way of the energy I have collected." It was then that another 'data log' ran in his head.

Vitals: STABLE
Astral ties: STABLE

As this ended, Jormungandr took on a physical form, lightly falling to the ground he had been floating atop. Now he had only one more thing to do. "Fang of the World Serpent, poison of the gods. God killer. I call upon thee once more, return to thine master. Eitr!" Performing such things was a long process, as another 'data log' began to run off in his head.

Incantation: CLEARED
Identification: CLEARED
Sufficient magic?: CLEARED

A small ball of blue light appeared before Jormungandr as he held out his hand. The ball expanded into the shape of a long pole with a blade on the end. The form then gave off some kind of gass, a light blue haze. When it stopped glowing Jormungandr was holding a long, thorny spear. It felt completely natural in his hand, the spikes didn't even hurt. "Now the game begins." Jormungandr then felt an incredible amount of magic in the air. So of course, he began siphoning it from the air for later. Once he was done he looked up to find none other than Naia, who was casting some kind of spell. A powerful one, by how high her magic output was. And soon enough, there was a large barrier around the whole place.

Jormungandr decided that he would go after that weird cloud thingy that went inside the school. After being inside for a couple minutes, he was running right back out again. The only problem was... well, he was lost. He hadn't exactly explored the inside at all. He could be seen running up and down the halls, looking for an exit, likely yelling at people to get out of the way at the same time.

[Using just a spear against thousands of electric balls of metal apparently wasn't the best idea.]
@Kagayours @Takashi @Roose Hurro

The ball had found it's target. It knew the gravity of the situation, because Sail was its creator. It quickly relayed the information it could surmise from the target, his name, what he looked like, and where he was, and then, fell dormant. Its task was finished.

"It...selected me...But what was it looking for?"

Sail ran as fast as she could, up the stairs, with only one thought in mind. "I was speaking to the murderer...and I thought him to be perfectly safe..."

She held her hands out as she ran toward the Administration office. "DECK, SUMMON!" she shouted with every bit of anger and force she could.

The air around her bent and twisted, and then, six cards floated in the air. Two were darkened; The Protector, and Self-Selection. She grabbed the fourth card, then tossed it into the air, "Activate, Wheel of Fortune!"

Her other cards vanished, and Wheel of Fortune exploded in a burst of energy. The energy condensed into Sail's outstretched left hand.That energy coalesced into a sleek grey pistol, one with a polished frame. With that, she found the door to the adminstration office, pushed the door open, and then leveled her gun at Nightshade. "He is the murderer!"
Neptune was startled as the locomotive suddenly roared to life, the replica engine in her pocket rumbling to the same rhythm of Fate Steadily's gears. Like a bullet, the train shot off from the landing platform, knocking Neptune to the floor as it barreled into a trans-dimensional portal once again. With a flash and a bang, the platform was empty.

On the other side of the portal, the train burst into view, chugging across the sky of a certain swamp-covered locale. Far beneath, a cluster of beings could just be made out in the dim twilight, and Fate Steadily plunged downward. Neptune's head lolled; she was unconscious, having hit her head hard on a multicolored dial. As the locomotive approached the swamp beneath, its headlights lit up and the whistle blew of its own accord, but Key could neither see nor hear his vessel as it approached.

Yes, for the train had warped itself to the Mire, the location of its master and his company. Through a very strange series of events, it seemed that Key's mission was now forfeit, though not of his own failings. With the developments in Omnibus' headquarters, it seemed the souls and their slayer would soon be brought to justice by an alternate procedure. And now... Key's time was up. His body, lying one moment in Azrael's lap on the raft, vanished into many sparkling cinders as Fate Steadily flew by over the waters. Key was gently dropped onto the floor of the cabin, as the locomotive surged past and sparks began to fly. The Mire company could do nothing but watch as it steamed swiftly into the far distance, finally vanishing into an enormous portal across the swampy sea.

Even though the tales of Key and Neptune are now split asunder from the fates of the rest of Omnibus' attendees, their legends will never die, so long as those who knew them recount their days together. Perhaps one day, in a distant time and place, their story will even continue, though for now it must spiral out of our knowledge.

Although they could not express it beforehand, the pair wish to say one last farewell to those they knew, and exhort them to carry on their own stories, even if it takes them through great peril.

@Takashi (as Jormungandr)

Ishika silently left the scene and noticed Sol's thunderbolt or whatever entering the school. Cursing the fact that this place was so damn chaotic on the first damn day, she rushed after what she assumed was a powerful magical spell. As she run she, first got lost and then, failed to notice and stop herself in time, running straight into Jormungandr, only managing to shout: "Look o..." And then finally ramming into the Spirit at nearly full springing speed...
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@Roose Hurro (as Deen)

Aerly was considering going out to deal with, apparently, the Sun, when a massive flood of magic into the place made both of its personalities, consider something else. So Aerly ended following the Nism, not willing to let Deen handle the source of the flood without any help.
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@Kagayours (receptionist) @Sail (Nightshade & Sail) @Roose Hurro (Tinkerbell)

Kaine looked on in surprise as the silver ball burst into light and enveloped the man with the scythe. So it chose him. When Sail entered the room holding a gun, Kaine wasn't intimidated. He knew she was after the murderer. Hopefully. Kaine's middle finger began to elongate, sharpen, curve, flesh turning to bone until the finger was a six inch long curved claw. Kaine curled his other fingers in, so that at a moment's notice, he would be prepared to deal with... whatever happened. "What she said. He's the guy."
@gamer5 (Ishika)

As Jormungandr rounded a corner in the hallway, he failed to notice the girl in front of him until he was on the ground. His spear sailed through the air, clattering onto the floor a few feet ahead. A low hiss escaped him as he got to his feet, rubbing the back of his head a little. "Curse this frail humanoid body, could it be any less resilient?" Jormungandr looked down at the silver haired girl, gazing at her with golden serpent eyes only for a moment. His last approach at socializing with the beings here hadn't gone so well. Perhaps he should try something different. Let's see how well this works. Jormungandr reached his hand down to her to help her up. "Do you need any assistance?"
@Kagayours @Luma @Eru

As Azrael⭐
After Luna followed Key's command and the raft began to run away from the weird flying pirate ship and the UFO at full speed, Azrael hold Key tightly and close to her, his head gently laying on her chest. She knew how weak Harbingers can get after using their ultimate ability as it demands a lot of spiritual energy, but this sudden faint caught her off guard. Something serious was going on and sadly for Azrael, she may not be able to help her Key.

"Nothing of this would've happened if it wasn't for that stupid star child," she thought, furiously clenching her teeth as the image of an evil Sol flashed on her brain. It was obviously an exaggerated version of Sol she created due to the fact that Sol has only been a big treat since she stole the souls of the innocent Key supposed to collect. "I swear for Valhalla that once I return to the Academy, I'm going to rip that bitch to pieces... LITERALLY."

As her eyes began to glow bright tone of red, the skies above the group began to rumbles, followed by lighting sightings. This only meant that Azrael was really pissed off and her weather control abilities were kind of getting out control. This was something that began to happen to her after she began to feel strong emotions.

Realizing what was going on and for the sake of everyone, Azrael closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm down and regain her composure. This wasn't the time and moment to be angry. After a minute, the skies returned to normal and Azrael opened her eyes, her beautiful crimson eyes glistening like usual. She sighed and looked down at Key, gently wiping a few droplets of water from his right cheek, only focusing on keeping him safe until he hopefully awakes.

Just like a miracle, Fate Steadily, Key's locomotive, appeared in the sky through a portal, chugging among the dark clouds and making its way towards the raft. As the whistle blew, Azrael looked up, her eyes widening with awe, wondering how in the world that train managed to arrive here. She knew that all Harbingers locomotives have the ability to get to their Masters from literally anywhere, but they needed to be turned on. This only means that somebody else was on that train.

Before Azrael could say or do something, Key's body vanished into sparkling ciders. When Azrael looked at her empty arms, she didn't panic at all because she knew exactly what was going on. Nodding, she grabbed Hades on her right hands and slowly stood up, looking back at the Fate Steadily as it passed them by and soared toward the horizon. A moment later, the locomotive vanished into a big portal that closed seconds later to be never seen again.

"He accomplished his mission," she said and smiled faintly, her eyes closed as a chilly wind drifted among everyone in the raft, her ivory hair gently flapping. Now that Key apparently recovered the souls of the murdered students and the killer was caught, there was no point for Azrael to be in the mortals' world neither. Still, she didn't want to just go and leave Sol unpunished for her bad actions. But, before nothing, she needed to figure out how to escape the Mire.

Opening her eyes, she turned her head to look at Luna. "So, do you have any idea of how to get out of here? I was thinking that, if you managed to build this raft, you could create a portal device or something that could return us to Omnibus."
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Bean There...

@gamer5 , @Luma , @Kagayours , @Sail , @Takashi ....

Deen had been many places in his life, being the Nism version of a "wild child"... "hippie" parents and all. Loved to poke his nose into curious places. Not a respecter of privacy, shameless. So "loose", it seemed a wonder he didn't collapse into a pile of tribbles. Also quite well educated...

... however.

Deen had never met a Celestial in person, before. Omnibus had not only brought a Celestial to earth, but had brought quite a few humanoids and "modified" humans out into the daylight. He had a Devo for a roomie. Presently had an Irenay on his tail.......

....... and "magic" beans in his face.

This day... Deen had to admit, he'd never had this much fun mixed with this much frustration, before. His roomie killing people. A star going bonkers. Omni Bits all over the place, just to make sense of it all. But in this moment, he had beans in his face and a very silent Irenay on his tail. The more pressure from the beans, the more he fluffed up, shroudruff half up off his back and spread, "father spot" in Aerly's clear view. Fur, ruffling in the "wind"...

... "You know, it would be nice if you said something... I feel like I need to tell a joke, just to make you laugh and say That's funny!..." Grin, though the closer he got to the "bean source", the more he felt it wise not to open his mouth... "I can stare at you all day, but that's not the way to make a friend." He liked jelly beans, but not enough to risk an involuntary mouthful... "Hey..." A glance over shoulder as he stopped, Bits reconfiguring the barrier, now oh so close to the source... "So distracted, I'm not sure we were properly introduced.

He turned and dropped to haunches, tail swept over his toes, ears up and forward, then held out a clawed and scaled hand... "I'm Deen, of the Bloodline Ahvviyinn..."


Poor Omni Bit. Had to fweep! out a desperate call for help. But other, "loose" bits responded, and, to make a short story even shorter, another tensor field snapped up to hold that spherical jelly bean mass in place, as each bean was slowly "disassembled". Poor green sphere still stuck in its middle.

Meanwhile, Again.......

"Tinkerbell", peeved as she was at Nightshade, well, he was her master's roomie, so... wings now a blur, she flitted up to both Kaine and Sail in turn, admonished them with a waved finger and a few choice fweeps before she returned to Nightshade. Settled on her feet. Stilled her wings. Gave him her "pouty face"... and then gave him a very feminine slap across his left cheek with her artificial right hand.

Well, glad that's settled.
@gamer5 , @Takashi @Kagayours , @Roose Hurro

"Finally, justice to a man who has ended countless lives, sending them onto their...punishment,reward, whatever you choose to believe is after death. And it all begins with a slap across my cheek. Very well done. " Nightshade made his doll swing his hand in a large arc. "Madam, was not Sail your name?"

"Yes, and I now bring justice to those who you have killed. Ms Secretary Lady, Kaine, and whatever your name is, in the presence of these witnesses, now execute you by the judgement of people of Omnibus." Sail placed her finger on the trigger. "If anyone has any qualms with this, speak now, or forever hold your peace."

Her hands shook violently. She'd never killed anyone before. She wasn't ready if everyone agreed to his death. But, she had to do it.
@Sail @Roose Hurro @Takashi

"Well, hold on just a moment." the receptionist spoke up, interrupting the execution. "I'd like to believe y'all, but, as a general rule, I'm really not supposed to just take your word for it in situations like these. For all I know, this guy could be innocent, and that light display could'a been rigged." she said, ending with a yawn. "Don't worry, though, we have a system in place for this kind of thing. I'll just have to ask Ve-"

At that moment, another door creaked open, and a stout, two-foot-tall man with purple skin and large, bulbous goggles covering his face walked into the office, his attention occupied by the files he held in his hand.

"Ah, perfect timing!" the receptionist chirped. "Veri, these folks here say they've just caught a murderer." she explained. "Any signs of deception on 'em?"

Veri paused and looked up at the group of students, adjusting his goggles as he did so. "Nope, they're clean." he replied, before returning to his business.

"Alright, thanks!" she chimed, before addressing the students once again. "Ok, y'all are telling the truth. Carry on with your execution." she said casually. "Just let me get out'a the way, first." And with that, she released her grip on Nightshade — letting him fall to the floor — and returned to her desk.
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@Sail (Sail and Nightshade) @Kagayours (receptionist lady) @Roose Hurro (Tinkerbell)

Kaine was somewhat pleased that Sail had caught this murderer and that an execution was actually approved by the receptionist. However, he was also worried about this development. Execution, just for killing some people? Well, it seemed this place ran on that 'eye for an eye' thing that Kaine had heard some gang members and various lowlifes say after he had eaten one of their... friends, comrades, whatever they called them. But this apparent system could be a problem when Kaine tried to eat later, he'd have to make sure nobody saw him... though Sail's ' who done it ball' would make that quite difficult.

Aside from all that, Kaine was also confused. Confused as to where Sail was aiming her gun. Now, he couldn't exactly see the location, but he could sense a general area of the target. "Uhh... why are you aiming for the meat sack? That's not gonna kill anything, Sail." Kaine then proceeded to point his middle finger/claw to the rough area above and to the side of Nightshade's body. "Try somewhere over there."
@Takashi (as Jormungandr)

With the help of her staff that appeared from nowhere, Ishika got back up, responding to Jormungandr at the same time, "Thanks, but I can manage fine on my own. I will leave introductions for later. Did you see a lightning spell somewhere nearby? Something fired the damn thing at the school and I am trying to find it."
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