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@Luma @Eruantien @Shinku⭐Kun

Somehow, Kaessya's attacks were enough to help take down one of the giant moss creatures, and the party managed to make it through that small opening and out to (relative) safety in Luna's magic-propelled raft. After Kaessya landed on the raft, Key made a point to specifically thank her for her efforts, telling her she did good. That was… something… although, Kaessya was still a bit too shaken-up by the events leading up to this moment, so she didn't really know how to respond.

Oh, and at one point there was a big portal that opened that looked like an easy way back to Omnibus, but that window of opportunity was stolen from them by some sort of big whale creature. So… that sucked.

In the moments that followed, Kaessya kept mainly to herself — not only did she need time to calm down, but, even after reaching a state of relative calm, she still felt pretty awkward interacting with the Harbingers. So, as she kept to herself, she couldn't help but get pulled into her own thoughts, so she started thinking about some stuff. She started to wonder just how long they might be stuck in this place. Normally Kaessya was a bit more go-with-the-flow about everything, but, that sort of life philosophy made a lot more sense back when she was on Earth, where there was always plenty of food around. Even out in the rural countryside, it wasn't too difficult to fly around for a while until she found some farmer or something. Or, she could start at the nearest road, pick a direction, and just keep walking until she found some sort of civilization. Rarely was she ever very stressed about finding food. But here — she was starting to doubt that there was any sort of prey here, and there certainly weren't any roads to so-easily follow. What if they were stuck in this weird place for… entire days? Or even longer than that? What was she supposed to eat, if the only other souls around were her own party members? The Harbingers were definitely not an option, and Luna… well, if Kaessya got really desperate, then that would be her only option. But, with Luna being as powerful as she was, Kaessya doubted she would stand much of a chance against her…

Kaessya was then pulled out of her thoughts as she thought she sensed… a human soul? No, it must've just been her imagination… No, wait, maybe it wasn't! Up ahead, the group caught sight of a… rowboat in the sky (ok??), being rowed by… yes, what appeared to be a human! Oh, Kaessya couldn't believe her luck. Did this mean there was a sizable human population here? If so, then there'd be plenty to sustain her until they all got back to Omnibus! And if it was just this one guy, trapped here in much the same fashion as themselves, then… well, at least she'd have enough to survive an extra day or two, if needed.

As the raft approached the human's rowboat, Kaessya tried not to let anyone notice that her mouth was watering. She didn't even have much of a reason to be hungry, but, after briefly worrying that she might starve to death out here… well, it left her feeling pretty eager to sink her teeth into whatever prey she was lucky enough to encounter. And, she just encountered some. But! Now wasn't the time to think about any of that. Kaessya knew she wouldn't need to eat again until at least tomorrow morning, and she couldn't afford to be such a glutton when the need for food-rationing in the near future was a very real possibility. And besides, she and the others definitely wanted to keep this particular human alive for a while — as it was quite possible that he might actually be able to help them get back to Omnibus. Kaessya made a mental note to act as friendly towards him as possible, in order to gain his trust, so that he wouldn't have anything to hide from them.

Luna seemed to already be thinking something similar, and, with a friendly tone, she got right into asking for directions.

Aaaand the human turned out to be… fucking annoying, firing a… marshmallow gun? at Luna. Kaessya was unamused. Like, no, screw being nice. She changed her mind. She was soooo done with this bullshit doom land already, and not in the mood to deal with any of this guy's shenanigans. If he fired that thing again, Kaessya was about ready to fly up there, snatch it out of his hands, break it in half, and maybe even swallow one or both halves of it. In her experience, this was a pretty efficient way to both destroy an object, and intimidate the former-owner of said object.

Oh and also, there was a UFO. Although Kaessya didn't even realize it was there until she saw Luna's eyes lock onto it. Also, apparently the tiny vessel was familiar to Luna, as she soon muttered something about "the Empire" after seeing it. "…The what?" Kaessya deadpanned in response.

The human didn't seem to feel like answering Luna's simple request, though, instead rambling on with the… dumbest load of gibberish that Kaessya had ever heard. (Well, maybe not the dumbest, but possibly dumb enough to make the top 10). Kaessya made no attempt to hide her subsequent eye-roll. "You know, if we had 'warping' powers, then we wouldn't need directions, and we could find plenty of 'fresh and innocent hearts' ourselves." she snarked at the human. "Never mind how you said you'd never tell a bunch of 'witches' like us where civilization is, which makes me think you proooobably wouldn't keep your half of the deal even if we keep ours, soooo…" Kaessya gave an exaggerated shrug. If she had to listen to another sentence of this idiocy, she would probably just opt for the whole threaten-to-eat-him tactic and see where that went. If the Harbingers grilled her about it, she would just tell them later that it was an empty threat (besides, she wasn't even feeling very hungry yet). But if it turned out that she'd be trapped in this lame swamp dimension for an extended period of time? Yeah, Mr. Marshmallow Gun over here would be the first thing on the menu.
@Luma (as Sol) and @Takashi (as Jormungand)

To Naia it mattered little if the creature fell on her as she was always safely shielded with numerous barriers against attacks or/and harm, fueled by her nearly limitless supply of magical power. As thous no matter if Jormungand's attack worked or not the creature was not something that concerned her.

Instead she returned her focus on the portal, the self-stabilizing spell having problems with settling the Mire end. So not wasting time Naia reached into the guidance data of the portal and started fixing things that were bugged out due to the creature's interferance...
"A murderer?" the receptionist echoed, still not releasing her hold on him. "Why couldn't you just say that in the first place? And why'd you have to storm the office about it, like a villain in your own right?" she asked. "I'll tell the proper people about this and we'll take it from here. I don't see any reason for you personally to take total control of the situation, much less forcefully seize that control from us." she told him. "And besides, I still don't see what any of this has to do with honoring any 'final wish', but, whatever…" Taking a few steps back, she reached out with one of her tentacles to turn her computer monitor towards her, and, with that same tentacle, began to clack away at the keyboard. Sure, it would be more efficient to use her hands, but she wasn't quite ready to sit down at her desk and turn her attention away from Nightshade.

In response to Ishika's question, the receptionist answered, "Yeah, we have those. Trouble is, they're always a bit glitchy on the first day — there's lots of magical interference that's hard to account for with all these different kinds of students here." she explained. "It'll take another day or two before all those bugs are ironed out."

@Sail @gamer5
"No, no no Madam, you don't understand. I, myself, must relay the message, or more students will die. That is what the murderer told me before vanishing into nothingness. I beg of you, allow me to borrow the PA system..." Nightshade allowed tears to begin to fall freely, even though they were false. "...I....I don't want to be the death of more people...."

And in that moment, Nightshade realized he had failed in his lie, and his spirit no longer sang a happy song...
@Sail (as themself) ( as Sail)

"You're trapped here? I see."
Kaine eased up a little now that the woman had her hands in the air. Of course, that didn't mean he wasn't still suspicious, just that she had put herself at a disadvantage if she did decide to try and kill him. "Well, this place isn't all bad. At least there's a lot of food." Speaking of which, he might have to eat soon. He should be able to handle waiting until tonight, tomorrow if he absolutely had to. Still, this whole murderer thing probably had most of the students on guard. It didn't seem, as of now at least, like it would be easy pickings.
"Yeah, that is true...and there is a lot to learn here as well. One day, I may be able to learn a new form of magic, or maybe I could find someone to help me return home...." Sail paused, not wanting to get ahead of herself.

"Anyways, why did you think I wanted to hurt you? I know there is some kinda murderer around here, but I don't think we have much to worry about now."
@gamer5 (Naia) @Takashi (Jormungandr)

Sol watched in disappointment as the creature was teleported away. It was a dull solution to the problem, but an effective one. She had to admit, she was gaining some minor respect for the short one, since they seemed to have a similar method of dealing with things. Yet, a short moment later, Sol froze as the beast slammed back down, straight on top of her. Her eyes widened in shock. Right.... gravity. Well, she supposed it just confirmed what she already knew: planetary creatures really were weak and helpless. Except.... there was no free-floating soul lying under the mess.

No way. Was she actually alive?! INSIDE that massive carcass?! The ghost seemed to agree as well, as he unleashed a soul-attuned strike against the beast. Potent stuff. Still, there seemed to be a well-attached soul underneath the mess. Sol's purple orb quickly hovered over and warped the dead beast off into the ocean, where it fell with a splash and sank to the ocean floor. Where it had been, was the short girl, still messing with her magic as if she hadn't even noticed beast guts around her. Tenacious.

Sol hovered down beside the two, as the jellybeans around them continued to fall upwards and occasionally whack them. By now, this jellybean 'planet' had grown to the size of a large building. Sol adjusted it by hovering it upwards slightly so it stopped colliding with the actual buildings. The massive shift of small, multicolored objects almost seemed to sparkle.

At this point, Sol was clearly upset. "What is wrong with you Planetaries! It's like you're trying to make me irrelevant! First fire, and now all these little light boxes!" Sol pointed to a nearby lamppost. "All I have done since I arrived here is try to be your perfect ruler. To help my little humans grow and flourish as they are. You used to worship me as your warmth and protector. Now the only thing you seem to worship is your own power.... so much power."

Sol's remaining 8 orbs flew straight up in a flash and surrounded Earth, slowly orbiting it. "Maybe I should just destroy your planet and start over with a new one. I have seen what power does to species. They become horrific monsters that will destroy anything for more." Suddenly, there was a sickening explosion in the distance as an underwater volcano exploded with tremendous force. Likely Sol's doing. Those watching the whole planet would notice several of these magmatic eruptions.

The sky began to darken slightly with ash. At this point, Sol almost appeared to be in tears, and seemed unsure of what to make of the experience of 'crying'. "Humans are.... so strange. So foreign. But you're also so beautiful.... so why do you want to change? I can take care of you all, so why do you keep growing.... why do you keep pushing me away?"

Another eruption could be heard in the distance.
@Sail (as Nightshade) , @Kagayours (as the staff lady)

"See if you can dig up anything. If it can help I have several computer experts I can call in to help making sense of the data," Ishika said to the lady before turning her attention to Nightshade. Without a sound her Diäkarÿawai appeared in her right hand, the majestically staff radiating a faint aura of brilliance. "Calm down," Ishkia said to the panicking Devo, her staff glowing for a moment to send a pulse that would help Nightshade calm his mind, if that was possible...

@Luma (as Sol), @Takashi (as Jormungandr)

Noticing what was happening Naia shifted her focus to the Celestial. "A unstable mind with raw power which probably matched or exceeded mine. Not good," she thought as Sol rambled on. When there was finally a longer pause in the Celestial's words she opened a portal and moved herself to stand right in front of Sol, ten or so meters away. Naia spoke: "Firstly I am not a human. Most of those in this particular part of Earth are not human, I believe. But let me address your questions.
Why do we grow?
Because it is the natural tenancy of mortal life to do so. To become more complex, more advanced, to be better at surviving and to propagate further. TO EVOLVE.
Finally when life become sapient then evolution is replaced by technological and/or magical improvements, fist to survive then to expand. To foster a new step forwards, one based on the evolution of knowledge rather then biology.
And yes some of us give into this power brought by knowledge. Become monsters as you put it. But for every monster that comes forth from power, many more are saved.
Countless lives that would died or remain forever unborn. Each given a chance to help others, directly or not. Some of them even end up being the ones that stop the monsters, from happening or from winning.
I myself I am an example. With my power I could have, still can, claw out a massive empire. But I have no wish for such things. I didn't gain my power for that. I gained it to survive and then to help my world.

As for the other things you mentioned I am unsure. I am not human and this appear as a matter between you and them. I would need to study humans in more details to get a clear picture about your problems with them. BUT no matter what those problems are that doesn't warrant the destruction of this whole world.

Naia made a pause before finishing: "And if my words are not enough to convince you then maybe the fact that if no one else I WILL STOP YOU."
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@Luma (as Sol) @gamer5 (as Naia)

Once his projection had returned to his side, Jormungandr turned towards Sol, who had now started going on about something with humans. "Ah, I see. You're telling me that you are Söl, the flaming sphere? Huh, thought the wolf Sköll would've caught you by now. He was supposed to have done that during Ragnarök. Or are you the foretold daughter of the original Söl? No matter. You intend to destroy this new Midgard yes? That means you aim to get in my way... I will not allow that. I know not what you have against the humans, but I must keep my future subjects alive. For now, anyway." Jormungandr's projection grew to a monstrous size, almost half of his true proportions. While Jormungandr was going about his response monolog, he had also been preparing his reserves of magic that he had taken during the witch's burst earlier. This way he would manifest a physical form at any moment it was needed, though perhaps his current form would be more advantageous. After all, the destruction of the world wouldn't be able to effect him as of now. He would just have to wait and see.

@Sail (as Sail)

Kaine blinked. He had absolutely no idea what Sail had started going on about, perhaps still a little much for him to understand immediately. When she asked her question, Kaine had to think for a moment. Great. Now he had to think of something. Unfortunately, he wasn't used to explaining himself to anybody. "Because, the murderer could be anybody. It could be you, it could be me, it could be-" And now he'd given the possibility of it being him. Perfect, just perfect. Now she did have a reason to try and kill him. "Or it could be someone else and not me." Nailed it.

Sail laughed softly, then said "Obviously you aren't the murderer. Neither am I. But, I bet you we can both find the murderer if we work together. Let me just check something..."

"Deck, Summon!" Her hand shot out as she made a sign with her fingers.

"Card, Select; Self-Selection!" The card burned into dust as she activated it.

"Card, find someone who is the best killer in the school, one who is intelligent enough to hide themselves!" A blast of silver energy shot away from her body, and she then faced Kaine as she asked "You got any magic that can help us to find that silver energy?"
Kaine stepped back as, again, the woman yelled and made bright flashes of light. Though that particular spell didn't seem to be an offensive one, hopefully. At least she seemed to buy his last-ditch effort to not make himself a target. "Magic to help find it... Does this count?" Immediately after he spoke, a large pair of dark feathered wings sprouted from his back. He wasn't entirely sure how it would help just yet, besides flying above the school and looking down. Though that likely wouldn't be the best thing, chances were that the murderer was somewhere inside, where Kaine wouldn't be able to see.
Badda Boom...

@gamer5 , @Luma , @Sail ...

Deen, for all his faults and oddities, being Nism, he accepted Neptune's "rejection" with a free spirited salute... tongue between teeth in amusement. Now "alone" in the dorm hallway. With a glance, one of the twelve Omni Bits made quick repair to the poor, broken window, then rejoined its previous matrix. Deen sighed. But he also grinned.......

....... then someone started shooting.

Deen turned his eyes on the "offender". Yes, for a moment, he'd felt quite alone, even with others present. These others... well, one of them had created a rifle and started shooting. After asking about high-grade barriers. After witnessing a dozen "Tinkerbells" create such a barrier. And now he'd shot his rifle, pasted this barrier with "enchanted arrows" and "maaaagic bullets!" All to slow a flood that had already been stopped dead cold.

Talk about an itchy trigger finger.......


So, Nightshade didn't want to acknowledge this one glowy Bit right there in his doll's face? Fine. This particular Tinkerbell rolled her "eyes". Found the appropriate mass, and built herself an appropriate body in the near blink of an eye. Yes, she was peeved. And yes, she hovered there, fweeping in her high, tinkly voice, arms crossed over humanoid bosom, fairy-wings busy holding her two foot high construct aloft for a moment, before she settled to the ground in a huff, right foot's toes now tapping the floor as she frowned, having "spoken" her piece.......

Meanwhile, again...

Events outside the Java Squirrel had grown quite out of proportion. Yes, the Bit there had had its fun... left its little "present" running... and had turned attentions to the whole exchange between Sol, Naia and Jor. Curious. Recording every bit of this exchange. Every. Bit. Fascinated.......

Meanwhile, back to Deen...

Yes, being keyed to the spatial flux of jellybeans, Aerly's shots went through and took out many beans. But Deen's Bits weren't very happy about it. Neither was Deen, himself. No matter where he went in the fabric of Reality, never a dull moment! Witnessed by the fact more jellybeans filled the spaces. If anything, as time passed, it became harder and harder to tell jellybean from jellybean, every bean melding into a wall of rainbow sugar. Space, compressed. Not a whimper of strain from the dorm building.

Didn't require much power for Deen to pace over, and grab hold of Aerly's rifle. A gentle hold, but a hold that brooked no shenanigans, either...

... "My barrier doesn't need any more help." Toothy grin... "I'll give you an 'A' for effort......."


Dorm windows rattled. Heh. Give a minute or two, and the volcanos would start to blow. Indeed, never a dull moment.......
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"Az, I can't just lie back and let you all take a beating," Key murmured, closing his eyes again. It was comfortable, laying like this... but he knew it couldn't last forever. No sense in stirring up pointless feelings. He let out a small sigh, shifting a bit in Azrael's lap. Suddenly, a new presence approached. Key half-sat up, resting himself on Azrael still, as he was rather winded from his actions just a short time ago.

Key kept silent, watching and waiting, as a small craft approached their motley raft. These newcomers seemed to also be offworlders. Perhaps they had a way off the planet? Key was disappointed when he heard they were stuck, just as he was. The newcomers were curious to behold, although the male seemed awfully angsty. Silly base motivations.

Keeping an eye on how the others were reacting, Key was pleased to see that nobody was immediately launching themselves into battle. Kaessya seemed a bit... well, hungry. But, that was to be expected. They really needed to get a move on, before the crew turned to some sort of magical cannibalism.

And then, everything got worse.

Key felt something, suddenly. It was as if a great rumbling had begun, deep inside his body. This wasn't anything like indigestion, or fear. This was a warning sign. Even though he couldn't communicate with his kin, Key was still intricately connected to world around him. Mortal scholars might explain this through "ley lines", but the real explanation was too intangible to grasp. At any rate... something terrible was growing, back at the Academy on Earth. They needed to return, at once, lest there be dire consequences.

"I don't deal with space pirates," Key stated in a quieter tone than he'd used before. He closed his eyes once more, focusing deeply. Suddenly... it was as if a blip had appeared on radar. There were other signs of life. Not far away. They could make it, if they hurried. Key raised an arm and pointed north. "We need to move. Luna, there is a settlement... in that direction... please hasten..."

Key fell to the floor of the raft, suddenly unconscious. But why?​


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@Kagayours @Luma @Eruantien

As Azrael
As Key gently poked the tip of her nose, Azrael blinked a couple of time, once again the burning feeling of her blush striking her cheeks. This time, her heart skipped a few beats as well. She was trying really hard to ignore the overwhelming and confusing feelings she had towards him, but it will be really hard if he starts to act like that in the future.

"Y-You don't have to thank me, Key," she replied to his gratitude. "This is not a big thing and besides... I know you would do the same for me." She nodded, agreeing with herself as she remembered that one time she used her powers so much that she barely could walk on her own during a demon's hunting mission with Key. Without hesitation or even asking, Key simply carried her on his back and returned her safely to Valhalla. She told him that he didn't have to do such a thing, mostly because it was kind of embarrassing, but deeply inside, she greatly enjoyed that.

"Now, just be quiet and get some rest. You're going to need that..." Azrael cut off her talking as she quickly spotted some kind of portal that mysteriously appeared in the middle of the waters, with a big label that said: "To Omnibus". The Harbinger's eyes bright with surprise and excitement, glad that there was finally a way to get out of this dark and stinky planet. As Luna made the raft go to the anomaly at full speed, Azrael grabbed the sides of the raft to hold herself, staring at the portal with a smile.

Suddenly and as it was all but a really bad prank that somebody made them, the portal began to slowly disappear, but Azrael caught the glimpse of a big monster jumping from the waters and diving into the portal be fair it fully vanished. And there goes the only hope they had to escape from this damn place.
"You must be kidding me right now... We were so close..." Azrael felt only frustrated that she just clicked her tongue and looked to her right, lightly biting her lower lip while crossing her arms, trying her best not to burst in anger or something like that.

"Can any of you even die? Killing Death sounds like a bit of an oxymoron. I can guarantee you that I can die though, so yes, I'm pretty darn stressed."

Azrael slowly batted her eyes towards Luna, pretty intrigued by hat she just said. Pretty much every creature that exists knows very well that Harbingers are immortal beings that can't be killed in any way possible. Still, it was a lie, though. There is only one way they can be killed or at least damage, but, of course, they keep that as a forbidden secret for the sake of the race.

"Of course we cannot die, Luna," Azrael replied, scoffing. "What kind of question is even that? Sounds more like a bad joke to me." She believes that saying the truth is better than lying, but when it comes to this topic, she's practically forced to lie even if that goes against her beliefs. Like it or not.

Sighing, Azrael rubbed the back of her head and looked at the horizon in front of her, blinking once and returning to her emotionless state as she spotted what looks like a flying pirate ship quickly approaching them. A big-circulate object was also floating alongside the ship. Azrael has seen so many weird stuff through her entire life, so things like these were pretty normal for her. Still, realizing where they were, a floating ship and a metallic rounded object that definitely looked out of this world were pretty much strange. Nevertheless, she was glad to find out that this planet actually has some kind of civilization, so for now, she decided to stay calm and not jumping into conclusions so suddenly.

As expected, Luna stopped the raft and began to jump and wave her arms, shouting to call the attention of the approaching boat craft. A calm smile adorned Azrael's face as she observed the excited Vori speaking to somebody from the boat, but her smile quickly faded as something hit Luna out of the blue. Instinctively, Azrael quickly reached for Hades on her back and as Key half-sat up, she pulled herself to her knees, lifting her right foot and freezing on a fighting defense stance just in case she has to jump in for attack the boat. Yes, she doesn't know Luna and doesn't mind Kaessya that much, but they were part of this group. So, Azrael felt the urge to keep everybody alive and bring them back to the Omnibus Academy safe and sound.

When Luna spoke again to the old looking pirate man of the ship, Azrael felt relief that notice bad happened to her, so she silently observed the man, not really getting offended by him saying they were witches. She has heard worse names people have called her and she actually found funny the pirate called them that after been in a flying ship. There was definitely some magic involved to make such thing possible.

Sighing with annoyance, Azrael gripped her scythe tightly.
"We really don't have time for such nonsense," she mumbled as Key said something similar. Just as she was about to say something to the old pirate, Key began to act strange for a while. Then, she commanded Luna to move the raft in a direction. Then, he passed out without an explanation. Azrael's eyes widened with worried. Dropping Hades on the raft's floor, she quickly grabbed him from behind and laid him on her lap. "K-Key... Hey, what's wrong with you?" she asked with, fear and confusion noticeable in her voice. She lightly slapped her cheeks in an effort to wake him up.
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Sail looked over Kaine's wings, then thought to herself, "Can he find the light with this....yeah, he should be able to see it through walls, as long as he gets close enough to it."

"Kaine, they should work. I'll push open a window, and once you fly out, you should be able to see it through the walls. You'll notice a slight discoloration from everything else." She walked up to a nearby window, and unlatched it from the bottom, then pushed out the screen. "Good luck. You may very well save this school..."

As the orb of light rushed down the halls, analysing every student at Omnibus, it found a few perfect candidates. But, a certain being...no...spirit, was drawing it ever closer....
@Sail (as Sail)

After Sail had pushed out the window screen, Kaine walked over to it, folding his wings in as he went. And, after hitting his horns on the trim a couple times, got out onto the ledge. "Save the school eh? Now that'll be interesting." He then spread his wings and lifted them up and flapped powerfully, shooting himself upward to get a decent view of the school. He hovered there for a bit, looking for the light. And then he saw it, dashing through the halls. "Didn't think that thing would be so fast." Kaine dove down, attempting to at least catch up to the silver energy, but it was going a little faster than him still. Who knows where this chase could lead?
@Takashi (as Kaine) @Kagayours (as administration)

And then, the ball....simply...stopped.

Sail sat down in the hallway, awaiting the familiar tingling feeling that would come once the ball had found its "victim". Her mind drifted back to the last time she had used the ability....

"I got her!" a large, buff man shouted at three younger looking men.

Sail watched in horror as the four men tortured her handler. And then, the blood-curdling scream, the shivers that ran down her spine. Etyi was dead. And with her was any way to return home.

She couldn't do it alone, she couldn't live on earth all by herself. And so, she summoned the ball of light with her card, searching for one that could return her home. That ball never found its home, and likely never would....

The ball had froze outside of the administration office. It rushed inside through the broken glass, freezing in front of Nightshade, Ishka, Deen's Omni Bit turned human, and the strange being that seemed to be the secretary.

Nightshade froze, wondering what that ball of light could be....
Deen (@Roose Hurro),

Aerly looked at Deen and gave the Nism a thumbs up before addressing the gathered: "So any idea what the hell is going on? Fist the gravity mess-up, now the jelly bean flood and my sensors haves started giving danger warnings like crazy a few moments ago."
@Sail @gamer5

"Well I'd like to believe ya, sweetheart,"
the receptionist said to Nightshade. "But we can't let just anyone use the PA. I got rules that I need to follow." she told Nightshade, still keeping a hold on him, as she didn't quite trust him yet to not do anything crazy.

Then, Ishika told the receptionist to dig up any info she could, and mentioned that she had "several computer experts" who could help, if needed. "Thanks for the offer, ma'am, but we've already got people on the job." she told Ishika, still poking at the keyboard with her one tentacle. "And I promise you, we're doing the best with what we have."

Then, a ball of light appeared. "…Does that light ball belong to either of you?" she asked, gesturing to it with one of her tentacles.
Kaine continued flying after the silver ball, untill it flew in through a broken window to the front office and stopped. "So the murderer is in there eh?" Kaine dove from the sky, landing on the trim outside the window before ducking down and jumping off into the room. "So, who of you has this orb selected?" He folded in his wings, awaiting an answer.
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