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Seiko found Sera's protective gesture rather cute. it had taken the Yuki a moment but she realized the man did not have the purest of intentions. Seiko wasn't interested, so she decided she'd try to defuse the situation as quickly as possible. she wasn't sure about Sera's preference on physical contact but Seiko had found that in most cases, gentle contact was a good way to calm people down. Shadow was looking a little miffed at her feet as Sera had encrouched on his space and was now protecting his packmate. Seiko tapped the wolf's side and put a gentle hand on Sera's back. she listened to Avarice before speaking again "I'll spending the day with my friends" she replied "we have plans, so if you'll excuse us, we have to go"

she glanced back at Avarice "my room's just down the hall" she nudged Shadow a bit to get him moving "Let's go"

@chaosheart13 @Yorika @gamer5
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@chaosheart13 @AnimeLover_Princess & @Yorika (as Sera)

"Damn it," Aerly's male personality though, but still tried to save the situation by saying, with a bit of real sadness mixed with the perfectly faked one: "Well my humble self was hoping to make some friends today. I hoped it would have been you miss Seiko and your companions, would be my friends. But if my presence is so repulsive to you, my hated self will then leave you alone." Having finished saying that Aerly took a few more steps of distance from the group while politely bowing its head. The female side also wanted friends and as long as the male could keep his pants on she would also like to be friends with Seiko, Avarice and Sera, so this time she was supportive of the male's side tries to befriend them.
Anna Fade
The Greyen

Anna looked at Naia for a moment, wondering how she had gotten I. The bathroom with out her noticing. "Well how about you show me around? I've already been to the dorms, so where ever you think k is a good idea is fine." She said, a finger twirling her hair. She went to adjust her glasses and gave a sigh after remembering she didn't have them. After wearing them all her life, it was weird to not have them. Her eyes flashed grey before returning to a muttled yellow. The back of her neck itched as Hau moved further away. She knew Had wouldn't get into any trouble, but she didn't think Luna would lead him on a wild goose chase. Anna returned her attention back to Naia as she headed towards the door. "So Naia, what brings you to this academy?" She asked a bit nervously, she wasn't sure if it was a good idea to ask that.
@gamer5 (Naia)

The Athys

Sera ignored the miffed puppy at her feet, he didn't really have a say in this. As Aerly seemed to conceed, she felt Seiko's hand on her back. She felt a quick, soft snarl eminate from her chest as she moved the the side. A clearing of her throat brought her back to a less on alert level as her body changed back to its normal state. Her ears and tail receeded into her body and her eyes returned to human shapes. "Well, as long and Seiko is alright with you tagging along and you you can keep your pants on, I'm okay with you." She said, which was mostly true. Seiko had the most say since they were heading to her room. She also made a mental note to go find out what Luna was doing and find out why she had a big black cat following her.
@AnimeLover_Princess @gamer5 (Aerly) @chaosheart13 (Ava)
This Or That...

This was not the first time Deen had made a "doll" of his own. Young Nism commonly used Bits to make their toys. Including miniature replicas of themselves or other family members. Or, in the case of teenage Nism, of their "love interest". Though in Deen's case, it was only after he'd made a replica of himself that he thought: Hnnn... shoulda made a female... but then, which one? Purrn? Cadda? Maybe... Thoee? Yes, that last choice, quite of interest! And he'd known her longer than any.......

....... oh. More questions!

Pretty similar questions from Nightshade and Aelos. Mouth open to answer, but then their "resident" Celestial built two human replicas out of nothing apparent, which left him speechless and a bit wide-eyed, head leaning back, fur fluffed as he watched, fascinated at the process. Which lead to his mind's previous wanderings into the Bit integrated with his own "doll", his own all-be-it much smaller and singular automaton. Which caused the miniature "Deen" to shift in a wave of light, reshaped to a miniature of... Thoee.

This would, of course, perhaps answer some unasked questions, or at the very least reveal to those unfamiliar with the Nism species just what the differences were between male and female, other than those quite obvious. Like the female's lack of shroudruff feathers. Addition of a very generous fur-tuft on the end of her tail. Fluffier chest fur. Sleeker figure. Warm quirk of a smile when she looked towards Deen, her miniature eyes bright and intelligent.......

Deen couldn't help feeling a little homesick.

And... oh, yes! Shirt!

Nightshade may have felt bored and unappeased with his feelings, but Shirt... she felt... she became intently aware of all the other clothing in the Java Squirrel, and she felt jealous. Unsatisfied. Realized she was not the prettiest thing to wear, when she finally "looked" about. And "saw" two new outfits far nicer than her. Realized she had an opportunity, this little "marble" her man held. So, she stretched out her sleeve. And stroked the little round thing.......

Deen finally regained his composure, shook his head, then...

... "I... heh... control it with my thoughts." The miniature Thoee on the table started to stretch and preen... "And what it is... is science. I've heard a saying on this world... Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Even magic must have a basis for existence, I would think."

The miniature Thoee on the table rolled her eyes, miniature tongue stuck out between miniature teeth.......
@Yorika (as Anna)

"Well primary knowledge. I want to have access to the knowledge that is gathered and continues to be gathered in this school, be it in science or magic, trough my focus is the later. Second I wanted a place in which I am not Naia Matei the genius magic researcher. A place where I can just be Naia," Naia said, forcing the words out of herself, knowing that she had to do so. "So when they asked if I wanted to go here, I said yes. What about you Anna? And also do you want to relax somewhere? Or do something fun? Or just take a look around the school? I really don't have any knowledge in how to be a good guide," she finished her words in this way as she removed her back from the wall, preparing to move out or open a portal, depending on what Anna's reply will be.
"Incredible!" Nightshade's doll shouted, as his spirit realized what this had meant.

"Yes, I've heard that phrase during my existence upon Earth. I believe it comes from some man named Arthur...yes, Arthur..." Nightshade thought, "And also, how does my shirt come to be able to use this "bit" before me!"

He pondered for a moment, then attempted to make the "bit" create a small confetti launcher, but to no avail. Nothing had happened! "Deen, how did you make Shirt do something like that?"
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@AnimeLover_Princess @Yorika @gamer5

Avarice blinked in surprise when Seiko said that she was going out with her friends before squinting really hard at what she was assuming to be her form. She wondered if she really meant it, since it was far too soon to be friends at this point. But then again, she didn't really think much about it when one of the girls, can't remember which, called her roommate Avarice's friend, so...

"Oh! That's good!" she sighed in relief. Then she did more blinking at the retreating form of Aerly. Wow, salty much? She shook her body as if she were shaking her head before sighing again, this time out of exasperation at Aerly. "Anyway, let's go, right?" She lifted the luggage higher before crawling to wherever Seiko was. She would then follow the yuki to wherever her room was.
Seiko's entire life was built on deception. for one of her kind to survive in the human world they have to pretend like they're human, regardless of their few rather strange features, like the eyes or the fact their natural body temperature never gets above 80 unless they are deathly ill. so she could rather easily tell that what Aerly was saying wasn't entirely the truth, she could also however, hear the hint of truth to it so she sighed a little.
Then Sera made the comment about keeping his pants on and Seiko couldn't help giggling just a little. "If you would really like to come with us Aerly, I have no major objections, it's nice to meet new people after all" she smiled at her companions "but I agree with Sera's sentiment, 'keep your pants on'" she found the phrase rather funny and had to stop herself from giggling again.
She looked back at her tentacled friend "But Avarice is correct we must get moving" and with that she started forward, moving around anyone who happened to still be in her path. Shadow immediately perked up and hurried to follow.

@Yorika @gamer5 @chaosheart13
@AnimeLover_Princess @chaosheart13 @Yorika (as Sera)

"Then I shall await your return here, Miss Seiko, Miss Sera and Avarice," Aerly replied politely, but then was reminded by the female personality about something that could help him befriend the ones gathered here. "Actually I remembered that I had forgotten something in my room. I will just grab it and then go await you next to the elevator," Aerly quickly corrected the earlier statement and awaited for Seiko and company to move on so the door to Aerly's room can be opened without getting in their way.
@Roose Hurro @Psuedoku @Sail @gamer5 @chaosheart13 (and anyone else in the Squirrel)

Dumbfounded, Aelos did not know what to say. He nodded at what Deen and the dark boy said about science and magic, but it was more so a reaction than a nod of understanding. From the surface, he may have appeared to be zoning out. But inside, he was torn. For his people, the Freaer, they had chose to separate both science and magic. It was because magic and science both followed rules, but often the rules of one contradicted the rules of the other. Instead of utilizing both together, they were advanced separately. Their true potential remains locked because of this, and it has been opened to Aelos' eyes through Deen's display of...creation. If any of his peers were able to track his emotional state, they would have witnessed a bird tossed in a tumultuous wind, before steadying in its newfound surroundings. I believe that the correct word to describe this moment is: revelation.

That doesn't even go to touch the display of antics produced by Sol, who created two living and breathing humanoids before them. That very same duo then, unaware of the significance or profundity of the display, carried on to order a drink. I...I think I should've read up on this school first. This part, the omni bits and everything is...a bit much. , Aelos thought carefully,

Normally, a bird of prey would have puffed its wings because it knew that it was the apex predator of the ecosystem. It was part of the reason why Aelos had asked the hawk for guidance. He wanted to be the best he could be, and although the hawk did provide wisdom, there was a pride associated with many who channeled the hawk. That very pride was squashed beneath the off-handed way that his peers performed epic feats. Aelos thought he had steadied his mind and spirit, but that clearly was not the case. He didn't know what else to say so, "Could you teach me later? About omni bits? I...it's hard to comprehend right now, and it bothers me that I don't know anything about it."
The Athys

Sera watched as Seiko and Ava walked away. She had liked getting to know them and was interesting in learning more about this world and the many that inhabited it. As a creature that is originally not from any world, she was fascinated by all things in the realms. That was the original reason she had even come to be an Nul, or rather an Athys. "Hey, Seiko, Ava I'll catch up with you later. I was to explore this place a little more." And that was all she said as she turned and phased through the nearest wall. She was headed towards the stairs as she walked. She was intrigued by this place, perhaps a bit too much for her own good.

@AnimeLover_Princess @chaosheart13

Anna Fade
The Greyen

Anna looked at Naia as she spoke. "Oh so you are famous where you are from? That's really cool." She said with a smile, playing with her long braid nervously. She couldn't get the feeling that Hau was too far away form her. He had never been this far from her , really he had never been away from her at all in their time together. Anna snapped back to the current conversation when she noticed Naia waiting for a response. "Me? Oh I came here to get away from.... well from things. I wanted a fresh start. Kind of like you I guess." She said as her eyes switching from their normal light yellow to a deep blue. "Well lets not get into that right now. I think we should...." She trailed off as she felt the twinge in the back of her neck again. It was like Hau as calling for her. She couldn't ignore it now, it was getting annoying. "You know, I'm sorry Naia I have to go check on Hau. I feel like something is wrong. I'll meet up with you again later." She said as she hurried out of the bathroom. She hurried to look around for Hau, she didn't know exactly where he was, but she couldn't recall him unless he was nearer.

@gamer5 (Naia)


Hau watched the girl look at him after she ad done something with her machine. He tilted his head as the girl seemed to give him this strange look. Like how Anna looked when she needed to feed.... Wait was this small human going to eat him?! He jumped to his feet, standing on the bed as his neutral express soon became a snarl as e slowly backed away from the small, crazy human. He was in no hurry to leave Anna. He didn't wait long for the small human to do something. He turned and quickly padded out, not giving the girl any openings to stop him. He would go find Anna and from the twinges he was getting, it seemed that she was looking for him as well.


As Luna turned, she noticed the figure now appeared a bit more hostile. A snarl? Yes, that was definitely a snarl. Was this thing sentient? It certainly seemed to be, as it ran for it's life out the door. There was a mix of disappointment and relief for Luna as she watched this. Summoning magic was exciting, but if that thing was intelligent enough to understand her intentions, it was probably best to let it go. She sighed....it had looked so delicious though. Exiting the room, Luna made her way downstairs and ran off to look for a bookstore.

Sol sat patiently waiting for her servants to acquire her drink, when a bright star appeared to twinkle in the blue sky through an open window. Focusing in on it, she recognized the closest thing she had to a friend sending her a message, primarily asking to see Sol's planetary body. In fact, it was this very star, with no verbal name in this planet's language, that had taught her to create the mechanical servants, among other things. Fine, the drink could wait. Carefully rising from her seat, she walked straight towards the exit, apparently oblivious to how rude it appeared. Behind her, a small visual solar flare signaled the order to follow her, and the two obedient servants obeyed as the 3 left together.
Skin In The Game...

Yes, Shirt stroked the little round thing. Being in essence an AI created with Deen's chi, with a simple programmed goal of mischief, she had certain knowledge and skills towards that goal. Though Deen had never expected Shirt to use such knowledge and skills in concert with an Omni Bit... this having never come up before. Which brings up other things. Like how Shirt had earlier worked to remove another shirt from Nightshade's person, in a fit of jealousy. Which was part of her programming. Which brings us back to.......

Deen couldn't help his own issues. What with having an attractive miniature of his main love interest, and being a teenager... a Nism male... he couldn't help releasing a bit of musk, a vanilla-cinnamon scent, like something "fresh-baked" had just come out from the oven. What with Nightshade's "Incredible!" and Aelos' chi spiking his senses, perhaps Deen could...

... "Oh, no problem!" Deen couldn't help a slight twitch as "Thoee" lifted her backside and wiggled it at him, swish of tail so... "I'm still learning about them myself... more interested in studying exo-geology. Do like playing with gadgets!"

When it came, it came rather suddenly, a sense of flux and flow, there then gone.......

Deen couldn't be quite sure when he noticed something odd, something different he couldn't, at first, quite place, until the sound of squeaking squirrels followed Sol and her automatons out the door. Yes, as if opening the door had opened something else, her and them leaving was followed by...


Deen's ears turned back as claws clacked on the table, a trace and gesture resulting in "Thoee" returning to mug-form, and Deen palming the Omni Bit that rose from it. Yes, he tried to turn things with a cheeky grin, but...

... "Looks like our first lesson starts now......."

Shirt had, perhaps regretfully, to some, expended all her chi on this last act of jealousy. Yes, she remained... but, well, it appeared every other article of clothing in sight had simply dissolved.......


The below addenda is attached to let everyone know the posting limits in this little advent, so we don't run into trouble. Thank You...

Peregrine said:

"For a non-sexual scene, that line can be pushed slightly further out. This time it would be describing or touching genetalia. A character saying "Oh crap that's a penis" isn't really describing anything, and without the character holding any sexual intent, that probably stays on the OK side of the line. But if a teen member and an adult member get in a scene where their characters are describing each other's (or their own!) genitalia, breasts, sexy figures, etc, that is not okay, even if the intent isn't to be sexual."

@Roose Hurro , @Psuedoku & @Sail

"Damn it," Ishika loudly exclaimed when her clothing disappeared. "And I was just about to leave since I finished my drink," she thought, her body now clothed in nothing. At least she had a method to quickly fix it, although it included using her ability in front of the whole coffee shop. "Well fuck it, Direct Buyout," she though at which a standardized military getup for non-combat duty appeared on her. It even came with underwear. With her situation fixed she could see that everyone else was also naked. An evil smirk creeper onto her face for a moment, but it retreated back into her neutral expression as she shouted: "Anyone with cash can buy clothing from me. I take all values, trough Earth ones are preferred!"
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Nightshade busted out laughing at the events that had quickly came to pass. This was the perfect prank, far surpassing one he could do himself. He felt no shame for his doll, as it was simply that, a doll. Just a play toy, a lump of flesh keeping Nightshade tethered to this world. But to show his "pain", his "embarrassment", Nightshade caused his doll to scream, "Deen, did you do this! How dare you! How dare you prank us like this!"

Nightshade looked at each of the suddenly naked individuals, and continued to laugh. Then, Ishika offered to sell clothes for a small fee, suddenly gaining clothing out of nowhere, and Nightshade considered the offer. But, he decided, he'd wait until Deen admitted to the prank...
@Roose Hurro

What happened next was something Primary_Batter would have never suspected. They were sitting their, drinking their mocha, when they felt a sudden chill against their body. They weren't sure what that chill was until they set down the cup and realized that their long sleeved jacket was gone. Looking down, they realized that they had lost their other clothes as well. There was a small frown on their face as they took that image in before looking up at some commotion coming from another table.

Apparently they weren't the only ones to lose their clothes. Everyone in Java Squirrel had lost them, including the squirrels. And it seemed as though one person was responsible for the action, though they could not tell who it was. The frown deepening, they casually walked over to where the commotion was and looked straight at Deen. "Are you the one that caused this?" they asked as they gestured to everyone in the room, "If you are, can I have my clothes back?"
Nova walked stiffly to the local café, Java Squirrel, by herself. She had spent most of her time since coming to the school by herself. She had her own room, her own schedule, why bother talking to people. She had considered talking to the other Freaer who was here but she had only seen him at a glance. She had no purpose to talk to him yet. She hadn't talked to anyone yet.

As Nova approached, she noticed there was quite a bit of chaos going on inside the café. 'Strange, it usually isn't that busy.' Nova though to herself, slowly approaching the door. She had a large pair of sweatpants on to disguise her tail in public, as well as a loose muscle t shirt. Pushing open the door, Nova was greeted by a wall of commotion. People were screaming, some going to try and find things to cover themselves.

Nova wasn't as phased by the general nudeness of the crowd, but she was quite astonished to say the least. Every single being inside previously before her had been stripped of their clothing. "What the hell is going on here?" She mumbled to herself, standing still in the doorway. She was probably doing the crowd outside a good favor, it was not a pleasant sight to look at. She couldn't find her wits at the moment, too stunned by the mass happening of nudeness the café had undergone. Her hand was still stuck to the door handle.
@Roose Hurro @Sail @gamer5 @chaosheart13 @IceQueen (and anyone else in the Squirrel)

When the radiant star who was Sol left the Squirrel, Aelos could not help but chase her with his eyes. She had produced wonder in two forms; both the physical world, and his own world were shaken by her presence. The whole experiencing was humbling. Perhaps another day he would be able to approach Sol and the friends she produced. If Aelos could find the courage to, of course.

At Deen's response, Aelos smiled gratefully. He was glad to hear that he had a potential study buddy.

Then suddenly, as soon as Sol left the premises...everyone was stark naked. And it wasn't stark because their bodies were unattractive...it was stark because it happened so suddenly. At the doll's comment--who Aelos still did not know the name of--Aelos frowned. He sure did want his jacket back. He liked that jacket--it was one of the first pieces of clothing he got from Earth. Rather than wait for the confession of the crime, Aelos covered his private area with his duffel bag. Not because he was ashamed, per se, but because it was decent to do. He spent a long period of time in the wilderness with threadbare clothes; he did not feel much shame about his body in that regard.

Aelos stood, duffel bag in both hands which guarded his manhood, then made his way to the restroom. Luckily, he didn't get the chance to put his stuff in his room yet. He just had to change into the clothes he had. He changed just as quickly as he got up. He came out fully clothed, minus the leather jacket. He wore a plain gray tee, with a pair of blue jeans and white running shoes. As many individuals flocked towards the girl selling clothes, Aelos set his bag on a table and furrowed his brow in annoyance. He didn't like the idea of someone trying to turn a profit out of an...accident? It surely had to be an accident. Had the old Aelos been present, he would have been hopeful that someone was so quick to provide help; it didn't matter that they were asking for compensation. The one who stood in the coffee shop was not so naive--he was still a boy, but a bit jaded after the deal with his family.

The boy knew what he wanted to do, but fingered the totem around his neck in contemplation. The hawk emphasized patience...but his spirit cried for him to take action. If there was anything he learned as a totem warrior it was to trust his instincts when in doubt. His hand fell from the totem, and he started taking out neatly folded shirts and a couple pairs of sweatpants he had. "Hey." , Aelos announced over the chaos. A few individuals (NPCs) in the coffee shop and some from the crowd that surrounded the girl selling clothing turned at his voice. "I have some spare clothes to wear for now, until you get your clothes back. They might not be the best size, but it'll cover you."

Upon his announcement, Aelos began to distribute some clothes to whoever approached him. He averted his gaze as much as he could to respect each individual. Contrary to the loud announcement he made, he worked quietly only saying a word or two. He was focused on the task at hand, and helped in any way he could.
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Avarice had to turn her body to look back on Aerly as they retreated into their room. So he was going to wait for them to finish packing away everything before joining them, eh? Well then, that was something. She was glad she wasn't a humanoid so that she would get a bunch of boys coming after her, not like she ever experienced them though. And she really hoped that Aerly was able to "keep their pants on" whatever that meant.

She turned back so that she was staring down the long hall rather than at Aerly. Where was that door? She hoped she didn't miss it. She crawled along the floor at a leisurely pace, eyes squinting as she took in the doors and tried to find the numbers on them. She couldn't find anything, and before she knew it she had passed the room where Seiko was going to live in.
"Aaaaah this place is a fucking assault on the senses…" Kaessya muttered to herself as she walked through the halls to her dorm room. Having lived on earth for so long, she'd gotten used to the feeling of being surrounded by so many tempting human souls. But this — this was something else altogether. Not only did she sense the presence of beings that were all so much stronger, and harder to ignore — but there was also the fact that they were all so different. They were all more than humans, but they weren't demons, either. This school was filled with creatures that she'd never even come in contact with before, and she was actually quite curious to learn more about them — although, there was also the part of her that was all too eager to sample all those alluring new flavors, but she pushed the thought aside for the time being. "I sure am glad I decided to eat before I got here…"

It didn't take Kaessya too long to find her room. She unlocked the door and stepped inside, then paused as she realized she wasn't sure what to do with herself after that. "What did the lady at the admissions office say… move in and unpack?" she looked down at the small handful of items she was holding. Her room key, a map of the building, and a small booklet filled with other important information about the school. Kaessya really didn't have a whole lot of personal possessions to speak of, so there wasn't much unpacking to do. And having been technically homeless her entire life, the thought of having a place to her own was a bit of a foreign one, too.

"Well then…" she mused, backing out of the room the same way she came in and locking the door behind her. "I guess I'm done here for now!" she chirped. "Where to next…" she hummed, looking down at the booklet and map in her hands. Maybe I should figure out which of these eateries offers human souls — assuming they have that here. she pondered, skimming the information in the booklet as she walked. If not, then life here might get a biiiit complicated- her thoughts were then cut off as, not paying attention to her surroundings, she found herself colliding with another student.

"Ah, m'bad!" she spoke up quickly, bending down to pick up the items she'd dropped. "Just trying to get my bearings around here, you know?" she continued, before looking up to see who or what she'd run into.


Elsewhere in the school, students in a semi-empty hallway paused as the heard echoing shouts coming from further down the hall. Listening more closely, there was a sort of rumbling sound underneath all that shouting, too, like an oncoming stampede…

The students who at first froze upon hearing the sound then sprung to life and started to run in the opposite direction as more students appeared from the direction the sound came from, running frantically away from it. Cries of "there's too much!" and "we can't make it stop!" became audible as a surge of students sprinted through the hallway, many of them desperate to escape whatever they were fleeing from — others getting swept up in the current despite not knowing what exactly they were all running from.

And there, tailing just behind the stragglers of the group… a wave of jelly beans came crashing through the halls. It did not appear to be sentient, but it was surely massive — a seemingly-infinite amount of jelly beans, originating from some unknown location and growing endlessly, threatening to flood the entire school if nothing was done to contain it…
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