Of Nobles and commoners

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Calderia was once a great kingdom, with noble lines going back centuries. The royal line itself seemed to produce one good heir after the other. Trade, art and culture flourished, as the land enjoyed years of peace, as few could match it in power. Life was good.

But all good things come to an end. The lords of the east grew greedy, finding the King's taxes too high, and his laws too strict. What started as murmurs of discontent escalated rapidly, until a civil war broke out. The nobles loyal to the king, fighting against a duke who claimed the east as his own, with the support of many a lord who agreed with him.

Two bloody years later, a new kingdom was formed. Anaria. The King of Calderia had accepted the rebels' terms, and an uneasy peace started.

But many fell during that war, even entire noble dynasties.

And this is where you come in. As a veteran of the war who's achievements has granted him (or her) a county to rule, the county of Valena, to fill in for the nobles who fell in the war. You'll be playing the noble, and probably some more characters down the line, while I do most of the people of the county.

Your main task will be to bring the county back in order. War means that the local troops are busy, after all, letting bandits run free. The end of war, means the end of employment for mercenaries, meaning they'll have to find other things to do. And the peasants will probably be jumping at shadows for months. And some nobles might not be as happy about the peace, nor the land they've been granted as others...

It's a fantasy setting. A human kingdom, with some minorities of other races. Magic being uncommon.

I've already tried to get this started with another partner, so I've gotten quite a bit of detail about the kingdom written down, though it's all up for discussion, of course.

I'm looking for a partner who'll post at least 3 times a week, at least a decently long paragraph or two, and being up for chatting and plotting about the rp out of the thread as well.
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Sounds awesome to me! I'd love to role-play this out with you.
Humans in a fantasy setting that calls for a count(ess) and maybe also her knight while they deal with many, many problems? Count me in~ I've got some good, if possibly unorthodox characters that would fit in here.
Hello! I would be extremely interested in this plot!
If you're still looking I'm interested as well
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