Objective Lose.

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"Why are they so prepared?" She asked, referring to the targets. She blinked the flashing lights out of her eyes as she ducked into an empty room. They threw another flashbang, but she looked away and covered her eyes. As soon as she could see again, she fired out the doorway. -thump- She came out. "Adam is losing blood fast Richter, what's your stats?" She backed towards where the wall had exploded, but stood a few rooms over, shooting anyone that came down the hall.
Mica was walking down the road all calm no one even noticed him he was good at getting out of things without harm he walked down the road and crossed the street with a sigh speaking into his mic " So where is everyone? " he spoke with a smirk and leaned infront of a car looking around and hearing the gun shots and the random ass explosions...why would they even have an rpg because if they blew up the building wouldn't that kill there own bosses. But besides that there couldn't be that many there so he brought his wrist up and slid his sleeve back saying " Prepare for kryptonite " He pressed a few buttons and a small red light in the fuse box lit up the lights inside began flicker on and off at a quick rate causing everything inside and the movement inside to be flashes of images. This was better for the fighting 40 against one man since now the people are more blind and actually cant tell if their going to get hit or not.
Areiz pulled back as the lights flashed. She turned her night vision down and laid across the ground, firing around the corner and not letting anyone by. "Nice one Mica, they can't see a thing." She said. Neither can I though. She thought silently, careful to pay attention. She was used to visibility problems like this, so she had an upper hand from the advancing gunmen.
Richter was panting now, continuously sprinting like this. He was used to staying in a few spots and taking shots. His teammates didn't go down too often. "I'm... almost... there... just another minute... or so." he said, exhausted. He chest burned, and he could no longer feel his legs. He couldn't stop now, though, because if he did, he would stay stopped until he caught his breath, and the longer he was away from Adam's wound, the closer to death Adam was. He skidded around a corner, and shot at two other guys. Headshots, as usual. He reloaded his handgun and sprinted over to his downed comrade, behind the vehicle where he was hiding. "Adam, I'm here. Show me where it hurts." he said, pulling out his medical supplies.
Areiz stepped out of the shadows as Richter came up from behind her in the hallway. "I'll cover both positions Richter." She said into her mic as she back towards the door, her voice not carrying anywhere but through the mic because of the sudden exchange of gunfire from two who came around the corner.
He lookes at Richter and gave him a look "Really...your gonna ask that question?" He said looking at him, he took off his top uniform and the his shirt, his torso was torn pretty bad, "Another scar for the team. Question, why is that I always....OUCH, RICHTER! You did that on purpose Asshole!! Again, why is that I always get the worse of the deal when we go on missions?" He said, he was losing blood he shot at a guy coming from the side, you could see how bad he was, he didn't know if he was going to make it "Devins going to kill me, fucked up another Uniform, but this is worse then the first time..." He said coughing up blood and chuckling.
Richter laughed along side the downed Adam, still tending his wounds. "Yeah, I noticed that, too. Maybe if you weren't suck an arrogant prick," he said, emphasizing the insult by pulling the bandage tight to tie it, "You would be smart enough not to rush onto the battle field and get yourself shot." He finished taking care of the injury and fired a few shots at the men who downed his teammate. "Alright, you won't bleed out, but I'll have to do a better job when we get back." he poked his head back up and fired another two shots, hitting two guys' kneecaps. "But you won't die. For now."
He rolled his eyes at what he was saying "Oh don't be butt hurt on the fact that I can kick your ass on target practice and in Kill Count!" He said as Richter finished and said what he said "Oh great, won't die just yet, perfect!" He said as he got up and fired, his uniform shirt still not on him, "Now let's finish this shit so I can eat!" He said loudly.
Richter laughed and patted him on the back. "There's the Adam I know!" he stuck his pistol back inside of the thigh holster and slung his rifle around. He took a couple shots at some of the men on the higher floors, watching each one fall. "Just like the simulation." he commented.
"Adam, turn off your mic if your gonna scream." Areiz panted into her mic as her ears rung. She fired a few more shots and stepped back out of the way of the fire. She heard Richter say they were done and he ducked into their room. "There grouping up." She said, regaining her breath. She poked around and fired a few shots. "We've got to move, like soon." She said, reloading her rifle and disappearing around the corner and behind the desk in the hall, keeping steady watch on the few that were still firing. She caught one of them in the head.
"I think my is fucked! I can't hear anyone at all!" He said as he took it from his ear, give to the techs when we're done." He said he saw Areiz dart to the hall and he followed "Richter come on!" He called at him.
Areiz ducked as a few shots rang overhead, hitting the ceiling. She realized she could fire under the desk, and there was more room. She slipped onto her side and caught several people in the feet, firing them again when they hit the ground. "Their firing high." She said into the mic. "Watch your heads."
Richter nodded as they ran down the narrow hall, and took cover behind a wall as the man started firing. He put his rifle up and took out his pistol. No need for a rifle so close. He took careful aim and fired, hitting critical points, heads, kneecaps, elbows, hearts, groins. With each shot another man fell in one way or another- and he was having fun.
Areiz glanced across the hall and got a bright idea. "Moving, cover me." She fired a last shot before slipping quickly to the overturned cabinet in the middle of the hall. She sat there a moment before jumping into the room. Inside where a few flashbangs. "Haha..guess what I found." She said into the mic, straying over to the door with them in her hand. "Flashbangs."
He noticed guy running towards the alley way and mica chuckled as they began to stack up on the exit of the alleyway, Mica shot from underneath his arm and killed them off easily. He was a skilled shot just not...very good with long range but who cared he looked around and spoke into his mic " Were is devin? i want to get out of here before i get shot like Adam " he laughed into the mic and then became serious " ill find the jeep and try and bring it round " He said as he took off in a run. He was headed right for the jeep but he knew it wasnt going to be this easy to get the jeep there is no possible fuckin wa-...wham i was right a close line to the neck from a guy. Mica flew down to the floor and let some air escape his lungs forcefully. He stood up a bit winded and held his back saying " Ugh...jesus...fair fight please...give me a second " He stood up straight and turned around looking at the man who clothes lined him. " Oh im going to snap you like a toothpick bitch " Mica was angry now and began moving back and forth involving alot of feet movement. He spun down to the floor and brought his heel up and connected to the temple of the man who spun around and fell into the wall unconscious....man i was excpecting more tha--damnit! his heel was grabbed by another man and mica was tossed and thrown into the wall. which he proceeded to fall down to the ground grabbing his chest " This if fucking bullshit man! "
Richter took down a few more guys when he heard the click click click of an empty gun. "I'm dry, and no more mags. I'm going feral." he said, and pulled a combat knife from a strap on his calf as he put away the empty pistol. He sprinted down the hall, darting in between the rooms. As the men reloaded, he took a charge, and began stabbing and slicing everyone on his path. He wasn't a hand-to-hand expert, but he could handle himself.
Areiz paused. "Devin? I don't know." She answered Mica. She saw Richter go by and slipped out behind him, ducking behind the cabinet and shooting anyone that wasn't marked as a team member.
"Objective lost I repeat objective lost... are the drugs secure .. if not secure them and get to base I'll find my way back I'm being ...(he pauses should he let them know he's on the run from 20 people with no ammo) pursued by a few men but I can make it to the base I'm maybe 5 minuets from your position...and who was shot"a little anger in his voice "guys the drugs we thought were drugs were fake.. connection may be compromised meet you at base team" Devin didn't want to make the plea noticeable but he never told his team to leave a man behind . .he just kept running the only other gadget he had was an smoke Grande and now was not the time to use it.. he just kept running not looking back at least I won't have to jog in the morning
Areiz responded to Devin immediately. "Copy that. Adam was shot, we're moving out now. Be careful Dev. Areiz out." She looked over to the two. "Let's go." She fired several shots over the cabinet, hitting one of them and they fell into the wall. She slipped further down the hall.
Richter was ripping out throats when he heard Devin come on over the Com. "Check, Dev." he said, and stabbed the last man standing in the gut, twisting the blade. "Mica, the car ready?" he asked, walking away from the pile of dead bodies. His uniform was soaked in blood, as were his hands and knife. "Fuck, Dev's gonna kill me, too."