Not Much Ado About Lucky (Abysinthe & Diana)

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Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
10AM - 10PM Daily
Writing Levels
  1. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
Romance, Supernatural, Fantasy, Thriller, Space Exploration, Slice of Life


Most days were a series of unfortunate events in the life of Lucky Bennett, and today was no different. First thing in the morning she was fired from her job - which, okay. Setting fire to an entire art installment was a pretty bad accident, but really how are stacks of rotting garbage supposed to be taken seriously as art anyway?

On her way back home her old junker car decided to die right in the middle of an intersection and nearly caused a pileup accident. Lucky couldn't afford to pay the tow and now her dead car was stuck in some impound lot somewhere, with her purse inside that had her I.D. and her rent check. ...the rent check was going to bounce if the landlord tried to cash it, but that was beside the point.

To top it off, the wiring in her tiny studio apartment was on the fritz, making all the lights do this weird blinky buzzing thing that was starting to make her feel nauseous. Abandoning the room to step out on the balcony, Lucky leaned on the railing and scowled up at the night sky.

Should she just jump off? She was usually quite a perky and joyful person! But the more she listened to her favorite radio show talking about The Lives of the Cursed, the more she started thinking those wacky conspiracies about ancient mummies and bloodline curses could actually be true. Her parents were patchouli wearing hippies that spent a lot of time smoking in old graveyards, maybe they pissed off some dead Victorian and now Lucky was going to spend the rest of her life warding off disaster until some mirror demon drowned her in the sink.

Something flashy in the sky caught her attention. At first Lucky thought it was a low flying plane, but the way it shimmered and burned through the sky it had to be something all the way up there in the atmosphere. A shooting star! How rare to see those out here in the city where the light pollution was so strong!

"I wish..." she paused, this was sort of goofy. Lucky wasn't eight years old anymore, nor did she believe in wishes. But after today, what could it hurt, really?

"I wish things were just a little bit easier. You know, a little help here and there? I'm trying my best, I really am! But I wouldn't mind a free pizza, or a job, or a roommate that isn't going to try and stab me with a tooth brush in the middle of the night. But I really am fine with just the pizza, universe. A pizza would be great."

The next day, downstairs while getting her mail from the lock boxes, Lucky found a coupon for a free pizza. She immediately started laughing. Maybe wishes weren't so bad after all!

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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Absyinthe_Artica
Oscar Jintan
"Dreams do come true..."

Oscar Jintan was an extraordinarily lucky fellow. Perhaps that was because of his heritage, but alas, he took in the abundance and constant rewards as they came. It was a fateful evening, and he could feel it in his bones. The stars were aligned just right, and it seemed as though he could hear those magic words, "I wish...." Perhaps he would finally fulfill his family's legacy once and for all. He took note of the wishes and went to lay down for sleep. He summoned his powers and manifested the wisher's will. Soon he would meet them, but only in the morning.

The birds chirped a cheery tune to awaken Oscar from his wonderful dreams. He did not know why, but he wished to check the mailbox. Perhaps he would find a clue to what he should do next. He whistled the bird's songs as he exited his apartment complex and locked the door behind him. The boxes for mail were down a flight of stairs and to the left of a planter that Oscar thought would like to be in more sunlight in the adjacent corner under the window. He didn't dare move it without permission, though, and shook his head at the thought. As he made his way down to the bottom level, he noticed a beautiful woman holding her mail by the boxes. Perhaps she was his wisher? He stayed quiet and decided to push the coupon off her pile and into his feet. He chuckled and bent over to pick it up, holding it out to her.
"I think this fell, Miss...?" he paused after saying the words, hoping she would offer her name.

"...If we only wish hard enough."



"Lucky!" she exclaimed, not yet looking up as she accepted the dropped mail. Man, this was the one thing she didn't want to lose today - it might end up being the only dinner she gets all week! After a beat she remembered generally people didn't realize lucky meant her name, and was quick to correct herself.

"I mean my name is Lucky." Once she'd finally looked up, she found herself trapped in a momentary brain freeze. His eyebrows were so thick and heavyset they looked like fuzzy caterpillars. Not unattractive, quite the opposite, really as she couldn't seem to shake herself out of her surprise slow blink fast enough. If he was a neighbor, he had to be new. She'd definitely remember this guy.

Once reality set in, Lucky realized she probably wasn't making the same good impression. Her dark red hair was unbrushed and she was still wearing the pajamas that definitely had smears of Cheeto dust at her hips and a tea stained down the front. Resisting the urge to scream Bye! and scuttle upstairs like a deranged crab-person, Lucky just wiggling her fingers in greeting instead,

"Uhm, thanks! I'd hate to lose out on free pizza..."

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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Absyinthe_Artica
Oscar Jintan
"Dreams do come true..."

Her mannerisms were intriguing to him. The way this woman carried herself made Oscar believe she could become something great. It was fate that led him to receive the apartment here, and he knew that she was a part of the grand scheme. Oscar raised his fluffy eyebrows in surprise and gave her a half-smirk.
"Well,'s a little early for pizza. Have you eaten breakfast yet?" He folded his thick chocolate arms over his casual beige tunic and pants to match. Oscar observed her stature and how the universe had shown lucky just how ironic her name was. Perhaps, he could help her, and if she wished for him, he would need to work extra hard to negate any unfortunate curse or juju sent her way. Oscar wanted to know everything about the girl that came to him. However, he didn't want to creep her out with too many personal questions, so as he waited for an answer to his breakfast question, he brushed a stray curl away from his face. There was much to do with Lucky.

"...If we only wish hard enough."

  • Love
Reactions: Diana


"No... No I haven't eaten breakfast yet," she admitted slowly. Was he maybe kind of hitting on her? That wasn't unusual per say, but Lucky had a hard time believing anyone put together would see her and think 'Yes. I'll ask that girl out.' Sure, she had pretty features, but those were amplified by a liberal amount of makeup and pushup bras. Stained pajamas and her ten thousand freckles being exposed didn't exactly meet expectations.

This was a man. Not a dude or a guy. This was a fully grown adult man who probably went to posh restaurants and had a 401k and also knew what an Escrow meant! Nonsense and chaos wouldn't be his cup of tea. Not Lucky's brand of chaos, anyway.

Lucky immediately decided they would be good friends and neighbors.

"There's a place right down the street that makes the best bagels and coffee in the whole city, if you're interested?" she offered with a bright smile. "I'm always down for getting to know the neighbors better and commiserating about the landlord."

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Oscar Jintan
"Dreams do come true..."

Oscar tried to hide a smirk as she mentioned something about the landlord. Of course, he just so happened to be the new landlord, his first official day on the job this very morning. Oscar knew he could do anything he wanted in the whole world, as long as he put his mind to it. This woman could do that too, in time. It took a little faith and a lot of courage, but one day Lucky would shine like the brightest star in the sky, Oscar was sure of it. Realizing he was dwelling in his thoughts a little longer than appropriate, he cleared the way for her to return to her apartment.
"Interestingly enough, Lucky, I just accepted an offer from the former landlord to take over while they move out of the country for an opportunity traveling abroad. It is my first day, but I'm sure it won't be any trouble for me to accompany you for breakfast." He grinned at her and clasped his hands together in front of his stomach. What would she think of this unusual circumstance? He wondered if she would sense the magic. He sighed softly and looked towards the staircase.
"Would you like me to accompany you to your apartment; perhaps some tennis shoes would be more suitable for outside. Although, I love your night wear, I must say." he winked at her and raised his eyebrows with a flourish hoping she'd enjoy his compliment.

"...If we only wish hard enough."



"O-oh," she exclaimed with surprise. A new landlord? One that belonged on the cover of a Parisian magazine with the way he dressed and winked at her so casually. In fact, him potentially being from somewhere very far away would explain his whole demeanor and the vibes she was getting. He was culturally different! People from overseas always seemed flirty, that was just the way they spoke.

Of course, now it was a little awkward going out for breakfast with a new landlord, especially if he didn't know she was three months late on her rent. Or did he know? Lucky sure wasn't going to tell him!

"I definitely need some shoes," she agreed with a nervous laugh. Now that she had her mail, she tilted her head to gesture he follow her up the stairs. They had to walk up three flights to get to her door.

When Lucky twist the knob to let them both inside, she realized with a sigh that she'd locked herself out of the apartment. Again.

"I hm. I forgot my key. Inside." she lamented.

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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Absyinthe_Artica
Oscar Jintan
"Dreams do come true..."

The trudge up the flight of stairs proved to show Oscar exactly what he should fix in the future. As they neared the door to Lucky's apartment, he sensed something amiss. His magical senses could tell that the key to unlock the door was sitting somewhere inside. He smirked at her circumstances and wondered just how many things could go wrong in one mortal's life. Before she could notice, he conjured a duplicate of the key and lifted it to her view.
"Don't you worry about the key, Miss. These apartments are rather old, so the landlord has one master key to unlock the rest in times of maitainence, or trouble." He clicked his teeth and gently side stepped her to unlock her apartment. Once the deed was done and the old door ajar, Oscar gestured for her to enter first, as it was her home to begin with. He did not enter the threshold until she acknowledged him or invited him inside. The old traditional laws of magic still bound him in uncoventional ways. She was a peculiar interest he had begun to form. Spending time and granting wishes for her would surely prove to be entertaining at the very least.

"...If we only wish hard enough."

  • According to Plan
Reactions: Diana


It was a good thing he was the new landlord and had that extra set of keys, Lucky hadn't been looking forward to scaling up the side of the building to climb in through the balcony! Again.

One she stepped inside, she smiled brightly and opened the door wide enough for him to join her.

"Oh it's okay, you can come in!" she announced, perhaps too soon for she didn't remember the state of her apartment until he was inside and the door closed behind him.

Lucky's apartment was one of the smaller ones in the building - a kitchenette and open living room area, with a single bedroom and bathroom. The place wasn't filthy (thank goodness!) but definitely in a state of disarray, with clothing and shoes tossed in random places. Piles of books and magazines stacked up on tables and counters, and a couple empty boxes of Chinese take out. There were a few pots about as well that used to have plants in them, but only dried up sticks and fallen leaves remained.

"Let me, um, let me just... change into something presentable real quick!" she chirped out, scooting quickly off to her bedroom and hoping she had something actually clean still left in her closet that wasn't pajamas!

  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Absyinthe_Artica
Oscar Jintan
"Dreams do come true..."

Oscar took in the disorder of her apartment and sighed softly at her luck. It seemed she couldn't catch a break at all, and thus he would change that. With innate magic, he could sense that several things needed to be repaired or looked at, at the very least. He couldn't fix them all without some excuse or mortal explanation. Oscar was nervous about revealing his true nature to Lucky. She hadn't contracted him the conventional genie way. This time fate twisted her web and shot falling star energy at him. Wishing stars or falling stars have limitless wishing potential. That makes his conventional three-wish-only rule null and void. He could do anything and everything for her; she just had to want it. He clicked his teeth again and looked towards the closed door; it was worn and warped in the frame.
"Listen, it will take time to renovate this building to its full potential. It might displace you sometimes too, so I can post you in a hotel free of charge when that happens." He smiled warmly at her and clasped his hands together before raising an eyebrow towards the entrance.
"Well, are you ready to get some brunch?" He was eager to spend more time with her and really understand how unlucky she really was.

"...If we only wish hard enough."



Lucky fumbled quickly through her closet and bedroom until she found a clean blouse and a simple pair of jeans. She even took an extra moment to brush her hair as quickly as she could and slap her cheeks a bit to hopefully look a little more refreshed and awake! Normally she might've gone all out with the makeup, but he'd already seen her freshly rolled out of bed and in her jammies, there was no reason to try and impress him.

"A hotel?" she asked when she stepped back out, seeming dubious about the whole plan. Not that she thought a hotel could be any worse than her apartment, but... it did seem like a faster way to get all her stuff stolen! "Oh, that's not really necessary. I mean I can live through just about anything. Noise, dust, earthquakes. I am a trouble-free tenant!"