Ninja Team Omega: Taming the Stolen Lands (Naruto AU) OOC and Characters

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Mythy the Dragon-Wolf

Hopeless Romantic
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Beginner
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
  4. Adept
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Male

Hasaki Buredo (Below) -- @Mythy the Dragon-Wolf
Suzue Hara -- @Jessica2477
Aiji Dream-Hand -- @Red Thunder
Yuji Morimoto & Kazuki Hoshino -- @Lore Magus
Fuyuki Shiromi & Hinagiku Hanazono -- @DangoYumi

All Iwaku rules apply
Please, no drama in the OOC
Please refrain from IRL political/Religious discussion or other 'hot topics'
I, as GM, have final work on disputes. This includes on if a character is too OP.
Please be reasonable in your powers and your actions in combat
If you have a problem, question, or request, please let me know in OOC or PM!
Please post at least once a week, more often is very much preferred
Please do your best with spelling and grammar, it needs to be at least legible.
Please at least one paragraph per post. Do your best to help move the scene forward with your posts

(The Ninja's Home City in the Stolen Lands)
The Ninja's lands have always been separated from the Stolen Lands by a strait. While the ninjas warred with one another, the Stolen Lands were left alone, not forgotten but never thought about during the time of calamity. Nowadays, with relative peace between clans and houses, sights have been set on expansion. While efforts to settle farther in their own lands, one clan came forward with a proposal to the Kage council. Bring the bandits of the Stolen Lands to heel, and tame the wild nature for themselves. After consideration, the measure was approved, and a number of ninja found themselves on a ship - crossing the strait to their new home. A good number of the ninja are skilled in terraforming-style jutsu, able to tame what the other humans cannot.

With them are a number of promising chunin, split into teams to help defend the expansion effort and home they built. However, upon their arrival, the scouts sent out returned with troubling news. Instead of many disparate bandit clans, every bandit in the Stolen lands were now united under a single, violent banner. This was a complication, as if the whole of this force was brought to bear, the ninja would stand no chance. A silver lining was found, though. Despite being united, the foundation was unstable. Captains plotted against one another, underlings conspired to rise in the ranks. The unity was fragile at best. As such, the Chunin teams were given a new mission: disband the banner of the bandit lord by any means necessary. Subdue, slay, sabotage. Break loyalties, create rivals, raise your own warlord.. whatever it takes to bring the house of cards tumbling down.

We follow the chunin squad Omega in this mission...
(Please PM me your sheet for approval before posting)
Age: (16-22)
Appearance: (Picture, Description, or Hybrid are fine)

Jutsu Style:
Clan Signature/Kekki Genkai: (If Applicable)

History: (As much as you want. Please include why they joined or were sent on this mission)

Name: Hasaki Buredo (And Nightlight)
Age: 17
Gender: Male (Female)

Weapons: Hankō no shirushi (Sign of Defiance; also known as Hanko, or Defiance) - A wakizashi, simple and plain but well-kept, decorated with a small ribbon of red, black, and gold.

Jutsu Style: Fire Style; big, boisterous attacks.

Clan Signature/Kekki Genkai:
Ejji yōso (Edge Element) - The user of Ejji Yoso channels their chakra into the blade of their weapon, causing it to erupt with one of the elements that they are able to use. This increases power and ability of the weapon, allowing jutsu-like skills to be used with a swipe of the weapon.

History: Hasaki has always been considered the runt of the Buredo clan. He was born prematurely and small, struggling for life when most of his clan figured he was too weak to make it. But he made it. He was a small child, seen as weak and often bullied. Many assumed he would break, but no one ever saw his tears. When he was tested, it was found that he could only call upon one element - fire - where every other member of his sword-wielding clan could use two. Most of the teachers in his clan refused to teach the runt of the clan, thinking him too weak to become a true ninja.

The only other one in his clan to believe in him, other than his parents, was Satoshi-sensei. The old ninja saw the spark that everyone else had missed. The spark to fight, survive, and the desire to prove himself. And prove himself he did, quickly becoming proficient in the clan's Buredo no Yoso, and in his skill of manipulating flame. He would never have claimed to been subtle, and indeed none of his jutsu ever were. His flames burnt bright and hot, just like his soul.

And still his clan didn't believe in him. They never did, not once though his chunin exam. Not once he passed. Never once. When the initiative to settle the Stolen Lands came to his clan, they easily sent Hasaki off as their representative, to finally be rid of the runt. However, Hasaki saw his destiny. He would finally be away from his clan, and be able to build a legacy of his own. He would bring the Buredo name to the Stolen Lands, and create his own offshoot - separating himself finally from the judgment of his clan.


Nightlight is Hasaki's female wolf companion. They met one day before the Chuunin exams while Hasaki took a run outside his home village. She had also been born a runt, but had grown strong like he was. Originally, Nightlight and Hasaki kept their distance, watching one another with wary eyes - a young ninja who might not be strong enough to fight a powerful wolf, and the wolf who had just made her territory.

One day, their dynamic changed. Hasaki found the wolf caught in a hunter's trap, and something primal ignited in the young ninja. He drew his Wakizashi and shattered the trap with a single blow. From that day on, Hasaki would bring Nightlight carefully-prepared food until she was healed. And then she began to follow him - even into the village. Since then, they have been inseparable, fighting and learning as a unit. There was no question that Hasaki demanded Nightlight come with him, and the Buredo clan had no reason to keep a wolf around.
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hey, I saw your Interest Check and was interested, but since you already had this up I figured I'd just message here instead! I have a couple potential ideas myself, but atm I donj't have the time to iron them out and type them for you so can I get back to you later?
Name: Suzue Hara
Age: 18
Gender: Female



- Kunai
- Shuriken
- Her hair

Jutsu Style:

Ninjutsu - Hair manipulation
Taijutsu - Advanced

Clan Signature/Kekki Genkai:

Hair Manipulation - The Hara Clan is a clan of people who have hereditary traits that makes them excel at hair manipulation or any technique that involves it. While their natural talent is for ninjutsu techniques, their true strength comes from as mentioned in the previous sentence. Given the Hara clan's hair volume, strength, and length, no one can surpass their hair manipulation prowess.


Suzue Hara is the first born daughter to the Clan head of her respective clan, setting her up for a long life of politics. However, given her personality, her parents had begun to have second thoughts in regards to her capabilities of leading such an esteemed (though minor) clan such as theirs. You see, Suzue had an incredible amount of potential in the ninja world. She was a quick study, was able to understand her clan's kekkei genkai better than anyone, had the ability to battle/incapacitate her opponents quickly, and took the time to become knowledgable regarding the village's more prominent figures, in psychology, and just about everything she needed. What they disliked was her lack of physical work ethic. Suzue loves to take naps and is a bit airheaded at times. She enjoys doing anything that doesn't require too much work and tends to pass her chores over to anyone else. She has even asked people to choke her out if it meant falling asleep faster. Her parents tried to remedy their daughter's flaws, but Suzue simply did not try to change.

To them, it was a miracle their daughter even passed the Chunin exams. But, they knew her motive behind that fight was to take down her opponent so she could get some sleep.

When the initiative to settle in the Stolen Lands reached the Hara clan, her father decided to volunteer his daughter and begin training his son for the role as Clan head in the future. Suzue didn't see it as much of a problem; it would mean less work for her in the future.
@Lore Magus

Of course! Whenever you get a chance just post the ideas here, or PM them if you want to work on them in private.

Thank you for your interest :)
Would playing two characters be acceptable?
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@Jessica2477 did you draw that yourself? It looks really great! (Had a moment during my break at work and wanted to make sure it was said)
@Jessica2477 did you draw that yourself? It looks really great! (Had a moment during my break at work and wanted to make sure it was said)
My gut reaction: Work? This late/early?

My knowledge: Time Zones and night shifts exist

...I was gonna go somewhere with this joke. I know I was.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Jessica
@Jessica2477 did you draw that yourself? It looks really great! (Had a moment during my break at work and wanted to make sure it was said)
My gut reaction: Work? This late/early?

My knowledge: Time Zones and night shifts exist

...I was gonna go somewhere with this joke. I know I was.
Yeah, I live at the West Coast of the US and typically work closing shifts, so I'm typically working from around 4-6PM to about 1-1:30AM (depending on the day). I do a lot of my typing sometime after I get home, like right now at 3AM lol

Anyways, ima get started working on those ideas and I'll PM you my rough character ideas to see which one(s) you think will fit best
@Lore Magus @Jessica2477 @Red Thunder @DangoYumi

So, I have some questions. A big one is how structured do you want this? Like do we want missions to the point of "Do X to Y captain" or more open like "Deal with Y captain in a way you see fit" or even more open with no missions? Or some sort of mix?

As well, I wonder what you guys would like from this RP, and if you have any questions. (I'll admit, I kinda wanna chat too.)
I was thinking a mix of "Deal with Y captain in a way you see fit" and just general interactions outside missions, sort of like how the show was structured so that characters get adequate development both physically and mentally/emotionally. They do missions, get to know each other/butt heads with each other, slowly learn how to work together (or use each other), and develop overall as ninja in their quest to complete their mission.

A question I did have was about the setup. Are they supposed to infiltrate the enemy a la pretend to work for the enemy until they can get close to the leader, or infiltrate as in sneak in and take out as many important figures as they can until they take out the leader?
I was thinking a mix of "Deal with Y captain in a way you see fit" and just general interactions outside missions, sort of like how the show was structured so that characters get adequate development both physically and mentally/emotionally. They do missions, get to know each other/butt heads with each other, slowly learn how to work together (or use each other), and develop overall as ninja in their quest to complete their mission.
Understood. And there'd be time for interaction within and outside of missions (like downtime at the village) for growth and whatnot no matter what :)

A question I did have was about the setup. Are they supposed to infiltrate the enemy a la pretend to work for the enemy until they can get close to the leader, or infiltrate as in sneak in and take out as many important figures as they can until they take out the leader?

I don't know if you have played or seen Shadow of Mordor/War, but that's part of my inspiration. So it's definitely more of 'infiltrate and take down captains' in the sneaky killy sense and not very much of 'pretend to work for them'. Though you may be able to coerce captains to be your minions, kinda like branding in SoW.

I hope that made sense?
A question I did have was about the setup. Are they supposed to infiltrate the enemy a la pretend to work for the enemy until they can get close to the leader, or infiltrate as in sneak in and take out as many important figures as they can until they take out the leader?

I don't know if you have played or seen Shadow of Mordor/War, but that's part of my inspiration. So it's definitely more of 'infiltrate and take down captains' in the sneaky killy sense and not very much of 'pretend to work for them'. Though you may be able to coerce captains to be your minions, kinda like branding in SoW.

I hope that made sense?
Ah, this was something I forgot to mention; I have not played SoM/W before. But your explanation did make it a bit easier to understand the goal ^-^
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@Jessica2477 @Red Thunder @DangoYumi

Hey, so Mythy and I were talking in PM about my characters (I had a few different ideas), and it raised a bit of a question we thought would be best discussed here. So he and I decided that two of my character ideas would definitely be great, but there was also a third that might work as somewhat of a black sheep of the group in a sense, but could also be left out at the end of the day, so the question is how you guys would feel if I RPed as 3 characters. Would that be alright with you guys, or should we just have a hard limit of 2 characters per person?
@Lore Magus

Personally, the only problem I would have is that with each character made, the bigger the hit if the player goes inactive. I am not saying that you're gonna skip out, but it's just a slight worry I have in mind just from my experience of GMing. Other than that, I am waiting to see what the others think.

As well - after some discussion, I have made some changes to Hasaki's sheet. Namely, I removed Nightlight's Japanese name as it felt frivolous to me, and I also translated a new name for his Kekki Genkai so not everything had 'of/no' in it. I think it feels to flow better now, personally.
@Lore Magus

Personally, the only problem I would have is that with each character made, the bigger the hit if the player goes inactive. I am not saying that you're gonna skip out, but it's just a slight worry I have in mind just from my experience of GMing. Other than that, I am waiting to see what the others think.

Believe me, I understand exactly where you're coming from; I've been GMing for a few years myself. I can assure you that these group RPs have been the one thing keeping me from going completely radio silent on this sight, and right now I've been reeling up into a hightened level of activity thanks to finally getting my mojo back. But yeah, what does everyone else think?

As well - after some discussion, I have made some changes to Hasaki's sheet. Namely, I removed Nightlight's Japanese name as it felt frivolous to me, and I also translated a new name for his Kekki Genkai so not everything had 'of/no' in it. I think it feels to flow better now, personally.
The new name looks great! Definitely has a better flow, I can agree on that
@Jessica2477 @Red Thunder @DangoYumi

Hey, so Mythy and I were talking in PM about my characters (I had a few different ideas), and it raised a bit of a question we thought would be best discussed here. So he and I decided that two of my character ideas would definitely be great, but there was also a third that might work as somewhat of a black sheep of the group in a sense, but could also be left out at the end of the day, so the question is how you guys would feel if I RPed as 3 characters. Would that be alright with you guys, or should we just have a hard limit of 2 characters per person?

I'm totally fine with you having 3 characters! The more the merrier I say
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