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[Incoming Distress Signal]
[Co-ordinates Received]

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Y e a r: 2997

On the edge of the 21st century, human kind has finally evolved far enough to become a space-faring species. But we were not alone. After scouring and colonizing our deserted solar system, mankind was capable of expanding outwards beyond our natural cradle.

They have been watching us since the dawn of our time. Lifeforms of all kinds quickly showed us that our form of space-faring technology was yet primitive in form--we stood no chance against possible hostile invaders in what is The Greater Known Universe.

Allegiances were formed, an a human cluster of sentient-made planets were gifted to all of mankind as welcome gift into our new gal galactic homestead.

Time moved in cycles and seasons. Existence flowers and blooms like multiple petals supported by the ones that came before it. A new era of mankind and their space-faring allies have dawned upon us.

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The Ninth Universal War

Together we have managed to survive multiple wars and attacks against our enemies. There is still much that was damaged to be recovered. Together, our allies are rebuilding what is left of our universe together.

But something strange is happening within this planetary system. They call is "Ghost Calls". Ever since the truce and stand-still, we still pick up old distress signals deep in the corners of our universe. Urgent screams and distress calls that lead to nowhere..from no-one.

They're not dated.

They're not form anyone.

They don't lead anywhere.

All we have are mysterious co-ordinates.

All we have are cut up transmissions.

Old messages from soldiers long ago.


<<:[END of MESSAGE]:>>
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The First Races
The Jadha

An ancient race of Rodent resembling sentients responsible for mapping the originally Known Universe. As a species of psychic nomads, they held strong faith that every living creature in the universe is inherently sacred.

As a race of spiritual scientists, their capability to understand the nature around them spearheaded much of their quick advancement. Legend says their understanding of the fundamental basic components of primordial existence allowed them to discover the
Equations of Life.

<<:[Translation Interrupted]:>>

A series of mathematical equations that speak to the basic principles that create the fabric of reality so large in number that the Jadha required multiple temples to house its secrets. Temples so large, only forms of artificial life created from the Equations were capable of maintaining it.

When set in motion it possessed the potential to create organic form by pure energy. By quickly advancing their technologies and taming the lands of their home system, the Jadha became a space-faring species, forming new friendships with nearby Sage Races.

Yet strange prophecies plagues the Jadha. As the ancient parable goes:

"Life and death are of the same kind. Poison and death bring about healing and rebirth."
Despite the Golden Era at hand, the Jadha were flung into despair for their prophecies, often ignored by their allies as a religious sense of paranoia. Their question remained; How do we protect this good without inflicting evil?

Enter the Sentinel Gomads. A robot series built to explore the stars. The Sage Races built this series of travelling bots to scour the deep reaches of the universe, expanding the reach of the Sages' eternal influence among the stars.

But something within the living universe grumbled. Deep within the stars, an antithesis to the golden age of sages began to grew. And prophecy through evolution was set in motion. A sentient infection. A species evolved to deconstruct life. This was The Grotesque. The necessary evil spoken of in Jadha lore.

"By consuming the living we honor them. By absorbing them we become one with the universe and continue the cycle of sacred life."
Sentinel planetary satellite ships began vanishing by the millions. The lit up regions of the Universe slowly fell into darkness and squalor--with distress calls coming from all reaches of space. Immediately the Jadha began their paranoid search, and together with their Sage allies, created hordes of protective crusades to find and contain the horrid evil prophesied generations ago.

Millions of Sages died in their crusades--the organisms and lifeforms built were no match for the harsh poisons of invading Grotesque beasts. Hundreds of billions of parasites swarmed the cosmos, deforming and mutating the organic lifeforms around them into biblical levels of turmoil.
"By destroying Us you destroy Jadha"
Sentinel technology was quickly abandoned in favor of Organic Monitoring Systems, a form of super-computer created by the Light of the Engine far superior to what the Jadha had ever understood. A series of planetary satellites capable of maintaining and arranging themselves and their organisms. They had one task: end the war between the Sage Races.

With radiating light powered by the principles of The Engine, a galactic plague was contained to the far depths of the Known Universe, allowing much of the surviving Races to regain the lives they once had. Temples were restored. New Maps were made. And in the dawn of a new safe era, a new renaissance could begin with the knowledge gained from the First Universal War.

The Spiritual Renaissance

This new era began a Spiritual Renaissance for the Jadha. In the events of their intense guilt, the Jadha races became an isolated nomad society--renouncing their technological advancements and embracing a natural spiritual approach to life. With a simple, isolated lifestyle, the Jadha and their prophecies we kept private deep within their temples.

A new, far more dangerous spiritual technology brewed within the Jadha spiritual thought: the potential to cross dimensions with a secret function using mul<<:[Translation Interrupted]:>>

Although life they claimed were sacred--they manipulated reality in order to create living beings as their servants. The old Sentinals grew remorseful over their creators--having abandoned them to rust and decay ovr multiple centuries ago. Desperate to end their cycle of creation, the Jadha had vanished from popular galactic thought for ages to come.

With the Spiritual Renaissance also came a Grotesque Rebirth of cosmic disease. The grotesque hive-mind grew in number--absorbing the technological advancements left behind by the defeated sages and entering a reproduction cycle to twist and re-create the technology they had left behind.

The darkness of the universe became self-aware by absorbing the powerful minds and mathematical equations left behind by remnants of the Engine Relics, becoming more powerful and steeped in hatred as time moved on.

Multiple planetary comets--spores filled with highly evolved plague--launched from the far depths of the universe, aided by the memories of defeated Jadha to re-locate their spiritual colonies.

By reconciling themselves with the natural universe the Jadha regained much of their civilization, returning to their nomadic roots by settling into small dispersed colonies within their own galactic system. Many young races were beginning to advance into a space-faring species and a new age of science, spirituality and technology gleamed over the horizon for the next coming era. The Universe was safe and growing at a rapid rate.

Within the next 7 centuries, the seeds of Grotesque had finally collided Jadha civilization as Ancient War Heroes crashed onto the spiritual cities, devouring the flesh and spirits of their descendants, absorbing their physical being and encasing their spirits somewhere within the nearest pocket dimension. The Grotesque became much more than an evolved form of population control--they became a spiritual eater of souls. With radiation mutating and forming whatever alien bio-structure it can create as host, a second arrival of total Grotesque domination was on the horizon.

With multiple distress calls being sent from all over The Universe, both young and races looked to the few remaining Jadha sages for their final advice. And the Sages turned to the world and said:

"Life and death are of the same kind. Poison and death bring about healing and rebirth."

In one fell swoop, The Engine of Life was to be re-activated for its final mission--a spiritual mission fit to serve the new views of the Jadha Renaissance. The Final Sage War raged on as Jadha technicians were protected by the last leg of the Universe, a collective team of young and Sage races hoarded around the host planet to The Engine of Life. Within a few months The Technicians were able to reprogram the core for a dual function. A code of processes to be repeated every few generations--a code whose fail-safe would only accessible through The Jadha Trials.

To cleanse the Universe by pure destruction.
To give birth to the Universe by pure light.

Lest the Known Universe falls into total Entropy once more.

The 10th Cycle of Re-[bx20000]

<<:[Translation Corrupted]:>>

<<:[Reading Recovered Information]:>>

And thus, the Jadha and Sage Races had left the universe.

Deciding to raise farther up into the heavens as ancient onlookers, foreseers of The Universe.

The Jadha calendar states that The Known Universe is in its 10'th incarnation, the cycle having been activated 9 times before.
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Edit: Its really cool when you play both videos and read this post at the same time :].
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Synopsis of Folkore

Long ago there were a group of Ancient Sage Races the predated the creation of our universe. Together these Sage Races understood the basic fundamentals of the Universe itself and created The Engine of Life--an engine based on basic principles capable of creating organic life from scratch.

The Grotesque was a horrid parasitic nightmare developed by the natural laws of the universe to counterbalance the development of The Engine of Life, and although The Sage Races attempted to eliminate this source of entropy, they soon failed.

Because the Universe was thrown into darkness, The Sage Races developed a second function for The Engine of Life: to destroy the world with blinding light, and rebuild it from the ground up. This function is triggered every few generations when the world is thrown into Entropy.

The Setting
The Universe is in its 9th incarnation.
The RP takes place in this Universe.

Mankind has just become a space-faring species, and is thrown back to block one in terms of technological innovations. It's much like Columbus' time. Technology is advanced as is could get, but in context of the indifferent, cruel New World, life is tough and harsh either way. Much like our most advanced super computers still fumble in the depths of space.

They were quickly greeted by all forms of hostile organisms, and were then caught in an already politically tense 'Universal War'going on by the already long-established races at the time.

This took a hit to the human morale. Tens of thousands of fleets were destroyed and Humanity was nearly wasted away had it not been with some immediate alliances formed between certain races.

That was centuries ago. Today, the world seems much as peace. Well, as 'at peace' as any world can get. The world is largely laid to waste--including the civilized world of out space-faring counterparts.

Some races have been dispersed from their homes, causing wars with new settlers. Some races have become rotten away and thrown into turmoil--descendants of lifeforms created and abandoned by Sage Races of the past. Some races live in prosperity to the expense of anothers.

And yet, in the dead silence of it all--
Ghost Calls.
Calls that seem to be urgent distress signals sent from the unreachable depths of space--often leading nowhere.

They appear to leave strange co-ordinates, requesting that you go there urgently before dissipating into a Lost Transmission.

There is no sender.
There is no purpose.
Just a call, from nowhere.
But the depths of black space.
I'll be creating this universe very slowly, since this does take time.
It will be a sort of sci-fi feel like Metroid and Aliens. I've taken a LOT of inspiration from those two sources.

Let me know if you're interested, even if you've said so before.
I re-did this thread to get a fresh start. So welcome back, if you've been here before.
I'll be using this post as a world building posts, where players can get all their information.

The first post was just an example of the visual-audio RP elements I'd like to use int this Rp, where appropriate. The second post is just a summary of what I said in the first, since you may not want to read all that every time you want to be refreshed.

Coming updates.
--> Included races
--> Planets and territories and politics
--> Technology
--> The 'Plot'
--> Including Side Missions and Arch
--> Including random weather events (immersion etc)
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